Y -Yield to Positivity


Isn’t it interesting how we can get so bogged down with life at times, that we share our difficult moments with others and yet learn how misery really does love company? It is a gift to be able to share life with friends but rarely do people share the good things in life and push each other to be better; this is because sharing the storms in life can be much easier than spreading positivity.

What if when we experienced difficulties, we were able to share the positive possibilities and be surrounded by rays of light in people who align with the vision that we have for ourselves? That would be a much better world to live in, wouldn’t it?

Allowing the weight of our despair to take over our minds and hearts hurts a lot more when we are unable to yield to a remnant of positivity. The strength that we can create in our minds starts with working diligently to find a bit of light when the storms roll in.

Going through a struggle may be an easier ride, but it would be much more beneficial to gift yourself with a bumpy ride that arrives at positivity from time-to-time. When we can take the time to consistently feed our despair a switch of the mind and shift ourselves into positivity gear, we find that life if is a little easier if and when can alter our views. Give yourself the gift of yielding to positivity and know that you do not have to linger in difficult days.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
You are a vessel carrying what you need to reach your destiny, so why not fill that vessel with positivity whenever possible. If you ever feel like you cannot reach that source of positivity look up and inside of yourself. Don’t block out the light, you never know when you may need it.
James 1:2-4
You have the power to find your joy no matter what you face. Surely it takes effort to be steadfast, but the reward is great. Keep strong to your faith and no that from every trial there is a lesson to be learned. Be overjoyed that you can still see the light and feel some sense of peace when you can yield to positivity and cast your worries aside.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Dear Black Kings


Dear Black Kings
Dear Black Kings, lean on your Queens.
Know that we know life is harder than it may seem.
We see your worries and feel your pain.
We know that a heavy heart can drive you insane.
We never want you to feel alone,
So feel and see that we are with you in the heat of the zone.
A part of our world may need mending,
But we need your truths to always be ascending.
Even if the road gets rough and your tears do fall,
Your Queen will always be there to pick up the ball.
Give me your hand and tag me in,
In this life, together, we can win.
I carry your heart and you hold mine
With each other, we will yet again see the sun shine.
I’ll wear my crown while we shine yours,
I’ll pray over you and you’ll become you once more.
Strength and courage of a lion and lioness
We will overcome challenges that bring us stress.
We’ll get through dark days with love, know that this is true.
This life together is to be conquered and it’s all possible with me AND you.
Signed, his Black Queen.

The Endless Pandemic of the Evil Plague


The Endless Pandemic of the Evil Plague
Hearts cry and break from the pain of the ended lives and partial blame

While leaders find that their behavior is not to be shamed.

Mothers live in fear simply because their baby boys have brown skin

While black and brown men house anger, disappointment, and fear from within.

The KKK comes out during the day and posts ads in the paper by night

Real changes are nowhere in sight.

Years of hate taught to children and the masses,

Yet no one can teach evil-doers, hate-free classes.

Murders and ill-will run rampant and justice turn a cheek

All while families lose their loved ones every week.

Sister, I hear your cries and I feel your pain,

No good life should be ended – slain.

Lift your voices and march in the streets,

Tread with power, truth, and history wrapped around your feet.

We will not be silenced today or tomorrow

We will not live our lives in never-ending sorrow.

Let us find the cure and give the vaccine for free.

Let us flatten this curve forever and let all people just be.

A word, hug, prayer, or termination of a job will not be enough,

From all this, our worries will thrive, and our skin will only grow tough.

We need a resolution and we need it to last;

The end of hate and brutality is something we need to happen fast.

Abrupt actions and ego will not impart

The greatness that is needed (it starts in the heart).

Democrat, Republican, Undeclared, Left, or Right,

None of these matters if compassion for ALL people is not the real fight.

Hear me now, loud, and clear,


We can stop this pandemic and end foolish pride

When we can finally put all our differences aside.

-KayLa N. Allen, MPH (A Proud Brown/Black Woman)

K – Know Your Weaknesses


In all things in your life, there are moments when you know exactly what you need to do to succeed and navigate through your life.

On the other hand, there are favorable characteristics or assets that you wish you had but they may not come naturally to you. In these moments, is when you need to be able to look inside of yourself and know what your real weaknesses are. None of us were born exactly the same and we all have something that we can learn from other people; so, it is important to learn from those areas that make us feel like we are not able to accomplish some goal.

