F – Face Your Truth


In life, you know that who you are, what you believe in, and your character stands the test of time.  This is equally true for your emotional presence even when you are going through a season of difficulties and transition. 

If you make mistakes, you have a chance to correct them, ask forgiveness when possible, and express remorse. If you feel yourself stumble in life, you are allowed the space and time in your physical and mental environment to dust yourself off and put forth a correction or redirection in your steps.

As a beautiful silver teapot set, even when the world may try to tarnish your truth or identity, you are still magnificent – face that truth!

Don’t deny yourself the ability to be true to you. What is your truth? Are you walking in your truth and working through it?

In this season of my life, I am facing my truth. There are days where fears, anxiety, and even disappointment arise, however, it is those days of heavy storms where I dig even deeper and keep pushing to find my rainbow.

If you are not yet where you want to be what is stopping you? Is it you?
If you aren’t challenged, what is bringing limits to your life?

Perhaps these questions, seasons, and areas of confusion mean that it is time for you to take off your blinders and face your truth so that you can make lasting changes.

Facing your truth can bring tears, joy, and countless emotions. Without your truth (unfiltered and raw) you cannot become who you or anyone else needs.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
John 8:32 & 1 Corinthians 2:13
Your truth can truly set you free in mind, body, and spirit. When we can release ourselves from lies, shadowed realities, and blocked internal light life alters in every way possible. Even when we face temptation, God will deliver us and provide us a way of endurance and escape. Isn’t it great that we can turn to God in any season of our lives, face our truths, and He will always be at our side? Hold strong to your truth even if you trip or fall, as it will lead you to new heights and wisdom that was formerly untapped.

Be blessed and be at peace.

D – Destined For Greatness


The place and space that you lay out for your future will evolve over time. 

Know & Remember
It is first important to remember that you are destined for greatness.  There is a purpose on and for your life that is greater than anything you can imagine. The very next thing to remember is that you have to tap into your greatness.

Let’s face the fact, there are people in high places and others who are living out their lives in their own version of greatness and prosperity. So, why can’t you do the same thing?

Limitations are for small minds and greatness is for those who are willing to put in the work even when it’s difficult.

Personal Reflection
At one point in my life, I thought that living in a house meant that you are doing well. At another point in life, I thought that living in the suburbs was for high-class living. Now, I understand the depth of my mindset and the value is truly present in living in a home that you build through your own blood, sweat, and tears.

True Empowerment
The character that lives inside of you is connected to what you will become. Your greatness is in your hands, even when you aren’t thinking about it. Each day, you have a chance to make something great out of yourself, so don’t waste another moment in time.

We become successful in all that we aim to do when greatness lives inside of us.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Luke 1:37 & Luke 1:45
There is absolutely nothing that you can fathom that is impossible without God at your side. You can dream, hope, envision, work hard, and plan, in full faith (when your heart is in the right place) because what you aim for will be granted to you. Ladies, you are not exempt; you have a treasure waiting for you, so do not grow weary. Persevere and you will see, step-by-step, that you are destined for greatness.

K – Know Your Weaknesses


In all things in your life, there are moments when you know exactly what you need to do to succeed and navigate through your life.

On the other hand, there are favorable characteristics or assets that you wish you had but they may not come naturally to you. In these moments, is when you need to be able to look inside of yourself and know what your real weaknesses are. None of us were born exactly the same and we all have something that we can learn from other people; so, it is important to learn from those areas that make us feel like we are not able to accomplish some goal.

Weaknesses can break us down if we keep our eyes glued to how they may be negatively impacting us. However, weaknesses are not meant to break us; they are meant to empower us and encourage us to continue to grow in our strengths and in areas in which we may not be as familiar. We must own the fact that none of us are perfect and we can never aim to be that. We must also realize that a “woe is me” mindset when we are not currently able to handle something, will not change a present situation.

