Quiet But So Loud

Whether you are in a space of becoming aware of the greatness that is you, or you are stepping into the next phase of life, one of the greatest things that you can do is be quiet. In the silence, true silence that is, you can hear and feel everything. Your senses may be heightened and you can step into a space of meditation that is so vivid when you are silent. Silence is the only time when we can decide where we can put our focus and what we aim to do for ourselves.

Being quiet is a challenge, especially when you have lots of other daily obligations. Noise has a way of taking over the senses, and it can send us into a feeling of overload by just being present. In very few life circumstances can you live in silence, but you can still find a way to harness all of the gifts that come along with silent moments.

Find a moment in time when you can be silent for 15 minutes and look internally. Takes lots of deep/ocean breaths and just appreciate the moment. After this period of silence, observe how your body feels, and be mindful of what you may have released from your mind. The opposite is also a great alternative in meditation and personal evolution. Having a centering thought and an objective in your silence can speak volumes to the things that you desire, need, and want from your life.

Often people think that they need to be vocal in order to be heard, but that is not always true. Sometimes, your silence and the powerful and beautiful actions that you take are the volume of your entire life and being; you can be quiet but so loud.

You owe yourself silence and no one your voice. Think about what that means for you. Understand that people will challenge and complicate the meaning, so stand firm on what it means inside of your heart and soul.

Many times when we think that we should speak, we should actually be silent. Keep that in mind.

Remember: There are few people that could even make eye contact with the vision that you have for your life. Think about it, since that is the case, how could they understand the depths of your silence of the impact of your “out loud” gifts. Starting to understand?

Be quiet as you make moves in your life. Be quiet as you become who you are called to be. Be quiet in the good works that you do. Be loud in your evidence of progress and evolution. Be loud in your true joy. Get loud when you are being compassionate. Be quiet but so loud every day of your life.

Get quiet and watch how loud and clear the necessary things and your wanted visions become. Your mind is a powerful tool if only you use it. In the quiet, the world that you dream of can unfold and all that can be will be so loud. So, when the world gets loud, or others expect you to be loud, get quiet…it may serve you better than any amount of noise or applause ever could.

Be blessed and be at peace.


I – Inspired to Aspire


Having a dream, goal, vision, or set of objectives is the beginning of something that could be great. When you activate the depth of what you want, there is a chance for magnificent success to come about. Being inspired to migrate toward a wanted goal starts with you, faith, and personal transformation – this combination is the source of follow-through in your aspirations.

If we want to be inspired to aspire to be happy, proud, prosperous, successful, or empowering, there is a need for personal inspiration. Inspiration can be connected to things that are of high value to you (family, personal goals, a vision, wants, needs, and many other things). Inspiration is connected to the ability to find a willingness to make clear adjustments to reach what you aim for (your aspirations).

How do you find, label, and make reality your aspirations? Only you can take an idea and make it a fruitful business, opportunity, or journey. 

Inspiration can be found within yourself when all other things or sources of inspiration/information seem like they are failing you. If we give power to people or things, we will be met with confusion, doubts, and a mixture of internal emotions.

I can recall several times when I was simply dreaming of the things that I wanted and yet I couldn’t find inspiration to get things rolling or to sustain my efforts. After countless efforts, relying on the validation of others, and finding myself feeling like my dreams were empty, I realized that I had to look inside myself. Only when we can source the answers to what we need by finding internal tools to succeed, can we open a world of opportunities.

Putting in the work after finding personal inspiration is often where people’s dreams and aspirations fall apart. Consistently put in the work to be your own inspiration and lead your days and nights as though they are the lights guiding you toward your aspirations. 

Bible & Spiritual Connection
1 Corinthians 16:13 & 1 Corinthians 12:31
When we can stand firm in our faith and stay focused, inspiration can be innate. All that you are capable of is connected to faith, hope, inspiration, and what you do to make your dreams come to life. Your desires will be your reality if you want them to be. Greatness is yours if you aim for excellence with goodness living in your heart. Aspirations from your heart will bring to life your ability to be inspired. Don’t lose sight of where your hope and faith is rooted.

Be blessed and be at peace.

F – Face Your Truth


In life, you know that who you are, what you believe in, and your character stands the test of time.  This is equally true for your emotional presence even when you are going through a season of difficulties and transition. 

