I- Intuition as Guidance


How many times have you started thinking about something new or interesting that you wanted to do? Plenty of times, right?

I can guarantee that you have second-guessed or questioned a next step several times before.

Where your curiosity should rise is when you think about this question:
What do you do when you go into that second-guessing mode?

Do you feel like there is a little voice inside of your head when you are making decision?
You have the choice to listen to it or not.

Well, what if you knew without a doubt that the voice inside of your head was a gift from the Universe, a blessing or stop sign from God, or truly your intuition warning you or preparing you?
Would you listen then? If so, why not start listening now?

For every turn on the road that you travel you have decisions to make:
Left, right, up, down, stop, go, fight, run, and much more.

The key in hearing the voice or questioning the thought is CHOOSING to pay attention.

Your intuition is truly a source of guidance. Often people fail to stop negative things from happening, miss the cues, or ignore red flags because they think that the little voice inside of their mind may not be worth listening to. Other times we overly think or brush off intuition because we think that we have it all under control.

You should try to use your intuition as your guidance; this is key in making wise decisions. It can open new places, spaces, opportunities, and galaxies for you. You deserve the best, so think before reacting and make the most of your decisions.

Your future should be well-thought out and that plan starts with you. 

When you think about what you want it life, it takes steps. Start with a thought or dream, plan with clear logic, and hope for the future. This way, if something comes up and your path is deterred you can use your intuition to shape things the way you want them to go.

If we can depend on our phones for directions, why do we need to have an audience of opinions to arrive at an answer? Before you run to other people- sit still, meditate, pray, and think about how you should address any situation. After all, you are the one that has to live your life.

Proverbs 2:6-7
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright…”. Wouldn’t it be foolish to ignore that voice if it could be directly sent from God. He teaches in the quiet and observes in the noise; now that you know this and what you are being granted, take advantage of what intuition may be showing you or saying to you…it may save you.

If the Universe is delivering you tools for your mental toolbox choose wisely as it could make or break the foundation of your future building. Pay attention.

Job 38:36
“Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? Or hath given understanding to the heart?” God gives you the gift of lessons, blessings, miracles, provisions, intuition and clarity every day. The best way to thank Him is to cherish those gifts and use them for your life and the greater good.

***Health Spotlight*** Indoor Air Pollutants
-No, this isn’t my typical route of discussing topics in epidemiology and public health, but this is very important.-

Researched via WHO and EPA
What are indoor air pollutants? Particles in the air from diesel, dust, smoke, indoor formaldehyde (ever read the ingredients on your finger nail polish/remover ladies?), household odors from painting cooking, pesticides, cleaning, products used in hobbies, smoking, excess moisture, ozone, and carbon dioxide just to name a few.

Symptoms/Effects: Short-term- headaches, eye irritation, dizziness, fatigue, and cold-like symptoms; everyone is affected differently, but you need to be aware of what you and/or your family members could be faced with. Long-term- possibilities of respiratory illnesses or heart disease; there can be fatal circumstances as well.

You are in control of what you do when your intuition says that something is off with your body or that of your child/significant other. If you feel ill, take note of it and do what is necessary to get the help you need. If you are using anything in your home that may be damaging to your body, perhaps you should take some time and look into alternatives.

Take care of yourself and your neighbors, we all need each other to live our best lives.

Be blessed and be at peace.
*Empowerment, God, Intuition, Guidance, Holy Spirit, Bible, Law of Attraction, Public Health, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Doubt, Goals, Holistic Health , Voice, Wisdom*

H – Housing Your Problems


It is certain that we all face adversity and trying days, but the question that I’d like to ask you is how much are you charging your “mental tenants”?

Take a serious moment to make a list of your mental tenants…
What have these tenants (people/things) done to reserve their space?

Sometimes, it is much easier to allow those problems to stay in your mental housing unit that they are renting…but at what cost?

No matter how big or small, is that cost worth your time and energy?

Sure, the problems hurt and put weight on you but how long will you allow the tenants to stay in your mental space?

The longer that painful thing stays, the longer it will hurt you and hold you back from what you could have.

