X – X-Ray of Prosperity


We often hear the word prosperity and hear of people who have walked in, welcomed, and lived in prosperity.  How many times have we looked at what that word prosperity means at the heart of it all? Do you know how that word plays a role in your life?

Think About It
If we examine prosperity, we will find that it is multifaceted and full of possibilities, no matter your walk of life.

At the root and core of all prosperity is your well-being; never forget that. Comfort and security in your life and environment are at the next level. The third level is all that glimmers: opportunities, wealth, a success that always blossoms, every day bountiful living, limitless thriving in life, and the greatness that has been planted and fruits. Throughout each level there is an intertwined bunch of joy; feel that and never let that leave you.

Individual View of Prosperity
Prosperity is defined as your vision and obtained clarity on success, abundance, peace, and inner joy. When you can get curious about what prosperity means for you, then you can build the life that you want and deserve. After all, the x-ray of prosperity can evolve with the effort that you may put into the realization of your grandest dreams.

Real empowerment lives at the center of our developed prosperity; affirmations to encourage and welcome that growth makes your dreams become your reality.

Bible & Spiritual ConnectionPsalms 1:3 & Jeremiah 17:10
Prosperity is not something that comes and goes; it becomes a part of your lifestyle. When you are blessed to be prosperous, you will see fruits of it in your life and continue to evolve for the better because of what you have done to reach that level and all that you are. Nothing that comes into your life is happenstance; it is rooted in a gift given to you that is connected to the good deeds that you perform and grant in your life.  You must put in work and live a life that is likened to your beliefs, morals, values, and wanted outcomes for yourself and others.

Be blessed and be at peace.

F – Failure Is Semi-Real


The act of failing is something that I would like to call a pit stop. Although you may not have made it to the destination once hoped for, you now have a moment to reflect, make changes, and get back out on the road.

“Failure is a pit stop before reaching some of your goals; pause, reflect, make changes and get back on the road.”

Real “Failure”
Failure can only become real, debilitating, or discouraging when you allow it to be a valid strain in your life. I understand that there are situations where failure could come about such as in a grading system, but even then it is not the end of the world unless you keep doing the same things and are not willing to evolve.  People “fail” when they do not understand why/how something has happened and they get stuck in that moment of sorrow or regret.

Overcoming the Shadow of “Failure”
Of course, people do make mistakes, but the only way to challenge and
overcome those mistakes is to let go of what did not work and make room
for success. Looking for the quick and easy route to doing things will
not serve you well. We must all accept that many plans of ours will not
go in our favor.

You Will Survive & Thrive
I have had to overcome much to reach my goals, but even when my days grew dark I still found the courage to keep believing that better days were coming if only I would keep trying.

If you believe in yourself, no amount of perceived/semi-real failure can stop you from being successful. Your job when “failure” comes about is to turn it into a lesson and grow from it. When watered a mental lesson become a mental garden.

Remember, every outcome is not your final destination.

Turn failure into success:

Becoming Dr. KayLa_Fear and Disappointment (Afraid to Fail or Succeed?):

Failure Doesn’t Actually Exist: Here’s Why:

A Celebration of “Failure”:

Spiritual Check-In
Joshua 1:9 & James 2:24
Courage can be found and owned when you realize and keep in mind that you are not alone. God is always with you; even when you may think He has let you down. Do what you can for yourself and be prayerful knowing that faith and works go hand in hand. If you see yourself winning, failing, succeeding, or anything in between know that you have so much to be thankful for. Evil beings want and would thrive off of us living in “failure” or disappointment. Hold strong and know that through love, patience, hard work, and the willingness to become more like God and aim to serve others with what He has uniquely blessed you with will change your life at every level; in that you will undoubtedly know that failure cannot be allowed to be real.

Be blessed and be at peace.

V – Visions Inside of You


Dreamers dream, creators create, and visionaries light up with joy when seeing their visions inside of their minds.

Do you dream big?  I do!

Do you get happy seeing your visions that blossom with a simple seed of thoughts? I do!
A vision is a flower blossoming from one seed of thought.

