T – Treat Yourself Well


How many times have you heard the relatable phrase, “The struggle is real”? I know that I hear it or read it somewhere at least once a day. It can be rather unfortunate that we can so easily relate in struggles, but not in how we overcome them.  People can read empowerment books, subscribe to blogs/vlogs, take in spiritual messages, pamper themselves with external self-care, and generate vision boards every six months (all of which are excellent tools), but it still isn’t enough to get you where you need to be.

How well do you treat yourself on the inside?

If positivity and empowerment aren’t fueling the vehicle of your life, you may need to trade and upgrade to something more reliable.

There is goodness in so many places and spaces within the world waiting for you to take just a bit of it and turn your life’s purpose into something wonderful. You must first treat yourself with high regard, humbleness, and compassion. If we take the time (and put in the effort) to wisely evolve ourselves inside and out, we have a magnificent opportunity to help so many others.

Whether we can always see it or not, life is about transforming ourselves for the greater good. Sure, there will always be difficulties and problems that arise (some are out of our control), but we can rest assured that each of us can work on ourselves and make the most out of the lives that we lead.

Positivity is a realm of thought in many ways while empowerment is a shift in behavior (when embodied); both of these are possible every day, but you have to work hard for them and remember that they live inside of you. Don’t seek fulfillment, happiness, and wholeness in others or in toxic spaces. Learn, evolve, and become someone new. Don’t we all deserve to live the lives that we have always dreamed of? This starts by treating yourself well.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 19:8 & Galatians 6:3
Through all that you learn in life, there is an opportunity to grow in wisdom and understanding. Your growth is more than words, actions, and beliefs, it is fruit-bearing and all-encompassing when your heart and head are in the right place. Giving yourself wisdom and allowing yourself to grow is a rare treasure that few happen upon. Treating yourself with kindness, patience, high standards, and tough love when needed most re-arranges the path that you may be on. We are wonderfully granted amazing things in life, but we need not grow boastful; remain humble and keep in mind that all things granted to you are earned and wonderfully shaped according to the way that you lead your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

R – Resurrection of Dreams


For so many of us, as children, we had huge dreams (some a bit unreal). Do you know how much imagination and courage a child/teen has to say that they want to do something that is profound or “beyond them”? With adults, exceedingly often we shut down big dreams, bury them in our minds and chalk up our doubts to fear, lack, and lack of time.

What would happen if the dreamer inside of you was resurrected?

You don’t have to stop dead in your tracks and lead a limited life. The load may get heavy, but in time your effort will precede your many successes. In my life, I often feel drained and like I’m running an endless marathon, and yet I still keep the faith in knowing that the race will soon be won.

Resurrect your dreams and bring them back from the dead. Keep dreaming, planning, building, and striving because soon enough your dreams will become distant memories and your reality will supersede your wildest of dreams.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Philippians 1:6 & Proverbs 16:9
Doing good work and making your mission about serving God and others (not just yourself and your bank account) will bring successes and greatness to you that you could not develop alone. Isn’t it wonderful that we can set a course for our lives and have perfect support, guidance, and love wrapped around us even when we feel like the cards are stacked against us?  A resurrection of dreams is possible for those who want it most and are willing to believe in what could be wonderful.

Be blessed and be at peace.

L – Lifestyle Creation


In all things that you do, you are leading a lifestyle. When you think about what you do on a regular basis, are you satisfied with the life that you are leading? Things such as a daily schedule, foods, prayer & meditation, exercise, and personal transformation choices affect all that you do. 

Daily Routine
Whether your daily process begins with prayer, a healthy meal, working out, or journaling, you have established a flow for your day. When we shape our days with intention, we can see positive outcomes. You have a decision to make each day and your outcomes from those decisions can shape your day. What do you do to pan through your days?

