Dear Mixed Girl

Dear Mixed Girl,

Do you understand the value and powerful potential that comes from learning and sharing your wisdom gained from overcoming challenges in your “mixed” journey? 

With every turn in the road and place where you find yourself growing and developing, you must learn something. 

There is no time in life when you have all the answers, but with a bit of support and dedication, there is a greater opportunity for smoother transitions and reached goals. 

Sometimes the missing piece to the puzzle of another person’s life is the moment of sharing that you can grant them from a meaningful place or space in time. 

Mixed girl, there are so many moments in your life where things may seem shaky, confusing, and difficult, but know that you will prosper. 

You have so many things you can give others in education and wisdom by repeatedly working through who you are and being the greatest version of yourself. 

There is hope in every today and promises in every tomorrow if you can remember to find the goodness around you and fight through the challenges that arise. 

Live through the fantastic value of who you are, and you will find that powerful way to give back to the world.

-Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s “Dear Mixed Girl” letters, Letter Entitled “Sharing to Educate Others”

The “Dear Mixed Girl” letters are a series from Dr. KayLa N. Allen that shares experiences, motivation, and compassion. These letters are linked to the “Dear Mixed Girl, What is Your Identity?” coaching program. Other related messaging that Dr. KayLa creates is to reshape the way that mixed girls and women think about themselves and how they contribute to the world by being themselves. Letters and other Dear Mixed Girl initiatives are also read aloud/shared online; check them out here.

No “mixed” experience is the same, but many parts of the biracial/multi-ethnic experience are similar. In these similarities, we can find individual truths and ways to become the best version of ourselves regardless of what the world may show us.

Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s greatest hope is to share with others her truth based on experiences and education and what lives inside of her so that there can be sustainable changes and powerful impact for those living the life of a “mixed” girl/woman.

If you or the mixed girl in your life felt the impact of this letter, read more empowering messages and find out how you can transform yourself, be proud of who you are, and lead a unique and joyful life via Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s coaching programs. Want to sign up as a coaching client or hire Dr. KayLa for a Dear Mixed Girl (trademark filed and pending) speaking engagement? Contact Dr. KayLa via the contact page and sign up below using the button to start the next part of your improved and embraced journey today.

Meaningful Alignment

Walking in disarray, creating dysfunction, having a pity party, wallowing in self-doubt, and seeking external validation in countless ways to fix your internal concerns are tangible and easy to do; sadly, many of us do these things in some way or another daily. Even if you found that one of those previously mentioned things hit home for you in a shocking way, what is to come below is what you need to apply to your life immediately. Meaningful alignment and leverage are created by design if only you regularly do a few things on purpose.

Manifestation of your future starts now. What you do, say, and are exposed to mentally, spiritually, and physically impacts everything else, as you know. However, what do you do when you are seeking an adjustment to reach alignment for your future? Every part of what you do and what is around you is contributing to the alignment of your future and purpose, so be mindful, completely satisfied, and intentional.


The path ahead of you starts quite literally with what is ahead of and around you. Are you being mindful of what is right before your very eyes? When was the last time you counted your blessings and claimed true satisfaction and thankfulness for every small thing around you throughout an entire day? I bet at least one person can say they have never done this. Therefore, it is now time for you to start making this a new habit that will later become a regular part of your life. 

Alright…who is saying, “I don’t have time for that.” Do you have time for the success and wealth that you want? How can you be thankful for what you want in the future if you are not creating alignment and thankfulness starting in your journey right now? I bet you have time now…


Really honoring and accepting the gift and blessing of what is around you creates meaningful alignment. Think about how much you have to be thankful for. Leveraging your life by using what you have is a grand opportunity, and you have to be able to do that in ways that make sense for you. You do not need to have a lot to make a difference, nor do you have to have a mansion to be thankful for your happy home and healthy family. Are you following me? 

Start doing the most with what you have now. Begin each day by being thankful. Say things out loud about what how you are happy with what you have inside yourself and in your external environment. Real satisfaction with deep meaning will solidify leverage in alignment and create shifts in your mentality. You will start to see that everything you are doing to continue improving your life is moving in a smoother flow and rhythm because you can always re-center your thoughts.


Do not let life just happen to you. You have a lot more control over things than you may think. This does not mean that you need to be overzealous and worried about everything. Rather, you need to be intentional with your actions and focused on what is necessary. Intentional relationships, mindset, education, interactions, time spent doing all things, the type of information and media you feed your mind, and how often you sit in silence all affect outcomes and your future. Do you understand?

Intentional actions are critical. While no one can follow you around and keep an eye on your every move while also paying attention to your every thought, you can choose to be intentional if you wish to have the future you desire and the successes that will impact everything around you.