Your intellect and your passion will drive your creative car if you are willing to hand over the keys.

You are allowed to dream!
You are allowed to envision yourself as absolutely anything that is amazing to you!

If I listened to laughs, doubts, fears, and other people’s opinions, I would not be in the space that I am in now. (Think about this because it can be the same for you).

When your visions and dreams are big, it is easy for other people to come in and say words that can alter your thinking and your plans. That is your decision and your loss if you choose to do that, but the truth is you don’t have to.

Some of the most difficult and yet vital parts of reaching any level of success or happiness are owning your vision, labeling goals, and creating action steps to make it happen. Take the first step and keep your momentum going; the climb is so valuable!

You must go beyond your thoughts and dreams to lead a successful, purpose-driven life.

If your vision stays in your mind, you not only deprive yourself, you also deprive the intended audience/client of receiving what your greatness has to offer.

Let’s go to the bible:

Acts 18:9
“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.”” What if Paul didn’t listen, and he missed the calling for him to speak God’s word? What if you don’t listen? What will happen? What won’t happen? Take heed and let nothing stop your visions from becoming a reality. God is pouring light into you, what are you going to do with it?

1 Corinthians 2:9
“But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”. Your vision is great, but God’s is even greater. If you take the steps to maximize your potential, guess what God is going to do for you?! He is going to take it in levels that you never thought were conceivable.

Your hands and your mind hold the key to your future. Get out there and work; no moment of your effort will be in vain. Your vision may be inside of you now, but I firmly believe that you that it will be blossoming from your mind in a way that will bless the world one person at a time.

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

***Health Spotlight***  Reference: CDC

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

Symptoms: Enlarged lymph node, fever, occasionally eye infections, muscle pain, and swelling of the brain.

Prevalence This is rare as fewer than 20,000 are affected annually. Those with a weakened immune system have a higher risk.

Treatment: Antibiotics

Prevention: Avoid rough play with cats and human body lice. Use a flea collar on dogs. Keep cats indoors and away from stray cats. Use insect repellents.

Be blessed and be at peace.

U- Ultimate Celebration


Do you ever give yourself the opportunity to celebrate yourself?

Think of how many events, birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, holiday parties, graduations, etc. that you have been to. Surely they were all a grand celebration to go down into the history books.

However, when it comes to the things that you accomplish or achieve do you applaud yourself?

If you are anything like me, you can always find the times to celebrate, applaud, and gift others, but have to make a mountain move to give yourself love and cheer for yourself.

Well, let us start changing that right now!

Everytime that you do something amazing reward yourself and celebrate it, even if that means that you are doing so alone.

It took four months for me to finally celebrate myself and I am not sure why, but it was unfair and kind of sad. I almost felt depressed for a bit and I felt that maybe I shouldn’t share the greatness with others. Maybe it was the devil feeding me fear, doubt, or thoughts of lack. Whatever it was, I had to overcome it.
That all changes from here on out. Even if you don’t have someone to celebrate with, make yourself happy, cheer yourself on, and see how amazing you truly are.

Today, I celebrate myself for the amazing work that I have done in the past two years and for the next significant step in my journey through elevating myself. I graduated with my MPH with High Distinction (4.0 GPA).

Today, I applaud you for doing amazing things in your life and in the world. You are phenomenal! You have a cheerleader in me and I will forever be rooting for all of the positive, loving, kind, and wonderful things that you do!

Today, you can have an ultimate celebration and make up for all of the times that you did not celebrate yourself. Let’s have a party! Everyone is invited!! Tell me what you have done in the comments or tag me @kaylaspositivitycorner on Twitter or IG.

We all deserve love and to be celebrated. There will always be someone trying to bring you down, ignore them and start your own happiness.

Say this out loud: 
I will always celebrate myself! #youcanttellmeno

Psalm 98:4
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” Cheer, shout, yell, jump for joy, sing, you deserve it. God is SO good and He has done so much for you.
The Universe is bringing forth all that you work hard for and meditated on, so why shouldn’t you be proud and joyful?!!