If you make mistakes, you have a chance to correct them, ask forgiveness when possible, and express remorse. If you feel yourself stumble in life, you are allowed the space and time in your physical and mental environment to dust yourself off and put forth a correction or redirection in your steps.

As a beautiful silver teapot set, even when the world may try to tarnish your truth or identity, you are still magnificent – face that truth!

Don’t deny yourself the ability to be true to you. What is your truth? Are you walking in your truth and working through it?

In this season of my life, I am facing my truth. There are days where fears, anxiety, and even disappointment arise, however, it is those days of heavy storms where I dig even deeper and keep pushing to find my rainbow.

If you are not yet where you want to be what is stopping you? Is it you?
If you aren’t challenged, what is bringing limits to your life?

Perhaps these questions, seasons, and areas of confusion mean that it is time for you to take off your blinders and face your truth so that you can make lasting changes.

Facing your truth can bring tears, joy, and countless emotions. Without your truth (unfiltered and raw) you cannot become who you or anyone else needs.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
John 8:32 & 1 Corinthians 2:13
Your truth can truly set you free in mind, body, and spirit. When we can release ourselves from lies, shadowed realities, and blocked internal light life alters in every way possible. Even when we face temptation, God will deliver us and provide us a way of endurance and escape. Isn’t it great that we can turn to God in any season of our lives, face our truths, and He will always be at our side? Hold strong to your truth even if you trip or fall, as it will lead you to new heights and wisdom that was formerly untapped.

Be blessed and be at peace.

D – Destined For Greatness


The place and space that you lay out for your future will evolve over time. 

Know & Remember
It is first important to remember that you are destined for greatness.  There is a purpose on and for your life that is greater than anything you can imagine. The very next thing to remember is that you have to tap into your greatness.

Let’s face the fact, there are people in high places and others who are living out their lives in their own version of greatness and prosperity. So, why can’t you do the same thing?

Limitations are for small minds and greatness is for those who are willing to put in the work even when it’s difficult.

Personal Reflection
At one point in my life, I thought that living in a house meant that you are doing well. At another point in life, I thought that living in the suburbs was for high-class living. Now, I understand the depth of my mindset and the value is truly present in living in a home that you build through your own blood, sweat, and tears.

True Empowerment
The character that lives inside of you is connected to what you will become. Your greatness is in your hands, even when you aren’t thinking about it. Each day, you have a chance to make something great out of yourself, so don’t waste another moment in time.

We become successful in all that we aim to do when greatness lives inside of us.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Luke 1:37 & Luke 1:45
There is absolutely nothing that you can fathom that is impossible without God at your side. You can dream, hope, envision, work hard, and plan, in full faith (when your heart is in the right place) because what you aim for will be granted to you. Ladies, you are not exempt; you have a treasure waiting for you, so do not grow weary. Persevere and you will see, step-by-step, that you are destined for greatness.

X – X-Ray of Prosperity


We often hear the word prosperity and hear of people who have walked in, welcomed, and lived in prosperity.  How many times have we looked at what that word prosperity means at the heart of it all? Do you know how that word plays a role in your life?

Think About It
If we examine prosperity, we will find that it is multifaceted and full of possibilities, no matter your walk of life.

At the root and core of all prosperity is your well-being; never forget that. Comfort and security in your life and environment are at the next level. The third level is all that glimmers: opportunities, wealth, a success that always blossoms, every day bountiful living, limitless thriving in life, and the greatness that has been planted and fruits. Throughout each level there is an intertwined bunch of joy; feel that and never let that leave you.

Individual View of Prosperity
Prosperity is defined as your vision and obtained clarity on success, abundance, peace, and inner joy. When you can get curious about what prosperity means for you, then you can build the life that you want and deserve. After all, the x-ray of prosperity can evolve with the effort that you may put into the realization of your grandest dreams.

Real empowerment lives at the center of our developed prosperity; affirmations to encourage and welcome that growth makes your dreams become your reality.

Bible & Spiritual ConnectionPsalms 1:3 & Jeremiah 17:10
Prosperity is not something that comes and goes; it becomes a part of your lifestyle. When you are blessed to be prosperous, you will see fruits of it in your life and continue to evolve for the better because of what you have done to reach that level and all that you are. Nothing that comes into your life is happenstance; it is rooted in a gift given to you that is connected to the good deeds that you perform and grant in your life.  You must put in work and live a life that is likened to your beliefs, morals, values, and wanted outcomes for yourself and others.

