F – Face Your Truth


In life, you know that who you are, what you believe in, and your character stands the test of time.  This is equally true for your emotional presence even when you are going through a season of difficulties and transition. 

If you make mistakes, you have a chance to correct them, ask forgiveness when possible, and express remorse. If you feel yourself stumble in life, you are allowed the space and time in your physical and mental environment to dust yourself off and put forth a correction or redirection in your steps.

As a beautiful silver teapot set, even when the world may try to tarnish your truth or identity, you are still magnificent – face that truth!

Don’t deny yourself the ability to be true to you. What is your truth? Are you walking in your truth and working through it?

In this season of my life, I am facing my truth. There are days where fears, anxiety, and even disappointment arise, however, it is those days of heavy storms where I dig even deeper and keep pushing to find my rainbow.

If you are not yet where you want to be what is stopping you? Is it you?
If you aren’t challenged, what is bringing limits to your life?

Perhaps these questions, seasons, and areas of confusion mean that it is time for you to take off your blinders and face your truth so that you can make lasting changes.

Facing your truth can bring tears, joy, and countless emotions. Without your truth (unfiltered and raw) you cannot become who you or anyone else needs.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
John 8:32 & 1 Corinthians 2:13
Your truth can truly set you free in mind, body, and spirit. When we can release ourselves from lies, shadowed realities, and blocked internal light life alters in every way possible. Even when we face temptation, God will deliver us and provide us a way of endurance and escape. Isn’t it great that we can turn to God in any season of our lives, face our truths, and He will always be at our side? Hold strong to your truth even if you trip or fall, as it will lead you to new heights and wisdom that was formerly untapped.

Be blessed and be at peace.

D – Destined For Greatness


The place and space that you lay out for your future will evolve over time. 

Know & Remember
It is first important to remember that you are destined for greatness.  There is a purpose on and for your life that is greater than anything you can imagine. The very next thing to remember is that you have to tap into your greatness.

Let’s face the fact, there are people in high places and others who are living out their lives in their own version of greatness and prosperity. So, why can’t you do the same thing?

Limitations are for small minds and greatness is for those who are willing to put in the work even when it’s difficult.

Personal Reflection
At one point in my life, I thought that living in a house meant that you are doing well. At another point in life, I thought that living in the suburbs was for high-class living. Now, I understand the depth of my mindset and the value is truly present in living in a home that you build through your own blood, sweat, and tears.

True Empowerment
The character that lives inside of you is connected to what you will become. Your greatness is in your hands, even when you aren’t thinking about it. Each day, you have a chance to make something great out of yourself, so don’t waste another moment in time.

We become successful in all that we aim to do when greatness lives inside of us.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Luke 1:37 & Luke 1:45
There is absolutely nothing that you can fathom that is impossible without God at your side. You can dream, hope, envision, work hard, and plan, in full faith (when your heart is in the right place) because what you aim for will be granted to you. Ladies, you are not exempt; you have a treasure waiting for you, so do not grow weary. Persevere and you will see, step-by-step, that you are destined for greatness.

T – Treat Yourself Well


How many times have you heard the relatable phrase, “The struggle is real”? I know that I hear it or read it somewhere at least once a day. It can be rather unfortunate that we can so easily relate in struggles, but not in how we overcome them.  People can read empowerment books, subscribe to blogs/vlogs, take in spiritual messages, pamper themselves with external self-care, and generate vision boards every six months (all of which are excellent tools), but it still isn’t enough to get you where you need to be.

How well do you treat yourself on the inside?

If positivity and empowerment aren’t fueling the vehicle of your life, you may need to trade and upgrade to something more reliable.

There is goodness in so many places and spaces within the world waiting for you to take just a bit of it and turn your life’s purpose into something wonderful. You must first treat yourself with high regard, humbleness, and compassion. If we take the time (and put in the effort) to wisely evolve ourselves inside and out, we have a magnificent opportunity to help so many others.

Whether we can always see it or not, life is about transforming ourselves for the greater good. Sure, there will always be difficulties and problems that arise (some are out of our control), but we can rest assured that each of us can work on ourselves and make the most out of the lives that we lead.

Positivity is a realm of thought in many ways while empowerment is a shift in behavior (when embodied); both of these are possible every day, but you have to work hard for them and remember that they live inside of you. Don’t seek fulfillment, happiness, and wholeness in others or in toxic spaces. Learn, evolve, and become someone new. Don’t we all deserve to live the lives that we have always dreamed of? This starts by treating yourself well.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 19:8 & Galatians 6:3
Through all that you learn in life, there is an opportunity to grow in wisdom and understanding. Your growth is more than words, actions, and beliefs, it is fruit-bearing and all-encompassing when your heart and head are in the right place. Giving yourself wisdom and allowing yourself to grow is a rare treasure that few happen upon. Treating yourself with kindness, patience, high standards, and tough love when needed most re-arranges the path that you may be on. We are wonderfully granted amazing things in life, but we need not grow boastful; remain humble and keep in mind that all things granted to you are earned and wonderfully shaped according to the way that you lead your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

O – Originality Counts


Look to the sky at any given moment and write down what you see. Shapes, colors, the appearance of texture, and how you feel at any given moment during a gaze into the skies is original and irreplaceable. The pictured sky will never look the same again. Side note: God is my favorite artist.