John 15:11
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Joy is something that is embedded into the very fibers of your being, let it shine, let is rise up and through you. 

Giving yourself that love and reminding yourself of how proud you are can be a blessing to you and truly be pleasing to God. He has blessed your path to reach those fabulous goals, be joyful and let nothing stop you from doing so!

***Health Spotlight*** (via NIH)
Urinary Tract Infection
Prevalence- Approx. 150 million people annually
Symptoms- cloudy urine, cramping, urge to urinate, burning while urinating
Treatment: depends on severity; can be antibiotics and drinking fluids.
Prevention- wear loose fit clothing, drink healthy liquids regularly, mind your diet and practice healthy living
Please take good care of yourself and your family. Health should be your number one priority; without it, you can’t enjoy and appreciate the fruit of your efforts.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Celebrate, Achievement, Changes, Epidemiology, Evolution, Global Health, Empowerment, holistic health, Overcoming, Positivity, Prosperity, public health, Law of Attraction, Strength, Success, Vision, Wisdom, Worthy,

Q – Quietness Matters


When you are trying to tackle any task from cooking to developing in your career, you can understand how difficult it is to function when there is a lot of noise around you. 

When you are surrounded by noise and over-activity there is a likelihood that you will not be able to accomplish what you are wanting in a timely and stress-free way.

Think about how important it is to complete major tasks and how it could be so much simpler without outside noise.

What if you could shut off the noise in your head?

The truth of the matter is that you can. You have the full ability to challenge your mind to a quest for quietness. One of the most important things to do to achieve true silence when you need it most is to remember what you are trying to accomplish and why. Only when you know the impact/purpose of your quiet quest can you reach your full potential.

Control- Once you can grasp the concept of control, you can understand that it is not something you always have. In your quietness, you can gain control in some aspects. Take time to learn about how control can affect your life. When in silence, think about the power of direction and the space that you have for growth.

Worry- When you are feeling worried, finding time to silence your brain is mandatory. A running mind will only bring about more concerns and possibly frustration. When I get into any space of worry, I have to step back and remember that any time given to worry is time that could have been spent elsewhere. Quietness can shift your thinking if you cue positive thoughts and well-directed visions when you are feeling worrisome.

Noise- To much sound, just like too many traveling thoughts, can be very distracting and deter you from reaching any goals. 

How to silence the noise and realize that quietness matters:
Prayer- this is your time to be one with God; you can be real, honest, vulnerable, and open in a one-on-one communication with your creator.
Meditation- this space is a time to become one with yourself and align your mind with whatever you are putting your focus into.

Enjoy some time in nature, go for a walk, pray, meditate…do whatever it takes to hone in on what feeds your mind and soul.

In your quiet time, what are you thinking about?
What are you putting your energy into?

Matthew 6:6 
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done is secret, will reward you.” 
There is a gift and a blessing in your prayer. Take seriously and place a high value on the silence and rawness in your prayers.
Romans 12:1-2
“I beg you therefore, my brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God by a logical service. Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God- what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.” 
Shifting of your thoughts for the good and greater good are in line with what God has for you and your life. Your thinking, especially in the quiet is powerful, so take charge and bring forth thoughts that are positive, growth-filled, and success bound.

***Health Spotlight***
Quietness in Revealing Symptoms/Concerns
Each time your body reveals to you something that is out of the normal, troubling, or painful, you have the choice to seek help. Even in the realm of mental health, you must choose to pay attention to what you are facing. You must choose to take good care of yourself- mind, body, and spirit. When it comes to your health, you must not remain quiet; be honest and pay attention, especially in your quiet times.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Blessings, Determination, Changes, Challenges, Empowerment, Global Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, God, Holistic health, Meditation, Prayer, Bible, Public Health, Positivity, Self-Worth, Success, Vision, Wisdom

M- Meditate to Mediate


When you are panning through different areas of concern in your life or trying to understand how to get from one level to the next, one of the most important things to do is to see it all happening.

Start with a dream or vision and make it real by allowing it to come into reality within your mind. 