Weaknesses can break us down if we keep our eyes glued to how they may be negatively impacting us. However, weaknesses are not meant to break us; they are meant to empower us and encourage us to continue to grow in our strengths and in areas in which we may not be as familiar. We must own the fact that none of us are perfect and we can never aim to be that. We must also realize that a “woe is me” mindset when we are not currently able to handle something, will not change a present situation.

I have a passion for all things related to public and global health. I also have a heart for survivors who are now thrivers after overcoming domestic violence. One of my greatest passions is in writing, however, I also love to train and help to evolve leaders. I know that there are things that do not come naturally to me like the “gift of gab” related to public speaking and social interaction as I am an introvert, but that does not mean that I cannot learn tips and tricks to relate to others at a deeper level outside of my comfort zone. (This is what true self-inventory can look like, so do this for yourself.)

When you know your weaknesses, you can grow from what may have been trying to hold you back.

We must choose a path and not let personal doubts, weakness, or lack of knowledge hold us back. If we wish to address weaknesses, we must first be mindful of their existence. Take time for yourself (you know that you deserve it) and write down what your weaknesses are and why they exist. After we become honest with ourselves, we can adjust our actions to shift in a positive light.

Ever heard of the phrase “Knowledge Empowers You”? Take the first letter of each word and realize that:
“You are the K.E.Y. to your evolution and your future.”

Bible & Spiritual Connection:
Jeremiah 17:10 & Isaiah 40:29

If God knows who we are and He can even hear the desires of our hearts, He will bless us as He sees fit. As you know, sitting at home and praying is not all that must be done; you must put in the work, plant the seeds, and watch as your gardens grow. God supplies needs, but you must also put in the effort. You must be mindful and aware of what is present in your life if you wish to address it all and overcome/work with your weaknesses.

You can do ALL things.

Be blessed and be at peace.

J- Joyful Stride


As we go through life, we each have experiences that contribute to our emotions and feelings. It can be rather easy for good things to make us feel happy and difficulties to brings us a spirit and feeling of worry or stress. Even though these things are true, we all have moments when we continue to push through when we aim to just keep going, pushing, and living for another moment in time and a graced opportunity to endure another day.

When you walk here and there, remember why each step is holding value for you. Consider each moment in time as another step taken.  I know that when I am approaching any step, it feels so big to me and sometimes that makes it scary; even then, I know that I must take a few deep breaths and focus on the purpose. 

Each step in one’s journey must be taken in stride. If you find yourself in a space in time when things are difficult and you lose a sense of direction and/or can’t find your purpose, find a joyful stride. Only you can hold onto and continue to pay attention to the joy that lives inside of you.

The walk through life can be unpredictable, but it can also be so beautiful. Take a moment to reflect on your past and you will find many reasons to walk with a joyful stride. 

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Habakkuk 3:18-19 & Micah 6:8

A path is laid in front of you combined with purpose, grace, and intention greater than yourself. The stride that you journey with is a joyful mission designed only for you. God speaks to you throughout your journey with a sweet musical sound that your heart can hear. You must tune your ears and work to understand what is being asked of you and be willing to lean on His understanding and mission for your life. When the roads get rocky and if you lose your footing, know that you are still not alone in this journey. Practice goodness and empathy in what you do and know that anything you aim to do within your life if it is in His time and according to His will, it will be divinely orchestrated. Be joyful in your experiences and know that soon enough your greatness will come forth.

Be blessed and be at peace.

R – Relieve Your Pain


Let’s chat about the hard days and moments. 

Fill in your own answers…

How many times have you cried yourself to sleep?

How many friends have you lost?
How many losses have you experienced/lived through?
How many times have you convinced yourself that you were unhappy?
How many times have you stayed in a broken relationship?
How many times have you forgiven others?
How many times have you beaten yourself down?

The questions could go on and on, but the real question that you should ask yourself is “what did you learn”.

You must be willing to give yourself permission to relieve your pain.

Without permission to heal, how can you move forward?

Are you walking around with your perceived “brokenness” on your sleeves? 

You should be a walking story, but not one housing the pain of your past.

People are not always what they seem and books’ finest and most beautiful details are not found on their covers.

Re-create your life, fill your heart with what you love, make yourself truly happy, feed your soul, reinvent your everything and show yourself true relief and healing.

John 16:33

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Although you may have faced pain you must remember that you do not have hold strong to it. He bore it all!

