Putting Yourself First


Doubt– When little voices creep in asking us if we are doing the right thing we decide if we listen or challenge them. Doubt can make us question absolutely everything that we do and break us down if we give in to any negative aspect that comes in. Putting ourselves first means that we have to be able to not only understand the doubts that arise but also be able to overcome them so that we can reach our highest potential.

Fear– the fear of what if…the fear of judgment…the fear of not reaching goals…
All of these are real (ask me how I know). I have dealt with fears in many aspects of life. It can be difficult to have a stronghold over fears, but it can be done. Strength in vision, self, faith, and direction are all necessary in trying to overcome embedded fears.

Worth– You’re value is not determined by the world. It is established by God and to be understood and upheld by you. When someone challenges that, it hurts, right? It can even make you feel like maybe you aren’t worth what you said you are worth. We cannot allow others’ opinions, blocked/biased views, or internal problems to shift our worth.

Am I Enough?
Yes, you are. You may not be perfect and you may not have become all that you are called to be in your life YET, but you are enough. We all have space to grow and evolve. No one came into this world having all the answers, thank goodness! You can use what you have inside to make the most of your present; you just have to look beyond the surface and take inventory. Let nothing cause you to change what you think of yourself. How you view yourself and carry yourself is how others will treat you, so be careful.

Why can’t we channel our success but we can be extreme givers for anyone else?
First…Not okay. You need to understand why you are doing what you are doing…so, here we go…

Write it all down!

Ask yourself what would happen if you put yourself first.
Look internally and decide if what you are doing for others is proof that you can do even greater things in your own life.

Why can’t we be busy with our own growth?
You can be. You first must choose to do so. It is hard to put myself first in many instances, but I realize that if I don’t I am only hindering my growth. We can find hundreds of other things to be doing besides evolving ourselves. Sure that may be okay in the temporary, but we will hurt ourselves and be depriving ourselves in the long run.

Without putting yourself first and making sure that you are healthy, safe, and positively evolving, those around you will in some way suffer.

You are wonderfully made and a gift to this world.

Discover and love yourself. Don’t let the world try to break God’s mold (you).

If you can dream it you can have it. Don’t cheat yourself.

You are destined for greatness, and there is nothing nor any outside person that can do something to make God’s promises on your life not come into fruition in the physical realm.

She knows very well that eating alone is a part of her journey. Even when she is into her success, that table should still not be filled as she knows that evil and negativity will still be lurking. Her independence and strength are internal to all that she is. She is courage. She is greatness. She is on her way to her destiny.
She is you.
She is me.

Be blessed and be at peace.

D-Diving in Head First


If you have ever jumped in a pool, you definitely know how necessary it is to be prepared to hold your breath and go for it in a flash. 

Thinking about how this may work in life is quite interesting.

We all have different hopes and dreams, but where would we be if we did not hold back the fears/doubts and would just dive in?

It can be difficult for many to do this because they are afraid of the outcome. Still others may not be able to go for their dreams in a flash because the timing simply isn’t right.

What if you didn’t think about all of the possible outcomes and you did whatever you could to focus on the best one?
What if you were able to ignore any thoughts of failure?

Let’s prep first…
With anything that you want in life or that you dream of you must start with a vision/dream.

Get creative and put that vision on paper, I know that I love to see my vision and dreams in front of me so vision boards and affirmations are a significant part of my life.

When you can see it, you can further believe that it will be and already is true.

After you can see it on paper, then you need to plan things out. Ask yourself and in a timely fashion get answers to how you can make things happen. 

Make a logical plan internally, only then can you fully execute your mission.

Step by step and piece by piece you are preparing for the greatest dive of your life. How does it feel? You ought to feel amazing and empowered.

For every moment that you choose to sit back hoping that something will happen magically, there is someone else with the same original thought that is pushing and pushing forward and getting where you may be still simply dreaming of.

Now that you know how to prep for your dive, let’s think about the why…

Belief in yourself is an internal action that can be released into the external world through your actions and practiced faith. If you exercise that belief and create actions that are attainable, then everything changes for the better.

Why should you prepare for a dive into your highest goals/dreams? Simply because you deserve it and it is the only way that anything will come into fruition.

Even if that dive seems deep and the current is against you, you have got to keep fighting and maintain your breath. Work in your own favor.

Job 12:10 “The life of every living thing is in His hand, as well as the breath of all mankind”. If we can hold firm to the fact that God literally has everything in His hands, can’t we rest assured that our future and our present are covered and blessed according to His will? The Universe is working in your favor, so be mindful of what you do and/or don’t put into your life (in thought or physical action).

Psalms 56:3
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you”. Even if one step on your journey may seem too big or very scary, trust that everything will turn out just fine. Trust in God, trust in yourself and believe (from the beginning and during the tough days) that all will be amazing. Creating shifts in the Universe means that you release the negativity and create better thoughts. 

