
When we can create a library of wisdom in our minds from planted seeds, we can reach and teach the world with what we learn, grow, and embody.
Wisdom intact is the way to create your future. Do not limit your learning. I love to learn, hence why I am committed to learning for life and I will soon be Dr. KayLa. Everything we learn contributes to the future of what we do in our careers and family lives.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
*James 3:17 & Proverbs 19:20*
Wisdom is a gift to anyone who is willing to fruitfully receive it. When wisdom and knowledge are granted to you, it is up to you to make the most of it. God grants us exactly what we need when we need it; that is a gift within itself. Do whatever you can to not make excuses about why you are unable to receive a mental gift that is made for you as it will contribute to your successes and coming prosperity.
Be blessed and be at peace.
In the process of personal evolution there comes a time when we face the question of now or later.
When focusing on your goals, determining whether you should hit the gas or pump the brakes is up to you. What we must keep in mind when answering the question of now or later is what will happen when we choose the option of greatest desire.
You can miss out on something great in life if you choose not to take another step forward. While you pause you can be giving an opportunity to someone else to make a move that you once wanted. In a pause and reflect moment doubt can also enter, so in your choices think clearly by assessing your situation before making an “ideal” move. Write down your options plain and clear; be sure to include possible outcomes that may come along.
Although taking the next leap forward may seem promising, it could lead to negative outcomes or change your life for the better simply because you walked on faith. Don’t make the mistake of walking blindly, be smart in your execution of completing objectives whether now or later.
If something tells you to wait when you feel like you should resume with moving be sure that the voice is not one of ill-will, personal doubt, negativity, or anything connected to pain. You deserve better than that, so don’t let darkness take over your light.
The answer to now or later is up to you; the outcome could be negative or positive in either space, so depend on your rational thinking, vision for your life, and the reality that you face.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
2 Corinthians 2:11 & Proverbs 14:8
Evil will always have a “place” in the world, so be clear in knowing that not all things are for your good. Be honest, truthful, and wise in your choices, because in these things you can find blessed success. You are not alone in your journey as there are many parts in play. Seek God in all that you do and know that with persistence and in His time the greatest things that your heart desire will come to fruition.
Be blessed and be at peace.
The act of failing is something that I would like to call a pit stop. Although you may not have made it to the destination once hoped for, you now have a moment to reflect, make changes, and get back out on the road.
“Failure is a pit stop before reaching some of your goals; pause, reflect, make changes and get back on the road.”
Real “Failure”
Failure can only become real, debilitating, or discouraging when you allow it to be a valid strain in your life. I understand that there are situations where failure could come about such as in a grading system, but even then it is not the end of the world unless you keep doing the same things and are not willing to evolve. People “fail” when they do not understand why/how something has happened and they get stuck in that moment of sorrow or regret.
Overcoming the Shadow of “Failure”
Of course, people do make mistakes, but the only way to challenge and
overcome those mistakes is to let go of what did not work and make room
for success. Looking for the quick and easy route to doing things will
not serve you well. We must all accept that many plans of ours will not
go in our favor.
You Will Survive & Thrive
I have had to overcome much to reach my goals, but even when my days grew dark I still found the courage to keep believing that better days were coming if only I would keep trying.
If you believe in yourself, no amount of perceived/semi-real failure can stop you from being successful. Your job when “failure” comes about is to turn it into a lesson and grow from it. When watered a mental lesson become a mental garden.
Remember, every outcome is not your final destination.
Turn failure into success:
Becoming Dr. KayLa_Fear and Disappointment (Afraid to Fail or Succeed?):
Failure Doesn’t Actually Exist: Here’s Why:
A Celebration of “Failure”:
Spiritual Check-In
Joshua 1:9 & James 2:24
Courage can be found and owned when you realize and keep in mind that you are not alone. God is always with you; even when you may think He has let you down. Do what you can for yourself and be prayerful knowing that faith and works go hand in hand. If you see yourself winning, failing, succeeding, or anything in between know that you have so much to be thankful for. Evil beings want and would thrive off of us living in “failure” or disappointment. Hold strong and know that through love, patience, hard work, and the willingness to become more like God and aim to serve others with what He has uniquely blessed you with will change your life at every level; in that you will undoubtedly know that failure cannot be allowed to be real.
Be blessed and be at peace.