If you really think about it, what and/or who you house internally makes it’s way out – there will be an exerted physical presence.  This presence can be tears, missed opportunities, needless arguments with people that care about you or something else.

Even when it seems difficult, you have got to come back to this 3-part “trick” …
1.  You are in charge, so don’t allow those tenants to trash your mental home.
2.  Eliminate what no longer needs to be in your space.
3.  Cry it out if you need to, then dry your eyes so that you can see all that you can have, live in, and accomplish.

Do you learn to become the best version of yourself by holding on to and housing problems or obstacles? Certainly not my dear!

Your house ideal “home” can only survive with a strong foundation- so think about what you are putting into your home and make wise decisions.

The longer you hold on to your pain and problems, the longer it will take to reach maximum success.

You deserve to live a life that is not clouded by “unwanted tenants”. 

So the last question you should ask yourself is when are you sending out the eviction notice? You are not forced to nor obligated to keep things or people that hurt you (fight to get out of that bind that you may be in). 

Whether you believe in God or not, in teachings and verses there is truth. Always try to take a note from the words that you read.

1 Corinthians 15:33
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.””
Think about those in your space and all that they need do; people and things affect your life, your finances, your happiness, and your successes. Imagine or take a step back and look at how much of problem those negativity-causing tenants are causing. Do not allow anything in your space that will hurt you. God favors you; he never promised a life of pain or disappointment; seek Him and know that the battle that you may be fighting internally is not yours to fight. Pray about your issues, take inventory and do not be afraid the put out those eviction notices for your “mental tenants”.

Proverbs 13:20
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” If you are to become like those around you, make the most of your circle and all that is around you. Welcome wisdom, love, kindness and peace into your mental home; trust me, you will be much happier that way. 

The Universe is on your side; surely you can imagine how much good can come from your letting go of pain and things that are not meant to be for your best life. Value the space that you are in and remember that what you put out you also receive in return. Giving negative tenants swift “permission” to exit may be the best thing for your life.

***Health Spotlight*** Hypertension
Symptoms: No signs nor symptoms; many people do know that they have the disease.

Prevalence: Approximately 75 million people in the U.S. are living with hypertension; only about 50% of them have it under control.  CDC 

Treatment (controlling the disease): Medication plus healthy diet- low in salt, fat and cholesterol; high consumption of fruits and vegetables. Be active. Do not smoke. Not controlling this disease can lead to problems in the heart, brain, and kidneys.

Prevention: Make healthy choices.

Housing a disease and not working towards a healthier life is not what you should do. Given opportunities, health options, treatment options, etc. you should take them and make the most of your choices and life. Take good care of yourself; it is the only way to lead a happy, healthy life. Don’t house your problems, let someone help you and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Be blessed and be at peace. 


Change, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Global Health, Holistic health, Law of Attraction, Mental Health, Physical Health, Public Health, Self-Love, Wisdom

G – Giving Just Enough


I give too much…
I give too little…
I give just enough…
Are you giving enough according to what you believe, practice, and value?

How many times have you told yourself that you were going to give something your all?
How often do you stick to giving that “thing” you all?

How often have you only giving something a bit of your effort because you weren’t really concerned about it?
When you did that, did you find even more disappointment or go back and wish that you had given it more effort?

Have you given too much of yourself to someone or something? When you do this, you can leave yourself with emptiness, lost hope, brokenness, and lost will to even love yourself or make yourself happy.

How about this?… Have you ever given just enough effort/time?

Who says that enough isn’t enough? I can’t tell you who first said it, but you can start saying when enough IS enough.

You see, for everything that you delve into whether it is a new job, school, writing a book, building a home, buying a car and everything in between you can say when enough is enough.

What does enough mean?

Amazing and wonderfully, your life is your own- meaning it is unique and no one else can live your life. God built a specific life for you to lead. The Universe works in your favor in accordance to what you do, think, practice, and meditate on; it shapes things for you.

Since your life is uniquely put together shouldn’t you be the one to say when enough is good enough?

Let’s think about this a little deeper…

1. You must be mindful and aware of your actions and behavior. Saying that people should accept you for who you are does not apply if you are choosing to be immature, ignorant, foolish, prideful, or negative. Be aware that enough is enough applies in this one if you are being your best self.