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” His promises are grand! His vision for your life is perfect! No matter what you faced, the best is yet to come if you believe, hold strong to your faith, and put in the work.

Give yourself hope and freedom, relieve your pain.

If your pain is in your past, shouldn’t your power and freedom be in your present and future? Live it up!

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Rotavirus 

Symptoms: severe watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite and dehydration.
Prevalence: most common in infants and young children, but adults can get the disease. Vaccinated children are less likely to get sick from rotavirus. 2013- over 200,000 children died from rotavirus (worldwide).
Treatment; no specific medicine, but doctor may recommend certain medication to treat symptoms.
Prevention: drink plenty of liquids. Read more at: https://www.cdc.gov/features/rotavirus/

Abuse, Bible, Blessings, Clarity, Domestic Violence, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolution, Faith, Growth, Global Health, Holistic Health, Mindfulness, Public Health, Self-Worth, Strength, Prosperity, Warrior, Overcome

N – No Longer a Victim


Whether you are the person that lost yourself, faced brokenness, lost your voice, were beaten, were molested, faced assault of any kind, face being hurt with intent, or anything in between you were once a victim.

I faced much from being forced to do unspeakable acts to being physically and sexually assaulted. This is my truth that I share to you. There is much more than could be shared, but we will keep the past brief as the future is much more important.

You see, when you were living in pain, you were forced to become a person that you were surely not happy with. Perhaps, like me, you felt torn apart, like you had no value, like your opinions and/or feelings didn’t matter. Maybe you felt like you became another person to make someone else comfortable, unbothered, or calm… None of this is fair and I can assure you that I can relate to you in one way or another. 

At some point, you have to realize that you are no longer a victim. 
– If you have already done this, I applaud you and send you the warmest of hugs on the greatest change that has occurred in your life. I promise that you still have growing to do and thoughts of the past will arise (I know this from experience), but you have put in some serious work and have taught yourself some truly valuable life and love lessons.

– If you have not done this already, your time is now. You can Break Your Silence Against Domestic Violence or whatever you may have faced in your past. You ARE NO LONGER A VICTIM, I speak that (out loud) on your life right now.

I freely speak freedom on your life because I know how it feels to be bound to your pain. You, in this very moment, have to power to gain your freedom and live in it.

Freedom is a release of all that may have hurt you or held you back in some form. 

You have to make the choice and consistent decision to say:
I am no longer a victim. 
I am no longer going to allow my past to hurt me. 
The lessons that my past ( the Universe and/or God) taught me are for my good.
My past does not control my future.
What I faced will not stop me.
I may have dealt with that, but I can still have anything that I want in my life.

For me when I faced homelessness, brokenness, deep pain, hopelessness, and a loss of self, I could not see anything but that. I had to learn and re-learn all that I could have in my life. God promised me (and you) a life of prosperity. I had to decide again and again to chose me.

You MUST reclaim your power. You must make the decision to stop being a victim and move into the realms of being a survivor; this is only step one. For every moment that you allow your past to reign over you or any aspect of your life, you lose another significant moment of happiness, peace, and living in your greatest purpose.

I’m not making light of anything that you have faced, as I know pain and have spoken to/mentored many people in their quest to be free and live a positively evolved life. What I am saying is that you have to choose yourself over and over again; this is the only way that you can truly be free. 

I lived as a victim more years than one. I lived as a victim and the pain weighed more than a ton. I lived as victim through perceived obligation and force. Now I have changed my life for the better, never to return to that broken obstacle course. #btsadv #KayLasPositivityCorner

No more making excuses about how you can’t do things because you were hurt. It is time for you to take control.

If I can go through rounds of pain for years, find myself, then fall again, find myself then make excuses for my abuserS, then find myself again and crawl out of the dust to get to where I am – now a Master of Public Health that graduated with a well-deserved 4.0 making the President’s List twice, an empowerment via holistic health blogger, and the managing director at Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. You are no longer a victim, so stop behaving as such. Proclaim that you are free and start fighting for want you want and deserve in you life. Need an accountability partner? I will help you and you can help me.

This message is so strong and so important to me that we have to hit the bible three times!

Psalms 9:9
“The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” God has been there for you even if you didn’t know it or feel His presence. When you were going through your rough patches, He was implanting love and strength in you. It is your time to act on all that you have learn; welcome God into this new part of your journey and remember that you are no longer a victim and you must start acting/living like it.