You start a mental race inside of yourself when you first dream up anything that you want in life.

Just like anything else you have to put a strong focus on the effort and begin to work on it within your mind to make it all happen.

Teach yourself to meditate on whatever area that you are trying to grow into. I meditate with guided meditation and/or music to get in tune with myself, align my chakras, and grow into new spaces. You don’t have to do formal cross your legs and say “Ohm” meditating to get in tune; the most important aspect is to focus on one area of concern.

Not to sound cocky or anything, but some of the greatest answers can come from inside of you. You shouldn’t invite everyone to your mental table, because you may be served a dish that you cannot digest or that may bring you more harm than good.

When you invite people into your space it can be quite difficult to hear the truth and what you should do, as words of advice can biased, filled with judgment, or not helpful in your life.

What you zone into within yourself will contribute to whatever you are experiencing. To use myself as an example, I have had to sit with my thoughts about school and my future career; I know that only me and God can push the effort, so I talk to God in length at absolute minimum twice a day. 

In prayer or meditation you go in seeking truth and answers; if you are truly listening beyond the realms of your heart and you become fervent in your practice you will receive direct and clear answers. Teach yourself to go from meditation or prayer warrior to conqueror and achiever.

One of my favorite things to do is step into nature and simply feel the air; this is another space for getting in tune with myself and spending alone time with God.

When you meditate to mediate you can reach answers and spaces that you could not have even imagined prior to entering that time.

Let’s talk a look at a couple of bible verses to truly reel this in.

Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” If we live knowing that God is wanting us to train our mind, strengthen our focus and maintain clarity in what He wants us to do, why shouldn’t we be fixing our eyes on Him especially in prayer and meditation. Those times of silence/focus are a way of calling God directly as asking Him to speak to our hearts. In our silence we can hear clearly as we are free of distractions, and get closer to higher powers and/or more in tune with the Universal callings.

Psalms 49:3
“My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the meditation of my heart will give you understanding.” This is one of my favorite verses! If you are teaching yourself through reading, prayer, and wise counsel how to walk in your purpose giving God the glory all the way through, guess what will loosen-YOUR BLESSINGS! Meditation is a form of prayer, so take the time to make it a priority and do it regularly. 

No matter what you are facing it is so important to see good things happening, encourage yourself through and through, and be thankful in the good and bad times. Remember that giants do fall! The enemy and/or the devil is lingering and wants to take over, so speak against that and fight for what you want. Wipe away your tears, pray, meditate and believe that God/the Universe is working in your favor. Meditate to mediate and watch how things start become as clear as ever.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Mental Health
Millions of people face and/or live with mental health concerns that affect their everyday lives. Whether it is you, a friend, loved one, or someone that you consider an acquaintance, it is important to understand exactly what they are facing and how it may be intertwined with their lives. Listen to concerns; mental health concerns are not always exposed in a physical sense, so be kind, respectful and understanding if someone you know is living with any type of mental condition. Be a good listener, do not laugh at someone because of how tough of a time that they may be having, and do whatever you can to help them. Help loved one find resources that can help them live their best lives and remember that mental health issues are a major concern that can be addressed at many levels. Let us all be there for each other, become well-educated on mental concerns, and support one another in whatever we may be facing. Meditate, seek help, and pray about what you may be facing and know that there are many people that care about you and will whatever they can to help you. I’m praying for you and I can give you guidance on where to turn if you need any time of health assistance.

Achievement, Challenges, Empowerment, Evolution, Global Health, Goals, Guidance, Healing, Holistic Health, Mindfulness, Positivity, Public Health, Strength, Vision, Wisdom, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Prayer, Meditation

G – Giving Just Enough


I give too much…
I give too little…
I give just enough…
Are you giving enough according to what you believe, practice, and value?

How many times have you told yourself that you were going to give something your all?
How often do you stick to giving that “thing” you all?

How often have you only giving something a bit of your effort because you weren’t really concerned about it?
When you did that, did you find even more disappointment or go back and wish that you had given it more effort?

