F – Face Your Truth


In life, you know that who you are, what you believe in, and your character stands the test of time.  This is equally true for your emotional presence even when you are going through a season of difficulties and transition. 

If you make mistakes, you have a chance to correct them, ask forgiveness when possible, and express remorse. If you feel yourself stumble in life, you are allowed the space and time in your physical and mental environment to dust yourself off and put forth a correction or redirection in your steps.

As a beautiful silver teapot set, even when the world may try to tarnish your truth or identity, you are still magnificent – face that truth!

Don’t deny yourself the ability to be true to you. What is your truth? Are you walking in your truth and working through it?

In this season of my life, I am facing my truth. There are days where fears, anxiety, and even disappointment arise, however, it is those days of heavy storms where I dig even deeper and keep pushing to find my rainbow.

If you are not yet where you want to be what is stopping you? Is it you?
If you aren’t challenged, what is bringing limits to your life?

Perhaps these questions, seasons, and areas of confusion mean that it is time for you to take off your blinders and face your truth so that you can make lasting changes.

Facing your truth can bring tears, joy, and countless emotions. Without your truth (unfiltered and raw) you cannot become who you or anyone else needs.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
John 8:32 & 1 Corinthians 2:13
Your truth can truly set you free in mind, body, and spirit. When we can release ourselves from lies, shadowed realities, and blocked internal light life alters in every way possible. Even when we face temptation, God will deliver us and provide us a way of endurance and escape. Isn’t it great that we can turn to God in any season of our lives, face our truths, and He will always be at our side? Hold strong to your truth even if you trip or fall, as it will lead you to new heights and wisdom that was formerly untapped.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Unclouded Thoughts – Unity Between


I may not look like you or have the same vernacular, but I
would love to share a story with you.
Sit on the couch with me, share a meal with my family, and
let’s learn about one another;
There are countless lessons that we can lovingly teach
For every story that is told, there is a connected heart and
a loving soul;
Listen to mine, and I’ll listen to yours, who knows – a united
mission may soon be on the roll.
Caring about each other is a message of love from the heart;
We need and crave love as soon as our lives get their start.
Lend me your hand and I’ll lend you my shoulder;
Then we will realize that the message of love and unity will
never grow older.
Filled with peace and love was the flower child of years
gone by;
Let us re-fill the cup of the world with smiles, understanding,
awareness, and an enlightened sky.
We are the makers of dreams and empowered love –
So, let’s create a new story of transformation and unity
that our families will be proud of.

W – Wisdom Intact


Think About It
With every step that we take in life, there is a lesson to be learned. Each person that we encounter in life has been set forth to provide us with something to be learned and applied to our lives. Every conversation that we have affects our mental space and how we evolve as people and leaders. 

How can we fully walk into our greatness and future prosperity if wisdom is not intact?

*Where Does Come From & How Can We Keep It?

  • Wisdom begins as a message
  • We take in the nuggets of information as seeds to plant in our mental gardens
  • We learn and grow by watering and nurturing those seeds
  • We evolve, transform and blossom because of each loving step in taking care of those seeds (messages)
  • Keep this wisdom by teaching others, sharing knowledge, growing into your destiny and purpose, and by gifting the world with your generated businesses and careers that come from that wisdom. When you learn you grow. Taking the time to understand the impact of that growth is so important because it opens opportunities for changes in your lifestyle and that of your family.

When we can create a library of wisdom in our minds from planted seeds, we can reach and teach the world with what we learn, grow, and embody.

Wisdom intact is the way to create your future. Do not limit your learning. I love to learn, hence why I am committed to learning for life and I will soon be Dr. KayLa. Everything we learn contributes to the future of what we do in our careers and family lives.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
*James 3:17 & Proverbs 19:20*
Wisdom is a gift to anyone who is willing to fruitfully receive it. When wisdom and knowledge are granted to you, it is up to you to make the most of it. God grants us exactly what we need when we need it; that is a gift within itself. Do whatever you can to not make excuses about why you are unable to receive a mental gift that is made for you as it will contribute to your successes and coming prosperity.

Be blessed and be at peace.

V – Virtuous Identity


Think About It
For far too many people, it is easy to put on a show and make people see them for whoever they may be in one light.  Take a look at a platform like Instagram, people enjoy images of travel, children, nature, animals, and everything in between, but these things are only what people allow their viewers to see.  If you were to shed a light on your life and your actual identity, could people say that you are virtuous?

Turn off the show for the world and share your story and empower others; it may not be as exciting as other things, but I guarantee you that your virtue and dignity will not be eradicated.

Maybe it’s time to adjust your thoughts and get yourself out of your limiting bubble. Be wonderfully you! Be virtuous and dignified.

Do Your Work
Not at any point, should you aim for perfection or pretend to be something that you are not as that will only hinder your growth and opportunities.  In all things, it is important to be your true self and be willing to evolve and become someone greater than you already are. Your challenge here is to own your identity and keep a hold of your morals and values, regardless of what the world may deem as appropriate or fitting for you.