The Universe activates what you think about and act on. If you are telling yourself that you are living in low spaces or thoughts as you are because of what you experienced, guess what thoughts and feelings will surround you? Brokenness and inability to change you life for the better. Be encouraged starting right now and change everything because you deserve it. Speak it out loud, it is being heard!

Psalms 147:3
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” You are no longer a victim, God is binding your wounds, putting you through perfect surgery. What are you doing with your healing? How are you living? How do you feel? If you are not shaking everything up and working on bettering your life and living in your highest purpose, you are doing yourself a great disservice! You better start making changes because no matter what you faced, no one can change your future except you. 

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Tell your giants (your past pain and anything that binds you) that it is time go! Knock your walls down! If you haven’t made changes, turned things around for your good, or loosed whatever has hurt you, you may be living in fear but that is not what God has promised you. He gave you so much more…so what are you doing with it? If you haven’t done anything with that knowledge, I dare you to start today! “You are the seed by faith received, the blessing of Abraham – it’s your inheritance, get your inheritance!” -Donald Lawrence

I said it before and I say it again SURVIVORS, YOU ARE NO LONGER VICTIMS SO ACT LIKE IT! I believe in you and I know that you are going to have so many great things come your way if you have faith, believe in yourself, and act on what you want.

You are living, so start doing so! Dream big… I do! Why dream small when you can have it all?

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
National Public Health Week #NPHW #NPHW2019 #IDWP

Healthy Communities: We all deserve access to high-quality, compassionate care, but this is not always the case for many communities. Do what you can to create a shift in this in your own neighborhood via volunteer efforts or anything that calls to your heart. It will make a true difference.

Violence Prevention: What you and your children watch, hear, listen to on the radio, read about etc. affects everything that you do. Speak peace, bridge gaps faced, do whatever you can to heal people around you, you may just save a life. We can all do our part here.

Rural Health: You can act positively here and work to bridge gaps in healthcare. Build a program, share your ideas with organizations, volunteer, contribute, do whatever it takes to bring health to all people. People living in urban areas should have the same access as others; if we collaborate and keep our hearts intact we can create a positive and long-lasting impact in healthcare.

Technology and Public Health: The world is changing and advancing rapidly, bringing care to people can mean the use of technology. I am building a program to bridge a gap in dv, what are you doing to make a shift using what you know and are an expert in?

Global Health: We walk through life often complaining about what we face big or small. How often do you think about the world? Global health is so important to me because I frequently think about people what others are facing: no access to care, drought, disease, homelessness, etc. This world has over 7 billion people living in it. If you can help one person, one community, one state in health care, think about how much you have done and how many others will be positively impacted. 

You have the power to create positive changes all around you. Start digging to find out how. Live in your positive purpose today and forever. The world needs you. Use your lessons from the days of being a victim to empower and change the world today.

Victim, Survivor, Empowerment, Mental Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, Overcome, Determination, Community, Growth, Happiness, Manifest, Mindfulness, Domestic Violence, Strength, Success, Support, Universe, God, Bible

C-Chasing Away Personal Monsters


Your monsters come in every shape and form. Monsters big or small can wreak havoc, throw stones at you, break your pride, and dim your light…..if you let them.

When you grow into your strengths, live in your purpose, and push to become that which you are called to be even the biggest of monsters can be chased away.

For some, their monsters are people
…these people have caused pain, brokenness, confusion, frustration, and loss of self. These people are essentially spirit-breakers; when they find the space and place to bring on the pain and heartbreak they lay it on hard. 

The challenge for you is to see beyond your tears and not allow those pain-evoking people to crush you from the inside-out. Do not allow these people into your circle and certainly do not allow anyone to stay in your life should they exhibit ugliness, evil, or any type of negativity. Stand up, shine your light, and chase away those who do not belong with you on your journey.

For others, their monsters may be things/places
…these things are what you truly have control over at every moment. Whether your monster in this sense is a habit that is hard to break, a place that you need to grow apart from, or a space that is no longer serving you as it should- you have got to pay attention and do whatever it takes to chase away this monster.

Even still another type of monster can be your emotions. You are most definitely entitled to your emotions and no one can take them away from you or force you to feel differently. The most important thing with this type of monster is to not allow it to take over your life. Emotions change according to environment and many other things around you. No matter how much this monster tries to chase and/or tackle you, you have got to keep pushing forward.