2. When taking on a new endeavor of any sort, you must determine what is enough. If giving your all is enough, stick to that and do not give up. You see, you can’t start off giving what is enough to you and then one day decide that you are tired of doing that (without seeking positive change first). You are in charge…so what’ll it be?

3. In a relationship, again you determine what is enough. Truly take self-inventory before you decide what is enough, though. Are you being a good listener, compassionate helper, cheerful giver, etc.? If you are, then you are doing enough…don’t let anyone make you feel or think that you are not doing enough or that you are not good enough at your core. Don’t be afraid to Break The Silence and claim your excellence; your live is yours and you do not have to prove yourself to anyone.

4. Give enough to everyone that you encounter. You were granted tools and also have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit. For every person that you run into, you have something to give. Give from your heart whether it is in words, a story, a smile, or your business card…do what you can to give enough. This can be connected to giving back to your community or an organization like Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence; give what you can, volunteer, run for a cause, support a mission, help your friend/neighbor…simply give enough according to your heart. Everything happens for a reason, so make the most of the meeting, mission, or conversation. 

5. Giving enough to your family is equally defined by you. Do not burn yourself out; if you need to do something for yourself and have the ability to do so, practice self-care regularly. This can mean a walk, pampering, reading, meditating, exercising or anything else that makes you feel at peace. Schedule your love and care for your family and yourself; you need it and deserve it. 

The moral of the story is that for everything and everyone in your life you are in full power of determining what is enough. You must take the time to understand what that looks like and execute whatever it takes to achieve that. You do not have to push yourself so far that you lose sight of yourself or get to a point where you are feeling empty or broken- you deserve so much better than that.

Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Think about it, if you are giving enough and happy with what you are putting in, the action is directly connected your heart and can literally give you a sense of fulfillment. Even if you aren’t in the place of where you aim to be, you can embody that sense by planning out all that you aim to do; work to truly feel how you would if you were already at that level of success or happiness.

Proverbs 10:4
“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Think about what you consider to be enough, are you truly putting in the effort that you need to? Is your enough, your work, your push, your mission going to bring you success at the level or space that you are actively living in? God gave and is still giving and revealing to you gifts, angels, words of wisdom, lessons, values, and places to be amazing…are you really giving enough?

The Universe is a place and part of you that is defined by you, your actions, and everything that lives inside of you.

So….I’ll ask you again are you giving enough?

Be blessed and be at peace.
#KayLas Positivity Corner

***Health Spotlight*** Gonorrhea 
Prevalence: this STD can infect anyone that is sexually (vaginal, anal, or oral) active- ejaculation does not have to occur to get the infection. Pregnant women can possibly pass the infection their babies during delivery. According to the CDC there are an estimated 820,000 people infected with gonoccoal infections every year in the U.S.

Symptoms: (in men) burning sensation when urinating, white, yellow or green discharge from penis, painful or swollen testicles ; (in women) painful or burning sensation when urinating, increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods. Rectal infections:  can be asymptomatic or cause symptoms in men and women such as discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, painful bowel movements. If you do not get treated pelvic inflammatory disease is possible (in women) and sterility in men, pain in testicles are possible; also, increased risk in getting HIV and life-threatening issues due to gonorrhea spreading to the blood or joints are possible.

Treatment: treatment can be difficult as there are some drug-resistant strains, but it can be cured with the right treatment. There is a form of dual therapy using two drugs to treat the infection; permanent damage cannot be reversed. If symptoms continue after finishing medication, you need to return to your physician/clinic.

Prevention: use condoms, know your sexual partner and their sexual and medical history, or don’t engage in any sexual encounters.

Giving Enough…
If you ever feel forced to have unprotected sex with someone, you may need to re-evaluate your situation and seek help from the authorities, if needed.  Giving enough in intimacy is definitely defined by both parties; do not push yourself into a realm that you are uncomfortable with. Protect yourself at all cost. Know that you do not have to go to a major physician (and pay a high out-of-pocket price) to get help, community health clinics are in many places. Talk to your friends and family about their health. Communities both near and far are impacted by the good and bad in health choices and delivery of care, so do what you can to bring tough conversations into the light. Seek the help that you need as soon as you need it. Talk to someone; talk to me, I will listen without judgment and help you in any way that I can. 