Have you given too much of yourself to someone or something? When you do this, you can leave yourself with emptiness, lost hope, brokenness, and lost will to even love yourself or make yourself happy.

How about this?… Have you ever given just enough effort/time?

Who says that enough isn’t enough? I can’t tell you who first said it, but you can start saying when enough IS enough.

You see, for everything that you delve into whether it is a new job, school, writing a book, building a home, buying a car and everything in between you can say when enough is enough.

What does enough mean?

Amazing and wonderfully, your life is your own- meaning it is unique and no one else can live your life. God built a specific life for you to lead. The Universe works in your favor in accordance to what you do, think, practice, and meditate on; it shapes things for you.

Since your life is uniquely put together shouldn’t you be the one to say when enough is good enough?

Let’s think about this a little deeper…

1. You must be mindful and aware of your actions and behavior. Saying that people should accept you for who you are does not apply if you are choosing to be immature, ignorant, foolish, prideful, or negative. Be aware that enough is enough applies in this one if you are being your best self.

2. When taking on a new endeavor of any sort, you must determine what is enough. If giving your all is enough, stick to that and do not give up. You see, you can’t start off giving what is enough to you and then one day decide that you are tired of doing that (without seeking positive change first). You are in charge…so what’ll it be?

3. In a relationship, again you determine what is enough. Truly take self-inventory before you decide what is enough, though. Are you being a good listener, compassionate helper, cheerful giver, etc.? If you are, then you are doing enough…don’t let anyone make you feel or think that you are not doing enough or that you are not good enough at your core. Don’t be afraid to Break The Silence and claim your excellence; your live is yours and you do not have to prove yourself to anyone.

4. Give enough to everyone that you encounter. You were granted tools and also have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit. For every person that you run into, you have something to give. Give from your heart whether it is in words, a story, a smile, or your business card…do what you can to give enough. This can be connected to giving back to your community or an organization like Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence; give what you can, volunteer, run for a cause, support a mission, help your friend/neighbor…simply give enough according to your heart. Everything happens for a reason, so make the most of the meeting, mission, or conversation. 

5. Giving enough to your family is equally defined by you. Do not burn yourself out; if you need to do something for yourself and have the ability to do so, practice self-care regularly. This can mean a walk, pampering, reading, meditating, exercising or anything else that makes you feel at peace. Schedule your love and care for your family and yourself; you need it and deserve it. 

The moral of the story is that for everything and everyone in your life you are in full power of determining what is enough. You must take the time to understand what that looks like and execute whatever it takes to achieve that. You do not have to push yourself so far that you lose sight of yourself or get to a point where you are feeling empty or broken- you deserve so much better than that.

Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Think about it, if you are giving enough and happy with what you are putting in, the action is directly connected your heart and can literally give you a sense of fulfillment. Even if you aren’t in the place of where you aim to be, you can embody that sense by planning out all that you aim to do; work to truly feel how you would if you were already at that level of success or happiness.

Proverbs 10:4
“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Think about what you consider to be enough, are you truly putting in the effort that you need to? Is your enough, your work, your push, your mission going to bring you success at the level or space that you are actively living in? God gave and is still giving and revealing to you gifts, angels, words of wisdom, lessons, values, and places to be amazing…are you really giving enough?

The Universe is a place and part of you that is defined by you, your actions, and everything that lives inside of you.

So….I’ll ask you again are you giving enough?

Be blessed and be at peace.
#KayLas Positivity Corner

***Health Spotlight*** Gonorrhea 
Prevalence: this STD can infect anyone that is sexually (vaginal, anal, or oral) active- ejaculation does not have to occur to get the infection. Pregnant women can possibly pass the infection their babies during delivery. According to the CDC there are an estimated 820,000 people infected with gonoccoal infections every year in the U.S.

Symptoms: (in men) burning sensation when urinating, white, yellow or green discharge from penis, painful or swollen testicles ; (in women) painful or burning sensation when urinating, increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods. Rectal infections:  can be asymptomatic or cause symptoms in men and women such as discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, painful bowel movements. If you do not get treated pelvic inflammatory disease is possible (in women) and sterility in men, pain in testicles are possible; also, increased risk in getting HIV and life-threatening issues due to gonorrhea spreading to the blood or joints are possible.