Be blessed and be at peace.

U – Unified Self


Any aim for your life requires full commitment from you.  Taking steps and evolving will also mean that you bring together what you need from the inside-out. Let’s look at the work unified – means to bring things together in a uniform manner.

I remember when I thought that a degree would change everything, but that’s not enough. Mental growth is only a part of the journey that we all must embark upon in our personal transformation.

To be your unified self you must:
Understand your personal gaps (in health, mentality, and emotional stability)
Challenge yourself to break barriers and typical norms
Care for yourself (mind, body, and spirit) every day, while remembering that it isn’t selfish to do so
Keep learning (and this doesn’t have to mean years and years in school)
Empower yourself and find the tools to do that effectively
Make time for evaluation of your growth, so that you can develop a plan to continue to evolve
Eat in a way that is conducive (in alignment) with the life that you want
Meditate, pray, and reflect (you’re not in this alone, I promise)
Control your inner and outer environment
Eliminate negativity
Let go of your past

We have all learned and grown from many facets of life, but that doesn’t mean that we have to let those things bind us. The unified self flourishes because it is when we care enough and are aware enough to figure out what may be holding us back in any way. Only when we can move into a place of inner curiosity can we create realities from possibilities with our unified selves.

A plan for greatness is just a plan until we can grant ourselves permission to become whole and able to conquer what life will bring forth.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Galatians 5:22-23 &  Psalms 16:7
Bringing together your unified self will shine a lot on all that you are capable of doing.  The goodness and beauty of a mission that isn’t self-serving are powerful, wonderful, and blessed. You have warmth, love, and a consistent realm of consist that are always around and within you. When the little voice in your head suggests a shift or brings love to your heart pay attention to what that means and make the most of it through your unified self.

Be blessed and be at peace.

S – Success Anointed


There is a division that a lot of us place into our minds that can break apart spiritual and personal life. However, there is a multitude of ways that the two collide on a regular basis. Have you experienced something that was absolutely mind-blowing, especially because “it happened to you”? In that momentary feeling of success, I bet you realized that in some way there was an anointing, gift, blessing, and a sort of divinity that must have been at play.

*An anointing can be also defined as a blessing*

I don’t think that anything in our lives happens accidentally. Successes that we experience in our lives are so much bigger than we are, and isn’t that wonderful?!

Everything that you do is connected to something wonderful that lives inside of you. For myself, I know that the Holy Trinity is a part of every fiber of my being and the fruit that I bear and the love within my heart show that to be true. You see, success comes together with effort, belief, practice, and consistency, and faith.

Certainly, there are those who are born into financial freedom, but even those people have to work hard to maintain that status. You are wonderfully made and none could compare to you. Success is anointed when you fervently aim to do something greater than yourself.

The common scope of imagination is limited, biased, short-sighted in many ways, and incapable of dreaming large-scale dreams. For those of us who dare to dream, we experience successfully anointed things. I challenge you to think about what you really want out of your life and how that can become a reality. No realm of success that is longed for or worth having lacks an anointing; in this is how you can be sure that not only are you blessed, you an insurmountable amount of abilities to bless others in the work that you do.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
1 John 4:13 (ESV) & Luke 1:37
Having a life filled with success requires love and effort. God is present in more ways than you can imagine. Nothing is impossible as you can rest assured that you are not alone on your journey. That gift that lies inside of you is yours to behold and to cherish. Your successes may be challenging, but knowing that you God lives inside of you, you should equally come to know that you can literally have anything and be successful in your anointing.

Be blessed and be at peace.

(If you are looking for a professional speaker for your next event, please contact me.)

Q – Query or Lesson


There are times that arise when a situation stumps us and we do not know what to do to overcome it.  This is surely a time of great reflection, meditation, prayer, and necessary visualization. On another end of the spectrum, it is equally a time to decide the situation means to you (at your core).

One situation that I have encountered is in dealing with difficulties within the school setting and not having adequate support that I think I need in order to perform well. Yes, in difficult moments, we can get angry, fuss, cuss, and yell…but is that enough to give us the answers and the vision that we need to take what happened and turn it into something fruitful?