2 Peter 1:5-9
“For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.” No matter what you face, there is a way to cover it in love and prosperity. Chasing away your monsters does something that is so important and that is: give you more space to grow, be happy, and be at peace.

Clutter of your monsters must be cleaned up so that you can welcome what is going to bless your lives. The Universe brings forth more of what you put into it; if you are welcoming and/or allowing the negative to stay you are hurting yourself, all around you, and your chance for opportunities.

Proverbs 12:16
“Fools shows their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.” If your monsters hurt you, you have to do what works best for you and get rid of them. This doesn’t mean that you fight fire with fire; you will receive a blessing unlike any other if you are kind (with your strength and voice intact). 

As you know, and I have said several times before, nothing is life is easy and it shouldn’t be. Think about how much stronger you would be if you chased away your monsters. Think about the power and the fire inside of you that will only grow when that place, space, or thing no longer belongs in your are gone. 

Don’t you deserve a beautiful smile on your face and to live in happiness and peace?

Don’t you deserve success in life?

Don’t you deserve all that you imagine and beyond?

…Of course you do!

Take the time to learn about your monsters and do what it takes to chase them completely out of the scene. You deserve that!

Be blessed and be at peace.
#KayLasPositivity Corner

***Health Spotlight*** Chikungunya- a mosquito transmitted virus
Symptoms: fever, headache, rash, swelling, and joint pain
Treatment: unfortunately, there is no vaccine to prevent or treat the infection; most feel better after a week, so drink fluids take Tylenol and get some rest.
Prevention: use mosquito netting, wear long sleeves, and use repellent
Prevalence: a global impact; last year there were about 150 reported cases of chikungunya in the U.S. (CDC), but thousands more affected across the world
– Chasing away monsters with this disease means so much more than taking care of yourself; it means plugging into your family, community, and the world. There is so much that we can do in our own communities; it takes a village and our impact can be great if only we use what we have to make a change. Think about how blessed you are and never forget how underserved so many others are; do your part, let’s change the world for the better by chasing away the monsters that so many people face.

Growth, Global Health, Light, Manifest, mental health, Overcome, Worthy, Self-Worth, Self-Love, public health, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Law of Attraction

Cope, Hide, Overcome, Run or Escape? (C.H.O.R.E.)


So, you’ve had a bad day…
Your kids are driving you mad…
You’re feeling stuck…
You can’t answer the “what if” question….
Life is sending you on the roller coaster of your life…

No matter what storm you go through, you have options to choose from.
Each one will get you an end.
Each one will have a consequence.
Each one can take you out of your situation.

Which do you choose?
Will you cope, hide, overcome, run, or escape?

If the answer doesn’t come to you immediately, then you have some work and thinking to do. 

No more crying, no more pity party, no more hiding.

Burdens that arise in our lives stress our minds, bodies, and spirits…look at the power that we can give those things.   (Scary…)

In the midst of a breakdown in anything from your finances to your spirit, you must make the choice to cope with what happened, run, escape, and overcome…hiding and sitting on your butt whining and complaining will only give you more of the same. No matter the choice you make, be sure that you are prepared to live with the outcome.

You need to shape your mind, evolve your thinking, and make a decision sooner than later…because little do you know you are affecting everyone around you while you live in that storm. You are causing pain and destruction to yourself and your future; you deserve clarity, peace, and happiness…so choose wisely.

Though the pressure may seem high, you have to do your C.H.O.R.E. If you need support or somewhere to turn, I promise it is much closer than you think. You have friends, love, and family (even those who aren’t related) that care about you…I PROMISE. I care 100% and I am here for you.

You must be willing to do the work. Are you ready?

Getting beyond your circumstances will start in the mind. You have to step out of your element to see beyond the fire in your eyes or the flame circling your situation. 

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  God can deliver you from your circumstances if and only if you believe, and if you put in the REQUIRED effort. Things will not change on their own nor will they magically disappear. You can have the peace that you desire, but it may take time.

Please, know that you are not the only one dealing with a tough time; also know that you can are the master of your life. It is okay to choose to cope with your situation if it the best thing for you and/or your family; you have to step back and answer the question on your own, no one else can make that decision for you. Be wise, think, and weigh your option; comb through your situations with a fine tooth comb.

1 Peter 3:9-11
“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.” 
I know that you may have a deep hurt inside of yourself because of something that someone else said or did, and yes you should stand up for yourself. Remember this though, you need to do what you can to mend the situation; in every other area simply be kind- no matter how difficult that may be. 