Healthy Diet
A lifestyle includes your food consumption just as well. The phrase “You are what you eat” is a harsh but true reality that each of us must face. If your diet is lacking colors, veggies, fruits or water, you cannot expect a healthy, holistically-sound life. Greasy, fattening, and sweet foods may be pleasing at one level, but the long-term effects will be quite the opposite.

Prayer & Meditation
What a gift we have in being able to pray and meditate at any time of day in any place.  When we can do this, we activate hope, faith, light, clarity, grace, mercy, joy, relief, and so much more. Sit and think for a moment when you felt that feeling (after prayer or a moment of true peace) that you were lighter.  Prayer and meditation must be a part of your lifestyle if you wish to remain in-tune with your creator and generate greater possibilities for our lives.

Taking care of your physical body is something that is 100% necessary. Limited income, children, and other obligations will not stand as excuses for not taking care of your body at least 3 times a week. You do not have to go into a gym, pay for a trainer, or work out at a specific time of day; you just need to get it done. I am an introvert and I find ways at home to work out regularly; I use apps, YouTube videos, and DVD/TV programs to make my workouts impactful. You have a phone/device that you can access exercise methods on, so make it happen.

Personal Transformation
No matter what practices, faith, processes, habits, or choices you made in your past or you are currently making, you have the opportunity to evolve and find success at every level. Change starts with you and must continue throughout your life.  A stagnant life contains inconsistencies, unhealthy habits, negative talk, and poor judgment. Shifting a lifestyle requires a massive overall, but it can alter all that you do.

Develop and consistently lead a fruitful lifestyle by understanding what it takes to lead the life that you want to live.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
1 Timothy 4:8 & Psalm 128:2
We are given life and there is a multitude of ways in which we can live that life. Certainly, physical health is important, but a lifestyle that will withstand the test of time on Earth and beyond contains much more.

Be blessed and be at peace.

U- Ultimate Celebration


Do you ever give yourself the opportunity to celebrate yourself?

Think of how many events, birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, holiday parties, graduations, etc. that you have been to. Surely they were all a grand celebration to go down into the history books.

However, when it comes to the things that you accomplish or achieve do you applaud yourself?

If you are anything like me, you can always find the times to celebrate, applaud, and gift others, but have to make a mountain move to give yourself love and cheer for yourself.

Well, let us start changing that right now!

Everytime that you do something amazing reward yourself and celebrate it, even if that means that you are doing so alone.

It took four months for me to finally celebrate myself and I am not sure why, but it was unfair and kind of sad. I almost felt depressed for a bit and I felt that maybe I shouldn’t share the greatness with others. Maybe it was the devil feeding me fear, doubt, or thoughts of lack. Whatever it was, I had to overcome it.
That all changes from here on out. Even if you don’t have someone to celebrate with, make yourself happy, cheer yourself on, and see how amazing you truly are.

Today, I celebrate myself for the amazing work that I have done in the past two years and for the next significant step in my journey through elevating myself. I graduated with my MPH with High Distinction (4.0 GPA).

Today, I applaud you for doing amazing things in your life and in the world. You are phenomenal! You have a cheerleader in me and I will forever be rooting for all of the positive, loving, kind, and wonderful things that you do!

Today, you can have an ultimate celebration and make up for all of the times that you did not celebrate yourself. Let’s have a party! Everyone is invited!! Tell me what you have done in the comments or tag me @kaylaspositivitycorner on Twitter or IG.

We all deserve love and to be celebrated. There will always be someone trying to bring you down, ignore them and start your own happiness.

Say this out loud: 
I will always celebrate myself! #youcanttellmeno

Psalm 98:4
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” Cheer, shout, yell, jump for joy, sing, you deserve it. God is SO good and He has done so much for you.
The Universe is bringing forth all that you work hard for and meditated on, so why shouldn’t you be proud and joyful?!!

John 15:11
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Joy is something that is embedded into the very fibers of your being, let it shine, let is rise up and through you. 

Giving yourself that love and reminding yourself of how proud you are can be a blessing to you and truly be pleasing to God. He has blessed your path to reach those fabulous goals, be joyful and let nothing stop you from doing so!

