G – Giving Just Enough


I give too much…
I give too little…
I give just enough…
Are you giving enough according to what you believe, practice, and value?

How many times have you told yourself that you were going to give something your all?
How often do you stick to giving that “thing” you all?

How often have you only giving something a bit of your effort because you weren’t really concerned about it?
When you did that, did you find even more disappointment or go back and wish that you had given it more effort?

Have you given too much of yourself to someone or something? When you do this, you can leave yourself with emptiness, lost hope, brokenness, and lost will to even love yourself or make yourself happy.

How about this?… Have you ever given just enough effort/time?

Who says that enough isn’t enough? I can’t tell you who first said it, but you can start saying when enough IS enough.

You see, for everything that you delve into whether it is a new job, school, writing a book, building a home, buying a car and everything in between you can say when enough is enough.

What does enough mean?

Amazing and wonderfully, your life is your own- meaning it is unique and no one else can live your life. God built a specific life for you to lead. The Universe works in your favor in accordance to what you do, think, practice, and meditate on; it shapes things for you.

Since your life is uniquely put together shouldn’t you be the one to say when enough is good enough?

Let’s think about this a little deeper…

1. You must be mindful and aware of your actions and behavior. Saying that people should accept you for who you are does not apply if you are choosing to be immature, ignorant, foolish, prideful, or negative. Be aware that enough is enough applies in this one if you are being your best self.

2. When taking on a new endeavor of any sort, you must determine what is enough. If giving your all is enough, stick to that and do not give up. You see, you can’t start off giving what is enough to you and then one day decide that you are tired of doing that (without seeking positive change first). You are in charge…so what’ll it be?

3. In a relationship, again you determine what is enough. Truly take self-inventory before you decide what is enough, though. Are you being a good listener, compassionate helper, cheerful giver, etc.? If you are, then you are doing enough…don’t let anyone make you feel or think that you are not doing enough or that you are not good enough at your core. Don’t be afraid to Break The Silence and claim your excellence; your live is yours and you do not have to prove yourself to anyone.

4. Give enough to everyone that you encounter. You were granted tools and also have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit. For every person that you run into, you have something to give. Give from your heart whether it is in words, a story, a smile, or your business card…do what you can to give enough. This can be connected to giving back to your community or an organization like Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence; give what you can, volunteer, run for a cause, support a mission, help your friend/neighbor…simply give enough according to your heart. Everything happens for a reason, so make the most of the meeting, mission, or conversation. 

5. Giving enough to your family is equally defined by you. Do not burn yourself out; if you need to do something for yourself and have the ability to do so, practice self-care regularly. This can mean a walk, pampering, reading, meditating, exercising or anything else that makes you feel at peace. Schedule your love and care for your family and yourself; you need it and deserve it. 

The moral of the story is that for everything and everyone in your life you are in full power of determining what is enough. You must take the time to understand what that looks like and execute whatever it takes to achieve that. You do not have to push yourself so far that you lose sight of yourself or get to a point where you are feeling empty or broken- you deserve so much better than that.

Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Think about it, if you are giving enough and happy with what you are putting in, the action is directly connected your heart and can literally give you a sense of fulfillment. Even if you aren’t in the place of where you aim to be, you can embody that sense by planning out all that you aim to do; work to truly feel how you would if you were already at that level of success or happiness.

Proverbs 10:4
“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Think about what you consider to be enough, are you truly putting in the effort that you need to? Is your enough, your work, your push, your mission going to bring you success at the level or space that you are actively living in? God gave and is still giving and revealing to you gifts, angels, words of wisdom, lessons, values, and places to be amazing…are you really giving enough?

The Universe is a place and part of you that is defined by you, your actions, and everything that lives inside of you.

So….I’ll ask you again are you giving enough?

Be blessed and be at peace.
#KayLas Positivity Corner

***Health Spotlight*** Gonorrhea 
Prevalence: this STD can infect anyone that is sexually (vaginal, anal, or oral) active- ejaculation does not have to occur to get the infection. Pregnant women can possibly pass the infection their babies during delivery. According to the CDC there are an estimated 820,000 people infected with gonoccoal infections every year in the U.S.

Symptoms: (in men) burning sensation when urinating, white, yellow or green discharge from penis, painful or swollen testicles ; (in women) painful or burning sensation when urinating, increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods. Rectal infections:  can be asymptomatic or cause symptoms in men and women such as discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, painful bowel movements. If you do not get treated pelvic inflammatory disease is possible (in women) and sterility in men, pain in testicles are possible; also, increased risk in getting HIV and life-threatening issues due to gonorrhea spreading to the blood or joints are possible.

Treatment: treatment can be difficult as there are some drug-resistant strains, but it can be cured with the right treatment. There is a form of dual therapy using two drugs to treat the infection; permanent damage cannot be reversed. If symptoms continue after finishing medication, you need to return to your physician/clinic.

Prevention: use condoms, know your sexual partner and their sexual and medical history, or don’t engage in any sexual encounters.