Check-In Time

What are you learning from this? I hope you learned these things about and for yourself:

1. You have the power to create leverage in your meaningful alignment along your journey and for your future successes.

2. You are pre-destined for greatness, and your purpose, gift, and talents will make room for you if you first make room for them.

3. Dedication to your craft requires a shift in your path, mentality, and every element of your internal and external environments.

Be blessed and be at peace.

 – KayLa’s Positivity Corner by Dr. KayLa N. Allen

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctor of Health Administration, International Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach – Certified Health and Well-Being Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below.

Women Are Powerful

There are countless things that a girl or woman can achieve when she has freedom, rights, access to education, and the ability to be herself. Am I right ladies?

There is no limit as to what/whom a become when she envelopes herself in what she is capable of doing, who she knows herself to be, and every effort to become a greater version of herself. 

Life, experiences, culture, society, trauma, negative “judgment” from others and so many other things can teach us as girls as=nd women false narratives about who we are, were, or what we can/cannot be. However, it is our job and forever mission to understand and work hard to start changing the world by working on ourselves and finding that true power that lives within.

No matter what you have heard or experienced, if you have not heard this before or lately, let me be the first to say that you are amazing. Don’t just take my word for it – the depth of women’s empowerment and what you need to get from it starts with the work you will do. Write it down and put it on everything that is to be in front of your face – your phone, computer, your mirror, etc. The first step to your forever greatness starts now. 

Girls who see great women, learn from wise females, and are encouraged to be amazing as they are will flourish in every way possible. This is one of the best gifts that you can give – girl’s empowerment, especially when it is based on what you have learned and grown through.

Only when we can silence the doubts, be happy with who we are, and appreciate the strength in our voices can we make a difference in the world around us. We are all responsible for leaving a legacy behind, shaping history, and helping others rise; women, work hard for that starting by transforming yourself

Every day, you must ask yourself, “What can I do to make the most of today?” The answer to this question is not all about a task, it is about how you will treat yourself for the best version of your present and the future you aim to have.

While we do not have the answers to why things may not be perfect or easy from day to day, we do know that as women we can do anything that we work hard for and aim to do. 

If someone could examine the most common character descriptions of women, they would include words like strong, overcomers, highly capable, dedicated, diligent, wise, empathetic, emotional at times, intelligent, and compassionate beyond words. 

Never lose sight of who you are, what peace you can bring, are what you are capable of achieving. Look around you, seek guidance, wisdom, and support, and tap into your power especially when you are feeling down, doubtful, or confused.

Know that the reflection looking back at you in the mirror is so much more than what you have experienced, what you physically see, or what others may say. You are powerful, capable, and amazing! Never forget it.

Women’s empowerment is a tool and girl’s empowerment is a guide, but both start inside and blossom into something that can change the world!

Be blessed and be at peace.

-KayLa’s Positivity Corner by Dr. KayLa N. Allen

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, International Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach – Certified Health and Well-Being Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below.



The Mission Is Possible

When you set your mind on a vision, it is exciting, and it can be so vivid in your mind. That which we see in our mind as a vision can be both clear and present in the physical realm if we understand that it is a mission to be executed with a plan of action.

A mission can lead you down a treacherous and confusing road, and it may even lead you to a metaphorical dead end.

Understand that every mission is possible, and unknown obstructions will appear along the road; you just need to have a vision and a strategic plan for reaching the next milestone.

Having the wherewithal about yourself and the fortitude to push yourself to achieve a mission is what it will take to understand your abilities. 

There is nothing that you cannot achieve with some effort, hope, and faith. Planning out a logical goal with set objectives over some time is a mission of focus and dedication, and it is something that can be done.

On two different ends of a spectrum, there are missions that are indeed possible.

1. A busy person with a full-time life looking to tap into their passion vs. 2. A person who is starting to envision a different way of living 

While you may have a lot on your plate or other obligations, this does not mean that you cannot make time for your passion. There may be further challenges, but planning, having an environment that works for creativity and work efforts, and a good support system are vital for you to make things happen.

If you are in the space of wonder and thought, you can make those thoughts and visions become goals by beginning with geared and processed planning on paper. You can work through your visions and make them useful at entirely different left by wisely shifting your perspective and planning.

While no set of circumstances will equal an easy mission, you can guarantee that at every turn, you will learn and grow so that when you reach the next milestone, you will be better prepared for the obstacles in the road.

I have been challenged in so many ways as a woman, black/brown individual, and leader in society, education, and business. Still, I have not met a challenge that I could not shift and turn into a mission that was indeed possible to achieve.

May you find the support you need, make wise decisions, and challenge yourself beyond what you already know to become what you envision.

Be blessed and be at peace.

 -KayLa’s Positivity Corner

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, National Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below.

Strength Is Tough

Finding your way through difficult situations and maintaining a sense of strength within yourself takes strength, but it is tough in more than one way.