***Health Spotlight*** (via NIH)
Urinary Tract Infection
Prevalence- Approx. 150 million people annually
Symptoms- cloudy urine, cramping, urge to urinate, burning while urinating
Treatment: depends on severity; can be antibiotics and drinking fluids.
Prevention- wear loose fit clothing, drink healthy liquids regularly, mind your diet and practice healthy living
Please take good care of yourself and your family. Health should be your number one priority; without it, you can’t enjoy and appreciate the fruit of your efforts.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Celebrate, Achievement, Changes, Epidemiology, Evolution, Global Health, Empowerment, holistic health, Overcoming, Positivity, Prosperity, public health, Law of Attraction, Strength, Success, Vision, Wisdom, Worthy,

T – Time by the Moment


Time will never stop passing and you will never have 100% control of the seconds that keep ticking by.

Your experiences came with lessons, some good some bad. However you choose to look at it, you can’t help but to know that you found truths and wisdom in what you learned.

You can take the time to cry and release whatever you faced. No one can judge you for that. In truth, that may be exactly what you need to move forward.

Crying from the heart and soul brings the mind clarity.

Although the present can seem difficult or overwhelming, one of the most important things that you can do is continue to fight. One swing at a time. One step at a time. You must keep pushing and understand the value of this very moment.

As you must with a fruiting tree, you have to first plant a seed into your mental garden before you can grow.

The future can be whatever make it out to be. How you use the lessons of your past and appreciate the “gift” of your present will determine how successful, fulfilled, and happy you will be in your future.

Every step of your journey will look different and that is a good thing. This is because with every new step you grow and evolve. 

When was the last time that you thought about a previous space of emptiness? If you are taking more than a few seconds to remember, stop and do it right now. Remember those feelings, but pay attention to how far you have come.

Ecclesiastes 3:11
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from the beginning to end.” Mind your steps and know that your efforts will bring forth a beauty that is beyond your wildest dreams.

Proverbs 21:5
“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Your present, this very moment, if you aren’t doing anything to get to where you want to be, it won’t happen. You must be active in making your dream a reality. God has given you the tools that you need, but you have to put in your own effort.

What you want in your life is not bound, in fact you have the opportunity to truly live a limitless life. The Universe is working in your favor. God sees all that you work hard for and He knows what you need and deserve.

Learn from your past, work hard and have faith in your present, and live the best future!

***Health Spotlight***
Trichinellosis (also known as Trichinosis) – CDC

This disease can being harmful. It is contracted by eating raw or uncooked meat from an animal that has a tiny parasite called Trichinella.
Hogs raised outdoor that may come in close contact with rodents and other wildlife have a higher  risk of becoming infected.
Across the world there are approximately 10,000 cases annually. 
To treat Trichinella, there are safe prescription drugs.In prevention, make sure that you cook meat to safe temperatures, wash your hands thoroughly when handling raw meat, clean any areas that come in contact with raw meat, and do your research if you need specifics on handling, storage, or cleaning.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Achievement, Changes, Determination, Development, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Global Health, God, Healing, Law of Attraction, Manifest, Public Health, Self-Love, Timing, mental health, 

Q – Quietness Matters


When you are trying to tackle any task from cooking to developing in your career, you can understand how difficult it is to function when there is a lot of noise around you. 

When you are surrounded by noise and over-activity there is a likelihood that you will not be able to accomplish what you are wanting in a timely and stress-free way.

Think about how important it is to complete major tasks and how it could be so much simpler without outside noise.

What if you could shut off the noise in your head?

The truth of the matter is that you can. You have the full ability to challenge your mind to a quest for quietness. One of the most important things to do to achieve true silence when you need it most is to remember what you are trying to accomplish and why. Only when you know the impact/purpose of your quiet quest can you reach your full potential.

Control- Once you can grasp the concept of control, you can understand that it is not something you always have. In your quietness, you can gain control in some aspects. Take time to learn about how control can affect your life. When in silence, think about the power of direction and the space that you have for growth.

