F – Face Your Truth


In life, you know that who you are, what you believe in, and your character stands the test of time.  This is equally true for your emotional presence even when you are going through a season of difficulties and transition. 

If you make mistakes, you have a chance to correct them, ask forgiveness when possible, and express remorse. If you feel yourself stumble in life, you are allowed the space and time in your physical and mental environment to dust yourself off and put forth a correction or redirection in your steps.

As a beautiful silver teapot set, even when the world may try to tarnish your truth or identity, you are still magnificent – face that truth!

Don’t deny yourself the ability to be true to you. What is your truth? Are you walking in your truth and working through it?

In this season of my life, I am facing my truth. There are days where fears, anxiety, and even disappointment arise, however, it is those days of heavy storms where I dig even deeper and keep pushing to find my rainbow.

If you are not yet where you want to be what is stopping you? Is it you?
If you aren’t challenged, what is bringing limits to your life?

Perhaps these questions, seasons, and areas of confusion mean that it is time for you to take off your blinders and face your truth so that you can make lasting changes.

Facing your truth can bring tears, joy, and countless emotions. Without your truth (unfiltered and raw) you cannot become who you or anyone else needs.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
John 8:32 & 1 Corinthians 2:13
Your truth can truly set you free in mind, body, and spirit. When we can release ourselves from lies, shadowed realities, and blocked internal light life alters in every way possible. Even when we face temptation, God will deliver us and provide us a way of endurance and escape. Isn’t it great that we can turn to God in any season of our lives, face our truths, and He will always be at our side? Hold strong to your truth even if you trip or fall, as it will lead you to new heights and wisdom that was formerly untapped.

Be blessed and be at peace.



Forgiveness- how to do it, why you
should do it, and what comes from forgiving yourself and others.
We’re human, we make some poor choices, and we all have to be able to forgive
those faults whether we are the dealer or we’re on the receiving end.

to forgive…
you face yourself in the mirror and say, yes I made the mistake of… or yes I
did that crazy thing, but I now realize that it was wrong, childish, stupid,
ridiculous and I forgive myself for the act and what happened because of it…
then you do whatever it takes to NEVER DO IT AGAIN. 

For those that believe in a higher power: take it to God (or whomever you believe in) in prayer and ask for forgiveness. He/she sees all and knows your heart. The universe sees all that you go through and recognizes your thoughts and words as stepping stones for your life; by forgiving yourself and adjusting your thoughts, you change your future before you physically see.

acts of owning your mistakes and relieving yourself of any pain or sadness
connected to it may be the best thing that you could do for yourself, your
life, your children, your spouse, family or business. We may sometimes get into a
mode where we are ready to crawl inside of a hole because of something that
we’ve done or didn’t do… but think about it, what good will that do? You need
to stand up again, move beyond that time, grow from it and use your lesson as a part of a living testimony to save someone else. Forgive yourself, you deserve it.

Yes, so many of us have been let down, “burned” by, abused by, hurt
by others…many times by those who we thought loved us. Guess what though… if you can’t forgive them for whatever they have done you will only hurt
yourself and block your blessings. Now, I’m not saying that you should forgive
them and let them back in or allow them to hurt you over and over again. Forgive, but do not become a pawn in their game and allow it to reoccur.

Forgiving others does not mean that they have to apologize! You go into your
mind, in prayer, in meditation and pan through the problem or occurrence in
your mind; you forgive by not allowing it to take over your life, keep hurting
you, etc. You say “I forgive you for… that you did to me, my family,
etc”. God forgives us, you need to forgive others and yourself for your own inner peace, calmness,
clarity, and growth.

take revenge!
Romans 12:19 “Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the
righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will
pay them back,” says the LORD.”
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  It is not your job to go toe-to-toe and hurt someone because they hurt you; again, this will only hurt you in the end. Speak kindly, do what you can to overcome the pain, and walk away if it is at all possible. How you respond to certain words/situations can deeply affect your life.
are not perfect nor are those who have harmed/hurt you!!!

in the Bible
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will
your Father forgive your trespasses.  You need to have a heart and mind that forgives; your life and all within it benefits when you can forgive.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ
forgave you. You have a part of your that is filled with love and kindness, even when it hurts you have to try to remember that. 

happens when you forgive?
You can smile, laugh, love, and be happy again. You can reclaim your power,
your joy and your many present and coming blessings… you can live again!

your doors, break down those walls and forgive! No, it’s not always that
easy… but it can be done. Yes, you may lose some “friends” or have
to love some family only from a distance… but that’s ok.
praying for any of you that may be going through a rough patch, have just gone
through something or those who may be living in confusion, pain, depression
because of a negative situation. I love you with the love of the Lord, and more
importantly God loves you and He will never leave you.
If you need to talk, I’m always around.

the meantime, get to work so that you can change your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Fascioliasis
Symptoms of this parasitic infection: fever, nausea, swollen liver, rashes, and abdominal pain  (WHO)
Prevalence: Over 2 million people (approximate total over time) in more than 70 countries have been infected with the infection. (WHO)
Treatment: After stool specimen/blood work diagnosis, oral medication is available through the CDC under investigational protocol
Prevention: No eating raw watercress and other water plants, avoid food and water that is contaminated, protect animals, and thoroughly cook food.
Your health is they key to enjoying your life to the fullest. Know that so many people public health leader and advocates such as myself care about you, your family, your well-being, and your life.

Forgiveness, Peace, Clarity, Truth, Happiness, Life, Self-Love, Public Health, Mental Health, Empowerment, Epidemiology