Let’s lead healthy, happy, prosperous, lives from the inside-out! We deserve it!

Barriers, Community, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Friends, Global Health, Happiness, Goals, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Negativity, Opportunity, Passion, Survivor,  Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, Vision, Warrior, Worthy, Public Health

E- Executing Personal Elegance


Divinely you were created and brought to this Earth. Divinely things occur and arrive in your life and that of everyone around you. Clearly this means that not only do you have a purpose but there is elegance and grace built into you.

Often the world and the media present false images that many follow and get caught into, but what does that mean for you. You are all that is presented to you, so don’t allow yourself to become something that you aren’t.

You may be surprised by how much things affect you by simply appearing in an image. Just as quickly as you read this blog, your thoughts are immediately deepening and shifting. Since you know that to be true, think about how other things pop up or present themselves online or in your personal life and may cause negative shifts in your thoughts.

You are of elegance, so you have to fight regularly to stay in that light and mentality.

If there is an element of negativity, you need to think twice about letting it stay in your presence. 

If something or someone is making you feel like you are unworthy of success, check yourself and look into that mirror again!

If you run into a space in your life where you feel like you aren’t pretty enough or talented enough, check yourself and remember your elegance and uniqueness.

Personal elegance is not determined nor maintained by the standards of others. 

Personal elegance is what you make it to be.

Uphold yourself to the highest of standards even when no one looking, so that when you present yourself you radiate light and pure happiness.

Personal elegance can be linked to all that you are. It means appearance, character, successes, happiness, love, peace, accomplishments and so much more.

For all of those images of false “perfection”, know that not all that people present is the truth of who they are from the inside out.

A pretty face, fancy clothes, and luxury living do not equate a happy heart or good character. As you observe the world around you check the meaning and think deeper. 

When you wake up, who are you?

When you talk to your friends who are you? What do you display?
When you embrace the presence of your loved ones, who are you?
When you are at work, who are you?
If all of these people are different, you may need to do some re-evaluation. You may not be executing your own personal elegance at the highest level.

Your truth and your elegance should be so apparent that they are presented and connected to your character/all that you are. 

Of course there will be negative people speaking against who you are…but let it be. If you are executing your personal elegance you are already being the best and no one can shake that.

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
No one can tell you or show you who you are. You are in charge of becoming who you were created to be. There are so many wonderful things about you and even more great things that you can do to bless others. Never think that you are less than amazing, because it is simply not true.

Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”
Think of all of the beautiful things about the world that we live in even when there is darkness presenting itself. 

Romans 12:2

“Do not conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” There are things far more important than outer appearance or false images of happiness, so be all that you present from the inside-out. Change your thoughts, your family and all that you will bless in your future depending on it.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Achievement, Ambition, Blessings, Character, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Faith, God, Growth, Global Health, Happiness, Journey, Law of Attraction, public health, Success, 

D-Diving in Head First


If you have ever jumped in a pool, you definitely know how necessary it is to be prepared to hold your breath and go for it in a flash. 

Thinking about how this may work in life is quite interesting.

We all have different hopes and dreams, but where would we be if we did not hold back the fears/doubts and would just dive in?

It can be difficult for many to do this because they are afraid of the outcome. Still others may not be able to go for their dreams in a flash because the timing simply isn’t right.

What if you didn’t think about all of the possible outcomes and you did whatever you could to focus on the best one?
What if you were able to ignore any thoughts of failure?

Let’s prep first…
With anything that you want in life or that you dream of you must start with a vision/dream.

Get creative and put that vision on paper, I know that I love to see my vision and dreams in front of me so vision boards and affirmations are a significant part of my life.

When you can see it, you can further believe that it will be and already is true.

After you can see it on paper, then you need to plan things out. Ask yourself and in a timely fashion get answers to how you can make things happen. 

Make a logical plan internally, only then can you fully execute your mission.

Step by step and piece by piece you are preparing for the greatest dive of your life. How does it feel? You ought to feel amazing and empowered.