I have a passion for all things related to public and global health. I also have a heart for survivors who are now thrivers after overcoming domestic violence. One of my greatest passions is in writing, however, I also love to train and help to evolve leaders. I know that there are things that do not come naturally to me like the “gift of gab” related to public speaking and social interaction as I am an introvert, but that does not mean that I cannot learn tips and tricks to relate to others at a deeper level outside of my comfort zone. (This is what true self-inventory can look like, so do this for yourself.)

When you know your weaknesses, you can grow from what may have been trying to hold you back.

We must choose a path and not let personal doubts, weakness, or lack of knowledge hold us back. If we wish to address weaknesses, we must first be mindful of their existence. Take time for yourself (you know that you deserve it) and write down what your weaknesses are and why they exist. After we become honest with ourselves, we can adjust our actions to shift in a positive light.

Ever heard of the phrase “Knowledge Empowers You”? Take the first letter of each word and realize that:
“You are the K.E.Y. to your evolution and your future.”

Bible & Spiritual Connection:
Jeremiah 17:10 & Isaiah 40:29

If God knows who we are and He can even hear the desires of our hearts, He will bless us as He sees fit. As you know, sitting at home and praying is not all that must be done; you must put in the work, plant the seeds, and watch as your gardens grow. God supplies needs, but you must also put in the effort. You must be mindful and aware of what is present in your life if you wish to address it all and overcome/work with your weaknesses.

You can do ALL things.

Be blessed and be at peace.

G – Gauge Your Future


Even with assistance and wise counseling, you are responsible for your outcome. We all have a chance to make life what we want it to be. 

“If you think that you want to live a better version of life, you must first gauge your future.”

Gauging your future must be a precise process. When I set out on this school and career journey, I didn’t know and still don’t know exactly where I will end up (as I know that God’s plans are bigger and better than mine). However, two things that were for sure from the beginning were that I was definitely going to do something to help other people, and I would use my natural born gifts and talents to help others evolve. 

Do you recognize how simple that thought (the vision for your life and purpose) can be and how far you can blossom from a simple watered seed?

You set the tone and you create your future, and it all starts in your mind. Connect your heart to your dreams and devise a plan, and you will be setting yourself up for true success. Your future is in your hands, but you have to prepare for it and go out and get it!

Spiritual Connection:

Luke 14:28 & 1 Corinthians 9:24
There is a purpose for each of our lives. Being prepared is something that you have to do to become who you are meant to be. We are all gifted and blessed in countless ways, but God is not one who will bless someone who is not putting forth effort and maximizing their potential. You must wrap your mind around what your future can hold and be prepared to reach goals; know that the path will not be clear, but if you are focused no matter what happens you can win the race.

Supplemental Reading:



Gauge your future starting now…it’s not too late.

Be blessed and be at peace.

C-Conscious Thinking


The way that we envision our lives can be much different than our typical thought processes. From some, that may not be a big deal, but for others it could significantly deter a path to success. We can shift from ideas to deep thoughts and feasible actions by being more conscientious with how we think.

Dreamers and optimists see life with a different set of eyes than others, and that sets them apart from every day thinkers and doers. We must always choose how we think and carry out our actions. This may be difficult, but it can determine outcomes, level of understanding, and personal growth.

Shifting my thoughts when I am discouraged, disappointed, angry and even in a phase of hyper-optimism can be trying. What if we were to determine our own mental control. What if you could eliminate negative, unproductive thinking? The good news is we can. Work hard at it and don’t give up. This positivity leads to clarity and an altered lifestyle.




Proverbs 14:15

Spiritual Connection:
Are you keeping your spirit “in-check”? We are all filled with a purpose and we often create missions for our lives. We have been gifted spiritually to do anything that we can imagine if it is for good. If we choose to lean solely on the possibility of a miracle, we may miss out on greater things due to faulty thinking. Create a newness in yourself and your future by using what you have been granted in your heart and mind by your creator – God. Treat your mind like the mental garden that it is. Water your seeds and watch them grow; choose to do this over and over again. Make consciousness a mindset that is a part of your lifestyle and I guarantee, from proof via my own experiences, your live will continue to reap and see increase.