Completing a task or making something happen is only one part, the external part, of creating a reality. 

Some of the most difficult work to be done happens within yourself when strength may not be enough to get something done.

Things that are worth having and things that you really want in life will not fall into your lap with ease. 

You will be met with tears, trips and falls, lies and false judgment, naysayers, bias, and everything in between when you are trying to do great things and be a good person.

Strength is not something that is only important from a physical standpoint; it must be developed from the inside out if you aim for it to hold a lasting and meaningful value.

You are a multifaceted person that has been met with many sets of circumstances, obstacles, and missions throughout your life, so how could your element of strength be one dimensional? It isn’t. There are many parts to it.

Your strength requires you to be a whole person. You must be working on your health from the inside out. You must understand that you will not always be working from a place of 100% and that is okay just as well.

Being strong is a part of who you are, it is not an identity, so keep that in mind.

No matter what you may face in life, your strength may need to be present so that you can accomplish your goals but that does not mean that you cannot be gentle, human, or “soft” at times.

Be yourself. Be patient. Practice self-empathy. Work hard to find the balance that you need in your life, and you will walk into the life that you deserve.

Life will be met with trials and storms, but you will be the determining factor in how your strength will show up.

Even if the odds seem like they are stacked against you or if many things seem to be going terribly wrong, one thing is for sure, you are so much stronger than you think. 

Be blessed and be at peace.

-KayLa’s Positivity Corner

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, National Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below.

Don’t Sway In The Wind

Being a stronghold in your world as life switches, twists, and turns is a valuable and key part of becoming successful and the next version of who you are supposed to be.

Getting caught in the wind and flowing with the breeze, no matter which way it may turn, is not only going to deter your path, but it may also stop you from reaching your destination.

Having your feet firmly planted in life can be difficult, but readjusting when that difficulty arises may be the key to ensuring your next steps can be taken.

When life is grand and simple, we can run, skip, jump, and maybe twirl along the path because there may not be any obstacles along the way. In this space, enjoy every moment and take advantage of the opportunities set before you. There will be many times like this, and it is up to you to acknowledge that you have this exceptional and rare time in front of you. 

However, when life is not so easy, you must remember that you are in control even still.

For me, God is the stronghold in my life and always will be. Many times, I could have rolled along like tumbleweed or swayed in the wind like a tree in the forest, but I didn’t do that. I understood that God had something greater for me, so I could not walk in that path because if I did, I could not become who I am now nor who I am called to be. 

Swaying in the wind not only affects you, it affects everyone and everything around you. 

Always know that you are a person, being, entity, brand, and visionary that is Earth-shaking, life-changing, and a gift to so many people if only you tap into and hold firm to everything that makes you who you are and multiply that times infinity.

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, National Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below.


Dear Mixed Girl

Dear Mixed Girl,

How do you focus on your goals and keep going forward when you think the odds are stacked against you? 

We, as mixed girls, can sometimes go through life being told that because we are different, there will be nothing that we can do that will be easy. 

We can also be told that everything will come to us without problems. 

Both of those statements have no actual validity, and it is up to you to know that if you want to reach your goals, you must stay focused and check off your list as you move forward. 

No one can tell your story or dictate your life and what it is made of except you. 

The challenges that you overcome, the methods in which you strive for greatness, the courage that you house inside your DNA are to be understood by you and only you. 

In life, one of your greatest missions is to recall who you are at your core, no matter what you face or what goals you aim to achieve. 

Bind your passion to your goals and let nothing that holds no real value break your focus because you are worth far more than that.

-Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s “Dear Mixed Girl” Letters

Letter Entitled: “Goal List – Check Off and Keep Going”


The “Dear Mixed Girl” letters are a series from Dr. KayLa N. Allen that share experiences, motivation, and compassion. These letters are linked to the “Dear Mixed Girl, What is Your Identity?” coaching program. Other related messaging that Dr. KayLa creates is to re-shape the way that mixed girls and women think about themselves and how they contribute to the world by being themselves.

No “mixed” experience is the same, but many parts of the biracial/multi-ethnic experience are similar. It is in these similarities that we can find individuals truths and ways in which we can become the best version of ourselves regardless of what the world may show us.

Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s greatest hope is to share with others her truth and what lives inside of her so that there can be sustainable changes and powerful impact in those living the life of a “mixed” girl.

If you or the mixed girl in your life felt the impact of this letter, read more empowering messages and find out how you can transform yourself, be proud of who you are, and lead a unique and joyful life via Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s coaching programs.

Life Is Today

No matter how you view time: minutes, hours, moments, days, work shifts, etc. there will always be another point of view and another way that you can adjust your thoughts on time.

It can be hard to understand time if you are living moment by moment or paycheck by paycheck, but it is quite necessary to shift your perception if you wish to have something more than what you are accustomed to.