For every moment that you choose to sit back hoping that something will happen magically, there is someone else with the same original thought that is pushing and pushing forward and getting where you may be still simply dreaming of.

Now that you know how to prep for your dive, let’s think about the why…

Belief in yourself is an internal action that can be released into the external world through your actions and practiced faith. If you exercise that belief and create actions that are attainable, then everything changes for the better.

Why should you prepare for a dive into your highest goals/dreams? Simply because you deserve it and it is the only way that anything will come into fruition.

Even if that dive seems deep and the current is against you, you have got to keep fighting and maintain your breath. Work in your own favor.

Job 12:10 “The life of every living thing is in His hand, as well as the breath of all mankind”. If we can hold firm to the fact that God literally has everything in His hands, can’t we rest assured that our future and our present are covered and blessed according to His will? The Universe is working in your favor, so be mindful of what you do and/or don’t put into your life (in thought or physical action).

Psalms 56:3
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you”. Even if one step on your journey may seem too big or very scary, trust that everything will turn out just fine. Trust in God, trust in yourself and believe (from the beginning and during the tough days) that all will be amazing. Creating shifts in the Universe means that you release the negativity and create better thoughts. 

Every day there is a new lesson to be learned, so why not use those lessons to become fully prepared for your life’s big dive? 

Push your own limits and challenge yourself to be the best at everything you do, you deserve that and so much more.

I believe in you, do you?
Are you ready to take that dive? If not, get ready…time waits for no one.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Diphtheria (an infection)
Symptoms: Weakness, sore throat, fever, swollen neck glands, gray coating in throat/nose, breathing difficulties; potential for damage to heart, kidneys, and nerves also exist. (CDC)
PreventionVaccination is recommended; it was once a major cause of illness and death in children, so be mindful of what people can face without vaccination and attempting to prevent disease/infection.
Treatment: Physicians can swab the throat to test for the presence of bacteria that causes Diphtheria. An antitoxin/antibiotics are used to stop the poison and to kill/get rid of the bacteria, respectively. Treatment does not mean that all are saved, though.
Prevalence: Even with treatment 1 in 10 die from Diphtheria. In some countries there are upwards of 700 people cases in a year; even though there are very few reports in the US, it is very necessary to protect yourself as best as possible. WHO
Public Health Connection: Because Diphtheria is spread through droplets from coughing or sneezing, it can easy be transmitted to others. A person can also get Diphtheria from touching a object (like a toy) that has the bacteria on it. Be mindful of everything that you/your children come in contact with. Seek a physician if you are ill; do not wait, try to find out about what you are experiencing by using the internet, or try to self-medicate. There are many inexpensive clinics that you may have access to. Work hard to protect yourselves and your family. Practice proper hygiene and proper sneezing/coughing techniques- do so in your elbow, not your hands. Dive into being mindful about your health and that of your family; you can’t live your best life if you are not taking care of your physical health.

Barriers, Challenges, Changes, Courage, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Fear, Global Health, Law of Attraction, Public Health, Vaccination, Worthy, 

C-Chasing Away Personal Monsters


Your monsters come in every shape and form. Monsters big or small can wreak havoc, throw stones at you, break your pride, and dim your light…..if you let them.

When you grow into your strengths, live in your purpose, and push to become that which you are called to be even the biggest of monsters can be chased away.

For some, their monsters are people
…these people have caused pain, brokenness, confusion, frustration, and loss of self. These people are essentially spirit-breakers; when they find the space and place to bring on the pain and heartbreak they lay it on hard. 

The challenge for you is to see beyond your tears and not allow those pain-evoking people to crush you from the inside-out. Do not allow these people into your circle and certainly do not allow anyone to stay in your life should they exhibit ugliness, evil, or any type of negativity. Stand up, shine your light, and chase away those who do not belong with you on your journey.

For others, their monsters may be things/places
…these things are what you truly have control over at every moment. Whether your monster in this sense is a habit that is hard to break, a place that you need to grow apart from, or a space that is no longer serving you as it should- you have got to pay attention and do whatever it takes to chase away this monster.