Every day there is a new lesson to be learned, so why not use those lessons to become fully prepared for your life’s big dive? 

Push your own limits and challenge yourself to be the best at everything you do, you deserve that and so much more.

I believe in you, do you?
Are you ready to take that dive? If not, get ready…time waits for no one.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Diphtheria (an infection)
Symptoms: Weakness, sore throat, fever, swollen neck glands, gray coating in throat/nose, breathing difficulties; potential for damage to heart, kidneys, and nerves also exist. (CDC)
PreventionVaccination is recommended; it was once a major cause of illness and death in children, so be mindful of what people can face without vaccination and attempting to prevent disease/infection.
Treatment: Physicians can swab the throat to test for the presence of bacteria that causes Diphtheria. An antitoxin/antibiotics are used to stop the poison and to kill/get rid of the bacteria, respectively. Treatment does not mean that all are saved, though.
Prevalence: Even with treatment 1 in 10 die from Diphtheria. In some countries there are upwards of 700 people cases in a year; even though there are very few reports in the US, it is very necessary to protect yourself as best as possible. WHO
Public Health Connection: Because Diphtheria is spread through droplets from coughing or sneezing, it can easy be transmitted to others. A person can also get Diphtheria from touching a object (like a toy) that has the bacteria on it. Be mindful of everything that you/your children come in contact with. Seek a physician if you are ill; do not wait, try to find out about what you are experiencing by using the internet, or try to self-medicate. There are many inexpensive clinics that you may have access to. Work hard to protect yourselves and your family. Practice proper hygiene and proper sneezing/coughing techniques- do so in your elbow, not your hands. Dive into being mindful about your health and that of your family; you can’t live your best life if you are not taking care of your physical health.

Barriers, Challenges, Changes, Courage, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Fear, Global Health, Law of Attraction, Public Health, Vaccination, Worthy, 

Overcoming Fear


Your voice is your power. Your story is your wisdom. Your truth is your freedom.
No matter what anyone tells you, those three statements will forever ring true.

The world and time will reveal to you the character and morals of everyone that you encounter or see displayed in the media and in your life.

Your fear of the world and what others will say are essentially figments of your imagination. Your job in life is to follow your passion, not to hide from the world.

Think about a time when you learned something new. Was it easy? Were you scared of what people would say? Were you there standing strong to learn that new thing? Did you hide from the world, never to learn that thing?

Let’s roll the dice of life….ready, set, shake…
Roll 1: You only learn about something from a distance
Roll 2: You learn behind closed doors
Roll 3: You learn only around family
Roll 4: You take a moment to learn about that new thing and how you can become good at it
Roll 5: You learn to the best of your ability but fear the world
Roll 6: You learn, grow, strengthen your mind and abilities, and show the world what you’re made of.

The dice reference can be thought about like this: You can shake it up and take a chance and land on any of those numbers and they all mean different things. All that matters is that you take the chance!

So what if you fall?! So what if you can only take one step at a time?! You are still doing better on your roll 6 by doing everything that you can without fear!

If you speak up and only get your voice and/or story heard by 5 people, that’s more than the mirror and more than your tears. Those people can tell 5 more people and that effect could keep rolling along. Look at how much you can do by just letting go of fear and being open to the world around you.

Deuteronomy 31:8 “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” God gave you so much more than a mind of fear. You have everything that you need inside of you. Having a fear of the world will only cause fear to live inside of you. Fear is not real. Fight back! Use what you have and all that you are to change your life and bless many others.

Psalms 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Those against us will use fear, mockery, and belittlement tactics to break us down. Imagine what we could do if we grew strong enough to overcome that. If someone has caused you to feel this way, it is your mind and your accomplishments that can and will change all of that if you let it happen. God can give you perfect peace. The Universe will work in your favor…what are you putting into your prayers and your visualizations? You can eliminate fear, one step and one lesson at a time.

Grow into who you were called to be.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Dengue (endemic, but pandemic-prone) : A viral infection/disease caused that is mosquito-borne (via Aedes aegypti). There are millions of infections annually in many areas including suburbs, poor areas, and tropical countries; the disease is endemic-in over 100 countries. It is a leading killer of children and adults in Asian and Latin American countries. Within 2-7 days the infected person develops a fever (WHO). Common symptoms include: high fever, severe headache, rash, joint pain, severe eye pain, mild bleeding, and muscle pain. Warning signs include abdominal pain, black stool, cold/clammy skin, and difficulty breathing. Prevention: eliminate areas that hold water around your home, use repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, secure windows and screens (no holes), and use a bed net when needed. There is no specific treatment, but pain medication (with acetaminophen- no aspirin or ibuprofen), hydrating, resting and consultation of a physician are all mandatory (CDC). Take care of yourself and your family is the key to a long, happy, and healthy life.

Overcoming, Fear, Light, God, Universe, Empowerment, Global Health, Public Health, Challenges, Epidemiology, Growth, Strength