Treatment: treatment can be difficult as there are some drug-resistant strains, but it can be cured with the right treatment. There is a form of dual therapy using two drugs to treat the infection; permanent damage cannot be reversed. If symptoms continue after finishing medication, you need to return to your physician/clinic.

Prevention: use condoms, know your sexual partner and their sexual and medical history, or don’t engage in any sexual encounters.

Giving Enough…
If you ever feel forced to have unprotected sex with someone, you may need to re-evaluate your situation and seek help from the authorities, if needed.  Giving enough in intimacy is definitely defined by both parties; do not push yourself into a realm that you are uncomfortable with. Protect yourself at all cost. Know that you do not have to go to a major physician (and pay a high out-of-pocket price) to get help, community health clinics are in many places. Talk to your friends and family about their health. Communities both near and far are impacted by the good and bad in health choices and delivery of care, so do what you can to bring tough conversations into the light. Seek the help that you need as soon as you need it. Talk to someone; talk to me, I will listen without judgment and help you in any way that I can. 

Let’s lead healthy, happy, prosperous, lives from the inside-out! We deserve it!

Barriers, Community, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Friends, Global Health, Happiness, Goals, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Negativity, Opportunity, Passion, Survivor,  Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, Vision, Warrior, Worthy, Public Health

F- Fight The Good Fight


When the storms come and the rain falls it pours; you can get blinded by it all and feel like giving up (trust me, I know). 

On your journey of evolution or when seeking to become the best version of yourself, you need to know that the battle and the storms are worth it.

How can you think otherwise? 
How could you allow the bad to take over and then let everything shift into a negative space?
Why would want to? Because it is easier….? Because it will please someone else…?
Stop…now. Shake it all up.

Mental and physical health mean so much to not only you, but everyone around you.
When you think about battles that affect you, how do you handle them? 

You need to put your everything into all that you do no matter how hard it may seem or who may say something negative. Do you know why? Simply because you have to. You must dig deep, fight hard, and believe in something.

If you are pushing for something, growing into yourself, revolutionizing your life, doing something new, etc. fight for it!

I promise you no matter what it is that you are fighting for, everything that you feel leading up to that moment of achievement matters.

The empty spaces, tear-filled eyes, lost voice, long nights, stressful papers, terrifying exams, closed doors, and everything in between is worth it.

Keep fighting!
Keep pushing!

Think about people all around the world and how so many people have to fight to have food, clean water, medicine, warmth, a doctor’s visit, etc. Now, think about yourself…what are you facing? Not to say that one problem is greater than another, but you are already blessed beyond measure and have so much to offer others even when the storms roll in.

If you don’t have that fight (will) inside of you, you will not get where you are trying to go.

If something has been placed on your heart, (some will to do good things), you owe it to yourself and the world to fight for it like you have never fought for anything before.

How you fight and what you are willing to put in says a lot about your character…shouldn’t you be showing yourself that you are worth fighting that good fight? Of course you should!!

Isaiah 1:17
“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” If your friend/neighbor/family member needs help fighting their fight, do whatever you can (within personally-set boundaries) to help them…this is what you are supposed to do. If you have the space or the platform to do good, even if it is as small as a call, post, speaking engagement, listing on an information board, do it! God sees that spark lingering inside of you and I promise you that if you do something with it, you will do so much good for the world. Do not give up now.

If it is your health that is ailing you or failing you, fight until you cannot fight anymore; ask for help if you need to/want to. Do not let anything stop you. 

If it is your business/school that is making you fearful, concerned, scared of change or anything else, remember that change is good; even if you can’t see that now, let me tell you that you will one day understand. No matter what don’t give up and don’t give in.

Believe me, God and/or the Universe are making a special place for you to do all that you are working toward activating.

Galatians 6:9
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” No one knows your reason nor your season except you and God, so keep it in your bubble if that is where you want to keep it-that is fine; sometimes it is best to keep things to yourself. Please, promise yourself that you are only keeping it to yourself for safe keeping, not to hide it and dim your light/opportunity to do something good.