Even still another type of monster can be your emotions. You are most definitely entitled to your emotions and no one can take them away from you or force you to feel differently. The most important thing with this type of monster is to not allow it to take over your life. Emotions change according to environment and many other things around you. No matter how much this monster tries to chase and/or tackle you, you have got to keep pushing forward.

2 Peter 1:5-9
“For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.” No matter what you face, there is a way to cover it in love and prosperity. Chasing away your monsters does something that is so important and that is: give you more space to grow, be happy, and be at peace.

Clutter of your monsters must be cleaned up so that you can welcome what is going to bless your lives. The Universe brings forth more of what you put into it; if you are welcoming and/or allowing the negative to stay you are hurting yourself, all around you, and your chance for opportunities.

Proverbs 12:16
“Fools shows their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.” If your monsters hurt you, you have to do what works best for you and get rid of them. This doesn’t mean that you fight fire with fire; you will receive a blessing unlike any other if you are kind (with your strength and voice intact). 

As you know, and I have said several times before, nothing is life is easy and it shouldn’t be. Think about how much stronger you would be if you chased away your monsters. Think about the power and the fire inside of you that will only grow when that place, space, or thing no longer belongs in your are gone. 

Don’t you deserve a beautiful smile on your face and to live in happiness and peace?

Don’t you deserve success in life?

Don’t you deserve all that you imagine and beyond?

…Of course you do!

Take the time to learn about your monsters and do what it takes to chase them completely out of the scene. You deserve that!

Be blessed and be at peace.
#KayLasPositivity Corner

***Health Spotlight*** Chikungunya- a mosquito transmitted virus
Symptoms: fever, headache, rash, swelling, and joint pain
Treatment: unfortunately, there is no vaccine to prevent or treat the infection; most feel better after a week, so drink fluids take Tylenol and get some rest.
Prevention: use mosquito netting, wear long sleeves, and use repellent
Prevalence: a global impact; last year there were about 150 reported cases of chikungunya in the U.S. (CDC), but thousands more affected across the world
– Chasing away monsters with this disease means so much more than taking care of yourself; it means plugging into your family, community, and the world. There is so much that we can do in our own communities; it takes a village and our impact can be great if only we use what we have to make a change. Think about how blessed you are and never forget how underserved so many others are; do your part, let’s change the world for the better by chasing away the monsters that so many people face.

Growth, Global Health, Light, Manifest, mental health, Overcome, Worthy, Self-Worth, Self-Love, public health, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Law of Attraction

B- Breaking Barriers

© KayLaN.Allen

If everything was meant to be easy, then everyone would have everything and probably still not be satisfied.

When you are faced with barriers, as always, you have two options: accept them as what they are and blow right through them and break them down.

When someone tells you no, that may just mean no in that space or with that person and that is okay.

Breaking down barriers is your right. You can have it all and I can guarantee that in the back of your mind you have thoughts about this. Check out Luke 13:7 if you need a reminder: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

How many different people seem to be doing the same thing and are successful? You are special and what you have to offer gives you the key to unlock doors that no one else can access.

The challenge here is for you to remember that those barriers are perceived and not necessarily your reality. 

Brokenness can teach us that we are only allowed to be in one space or able to do one thing and cannot go beyond that level. The trick is to re-train your thoughts.

How do you think people bring together ideas to bridge gaps? They use what they have, they collect their experiences, and keep pushing forward.

A closed door is not the end and in actuality it can be one of the greatest blessings that you could ever ask for.

What if your barriers weren’t there? Would you do things differently? Would there be a fire under you? Would you be happier? Would you even think about anything that could stop you? 

I ask you all of those things to make you think differently. Why treat yourself as if those barriers matter? Who is stopping you from being happy in creating your success? Why can’t you create a new train of thought and shift the Universe’s process in helping things to come into fruition?

Jeremiah 29:11 
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
If you ask and allow God to travel with you on your journey everything will change, I promise you. It is the ideal version of strong faith being executed. If you are already putting in the effort to be an amazing version of yourself, those barriers that present themselves will continue to be broken down.

