Overcoming the Storms in Your Life

What if you had the chance to step away from the depths of your despair?
What if you could overcome your darkest hour?
What if you could eliminate the very thing that plagues you?
What if God showed you that it could be done?…Would you do it?

Often we find ourselves questioning “What if?”
Our lives and our blessing are not built on what ifs and what abouts
We are not meant to live lives that are impacted and defiled by evil people and negative thoughts.
We are meant to lead blessed and abundantly lives that in-turn bless other people.

Ephesians 4:18 “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.”

Why would you block your own blessings by consistently living in fear, pain, confusion and mediocrity?
Why you keep thinking that you already know the answer to your issue, when you have living a cycle of sadness, anger, and doubt?
You keep praying asking God to give you a sign and yet when that very sign is completely bright in neon lights flashing right in front of your face you ignore it.

Although the storms in your life may bring the thunder and rain, know that you will overcome them because you’ve already proven that you can.

2Timothy 2:23-24

“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
Stop arguing with those who taunt, bring negativity, and hurt you! You are only allowing it and hurting yourself. You know that you deserve better than that. So stop!!

Remember when you allowed someone to dim your light?
Remember when you let your significant other tell you that your dreams were too big?
Remember when you got that degree and how you kept getting denied a job?
Remember when that person showed you who they were and you made excuses for them?
Remember when you lost every material thing that you owned?
Remember when you lost that person that you loved so dearly, to death?
Remember when you spent your last dime so that your child could eat?

Everything that has plagued you have risen above it!
God has blessed you over and over again!
Do you see the signs now? 
Do you see how your circumstances or a situation clouded everything?

God helps you through every situation. Why are you denying that you can break away from the very thing that is hurting you?

1 Peter 5:7
“Cast all of your anxiety on him because he cares for you”
Don’t you see? Everything that He has done for you before, in some way He will do it again if only you have faith and do what He calls you to do.

As I keep saying, please making excuses. You are not helping anyone by doing that, and you are stifling your life, your blessings, and the growth of your family.

Change your mindset so that you can change your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Overcoming storms in health means that you will have to fight and never give up. Everyone faces different struggles in their lives, but the key in healthcare is to not give up. If you don’t know the answer to something, ask until you get the answer. You can overcome anything put on your path, do what you can to help everyone around you. Health care can be difficult to access, so do what you can to help others get the help that they need.

Change, Clarity, Determination, Courage, Empowerment, Global Health, Epidemiology, God, Healing, Law of Attraction, Mental health, Overcoming, Public Health, Self-Love, Self-Worth, Wisdom

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