Whether there is a shift in love, education, business, finances, growth, opportunities or anything

else please fight the good fight. Work with what you have an make a difference…because you can! I believe in you.

Fight the good fight, and don’t just do it for you, do it for me, your neighbor, your family, your community, and the world…we all need you.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Acute Flaccid Myelitis (CDC Research)
Symptoms: respiratory illness, fever, weakness and/or pain in legs or arms, changes in movement of eyes, drooping in face, difficulty swallowing or slurred speech. Respiratory failure is one of the most serious symptoms.
Prevalence: still considered a rare and serious illness but there has been a significant rise since 2014; mostly young children are affected, but adults can contract the disease. Less than 1-2 in a million children in the US will get AFM annually. There has been over 500 confirmed cases since 2014 (CDC).
Possible causes: viruses such as enteroviruses (poliovirus, enterovirusA71, and West Nile virus). Of course there is not a certainty about what causes the condition, but it is up to you as parents/family members to vaccinate your kids. Do not jump into the hype of non-vaccination, as you can very much be putting your child’s life in danger. Do real research, it matters. We didn’t come this far by ignoring sound research and healthy developments in medicine.
Prevention: Vaccination, protect against mosquito bites, get rid of stagnant water, wash your hands appropriately and often, avoid close contact with those that are ill.
Treatment: not one route of treatment; physicians may recommended physical therapy along with other treament options.

You must make the right choices and fight for the good fight when it comes to your health. You are responsible for most outcomes. You must do your reading/research via reputable sources, ask questions, and help others get access to the care that they need. We are not individuals walking around without deep knowledge/information at our fingertips. Pay attention and make the right (and wise) decisions for you, your family, everyone you and your kids come in contact with, and the world; we must all depend on and lean on one another.

Achievement, Ambition, Barriers, Blessings, Challenges, Character, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolution, Fighting, Global Health, Mental Health, Public Health, Strength, Worthy, Vision

S- Senses


*Proverbs 2:2*

If you have ever sat back and questioned the voices in your head, you have sensed a higher purpose.

If you have ever longed for something different, you have sensed the need for evolution/transformation.
If you have ever looked in the mirror and did not like what you perceived as a flaw, you have sensed the need to live a healthy life.
If you have ever cried in the middle of the night or lost needed sleep, you have sensed the need to change or to find answers to unanswered questions.
If you have ever felt unfulfilled, you have sensed the need for a new path or a change in scenery.
If you have ever felt that something just wasn’t right…it is time to stop ignoring your good sense and senses to changes, and appreciate what your subconscious/God/the universe is speaking to you.

If you can acknowledge your senses, then you can acknowledge what you need to do for your personal growth, career, and your family. 

It is time to use what you see, hear, feel, think, and know to gathered what is called common sense and become a better you.

Remember this: Common sense is not so common, if it was everyone would have it.

1 Corinthians 15:33

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.””
Be mindful of the company that you keep, as they can help you ignore that which your soul, spirit, and mind are trying to tell/teach you. If you know that someone around you is hurting you, distracting you, blocking you from reaching your potential…cut the weeds! Have enough sense to know who is good for you and who is wreaking havoc on your life.

Stop THINKing that you know everything.
Stop thinking that things will get better on their own.
Don’t be blinded by what the world, your peers, your colleagues or what your family is feeding you. 

Stop FEELing that what “he” or “she” has or is doing is for you or not for you. 

What you see can make or break you; be wise enough to feel what your heart and mind are telling you, and know the difference. If you feel that you can make a change or get to the next level, don’t just imagine and daydream about it- be about it!

Stop SEEing others rise in success and stop sitting back and complaining about how you wish it was you. Stop seeing growth in others and stop thinking negatively about it. You are making decisions in every moment to seize the day or put a new dent in your couch and whine about what you don’t have or how the world is against you.

Stop simply using your ears to HEAR and start listening to advice, words of wisdom, the universe’s messages, and what those voices in your mind are telling you.