When the road gets rough, the thing to consider is whether what is happening is a time for a query or a needed lesson.

Even when we think that we are wise and intellectual, there is yet still something to be learned. These queries may stimulate our growth and the lessons that you may need to let could set you apart from others at every level. When reached for what you can learn from queries or lessons will change your life in the way that you allow them to.

Think clearly. Be patient with yourself. Take the time to understand beyond the surface what you need to learn, especially when you are facing trials in your life.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 1:5 & 1 Thessalonians 5:11
There are countless lessons to be learned in life, but it is important to remember the value that they hold and that in your journey toward seeking sound knowledge God is present. No one walks this road alone, so do not be afraid to ask questions or learn the lesson that you need to learn. 

O – Originality Counts


Look to the sky at any given moment and write down what you see. Shapes, colors, the appearance of texture, and how you feel at any given moment during a gaze into the skies is original and irreplaceable. The pictured sky will never look the same again. Side note: God is my favorite artist.

If you look at the way that you do your craft and lead your life, you will see that your originality is what makes your journey and impact different than any other. If you wish to become great at what you do and move above a state of mediocrity, you must stand out. Divine outcomes will come from the way that you share the very fibers of your soul.

One thing that I love about this blog space is the freedom to share my experiences, education, and love for positive and real empowerment. No matter what or how anyone tries, they cannot replicate what you do; isn’t that amazing?! Originality in your natural wonder and mental creations counts.

Bible & Spiritual Connection

1 Peter 5:6 & Proverbs 16:3
Anything that you do, when it is connected to something that is greater than yourself and God you can expect greatness in return. You see, all that you do, when humble and consistent in your efforts, is blessed before your eyes. Remain true to who you are, remember to keep your soul included in your journey and you will be blessed through and through.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Putting Yourself First


Doubt– When little voices creep in asking us if we are doing the right thing we decide if we listen or challenge them. Doubt can make us question absolutely everything that we do and break us down if we give in to any negative aspect that comes in. Putting ourselves first means that we have to be able to not only understand the doubts that arise but also be able to overcome them so that we can reach our highest potential.

Fear– the fear of what if…the fear of judgment…the fear of not reaching goals…
All of these are real (ask me how I know). I have dealt with fears in many aspects of life. It can be difficult to have a stronghold over fears, but it can be done. Strength in vision, self, faith, and direction are all necessary in trying to overcome embedded fears.

Worth– You’re value is not determined by the world. It is established by God and to be understood and upheld by you. When someone challenges that, it hurts, right? It can even make you feel like maybe you aren’t worth what you said you are worth. We cannot allow others’ opinions, blocked/biased views, or internal problems to shift our worth.

Am I Enough?
Yes, you are. You may not be perfect and you may not have become all that you are called to be in your life YET, but you are enough. We all have space to grow and evolve. No one came into this world having all the answers, thank goodness! You can use what you have inside to make the most of your present; you just have to look beyond the surface and take inventory. Let nothing cause you to change what you think of yourself. How you view yourself and carry yourself is how others will treat you, so be careful.

Why can’t we channel our success but we can be extreme givers for anyone else?
First…Not okay. You need to understand why you are doing what you are doing…so, here we go…

Write it all down!

Ask yourself what would happen if you put yourself first.
Look internally and decide if what you are doing for others is proof that you can do even greater things in your own life.

Why can’t we be busy with our own growth?
You can be. You first must choose to do so. It is hard to put myself first in many instances, but I realize that if I don’t I am only hindering my growth. We can find hundreds of other things to be doing besides evolving ourselves. Sure that may be okay in the temporary, but we will hurt ourselves and be depriving ourselves in the long run.

Without putting yourself first and making sure that you are healthy, safe, and positively evolving, those around you will in some way suffer.

You are wonderfully made and a gift to this world.

Discover and love yourself. Don’t let the world try to break God’s mold (you).

If you can dream it you can have it. Don’t cheat yourself.

You are destined for greatness, and there is nothing nor any outside person that can do something to make God’s promises on your life not come into fruition in the physical realm.

She knows very well that eating alone is a part of her journey. Even when she is into her success, that table should still not be filled as she knows that evil and negativity will still be lurking. Her independence and strength are internal to all that she is. She is courage. She is greatness. She is on her way to her destiny.
She is you.
She is me.

Be blessed and be at peace.