Psalms 119:105
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
 You have the guidance that you need…are you listening? Are you paying attention? God is with you at every turn, do miss out because of that barrier that popped up. Fight because just beyond there, God has prepared something special for you.

1 Peter 4:1-4
“Be sober-minded, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
It is up to you to keep fighting for what you want. No one wants to be stuck in a place or space where they cannot grow. No matter what you have faced in your past you can change it all by believing in yourself. If you tell yourself that a barrier cannot be broken, you will not be granted opportunities for growth and success. Pay attention to your thoughts and actions; accept the light that is set forth for you and ignore any darkness that tries to seep in.

Treat barriers as though they are hurdles and jump as if your life depends on it…because it does. Taking the time to understand those barriers and not get swallowed by the pain of their appearance will save you tears, fears, and pain. It is not always easy to see past those feelings of sadness, anger, confusion, and frustration…but it can be done. Don’t cling to your pain fight through it and work to cope/overcome it; these barriers can seem like mountains, but do let them stifle your growth.

Put in the work, I promise you it will be worth it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***Brucellosis– an infectious disease due to bacteria contracted from infected animals such as cattle pigs, dogs, and sheep.
Symptoms include: fever, malaise, headache, pain in muscles, and fatigue 
Treatment: antibiotics after the infection is found by a physician; recovery time depends on the severity and death is rare.
Prevention: do not consume undercooked meat or unpasteurized dairy products; if you are a hunter or herdsman wear protective gear such as gloves, aprons, and rubber gloves.
You can break barriers in access to healthcare by the use of public health services; things are not perfect but from a future public health leader to you there are many people that deliver and are concerned about compassionate care. We all have the tools to help break barriers in access to care, it takes special people with unique gifts and talents collaborating for the greater good to evoke lasting change. Don’t believe me? Let’s talk about it. I will do whatever I can to help you.

Achievement, Barriers, Brokenness, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Fighting, mental health, Overcoming, Positivity, Mindfulness, Law of Attraction

Overcoming the Storms in Your Life

What if you had the chance to step away from the depths of your despair?
What if you could overcome your darkest hour?
What if you could eliminate the very thing that plagues you?
What if God showed you that it could be done?…Would you do it?

Often we find ourselves questioning “What if?”
Our lives and our blessing are not built on what ifs and what abouts
We are not meant to live lives that are impacted and defiled by evil people and negative thoughts.
We are meant to lead blessed and abundantly lives that in-turn bless other people.

Ephesians 4:18 “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.”

Why would you block your own blessings by consistently living in fear, pain, confusion and mediocrity?
Why you keep thinking that you already know the answer to your issue, when you have living a cycle of sadness, anger, and doubt?
You keep praying asking God to give you a sign and yet when that very sign is completely bright in neon lights flashing right in front of your face you ignore it.

Although the storms in your life may bring the thunder and rain, know that you will overcome them because you’ve already proven that you can.

2Timothy 2:23-24

“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
Stop arguing with those who taunt, bring negativity, and hurt you! You are only allowing it and hurting yourself. You know that you deserve better than that. So stop!!

Remember when you allowed someone to dim your light?
Remember when you let your significant other tell you that your dreams were too big?
Remember when you got that degree and how you kept getting denied a job?
Remember when that person showed you who they were and you made excuses for them?
Remember when you lost every material thing that you owned?
Remember when you lost that person that you loved so dearly, to death?
Remember when you spent your last dime so that your child could eat?

Everything that has plagued you have risen above it!
God has blessed you over and over again!
Do you see the signs now? 
Do you see how your circumstances or a situation clouded everything?

God helps you through every situation. Why are you denying that you can break away from the very thing that is hurting you?

1 Peter 5:7
“Cast all of your anxiety on him because he cares for you”
Don’t you see? Everything that He has done for you before, in some way He will do it again if only you have faith and do what He calls you to do.

As I keep saying, please making excuses. You are not helping anyone by doing that, and you are stifling your life, your blessings, and the growth of your family.

Change your mindset so that you can change your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Overcoming storms in health means that you will have to fight and never give up. Everyone faces different struggles in their lives, but the key in healthcare is to not give up. If you don’t know the answer to something, ask until you get the answer. You can overcome anything put on your path, do what you can to help everyone around you. Health care can be difficult to access, so do what you can to help others get the help that they need.