Worry- When you are feeling worried, finding time to silence your brain is mandatory. A running mind will only bring about more concerns and possibly frustration. When I get into any space of worry, I have to step back and remember that any time given to worry is time that could have been spent elsewhere. Quietness can shift your thinking if you cue positive thoughts and well-directed visions when you are feeling worrisome.

Noise- To much sound, just like too many traveling thoughts, can be very distracting and deter you from reaching any goals. 

How to silence the noise and realize that quietness matters:
Prayer- this is your time to be one with God; you can be real, honest, vulnerable, and open in a one-on-one communication with your creator.
Meditation- this space is a time to become one with yourself and align your mind with whatever you are putting your focus into.

Enjoy some time in nature, go for a walk, pray, meditate…do whatever it takes to hone in on what feeds your mind and soul.

In your quiet time, what are you thinking about?
What are you putting your energy into?

Matthew 6:6 
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done is secret, will reward you.” 
There is a gift and a blessing in your prayer. Take seriously and place a high value on the silence and rawness in your prayers.
Romans 12:1-2
“I beg you therefore, my brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God by a logical service. Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God- what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.” 
Shifting of your thoughts for the good and greater good are in line with what God has for you and your life. Your thinking, especially in the quiet is powerful, so take charge and bring forth thoughts that are positive, growth-filled, and success bound.

***Health Spotlight***
Quietness in Revealing Symptoms/Concerns
Each time your body reveals to you something that is out of the normal, troubling, or painful, you have the choice to seek help. Even in the realm of mental health, you must choose to pay attention to what you are facing. You must choose to take good care of yourself- mind, body, and spirit. When it comes to your health, you must not remain quiet; be honest and pay attention, especially in your quiet times.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Blessings, Determination, Changes, Challenges, Empowerment, Global Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, God, Holistic health, Meditation, Prayer, Bible, Public Health, Positivity, Self-Worth, Success, Vision, Wisdom

D-Diving in Head First


If you have ever jumped in a pool, you definitely know how necessary it is to be prepared to hold your breath and go for it in a flash. 

Thinking about how this may work in life is quite interesting.

We all have different hopes and dreams, but where would we be if we did not hold back the fears/doubts and would just dive in?

It can be difficult for many to do this because they are afraid of the outcome. Still others may not be able to go for their dreams in a flash because the timing simply isn’t right.

What if you didn’t think about all of the possible outcomes and you did whatever you could to focus on the best one?
What if you were able to ignore any thoughts of failure?

Let’s prep first…
With anything that you want in life or that you dream of you must start with a vision/dream.

Get creative and put that vision on paper, I know that I love to see my vision and dreams in front of me so vision boards and affirmations are a significant part of my life.

When you can see it, you can further believe that it will be and already is true.

After you can see it on paper, then you need to plan things out. Ask yourself and in a timely fashion get answers to how you can make things happen. 

Make a logical plan internally, only then can you fully execute your mission.

Step by step and piece by piece you are preparing for the greatest dive of your life. How does it feel? You ought to feel amazing and empowered.

For every moment that you choose to sit back hoping that something will happen magically, there is someone else with the same original thought that is pushing and pushing forward and getting where you may be still simply dreaming of.

Now that you know how to prep for your dive, let’s think about the why…

Belief in yourself is an internal action that can be released into the external world through your actions and practiced faith. If you exercise that belief and create actions that are attainable, then everything changes for the better.

Why should you prepare for a dive into your highest goals/dreams? Simply because you deserve it and it is the only way that anything will come into fruition.

Even if that dive seems deep and the current is against you, you have got to keep fighting and maintain your breath. Work in your own favor.

Job 12:10 “The life of every living thing is in His hand, as well as the breath of all mankind”. If we can hold firm to the fact that God literally has everything in His hands, can’t we rest assured that our future and our present are covered and blessed according to His will? The Universe is working in your favor, so be mindful of what you do and/or don’t put into your life (in thought or physical action).

