J- Joyful Stride


As we go through life, we each have experiences that contribute to our emotions and feelings. It can be rather easy for good things to make us feel happy and difficulties to brings us a spirit and feeling of worry or stress. Even though these things are true, we all have moments when we continue to push through when we aim to just keep going, pushing, and living for another moment in time and a graced opportunity to endure another day.

When you walk here and there, remember why each step is holding value for you. Consider each moment in time as another step taken.  I know that when I am approaching any step, it feels so big to me and sometimes that makes it scary; even then, I know that I must take a few deep breaths and focus on the purpose. 

Each step in one’s journey must be taken in stride. If you find yourself in a space in time when things are difficult and you lose a sense of direction and/or can’t find your purpose, find a joyful stride. Only you can hold onto and continue to pay attention to the joy that lives inside of you.

The walk through life can be unpredictable, but it can also be so beautiful. Take a moment to reflect on your past and you will find many reasons to walk with a joyful stride. 

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Habakkuk 3:18-19 & Micah 6:8

A path is laid in front of you combined with purpose, grace, and intention greater than yourself. The stride that you journey with is a joyful mission designed only for you. God speaks to you throughout your journey with a sweet musical sound that your heart can hear. You must tune your ears and work to understand what is being asked of you and be willing to lean on His understanding and mission for your life. When the roads get rocky and if you lose your footing, know that you are still not alone in this journey. Practice goodness and empathy in what you do and know that anything you aim to do within your life if it is in His time and according to His will, it will be divinely orchestrated. Be joyful in your experiences and know that soon enough your greatness will come forth.

Be blessed and be at peace.

F – Failure Is Semi-Real


The act of failing is something that I would like to call a pit stop. Although you may not have made it to the destination once hoped for, you now have a moment to reflect, make changes, and get back out on the road.

“Failure is a pit stop before reaching some of your goals; pause, reflect, make changes and get back on the road.”

Real “Failure”
Failure can only become real, debilitating, or discouraging when you allow it to be a valid strain in your life. I understand that there are situations where failure could come about such as in a grading system, but even then it is not the end of the world unless you keep doing the same things and are not willing to evolve.  People “fail” when they do not understand why/how something has happened and they get stuck in that moment of sorrow or regret.

Overcoming the Shadow of “Failure”
Of course, people do make mistakes, but the only way to challenge and
overcome those mistakes is to let go of what did not work and make room
for success. Looking for the quick and easy route to doing things will
not serve you well. We must all accept that many plans of ours will not
go in our favor.

You Will Survive & Thrive
I have had to overcome much to reach my goals, but even when my days grew dark I still found the courage to keep believing that better days were coming if only I would keep trying.

If you believe in yourself, no amount of perceived/semi-real failure can stop you from being successful. Your job when “failure” comes about is to turn it into a lesson and grow from it. When watered a mental lesson become a mental garden.

Remember, every outcome is not your final destination.

Turn failure into success:

Becoming Dr. KayLa_Fear and Disappointment (Afraid to Fail or Succeed?):

Failure Doesn’t Actually Exist: Here’s Why:

A Celebration of “Failure”:

Spiritual Check-In
Joshua 1:9 & James 2:24
Courage can be found and owned when you realize and keep in mind that you are not alone. God is always with you; even when you may think He has let you down. Do what you can for yourself and be prayerful knowing that faith and works go hand in hand. If you see yourself winning, failing, succeeding, or anything in between know that you have so much to be thankful for. Evil beings want and would thrive off of us living in “failure” or disappointment. Hold strong and know that through love, patience, hard work, and the willingness to become more like God and aim to serve others with what He has uniquely blessed you with will change your life at every level; in that you will undoubtedly know that failure cannot be allowed to be real.

Be blessed and be at peace.

E – Effective Leadership


Leaders of the world unite! Maybe…?

Each person is different in every way, right? The same is true for leaders.

Let’s think about it.

For every business, there is a leader, but not every leader is the same. There are so many different leadership styles, character traits, and belief systems that encourage a leader to perform the way that they do. Effective leaders not only have an embedded understanding of who they are…they also work diligently to understand and positively impact their “subordinates”. On the other side of this, many of us have seen the opposite scenario just as well.

We (you and I) have the choice to change the way that we lead. When was the last time that you challenged your own performance or took inventory of the way that you tackle concerning situations? If you go through life believing that you are correct and have no need to change, then effective will not be the word that is in front of leadership when it comes to you.

Encourage yourself to be better, no matter difficult it may seem. Being effective as a leader is impactful not only for yourself but for everyone around you, business, and those you serve through your business’ efforts. Leadership is not just telling others what to do. Think about leadership like a trickling of water effect; when one key leader is at the head, guess what happens? Everyone else is flooded with whatever is included; on the positive side that could be empowerment, courage, happiness, critical thinking skills and so much more.

Even if you aren’t in a leadership position now, your time will soon come if that is your heart’s desire.