Giving Enough…
If you ever feel forced to have unprotected sex with someone, you may need to re-evaluate your situation and seek help from the authorities, if needed.  Giving enough in intimacy is definitely defined by both parties; do not push yourself into a realm that you are uncomfortable with. Protect yourself at all cost. Know that you do not have to go to a major physician (and pay a high out-of-pocket price) to get help, community health clinics are in many places. Talk to your friends and family about their health. Communities both near and far are impacted by the good and bad in health choices and delivery of care, so do what you can to bring tough conversations into the light. Seek the help that you need as soon as you need it. Talk to someone; talk to me, I will listen without judgment and help you in any way that I can. 

Let’s lead healthy, happy, prosperous, lives from the inside-out! We deserve it!

Barriers, Community, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Friends, Global Health, Happiness, Goals, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Negativity, Opportunity, Passion, Survivor,  Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, Vision, Warrior, Worthy, Public Health

Overcoming Relationships of Every Sort


Throughout life, we meet and get to know people on many different levels.

The passing of time, change in vision of life, different goals, broken hearts, etc. can all be reasons that these relationship must come to an end.

Making the decision to overcome a relationship can be one of the most difficult things to do. However, this very decision can be one of the best things that you can do for yourself, your family, or your career.

Let’s look a little deeper at intimate relationships, friendships, and career relationships.

Intimate Relationships
When dating (typically at the beginning), many people experience feelings of joy, excitement, butterflies, love, lust, etc., but we must remember that those things don’t always last nor do they have to. 

Of course, you should work hard in your relationships and love the one you are with, but if things have gone sour and either of you are experiencing dysfunction or unhealthy behaviors it may be beyond time to cut ties.

You know what you deserve in a relationship and what you need; if your significant other is unwilling to work on those things, don’t you think that maybe you need to rethink the relationship? 

Don’t you think that maybe you should be with someone who is willing to put in the effort and build a strong, faithful, and loving relationship with you? 

Let me say this: you do not have to stay with someone who cheats on you or mistreats you. You need to get your head on straight and think through your relationship and make the decision to overcome any negativity within it; if that means you need to leave, so be it. 

Keep this at the forefront of your mind: staying in a relationship just for the kids will hurt you, your significant other, those God meant for you, and your children (as they will mimic and be susceptible to what you have shown them/allowed them to be a part of). Do the right thing.

At various stages of our lives we meet people that we may find a connection with, someone that likes the same things, or someone that we simply have things in common with and they become friends that we hold close to our hearts. 

We do things together, talk regularly, and even buy each other gifts. Those relationships are not always meant to travel with you for life, in fact it can be more unhealthy than anything to allow people that do not have the same goals, those without an aim for growth, or someone without the same beliefs as you. 

Proverbs 18:24
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” A friend is a blessing, but sometimes you have to let them go so that you can grow and find your happiness. One of the greatest friends and the most dependable friend can be found in God.

Friendship is a beautiful thing, but sometimes those relationships are only for a season; you learn the lesson then it’s time to move forward. You must be willing to see through the memories, time spent, etc. and realize that growth and change are mandatory in life…even when it comes to friends. Overcome that relationship by realizing the value in it and remembering that your journey through life and your success do not require everyone that you encounter and/or befriend.

Career Relationships
A brand new job comes up and we get excited about it look forward to everything that we will do, etc. Over time, you may get bored, want more money, gain a degree, or get tired of the commute, etc. and that is perfectly fine.  There are many people that stick to one job or one career for their entire life and that is okay, but that does not have to be the case. 

If you are feeling stuck or unfulfilled and there is no room for growth, perhaps you need to overcome that career relationship.  You need a challenge, you need to feel that you are making a difference and that you are being appreciated; if that is not how you feel you need to be appreciative of what you have learned and the opportunity and redirect your life.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 & 5
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.” Knowing the value of any relationship (family included) is important, but it is equally important to recognize if someone/something is causing you to feel truly unhappy. If there is no way to mend it or the person is intentionally causing you emotional pain, you need to overcome that relationship.

It can hurt to leave people behind, but wouldn’t you rather forgive, try to mend, and overcome if it is necessary. You deserve to be happy within yourself; few things/people can give you that except God, looking into your soul, acknowledging what the Universe is blessing you with, and you.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
There have been over 100 measles cases and 8 outbreaks of the measles in the U.S. this year(CDC). The majority of people with measles contract it because they are not vaccinated. Physical symptoms may appear in about 10-14 days after exposure, but people are contagious after 4 days with the virus. Fever is the early symptom of the measles, they can reach up to 105 F; this is accompanied by malaise, cough, and conjunctivitis. The rash spreads from the head-down (CDC). High risk people are infants, adults over 20, pregnant women, and those with compromised immune systems. Airborne spread and droplets are the methods of transmission; it can remain in the air for two hours. There is no antiviral treatment, but medical care is necessary; hospitalization is hospital. As always, if you suspect an illness seek medical attention.

Labels: Overcoming, Growth, Relationships, Friends, Change, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Faith, Healing