Past, present, and future are all elements are time that we cling to, but what I like to think that if we are alive today then our present shows us that not only are we granted life, but our lives are also today.

The past life you conquered, the future is life to undertake, the present is life to gain wisdom from and embrace.

While we fuss about the challenges and run through the moments of laughter, we must remember that we have today to live and keep trying.

There are no challenges that cannot be faced with adequate efforts. If you choose to dwell in difficulties, you may find that you are dragging yourself in the mud when you could have otherwise been regrouping.

There is no happiness that you do not deserve if you are working hard, being a good person, and challenging yourself over and over again to level up.

I have many times been met with people, circumstances, and situations that caused me to question when tomorrows would arrive that could erase the difficulties of today. Eventually tomorrows would come (of course), but I learned that in order to get to tomorrow you have to be willing to face today. I’m a much stronger and wiser person these days because of what I learned many years ago, and I now carry those lessons as wisdom to share with others.

If you can understand that your life is today, you also know that everything that is happening in your life is like a grain of sand – sometimes it may be seemingly insignificant alone (it may be all that you can as it is so small), but so powerful and precious in larger quantities (if it lingers or builds up) if you think about it. 

Life is no magic trick, a moment in time, a grain of sand, nor something to be taken for granted; it is to be lived wisely today. Your life is today, it is happening right now, and it will continue to move forward as long as you are in this physical world, so what will you do with it? Will you make the most of every moment by evolving and transforming yourself from the inside out, even when it is difficult and uncomfortable?

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, National Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below. 

Comfort At A Cost

Life runs on an on every day, and for many people it is a rare occasion that we get a chance to pause, breathe, reflect, or really enjoy a moment for ourselves. 

Do you ever feel like you are constantly running a marathon through your life? What may feel like a rat race, hamster wheel of life, or the life of a woman on the run may be one that is happening to you, but have you thought about it at a deeper level?

Sometimes it may seem like you are going and going. It may even fill like you are constantly filling the cups of others and maybe even losing yourself and your comfort in the process.

Determining what you need to enjoy your life, have peace, and accomplish your heart’s desires requires some comfort, but that comes at a cost that you must be willing to pay.

How is it that we can keep going and going while denying ourselves the grace and the opportunity to find comfort and peace that we need every day? Do we not deserve it?

People call and ask for help, guidance, assistance, advice, and quite often we provide it. Our families need our support, and we provide it. Our jobs, careers, clients, etc. require our constant efforts and diligence and we deliver over and over again, right?

What would it take for you to give yourself a sense of comfort from time to time? 

Understand that in many cases if you want to have comfort you may have to make some changes to the things that you were once comfortable with – people, situations, history, and more.

Learn that you must be willing to pay the cost because you are worth the comfort that your heart, soul, and mind require.

Some people may say or feel that you have changed when you tell them that you are no longer living as you once were or you are no longer accepting things that once existed, but their thoughts have nothing to do with your life. Move on.

Your comfort comes at a cost, are you ready to pay it?

Be blessed and be at peace.

-KayLa’s Positivity Corner

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, National Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below. 


Pass The Stability Test

Life is designed in a way that is not always easy, direct, or consistent. 

In fact, it can surely be difficult to maintain a sense of stability when the road is rocky. However, what would happen if you put yourself to a stability test to determine if you were stable over time regardless of what you were facing?

When faced with a challenge we often have to change how we react, process information, and sometimes how we approach conversation. 

Even though we have to change some things when challenges (for better or for “worse”), one thing that must stay the same is who we are.

Passing the stability test means that you are able to look at yourself and understand that you are still maintaining your identity, your truth, your morals, and your worth even when things are not in the typical/wanted flow of daily life.

How easy it would be if we if we could simply change who we are over and over again, but how difficult it would be to love and be loved, because we would never able to be understood. 

Wanting to analyze your stability over time is to know that you deserve to be powerfully you in and out of seasons.

The place where we could easily lose sight is in the situations and spaces in which we are trying to be that which we are not for purposes beyond ourselves. 

Taking on a false identity to fit a mold will never give you what you want in life.

Although we are to evolve over time, we in many ways maintain the integrity and depth of ourselves if we choose to do so.

While I watch myself evolve over the years and become who God calls me to be, I still can see that which makes me who I am living and breathing inside of me. I will never “shapeshift” for some purpose, besides it would not give me joy or help me to fulfill MY destiny.

We have to be able to strongly walk in our shoes know that even if we must change shoes, our feet will still be firmly planted on the ground.

Stay focused on what you want for your life and know that life will become what you want it to be if you are willing to put in the work and remain true to yourself.

Be blessed at be at peace.

-KayLa’s Positivity Corner

Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, National Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below.