You know the person that is living inside of you, so don’t think you have to alter your heart or morals to make someone comfortable or appease the masses. Do not, under any circumstance, try to force your moral compass to change. If you feel like you are being a virtuous person and are doing the right things as you continue to evolve, your compass is guided you effectively.

Growing in your business or in life (becoming “you 2.0”) does not mean that you have to change your virtuous identity. Honor who you are and believe that the goodness that lives inside of you will only improve your coming successes. If I would have changed myself and stopped being the loving person that I am, I could not be on this mission to empower and encourage others to become better and prosperous versions of themselves. Think about all that you have poured your heart into and how much those things have gifted the world. 

Own a virtuous identity and work hard in all that you do, and know that your hopes and dreams will become your truth and a gift to the world because you were simply being an amplified version of wonderful you.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 11:13 & Philippians 4:8
It is a challenge to be a good person, but the payback is substantial both in fruit and in the transformation that you can see in the life of others because of the work that you do. Don’t forget to be virtuous when you reach success or see new opportunities. The values and morals that you hold to be true will help to guide you in your path if you pay attention. Keep your eyes open and follow a beautiful and blessed path.

Be blessed and be at peace.

U – Unified Self


Any aim for your life requires full commitment from you.  Taking steps and evolving will also mean that you bring together what you need from the inside-out. Let’s look at the work unified – means to bring things together in a uniform manner.

I remember when I thought that a degree would change everything, but that’s not enough. Mental growth is only a part of the journey that we all must embark upon in our personal transformation.

To be your unified self you must:
Understand your personal gaps (in health, mentality, and emotional stability)
Challenge yourself to break barriers and typical norms
Care for yourself (mind, body, and spirit) every day, while remembering that it isn’t selfish to do so
Keep learning (and this doesn’t have to mean years and years in school)
Empower yourself and find the tools to do that effectively
Make time for evaluation of your growth, so that you can develop a plan to continue to evolve
Eat in a way that is conducive (in alignment) with the life that you want
Meditate, pray, and reflect (you’re not in this alone, I promise)
Control your inner and outer environment
Eliminate negativity
Let go of your past

We have all learned and grown from many facets of life, but that doesn’t mean that we have to let those things bind us. The unified self flourishes because it is when we care enough and are aware enough to figure out what may be holding us back in any way. Only when we can move into a place of inner curiosity can we create realities from possibilities with our unified selves.

A plan for greatness is just a plan until we can grant ourselves permission to become whole and able to conquer what life will bring forth.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Galatians 5:22-23 &  Psalms 16:7
Bringing together your unified self will shine a lot on all that you are capable of doing.  The goodness and beauty of a mission that isn’t self-serving are powerful, wonderful, and blessed. You have warmth, love, and a consistent realm of consist that are always around and within you. When the little voice in your head suggests a shift or brings love to your heart pay attention to what that means and make the most of it through your unified self.

Be blessed and be at peace.

The Endless Pandemic of the Evil Plague


The Endless Pandemic of the Evil Plague
Hearts cry and break from the pain of the ended lives and partial blame

While leaders find that their behavior is not to be shamed.

Mothers live in fear simply because their baby boys have brown skin

While black and brown men house anger, disappointment, and fear from within.

The KKK comes out during the day and posts ads in the paper by night

Real changes are nowhere in sight.

Years of hate taught to children and the masses,

Yet no one can teach evil-doers, hate-free classes.

Murders and ill-will run rampant and justice turn a cheek

All while families lose their loved ones every week.

Sister, I hear your cries and I feel your pain,

No good life should be ended – slain.

Lift your voices and march in the streets,

Tread with power, truth, and history wrapped around your feet.

We will not be silenced today or tomorrow

We will not live our lives in never-ending sorrow.

Let us find the cure and give the vaccine for free.

Let us flatten this curve forever and let all people just be.

A word, hug, prayer, or termination of a job will not be enough,

From all this, our worries will thrive, and our skin will only grow tough.

We need a resolution and we need it to last;

The end of hate and brutality is something we need to happen fast.

Abrupt actions and ego will not impart

The greatness that is needed (it starts in the heart).

Democrat, Republican, Undeclared, Left, or Right,

None of these matters if compassion for ALL people is not the real fight.

Hear me now, loud, and clear,


We can stop this pandemic and end foolish pride

When we can finally put all our differences aside.

-KayLa N. Allen, MPH (A Proud Brown/Black Woman)

R – Resurrection of Dreams


For so many of us, as children, we had huge dreams (some a bit unreal). Do you know how much imagination and courage a child/teen has to say that they want to do something that is profound or “beyond them”? With adults, exceedingly often we shut down big dreams, bury them in our minds and chalk up our doubts to fear, lack, and lack of time.

What would happen if the dreamer inside of you was resurrected?

You don’t have to stop dead in your tracks and lead a limited life. The load may get heavy, but in time your effort will precede your many successes. In my life, I often feel drained and like I’m running an endless marathon, and yet I still keep the faith in knowing that the race will soon be won.