Know that: “The potential to be an amazing leader is living and breathing inside of you.”

External Reading:



Bible Check-In & Spiritual Connection:
Proverbs 29:2 & Jeremiah 33:3

God prepares those He sets forth to carry out a calling that he has on their lives. No one is perfect and sometimes you will not have all of the answers, but that is okay. You don’t have to evolve or walk into greatness alone. Be strong, look internally, and seek wise counsel from above and on Earth. None of us are alone. 
You know that feeling when things seem to fall into place or when everything starts to align in an order that makes complete sense? What if it is divine? What if things are happening as they should? Your soul, heart, and mind know what they deserve- when they are in alignment and you are focused on what is most desired, everything happens as it should (in a supernatural way).
Today can be the day that you choose to be an effective leader moving forward. Is today your day?
Be blessed and be at peace.

C-Conscious Thinking


The way that we envision our lives can be much different than our typical thought processes. From some, that may not be a big deal, but for others it could significantly deter a path to success. We can shift from ideas to deep thoughts and feasible actions by being more conscientious with how we think.

Dreamers and optimists see life with a different set of eyes than others, and that sets them apart from every day thinkers and doers. We must always choose how we think and carry out our actions. This may be difficult, but it can determine outcomes, level of understanding, and personal growth.

Shifting my thoughts when I am discouraged, disappointed, angry and even in a phase of hyper-optimism can be trying. What if we were to determine our own mental control. What if you could eliminate negative, unproductive thinking? The good news is we can. Work hard at it and don’t give up. This positivity leads to clarity and an altered lifestyle.




Proverbs 14:15

Spiritual Connection:
Are you keeping your spirit “in-check”? We are all filled with a purpose and we often create missions for our lives. We have been gifted spiritually to do anything that we can imagine if it is for good. If we choose to lean solely on the possibility of a miracle, we may miss out on greater things due to faulty thinking. Create a newness in yourself and your future by using what you have been granted in your heart and mind by your creator – God. Treat your mind like the mental garden that it is. Water your seeds and watch them grow; choose to do this over and over again. Make consciousness a mindset that is a part of your lifestyle and I guarantee, from proof via my own experiences, your live will continue to reap and see increase.



No matter what obstacles you face in your life, you are worthy of the great things that you want for yourself.

What does it mean to be worthy? How do you know if you are worthy?

Worthiness inside of you means that you are deserving, it is as simple as that. You know that you are worthy of all that life, God, and the Universe have to offer you if you are leading a kind, compassionate, thriving, humble, determined, prosperous, and goal-driven life. 

Every one of us has a story to tell, a testimony to share and spread, and some element of pain attached to a part of us; it is all about what we do with those lessons and moments that will show us that we are living in our purpose and we are worthy to be great. 

I always mention living in your purpose, and it is important to do so no matter what is happening in your life. 

If you are sad in a moment or angry at someone, guess what? You need to think about it in the moment and then let it go. Remember that you are worthy of happiness and pure joy. You are not perfect and you may have some growing to do, but you are still worthy.

Worthiness is not something that can be shoved into your mind, though. You must be in tune with yourself and be able to look in the mirror at more than the image being reflected back to you.

Show and remind yourself that you are worthy by taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Even if you aren’t going anywhere for the day, even if your kids are driving you crazy, even if your job is draining you…get yourself together physically; get healthy, cut out your bad habits that are damaging your body and your life. You deserve to look well-groomed, polished and like the worthy being that you are.

Even if the storms in your life are turning into what seem to be disasters, be prayerful and meditate. If you are not taking care of your thoughts and what you put out into the Universe, how can you expect to live out your biggest dreams or achieve your highest goals. You deserve and are worthy of a healthy mental state. Do what is best for you.

Even if you are feeling depressed, anxious, broken, or lost remember that worthiness and happiness are embedded inside of you. You are an amazing and blessed being that is unlike any other and you have so much to offer the world. You are worthy of love, kindness, compassion, and so much more.

Even if you don’t go to church, if your faith is shaken, or if you have lost hope in the Universe know that your spirit is still intact and you are worthy of strength in your faith. You have everything that you need to be spiritually strong within you, but you must tap into it and be consistent.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” God knew that you were worthy before you were even created, don’t block yourself from all that He has promised.
The Universe is aware of your needs and wishes, don’t be blind to all that it is working out for you and all that it has to offer you.

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Greatness is what you are made of and from, so doesn’t that mean that you are directly destined for and worthy of greatness? You were made of all that is love from He and what is love, therefore you are worthy of love and all that is made for you.

Blessings are flowing all around you and you are worthy of each one. Stop letting things (or people) block you from receiving what you are worthy of. Make the changes that are necessary for you to grow and become all that you are worthy of. 

Do you think are worthy now? The answer should be and needs to be YES!!!