If you look at the way that you do your craft and lead your life, you will see that your originality is what makes your journey and impact different than any other. If you wish to become great at what you do and move above a state of mediocrity, you must stand out. Divine outcomes will come from the way that you share the very fibers of your soul.

One thing that I love about this blog space is the freedom to share my experiences, education, and love for positive and real empowerment. No matter what or how anyone tries, they cannot replicate what you do; isn’t that amazing?! Originality in your natural wonder and mental creations counts.

Bible & Spiritual Connection

1 Peter 5:6 & Proverbs 16:3
Anything that you do, when it is connected to something that is greater than yourself and God you can expect greatness in return. You see, all that you do, when humble and consistent in your efforts, is blessed before your eyes. Remain true to who you are, remember to keep your soul included in your journey and you will be blessed through and through.

Be blessed and be at peace.

I- Intrinsic Motivation


When you think about motivation, if you are anything like me, you think of that “go-getter” attitude with a little added pep in your step right? That vision on how motivation “should be” may be true in many situations, but it won’t be all that you need to step into the next phase of whatever you are working on. The motivation of this sort may be linked to many things, but it is not bound to the daily realities of life.

Something that you may or may not be familiar with is intrinsic motivation. For many people, there are reasons that they connect to their motivation and they are outcome-driven; while this could be beneficial, taking an internal route may be more beneficial in the long-run.  Things like better pay, a leaner body, and accolades from completing a task can be linked to motivation, but once you have achieved them what do you have left? 

I find motivation in defining my steps and given a reason to why I set goals and aim for greatness in all that I do.  When this happens the mission is bigger than myself and the outcomes will be more than favorable because I took my ego, pride, and fleeting situations out of the scenario.

When we can grant ourselves the meaning and reasoning for an outcome and greater purpose, motivation can become something that we own. Motivation can be a part of a lifestyle when we understand that any mission or goal that is worth having is worth fighting for. Intrinsic motivation lives in you, not through an external mission, outside noise, or outcomes that will be achieved in one place in time then be gone.

Motivation is not just words; it is the value that you place on your purpose and the greatness that lives inside of your mind, so look deeper to find it.

Bible & Spiritual Connection

James 1:2-4 & 1 Corinthians 15:58

This journey toward your destiny is one of the greatest battles that you will ever face. The fight was going to come at some time or another, but we all must realize that the process is what matters most. If you allow “noise” to cloud your mind, your outcomes will be limited. God has a promise on your life if you are willing to take His hand and let Him lead the way. Allow perseverance and purpose to make a home inside of your heart, mind, and soul, and know that goodness in you will be gifted with further goodness within you and as a gift to others.

Be blessed and be at peace.

G – Gauge Your Future


Even with assistance and wise counseling, you are responsible for your outcome. We all have a chance to make life what we want it to be. 

“If you think that you want to live a better version of life, you must first gauge your future.”

Gauging your future must be a precise process. When I set out on this school and career journey, I didn’t know and still don’t know exactly where I will end up (as I know that God’s plans are bigger and better than mine). However, two things that were for sure from the beginning were that I was definitely going to do something to help other people, and I would use my natural born gifts and talents to help others evolve. 

Do you recognize how simple that thought (the vision for your life and purpose) can be and how far you can blossom from a simple watered seed?

You set the tone and you create your future, and it all starts in your mind. Connect your heart to your dreams and devise a plan, and you will be setting yourself up for true success. Your future is in your hands, but you have to prepare for it and go out and get it!

Spiritual Connection:

Luke 14:28 & 1 Corinthians 9:24
There is a purpose for each of our lives. Being prepared is something that you have to do to become who you are meant to be. We are all gifted and blessed in countless ways, but God is not one who will bless someone who is not putting forth effort and maximizing their potential. You must wrap your mind around what your future can hold and be prepared to reach goals; know that the path will not be clear, but if you are focused no matter what happens you can win the race.

Supplemental Reading:



Gauge your future starting now…it’s not too late.

Be blessed and be at peace.

C-Conscious Thinking


The way that we envision our lives can be much different than our typical thought processes. From some, that may not be a big deal, but for others it could significantly deter a path to success. We can shift from ideas to deep thoughts and feasible actions by being more conscientious with how we think.

Dreamers and optimists see life with a different set of eyes than others, and that sets them apart from every day thinkers and doers. We must always choose how we think and carry out our actions. This may be difficult, but it can determine outcomes, level of understanding, and personal growth.

Shifting my thoughts when I am discouraged, disappointed, angry and even in a phase of hyper-optimism can be trying. What if we were to determine our own mental control. What if you could eliminate negative, unproductive thinking? The good news is we can. Work hard at it and don’t give up. This positivity leads to clarity and an altered lifestyle.




Proverbs 14:15

Spiritual Connection:
Are you keeping your spirit “in-check”? We are all filled with a purpose and we often create missions for our lives. We have been gifted spiritually to do anything that we can imagine if it is for good. If we choose to lean solely on the possibility of a miracle, we may miss out on greater things due to faulty thinking. Create a newness in yourself and your future by using what you have been granted in your heart and mind by your creator – God. Treat your mind like the mental garden that it is. Water your seeds and watch them grow; choose to do this over and over again. Make consciousness a mindset that is a part of your lifestyle and I guarantee, from proof via my own experiences, your live will continue to reap and see increase.