A – All Clear


This year, let’s focus on gaining clarity in our individual spaces of personal evolution. This evolution can come through education, work, life experiences and your willingness to “level-up”. You must choose to take the journey. Let’s get started and become all we are called to be.

As you begin this year of clarity (#2020clarityyear), keep in mind that how you find success, joy, and prosperity, is up to you. Clarity is more than a word of thought. Clarity has meaning, depth, truth, and wisdom in it for those who diligently seek it.

Take to pen and paper, and let’s think about at least one thing that we will achieve this year. Create a memory that you can hold onto this entire year. You can do this by feeling how you will when you achieve the goal that you are aiming for. Know that it is coming if you are going to work for it.

Be truthful and understand what could physically or mentally block you from “winning”. Put on your strength, because you will have much to overcome. Take courage and be ready to welcome growth and personal evolution. 

Connect the dots to see things clearly.

All Clear? Ready to evolve? Good deal. 🙂

Fear and struggle reside in the past. Visions, prosperity, and clarity begin now.

External Readings to Complement This Reading:
Common Reading: https://chopra.com/articles/from-hazy-to-clear-how-to-gain-clarity-about-your-life
Psychology Reference: https://positivepsychology.com/benefits-goal-setting/
Scholarly Article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13164-017-0375-y

Bible Verses:
Psalms 20:4

Spiritual Thoughts: You don’t have to be alone in your journey to find clarity and success in your evolution. Speak to your creator often. Pray and meditate in your silence. Ask for patience as you navigate through life.

Be blessed and be at peace.


W – Wonder

Wonder = Surprise + Admiration
Every day we experience this is so many ways. How can we hold onto those tiny moments and find new love in spaces in time?
When we can learn how to hold strong to wonder, we can find new joy and happiness in life.
Moments of wonder that we all experience:
Hearing a baby coo
Witnessing a rainbow
Learning something new
Observing a flower come into full bloom
Seeing a lightning strike in the darkest of nights
Hearing a song and it ignites a fire internally
There are so many moments of wonder that can happen at any moment, even when we’re feeling down or our hearts are breaking.
Just like we can take the time to complete an assignment at school or work, couldn’t we document moments of wonder?
Treat your wonder as an investment in your future. When we save money it is for something greater, so couldn’t life’s wonders be saved in the form of memories, gifts, or blessings for the greater good?
When was the last time that you look into the eyes of a child when they experienced wonder? How did it make you feel?
You can house joy and wonder in your soul and experience it time and time again if you tap into it.
I encourage you to seek wonder every day and enjoy the gift that it is for you.

Wonder is like you closing your eyes, imagining the most beautiful or amazing thing, then opening your eyes and seeing it right in front of you.

Psalms 103:11-12
“For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from.”  
Do you know how full of wonder God is? When was the last time you REALLY thought about Him? God is a God of wonder and miracles. Isn’t that something powerful enough to hold firm to every day? What if we set a reminder on our phones every day about that? (It’s not a bad idea, I am going to do this myself and you should too!)

Psalms 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” 
There is a sense of wonder in the beauty of God’s creations…all of which constantly surround us. If you ever lose sight or cannot find the truth in His wonders, simply look to the sky. 

***Health Spotlight***

Whitmore’s Disease Melioidosis (CDC reference)

Symptoms: Depending on the exact infection symptoms can range from localized pain or swelling to abdominal discomfort and respiratory distress.

Source of infection: Contaminated soil and surface waters; primarily in Southern Asia and Northern Australia but there have been a few cases in the U.S. and a few other countries.
Prevalence: It is estimated that there are over 160,000 cases per year.
Treatment: Medication, Oral Therapy, and IV therapy
Prevention: If you have open wounds avoid soil and contaminated water contact, an agricultural worker should wear books, and health workers can use gloves, masks, and gowns to prevent infection.