Resurrect your dreams and bring them back from the dead. Keep dreaming, planning, building, and striving because soon enough your dreams will become distant memories and your reality will supersede your wildest of dreams.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Philippians 1:6 & Proverbs 16:9
Doing good work and making your mission about serving God and others (not just yourself and your bank account) will bring successes and greatness to you that you could not develop alone. Isn’t it wonderful that we can set a course for our lives and have perfect support, guidance, and love wrapped around us even when we feel like the cards are stacked against us?  A resurrection of dreams is possible for those who want it most and are willing to believe in what could be wonderful.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Q – Query or Lesson


There are times that arise when a situation stumps us and we do not know what to do to overcome it.  This is surely a time of great reflection, meditation, prayer, and necessary visualization. On another end of the spectrum, it is equally a time to decide the situation means to you (at your core).

One situation that I have encountered is in dealing with difficulties within the school setting and not having adequate support that I think I need in order to perform well. Yes, in difficult moments, we can get angry, fuss, cuss, and yell…but is that enough to give us the answers and the vision that we need to take what happened and turn it into something fruitful?

When the road gets rough, the thing to consider is whether what is happening is a time for a query or a needed lesson.

Even when we think that we are wise and intellectual, there is yet still something to be learned. These queries may stimulate our growth and the lessons that you may need to let could set you apart from others at every level. When reached for what you can learn from queries or lessons will change your life in the way that you allow them to.

Think clearly. Be patient with yourself. Take the time to understand beyond the surface what you need to learn, especially when you are facing trials in your life.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 1:5 & 1 Thessalonians 5:11
There are countless lessons to be learned in life, but it is important to remember the value that they hold and that in your journey toward seeking sound knowledge God is present. No one walks this road alone, so do not be afraid to ask questions or learn the lesson that you need to learn. 

N – Now or Later


In the process of personal evolution there comes a time when we face the question of now or later.

When focusing on your goals, determining whether you should hit the gas or pump the brakes is up to you. What we must keep in mind when answering the question of now or later is what will happen when we choose the option of greatest desire.

You can miss out on something great in life if you choose not to take another step forward. While you pause you can be giving an opportunity to someone else to make a move that you once wanted.  In a pause and reflect moment doubt can also enter, so in your choices think clearly by assessing your situation before making an “ideal” move.  Write down your options plain and clear; be sure to include possible outcomes that may come along.

Although taking the next leap forward may seem promising, it could lead to negative outcomes or change your life for the better simply because you walked on faith. Don’t make the mistake of walking blindly, be smart in your execution of completing objectives whether now or later.

If something tells you to wait when you feel like you should resume with moving be sure that the voice is not one of ill-will, personal doubt, negativity, or anything connected to pain. You deserve better than that, so don’t let darkness take over your light.

The answer to now or later is up to you; the outcome could be negative or positive in either space, so depend on your rational thinking, vision for your life, and the reality that you face.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
2 Corinthians 2:11 & Proverbs 14:8
Evil will always have a “place” in the world, so be clear in knowing that not all things are for your good. Be honest, truthful, and wise in your choices, because in these things you can find blessed success. You are not alone in your journey as there are many parts in play. Seek God in all that you do and know that with persistence and in His time the greatest things that your heart desire will come to fruition.

Be blessed and be at peace.

F – Failure Is Semi-Real


The act of failing is something that I would like to call a pit stop. Although you may not have made it to the destination once hoped for, you now have a moment to reflect, make changes, and get back out on the road.

“Failure is a pit stop before reaching some of your goals; pause, reflect, make changes and get back on the road.”

Real “Failure”
Failure can only become real, debilitating, or discouraging when you allow it to be a valid strain in your life. I understand that there are situations where failure could come about such as in a grading system, but even then it is not the end of the world unless you keep doing the same things and are not willing to evolve.  People “fail” when they do not understand why/how something has happened and they get stuck in that moment of sorrow or regret.

Overcoming the Shadow of “Failure”
Of course, people do make mistakes, but the only way to challenge and
overcome those mistakes is to let go of what did not work and make room
for success. Looking for the quick and easy route to doing things will
not serve you well. We must all accept that many plans of ours will not
go in our favor.

You Will Survive & Thrive
I have had to overcome much to reach my goals, but even when my days grew dark I still found the courage to keep believing that better days were coming if only I would keep trying.

If you believe in yourself, no amount of perceived/semi-real failure can stop you from being successful. Your job when “failure” comes about is to turn it into a lesson and grow from it. When watered a mental lesson become a mental garden.

Remember, every outcome is not your final destination.

Turn failure into success:

Becoming Dr. KayLa_Fear and Disappointment (Afraid to Fail or Succeed?):

Failure Doesn’t Actually Exist: Here’s Why:

A Celebration of “Failure”:

Spiritual Check-In
Joshua 1:9 & James 2:24
Courage can be found and owned when you realize and keep in mind that you are not alone. God is always with you; even when you may think He has let you down. Do what you can for yourself and be prayerful knowing that faith and works go hand in hand. If you see yourself winning, failing, succeeding, or anything in between know that you have so much to be thankful for. Evil beings want and would thrive off of us living in “failure” or disappointment. Hold strong and know that through love, patience, hard work, and the willingness to become more like God and aim to serve others with what He has uniquely blessed you with will change your life at every level; in that you will undoubtedly know that failure cannot be allowed to be real.

Be blessed and be at peace.