To briefly cover a powerful conversation that included the Dalai Lama- He said that if you are living with anger/negativity inside of yourself that is selfishness; you must realize that what you are seeing is simply that and nothing more- it is not really what is happening. You have to be able to look deeper at your situation and inside of yourself to make changes and evolve from your current position.

It is time to take drastic measures. Shape it up and shake it off; push for change and try your best not to question your decision after it has been made.

Though challenges may present themselves, you must make a healthy choice. The words you speak, the choices you make, and the space that you reside in affect your life in every way. 

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
As we know, stress can be linked to many kinds of illnesses and disorders varying from something as “simple” as a migraine to PTSD and Heart Disease. It is important to understand the impact that events in your life can have on your mind and body. Be careful and pay attention to what your body tells you. If you are experiencing stress do what it takes to find true, lasting peace; it may just save your life. 

Cope, Overcome, Strong, Growth, Empowerment, Mental Health, Public Health, Kindness, Global Health, Healing, Positivity



No matter what obstacles you face in your life, you are worthy of the great things that you want for yourself.

What does it mean to be worthy? How do you know if you are worthy?

Worthiness inside of you means that you are deserving, it is as simple as that. You know that you are worthy of all that life, God, and the Universe have to offer you if you are leading a kind, compassionate, thriving, humble, determined, prosperous, and goal-driven life. 

Every one of us has a story to tell, a testimony to share and spread, and some element of pain attached to a part of us; it is all about what we do with those lessons and moments that will show us that we are living in our purpose and we are worthy to be great. 

I always mention living in your purpose, and it is important to do so no matter what is happening in your life. 

If you are sad in a moment or angry at someone, guess what? You need to think about it in the moment and then let it go. Remember that you are worthy of happiness and pure joy. You are not perfect and you may have some growing to do, but you are still worthy.

Worthiness is not something that can be shoved into your mind, though. You must be in tune with yourself and be able to look in the mirror at more than the image being reflected back to you.

Show and remind yourself that you are worthy by taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Even if you aren’t going anywhere for the day, even if your kids are driving you crazy, even if your job is draining you…get yourself together physically; get healthy, cut out your bad habits that are damaging your body and your life. You deserve to look well-groomed, polished and like the worthy being that you are.

Even if the storms in your life are turning into what seem to be disasters, be prayerful and meditate. If you are not taking care of your thoughts and what you put out into the Universe, how can you expect to live out your biggest dreams or achieve your highest goals. You deserve and are worthy of a healthy mental state. Do what is best for you.

Even if you are feeling depressed, anxious, broken, or lost remember that worthiness and happiness are embedded inside of you. You are an amazing and blessed being that is unlike any other and you have so much to offer the world. You are worthy of love, kindness, compassion, and so much more.

Even if you don’t go to church, if your faith is shaken, or if you have lost hope in the Universe know that your spirit is still intact and you are worthy of strength in your faith. You have everything that you need to be spiritually strong within you, but you must tap into it and be consistent.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” God knew that you were worthy before you were even created, don’t block yourself from all that He has promised.
The Universe is aware of your needs and wishes, don’t be blind to all that it is working out for you and all that it has to offer you.

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Greatness is what you are made of and from, so doesn’t that mean that you are directly destined for and worthy of greatness? You were made of all that is love from He and what is love, therefore you are worthy of love and all that is made for you.

Blessings are flowing all around you and you are worthy of each one. Stop letting things (or people) block you from receiving what you are worthy of. Make the changes that are necessary for you to grow and become all that you are worthy of. 

Do you think are worthy now? The answer should be and needs to be YES!!!

***Health Spotlight***

West Nile Virus- A common virus caused by mosquitoes; approximately 1 in every 150 people with the infection develop a serious illness and 1 in 5 develop symptoms, according to the CDC.  The virus has a regular transmission cycle and can affect humans and other mammals. It is found in North America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and West Asia, according to the WHO. Use EPA registered insect repellent and follow the application directions. Further protect yourself by wearing appropriate clothing. There are small things that you can do to protect yourself and your little ones. Failing to prepare could be detrimental, so do what is necessary to take care of your family.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Worthy, Change, Global Health, Public Health, Mental Health, Manifest, Overcome, Epidemiology, Prosperity, Strength, Thinking, Universe, God, Evolving,