Be blessed and be at peace.

V – Visions Inside of You


Dreamers dream, creators create, and visionaries light up with joy when seeing their visions inside of their minds.

Do you dream big?  I do!

Do you get happy seeing your visions that blossom with a simple seed of thoughts? I do!
A vision is a flower blossoming from one seed of thought.

Your intellect and your passion will drive your creative car if you are willing to hand over the keys.

You are allowed to dream!
You are allowed to envision yourself as absolutely anything that is amazing to you!

If I listened to laughs, doubts, fears, and other people’s opinions, I would not be in the space that I am in now. (Think about this because it can be the same for you).

When your visions and dreams are big, it is easy for other people to come in and say words that can alter your thinking and your plans. That is your decision and your loss if you choose to do that, but the truth is you don’t have to.

Some of the most difficult and yet vital parts of reaching any level of success or happiness are owning your vision, labeling goals, and creating action steps to make it happen. Take the first step and keep your momentum going; the climb is so valuable!

You must go beyond your thoughts and dreams to lead a successful, purpose-driven life.

If your vision stays in your mind, you not only deprive yourself, you also deprive the intended audience/client of receiving what your greatness has to offer.

Let’s go to the bible:

Acts 18:9
“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.”” What if Paul didn’t listen, and he missed the calling for him to speak God’s word? What if you don’t listen? What will happen? What won’t happen? Take heed and let nothing stop your visions from becoming a reality. God is pouring light into you, what are you going to do with it?

1 Corinthians 2:9
“But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”. Your vision is great, but God’s is even greater. If you take the steps to maximize your potential, guess what God is going to do for you?! He is going to take it in levels that you never thought were conceivable.

Your hands and your mind hold the key to your future. Get out there and work; no moment of your effort will be in vain. Your vision may be inside of you now, but I firmly believe that you that it will be blossoming from your mind in a way that will bless the world one person at a time.

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

***Health Spotlight***  Reference: CDC

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

Symptoms: Enlarged lymph node, fever, occasionally eye infections, muscle pain, and swelling of the brain.

Prevalence This is rare as fewer than 20,000 are affected annually. Those with a weakened immune system have a higher risk.

Treatment: Antibiotics

Prevention: Avoid rough play with cats and human body lice. Use a flea collar on dogs. Keep cats indoors and away from stray cats. Use insect repellents.

Be blessed and be at peace.

R – Relieve Your Pain


Let’s chat about the hard days and moments. 

Fill in your own answers…

How many times have you cried yourself to sleep?

How many friends have you lost?
How many losses have you experienced/lived through?
How many times have you convinced yourself that you were unhappy?
How many times have you stayed in a broken relationship?
How many times have you forgiven others?
How many times have you beaten yourself down?

The questions could go on and on, but the real question that you should ask yourself is “what did you learn”.

You must be willing to give yourself permission to relieve your pain.

Without permission to heal, how can you move forward?

Are you walking around with your perceived “brokenness” on your sleeves? 

You should be a walking story, but not one housing the pain of your past.

People are not always what they seem and books’ finest and most beautiful details are not found on their covers.

Re-create your life, fill your heart with what you love, make yourself truly happy, feed your soul, reinvent your everything and show yourself true relief and healing.

John 16:33

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Although you may have faced pain you must remember that you do not have hold strong to it. He bore it all!

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” His promises are grand! His vision for your life is perfect! No matter what you faced, the best is yet to come if you believe, hold strong to your faith, and put in the work.

Give yourself hope and freedom, relieve your pain.

If your pain is in your past, shouldn’t your power and freedom be in your present and future? Live it up!