Psalms 56:3
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you”. Even if one step on your journey may seem too big or very scary, trust that everything will turn out just fine. Trust in God, trust in yourself and believe (from the beginning and during the tough days) that all will be amazing. Creating shifts in the Universe means that you release the negativity and create better thoughts. 

Every day there is a new lesson to be learned, so why not use those lessons to become fully prepared for your life’s big dive? 

Push your own limits and challenge yourself to be the best at everything you do, you deserve that and so much more.

I believe in you, do you?
Are you ready to take that dive? If not, get ready…time waits for no one.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Diphtheria (an infection)
Symptoms: Weakness, sore throat, fever, swollen neck glands, gray coating in throat/nose, breathing difficulties; potential for damage to heart, kidneys, and nerves also exist. (CDC)
PreventionVaccination is recommended; it was once a major cause of illness and death in children, so be mindful of what people can face without vaccination and attempting to prevent disease/infection.
Treatment: Physicians can swab the throat to test for the presence of bacteria that causes Diphtheria. An antitoxin/antibiotics are used to stop the poison and to kill/get rid of the bacteria, respectively. Treatment does not mean that all are saved, though.
Prevalence: Even with treatment 1 in 10 die from Diphtheria. In some countries there are upwards of 700 people cases in a year; even though there are very few reports in the US, it is very necessary to protect yourself as best as possible. WHO
Public Health Connection: Because Diphtheria is spread through droplets from coughing or sneezing, it can easy be transmitted to others. A person can also get Diphtheria from touching a object (like a toy) that has the bacteria on it. Be mindful of everything that you/your children come in contact with. Seek a physician if you are ill; do not wait, try to find out about what you are experiencing by using the internet, or try to self-medicate. There are many inexpensive clinics that you may have access to. Work hard to protect yourselves and your family. Practice proper hygiene and proper sneezing/coughing techniques- do so in your elbow, not your hands. Dive into being mindful about your health and that of your family; you can’t live your best life if you are not taking care of your physical health.

Barriers, Challenges, Changes, Courage, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Fear, Global Health, Law of Attraction, Public Health, Vaccination, Worthy, 



Life, though full of twists and turns, is a consistent a quest…a journey so
to speak.

No matter your route of education or training, you have gathered a substantial
amount of information in your life that has shaped and molded you into the
person that you are today.

Don’t let anything bind you to your circumstances. Your journey is only over
when breath has left your body for the final time. Each day you are granted a
new opportunity to take another step toward achieving your goals.

Treat your journey as something truly special and blessed, because it is. God
has given you many beautiful things that make you who you are and He is with
you on every step of your journey.

There will be nights when you sit up and cry. There will be days that you wish
would just end. There will be mornings when the sun is bright and shining and
feel like there is pure darkness all around. But guess what…Your journey will
not end there, unless you let it.

Your journey is made up of steps, obstacles and turns, and each one is
different. If one part or one day of journey seems absolutely unbearable does
that mean that God has left your side or that the universe is punishing
you?…no. You see, every step no matter how tough it is, is important.

If you have dealt with anything tough in your life, you know how it feels to be
broken, disappointed, discouraged, angry, depressed, aching, and so much more.
What I want you to do is think about a time in your past that you made it
through your pain…how did you do it? Did you hide? Did you fight? Did you
pray? Did you give up? 

You have to realize that no matter what you went through or what you are going
through now, your journey is still going on. You have an opportunity and a
chance to re-shape your life and add a better step to your journey.

No matter what you face, you can overcome it. God has a special plan for your
life; if ever feel like you can’t take that next step and all of a sudden you
hear a voice inside of your head/heart…listen to it. The universe and God
will send you signs when you need them most, don’t be blind to them.

Jeremiah 29:11
I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
deny yourself the ability to fulfill your hopes, dreams, and destiny. God is
with you and the universe is busy at work in your favor. 