Change, Clarity, Determination, Courage, Empowerment, Global Health, Epidemiology, God, Healing, Law of Attraction, Mental health, Overcoming, Public Health, Self-Love, Self-Worth, Wisdom



When you get to the end of a road and you have make the decision to make a new habit or break the old habit, what do you do? If you’re wise, you’ll do both.

Breaking Bad Habits
We all have things that we would like to change. The most important thing to remember is that you have to want to change. Next, you have to eliminate negative people and surroundings that may make you miss out on your blessings. Lastly, break the tie that bind you. No one is holding you back except you! We’ve been over this. You can’t stop eating that fattening food and work out. You can go back to school, you’re not too old and yes it is for you. You can stop smoking. You can stop drinking. Stop wasting money. Whatever is plaguing you, you can stop doing it! We all face temptations. We all have habits; break away from what you’re facing if it is not good for you.

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

Making New Habits
Now that you’ve eliminated those bats in your closet, it’s time to make new habits. The most important thing in this is to make a routine. Get up  work out, eat a healthy breakfast, do yoga… go to school/ work, eat lunch, continue your day, have a healthy snack, go for a walk, go home have a light dinner…

Plan your day from beginning to end and be consistent.

You have the power to do whatever you want. You don’t have to be stuck in never-ending cycle.
Think and know what you need from your life.

If what you’re doing isn’t working, stop doing it. Revamp your life and your thoughts.
You can do it, I believe in you.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** HIV/AIDS

Last year over 900,000 died from HIV related illness and at the end of 2017 there were over 30 million living with HIV. 
Symptoms: vary depending on the stage of the infection; can range from no symptoms to flu-like symptoms and later rash, fever, cough, and diarrhea just to name a few symptoms.
Transmission: exchange of bodily fluids from infected people- blood, semen, breast milk, semen, and vaginal secretions.

Prevention: condoms use and limiting exposure to risk factors.
Treatment: lifelong treatment include ARV drugs and ART
(WHO and CDC)
– It is your job to take of yourself and protect yourself; do not let anyone take advantage of you. Get tested and know your status; it is important and everyone needs to do so. Do what you can to spread the word and make wise decisions.

Habits, Determination, Empowerment, Global Health, Law of Attraction, mental health, public health, Wisdom, Strength, Epidemiology 

G-Gain (Personal, Spiritual, and Life Gains)

© KayLaN.Allen

Unless you love a life of mediocrity or you’ve already achieved
your highest goals, your thoughts should be geared towards gaining something
greater. Keep climbing and achieving, it all matters; every step big or small counts.

Financial gain

Educational gain

Family gain (growth together)

Relationship/marital gain (prospering together)

Spiritual gain (growth in faith, strengthening prayer, growing your
relationship with God).

You’ve got to put in your work if you want to have anything
greater than what you currently have.

Nothing will fall into your lap!

Please do not become blind to your situations or your need for change.

Patience isn’t a bad thing, but acceptance can be… don’t let anyone
tell you what you can/can’t do.

You must challenge yourself and reach for the things that most
people would think are impossible to attain.
If we all sit and become stagnant what will we have? The exact
same thing that we start off with.

Remember this bible verse along your journey

Matthew 16:26

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose
his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Don’t let your achievements take over your judgment or alter your character,
values, or morals. Remain true to yourself!

2 Corinthians 9:8

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that
ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good

Do not ever think that you need a man/woman to live, be happy or
achieve something. Everything that you need is in you.

Get to it!! Seek. Pray. Mediate. Imagine. Visualize. Make it

blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight*** Giardiasis- a parasitic infection
Symptoms include: diarrhea, gas, stomach pains, dehydration
Treatment: drugs available; discuss options with your physician.
Prevention: good hygiene, avoid contaminated food and drinks, prevent contact with feces during sex, clean up after ill people and pets. (CDC)
Reported cases 2017: over 15,000 (CDC)

Epidemiology, Empowerment, Global Health, mental health, Positivity, public health, Law of Attraction, Mindfulness