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Rotavirus 

Symptoms: severe watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite and dehydration.
Prevalence: most common in infants and young children, but adults can get the disease. Vaccinated children are less likely to get sick from rotavirus. 2013- over 200,000 children died from rotavirus (worldwide).
Treatment; no specific medicine, but doctor may recommend certain medication to treat symptoms.
Prevention: drink plenty of liquids. Read more at: https://www.cdc.gov/features/rotavirus/

Abuse, Bible, Blessings, Clarity, Domestic Violence, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolution, Faith, Growth, Global Health, Holistic Health, Mindfulness, Public Health, Self-Worth, Strength, Prosperity, Warrior, Overcome

P- Painting Your Picture


Even if you know absolutely nothing about painting, you can acknowledge and understand the importance of starting with a blank canvas.

Whatever you face in your life can shape and mold your future if you believe that you can change. Beginning a new journey is likened to a starting a paint from the stage of a blank canvas.

Picking your paint and choosing your brushes is the next step; this step is equal to you deciding the next level or next step that you are wanting to take.

Each day you make a choice to take certain actions; let’s consider making each action the same as a stroke of the brush.

Keep in mind that aiming for the future is a beautiful thing in life, but it can’t be possible if you are missing steps.

Every time you take a step you are adding to your future and beautifully painted picture.

If you are sitting idle or doubting your growth it is almost like smudging your work. You have to constantly make the choice to paint your picture.

Think about how you want your future life and painting to look. Now, think about what you are contributing right now.

Your current actions or lack thereof will affect everything and everyone around you (both in your present and future), so be mindful of that. 

Be mindful of the colors that you choose to paint your life’s picture. Should you choose to rush through your life’s painting you will negatively alter the outcome. However, if you pace yourself, think logically about next steps, and process what your passion is and how to properly execute your purpose, your picture will be more beautiful than you can imagine.

God is my favorite artist. Think about what He has created and painted in your life’s picture. There are some pictures that are full of light and vibrant colors and some that are gloomy but passionate. 

If you have any chance to change your life for the better, start from the inside out. Be a master painter for yourself and your family. 

Think about what you are feeding your family; you can shop on a small budget and still eat healthy meals (if you need advice on how, please feel free to ask me because I know very well how to eat on a budget). Images or actions that bring about negativity, evil thoughts or poor behavior are not what you should tune into.

Think about what you are exposing your family/children to; what your children see will affect many parts of their lives. Be mindful and think clearly about the picture you are painting.

Think of what you are showing yourself and what you are feeding your soul.

Don’t limit yourself; know that higher beings (God, for me) and/or the Universe is the visionary and the implementer, but also remember you are the painter of your life’s picture and you are holding the easel of every color imaginable. I can’t wait to see how beautiful your picture will be! Please do share it with me. 🙂

Genesis 1:27
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” If you know that you are a creation and God blessed you with uniqueness, doesn’t that make you an artist in life?  You are full of gifts and talents that no one else has, doesn’t that make you an artist? Yes, definitely!!

Proverbs 4:23
“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” What you create, speak on, and think about shape your life. If you are an artist of your life, which you are, live in positivity as best as possible. Correct when you have made a mistake. Grow beyond your comfort level. You are in charge.

I know that you want amazing things in your life, so let’s start painting this beautiful life picture!

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Plague – A disease that affects humans and other mammals; a bite from a rodent flea can infect people with the plague.
Symptoms: depends on the type but can range from fever, headache, and chills, to swollen and painful lymph nodes (bubo), shock, shortness of breath, and bloody/watery mucous.
Treatment: antibiotics; full recovery is possible if the disease caught early.
Prevalence: human cases in the US are common in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and Nevada; plague epidemics have occurred in Africa, Asia, and South America. 80% of cases are of bubonic form. People of all ages can get the disease.
Prevention: reduce rodent habitat around you, remove clutter, brush, rock piles, and pet/wild animal food. Wear gloves when handling potentially infected animals.

Achievement, Beauty, Change, Clarity, Courage, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, God, Happiness, holistic health, mental health, Positivity, public health, Wisdom, Universe, Strength, Self-Worth, Self-Love