Stop questioning yourself and what you want you in life. You, very likely,
already know the answer. Take that next step and mold yourself into who you are
called to be. 

Even if you have been abused, molested, plagued with disease, or are living
with mental illness everything is for a reason. We learn how to cope and we
learn how to live within our journey, so that we can help someone else. Don’t
you get that? That does not mean that you get to sit in sorrow for all of the
days of your life, that means that must gain wisdom so that you can change the
world one person at a time.

Joshua 1:9
I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not
be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
No matter what
you are going through, your journey is not over…God is not leaving your side.
He is ever-present. Everything that you need, the universe will provide to you.
Are you scared
of your next step? Are you scared to continue your quest? Shake off those
feelings of fright because you will not always be in control of the timing in
your life. You must pace yourself and enjoy your journey.
Make the
changes that you need to continue on your quest in life. You deserve to reach
your goals, and you are responsible for the outcome after your stumbles along
the way. You are not stuck and you are not broken, you are healing and on a
quest for success.
Your life is
not guaranteed to go on for 5, 50, or 100 years but everything that you do can
put you at risk of shortening your life. What you eat, how you live, your
social surroundings, etc. affect your life. If you say that you cannot do
something about your health because of your circumstances, it is time to make
some changes. Help is there if you need it. Change your diet and habits, so
that you can change your life. You can prevent disease a lot easier than you
can treat it. Nutrition is so important and your health is as well. Make no
more excuses; QUIT SMOKING, DRINKING, AND PARTYING, put down the cake, candy, soda, etc. and set limits for
yourself…your body and your family will thank you later.
Be blessed and
be at peace.

Quest, Journey, Healing, Achievement, Ambition, Challenges, Abuse, Disease, Mental Health, Public Health, Physical Health, Bible, God, Universe, Positivity, Changes, Determination, Survivor, Strength, Global Health

A- Alpha (Addressing The Beginning)


For those who may be going through a tough time, illness, or
in bereavement this first post of motivation is for you.

To become stronger than you are, make changes in your life, or grow into who you are called to be you must first take inventory; everything happened for a reason, it is time to look a bit deeper into those reasons, from the beginning/root of it all.

God is a god of miracles, provision, new mercies, of support,
love, compassion, favor and deliverance. No matter how tough your situation may
be, know that God will carry you through ANY storm. You need only to trust him. The universe is in tune with your needs.

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not
be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will
uphold you with my righteous right hand”

For those who may not believe in God, know that all things
work if you put your energy into the proper place. Things that you speak out
into the universe come to fruition. Difficult times do not last. Time and
change are inevitable, along with many things like growth and death. We cannot
change the way that things happen after we make a decision, but we can change
our outlook. 

See the value in time and patience.

Challenge yourself to seek guidance from those with wisdom.
Feel that you are able to overcome anything; grow not Annoyed or Aggravated,
because although you may not be Able to see the sun during your storm a rainbow
is soon to come and you will see the light again.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***

Amebiasis: A disease caused by a parasite (E. histolytica). It is most common in areas where there is poor sanitation and in tropical areas; it is also more common in homosexual men. Coming in contact with food or water that is contamination by human feces from someone with an infection from E. histolytica; people can also directly swallow the eggs from the parasite from via contaminated surfaces or fingers (CDC). Symptoms include: loose stool and abdominal pain/cramping; symptoms present themselves in about 2-4 weeks. Diagnosis can be difficult as the parasite can look very similar to others, but blood tests can be recommended by a physician. Although people do not always become sick because of the infection, treatment and medications/antibiotics are available; only about 10-20% of people infected with the parasite become sick (CDC). Practice good hygiene to prevent spreading the infection. If you feel like something is wrong or or if your body is sending you signals, please seek a physician or healthcare provider. Healthy living starts inside.

Challenges, Changes, Determination, Empowerment, Evolution, God, Faith, Global Health, Mental Health, Public Health, Healing