Proverbs 28:26

Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”
You do not know everything. In fact, everyone and everything in your life is meant to teach you something; take off your blinders. Allow your senses to open and be receptive enough to receive information that will help you transform your life.

Do you have enough sense to stop trying and start doing? If you haven’t in the past, now is the time to make your life worth living.

Everything that want, you can have if you put in the effort and stop denying yourself greatness. 

Close your eyes and count to 10. Now open them, do you feel a sense of relief or clarity. Do you see beauty and feel the heartbeat of everything around you? Do you hear every sound of quiet or noise in its entirety? Your senses can help guide your path. If simply closing your eyes can make you pay attention to you senses, imagine what would happen if you took the time to do that same thing every day. If you envisioned what you really want in the form of a vision or in meditation (regularly/daily)…you would change your world.

Tell whatever that is ailing you that it is no longer welcome, then makes some changes; don’t ignore your senses.

God hear, sees, knows, and feels all. The universe is in tune with you. If you are shaping your life and acknowledging your purpose and your senses, then your life will be a blessing to the world around you. 

Nobody needs to come and pat you on your back every 5 seconds to remind you of your achievements or your successes. Pay attention to those who really support you and care about you; they have been put in your life (with no negative attachments) for a reason. Do not become blind to your blessings.

Remember: your senses are there to make you aware and appreciative of what you are given/blessed with. Be in tune with yourself, but do not become “stuck on stupid”.

“Always let your conscience be your guide.” Jiminy Cricket
You may not always make the best decisions, but as long as you are trying and being the best and kindest person that you can be, you are on the right track.

*Health Spotlight*
If your body is giving you signs or making you sense that something is wrong, do not ignore that. Your body will tell you if you are lacking vitamins, needing hydration, or need to address underlying issues that are invisible to the eye. If we take the time to acknowledge that our physical body is just as important as every other aspect of our lives, we can lead a healthier, longer life. Don’t make excuses, go to the doctor. It is better/easier to be prepared and practice prevention methods than it is to treat illnesses. Take care of yourself. Many people love you and need you, including me.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Senses, Hearing, Thinking, Seeing, Acknowledging, Vision, Positivity, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Wisdom, Common Sense, Strength, Character, Kindness, Determination, Healing, Empowerment, Meditation, Success

What Is Public Health & Why Does It Matter?


3 John 1:2
Mark 12:31
Romans 15:2

Drive around your town and tell me that you do not see that there are homeless people.
Keep driving and tell me that there are no areas where there is not a major grocery store.
Now stop and look in your mirrors and tell me that there is no one else around.

Look online at the US Census Bureau and tell me that there is no one living in poverty.
Look at food insecurity statistics in your community and tell me that there is no one that is going to sleep hungry.
Look at unemployment rates and tell me that the number across the world is 0%.

You cannot do any of these things, can you?

Public Health encompasses all that we need, see, and want for ourselves, our families, our communities.

No, the system is not perfect but think of all the good that it is doing just this decade.
People have the ability to go to community health clinics for free or little charge to get the care that they need for themselves or their children. Communities are seeing assistance that was not there before or was not as effective.

There is growth in the public health field and there is hope in future public/global health care leaders, such as myself. We have a vision and a mission to understand the communities that we are serving. We wish to address insecurities and needs for people regardless of their socioeconomic status.

If we care about a family, we must care about a community; this is public health.
Experts in their fields collaborating for the greater good: scientists, doctors, providers, public health leaders, health educators, epidemiologist, etc.- this is public health, at the highest and most effective level.

Why does public health matter?
Think of every member in your family? Does everyone have access to inexpensive care? Can everyone afford to buy their medication and their groceries for the week? If the answer is yes, your family leads a lucky/blessed life and I am being happy for you. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every family. Look at the median income for the U.S. and you may understand a bit better. Public health the gap that many people face and it can help people meet their needs without much struggle.

We all need support, to know that we are understood, and quality health care. Welcome to the potential and the mission of high-quality public health care.

Be blessed and be at peace.