***Health Spotlight***

West Nile Virus- A common virus caused by mosquitoes; approximately 1 in every 150 people with the infection develop a serious illness and 1 in 5 develop symptoms, according to the CDC.  The virus has a regular transmission cycle and can affect humans and other mammals. It is found in North America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and West Asia, according to the WHO. Use EPA registered insect repellent and follow the application directions. Further protect yourself by wearing appropriate clothing. There are small things that you can do to protect yourself and your little ones. Failing to prepare could be detrimental, so do what is necessary to take care of your family.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Worthy, Change, Global Health, Public Health, Mental Health, Manifest, Overcome, Epidemiology, Prosperity, Strength, Thinking, Universe, God, Evolving, 

S- Senses


*Proverbs 2:2*

If you have ever sat back and questioned the voices in your head, you have sensed a higher purpose.

If you have ever longed for something different, you have sensed the need for evolution/transformation.
If you have ever looked in the mirror and did not like what you perceived as a flaw, you have sensed the need to live a healthy life.
If you have ever cried in the middle of the night or lost needed sleep, you have sensed the need to change or to find answers to unanswered questions.
If you have ever felt unfulfilled, you have sensed the need for a new path or a change in scenery.
If you have ever felt that something just wasn’t right…it is time to stop ignoring your good sense and senses to changes, and appreciate what your subconscious/God/the universe is speaking to you.

If you can acknowledge your senses, then you can acknowledge what you need to do for your personal growth, career, and your family. 

It is time to use what you see, hear, feel, think, and know to gathered what is called common sense and become a better you.

Remember this: Common sense is not so common, if it was everyone would have it.

1 Corinthians 15:33

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.””
Be mindful of the company that you keep, as they can help you ignore that which your soul, spirit, and mind are trying to tell/teach you. If you know that someone around you is hurting you, distracting you, blocking you from reaching your potential…cut the weeds! Have enough sense to know who is good for you and who is wreaking havoc on your life.

Stop THINKing that you know everything.
Stop thinking that things will get better on their own.
Don’t be blinded by what the world, your peers, your colleagues or what your family is feeding you. 

Stop FEELing that what “he” or “she” has or is doing is for you or not for you. 

What you see can make or break you; be wise enough to feel what your heart and mind are telling you, and know the difference. If you feel that you can make a change or get to the next level, don’t just imagine and daydream about it- be about it!

Stop SEEing others rise in success and stop sitting back and complaining about how you wish it was you. Stop seeing growth in others and stop thinking negatively about it. You are making decisions in every moment to seize the day or put a new dent in your couch and whine about what you don’t have or how the world is against you.

Stop simply using your ears to HEAR and start listening to advice, words of wisdom, the universe’s messages, and what those voices in your mind are telling you.

Proverbs 28:26

Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”
You do not know everything. In fact, everyone and everything in your life is meant to teach you something; take off your blinders. Allow your senses to open and be receptive enough to receive information that will help you transform your life.

Do you have enough sense to stop trying and start doing? If you haven’t in the past, now is the time to make your life worth living.

Everything that want, you can have if you put in the effort and stop denying yourself greatness. 

Close your eyes and count to 10. Now open them, do you feel a sense of relief or clarity. Do you see beauty and feel the heartbeat of everything around you? Do you hear every sound of quiet or noise in its entirety? Your senses can help guide your path. If simply closing your eyes can make you pay attention to you senses, imagine what would happen if you took the time to do that same thing every day. If you envisioned what you really want in the form of a vision or in meditation (regularly/daily)…you would change your world.

Tell whatever that is ailing you that it is no longer welcome, then makes some changes; don’t ignore your senses.

God hear, sees, knows, and feels all. The universe is in tune with you. If you are shaping your life and acknowledging your purpose and your senses, then your life will be a blessing to the world around you. 

Nobody needs to come and pat you on your back every 5 seconds to remind you of your achievements or your successes. Pay attention to those who really support you and care about you; they have been put in your life (with no negative attachments) for a reason. Do not become blind to your blessings.

Remember: your senses are there to make you aware and appreciative of what you are given/blessed with. Be in tune with yourself, but do not become “stuck on stupid”.

“Always let your conscience be your guide.” Jiminy Cricket
You may not always make the best decisions, but as long as you are trying and being the best and kindest person that you can be, you are on the right track.

*Health Spotlight*
If your body is giving you signs or making you sense that something is wrong, do not ignore that. Your body will tell you if you are lacking vitamins, needing hydration, or need to address underlying issues that are invisible to the eye. If we take the time to acknowledge that our physical body is just as important as every other aspect of our lives, we can lead a healthier, longer life. Don’t make excuses, go to the doctor. It is better/easier to be prepared and practice prevention methods than it is to treat illnesses. Take care of yourself. Many people love you and need you, including me.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Senses, Hearing, Thinking, Seeing, Acknowledging, Vision, Positivity, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Wisdom, Common Sense, Strength, Character, Kindness, Determination, Healing, Empowerment, Meditation, Success