Z – Zero to Infinity


All things must start somewhere.

No matter the turmoil of your past, you can start from your own “ground zero”.

Overcoming any situation is only one of the tough parts of evolving. You must also be able to handle any thoughts, consequences, and circumstances that may arise in connection to the past.

All good houses must start with a foundation, so we can treat the next phase of life as the foundation building phase.

In this phase, you must grow and fight the good fight.

No one can jump from phase zero to infinity without a lot of effort in between. Even those who may seem to skip phases must go through times of learning and growth.

To climb a mountain you don’t start at the bottom, blink your eyes, and arrive at the top, right? So, in your life don’t expect things to happen that way either.

Be healthy in your growth. Allow yourself to experience what comes with it.
Treat yourself kindly. This means you have to do what it takes to eliminate doubt, prevent self-destruction, and pace yourself throughout your journey.

Understand and respect that you are nothing like you used to be. People of the past don’t need to “know” the new you. Don’t allow anyone to “make you” become/act like you used to. Don’t go back in time to connect to people or comfortable circumstances; it will only hurt you.

We all have the chance to go from zero to infinity.

Is the journey worth it? What if you put in the work and become successful?
On the other hand, what if you looked back 10 years from now and you weren’t making the progress that you could have been? How would that make you feel?

Dream big, but also take the steps to match up with what you are wanting to experience in the physical realm.

My zero may have been brokenness, trauma, and pain, but my infinity will be true joy, success, and constant evolution.

Habbakuk 2:3
“For the revelation awaits for an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”  Your greatness is coming, even though you may not be able to see it yet. Keep working, evolving, and know that you are not alone in your journey. In His timing, things will happen. Be patient.

Psalms 138:8
“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” Isn’t it beautiful to know that God is forever and His love is forever? If you know that He is on your team, you must also know that he will guide you, provide, support, love, and encourage you all the way through if you invite Him in and truly allow Him to do so.

***Health Spotlight***
Zygomycosis/Mucormycosis (a fungus)

Symptoms: can vary depending on where the fungus is; headache, congestion, one side facial swelling, black lesions inside of the mouth, fever, cough, chest pain, abdominal, nausea, and gastrointestinal bleeding
Prevalence: rare; no national surveillance on this.
Treatment: prescription medication or surgery if necessary.
Prevention: People who are at risk are commonly those who take medication that weakens immune systems. People need to protect themselves from the environment including areas with heavy dust, water damage, and gardening/outdoor areas; wear a mask, long sleeve shirt, and gloves.

Be blessed and be at peace.

W – Wonder

Wonder = Surprise + Admiration
Every day we experience this is so many ways. How can we hold onto those tiny moments and find new love in spaces in time?
When we can learn how to hold strong to wonder, we can find new joy and happiness in life.
Moments of wonder that we all experience:
Hearing a baby coo
Witnessing a rainbow
Learning something new
Observing a flower come into full bloom
Seeing a lightning strike in the darkest of nights
Hearing a song and it ignites a fire internally
There are so many moments of wonder that can happen at any moment, even when we’re feeling down or our hearts are breaking.
Just like we can take the time to complete an assignment at school or work, couldn’t we document moments of wonder?
Treat your wonder as an investment in your future. When we save money it is for something greater, so couldn’t life’s wonders be saved in the form of memories, gifts, or blessings for the greater good?
When was the last time that you look into the eyes of a child when they experienced wonder? How did it make you feel?
You can house joy and wonder in your soul and experience it time and time again if you tap into it.
I encourage you to seek wonder every day and enjoy the gift that it is for you.

Wonder is like you closing your eyes, imagining the most beautiful or amazing thing, then opening your eyes and seeing it right in front of you.

Psalms 103:11-12
“For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from.”  
Do you know how full of wonder God is? When was the last time you REALLY thought about Him? God is a God of wonder and miracles. Isn’t that something powerful enough to hold firm to every day? What if we set a reminder on our phones every day about that? (It’s not a bad idea, I am going to do this myself and you should too!)

Psalms 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” 
There is a sense of wonder in the beauty of God’s creations…all of which constantly surround us. If you ever lose sight or cannot find the truth in His wonders, simply look to the sky. 

***Health Spotlight***

Whitmore’s Disease Melioidosis (CDC reference)

Symptoms: Depending on the exact infection symptoms can range from localized pain or swelling to abdominal discomfort and respiratory distress.

Source of infection: Contaminated soil and surface waters; primarily in Southern Asia and Northern Australia but there have been a few cases in the U.S. and a few other countries.
Prevalence: It is estimated that there are over 160,000 cases per year.
Treatment: Medication, Oral Therapy, and IV therapy
Prevention: If you have open wounds avoid soil and contaminated water contact, an agricultural worker should wear books, and health workers can use gloves, masks, and gowns to prevent infection.

Be blessed and be at peace.

V – Visions Inside of You


Dreamers dream, creators create, and visionaries light up with joy when seeing their visions inside of their minds.

Do you dream big?  I do!

Do you get happy seeing your visions that blossom with a simple seed of thoughts? I do!
A vision is a flower blossoming from one seed of thought.

Your intellect and your passion will drive your creative car if you are willing to hand over the keys.

You are allowed to dream!
You are allowed to envision yourself as absolutely anything that is amazing to you!

If I listened to laughs, doubts, fears, and other people’s opinions, I would not be in the space that I am in now. (Think about this because it can be the same for you).

When your visions and dreams are big, it is easy for other people to come in and say words that can alter your thinking and your plans. That is your decision and your loss if you choose to do that, but the truth is you don’t have to.

Some of the most difficult and yet vital parts of reaching any level of success or happiness are owning your vision, labeling goals, and creating action steps to make it happen. Take the first step and keep your momentum going; the climb is so valuable!

You must go beyond your thoughts and dreams to lead a successful, purpose-driven life.

If your vision stays in your mind, you not only deprive yourself, you also deprive the intended audience/client of receiving what your greatness has to offer.

Let’s go to the bible:

Acts 18:9
“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.”” What if Paul didn’t listen, and he missed the calling for him to speak God’s word? What if you don’t listen? What will happen? What won’t happen? Take heed and let nothing stop your visions from becoming a reality. God is pouring light into you, what are you going to do with it?

1 Corinthians 2:9
“But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”. Your vision is great, but God’s is even greater. If you take the steps to maximize your potential, guess what God is going to do for you?! He is going to take it in levels that you never thought were conceivable.

Your hands and your mind hold the key to your future. Get out there and work; no moment of your effort will be in vain. Your vision may be inside of you now, but I firmly believe that you that it will be blossoming from your mind in a way that will bless the world one person at a time.

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

***Health Spotlight***  Reference: CDC

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

Symptoms: Enlarged lymph node, fever, occasionally eye infections, muscle pain, and swelling of the brain.

Prevalence This is rare as fewer than 20,000 are affected annually. Those with a weakened immune system have a higher risk.

Treatment: Antibiotics

Prevention: Avoid rough play with cats and human body lice. Use a flea collar on dogs. Keep cats indoors and away from stray cats. Use insect repellents.

Be blessed and be at peace.

U- Ultimate Celebration


Do you ever give yourself the opportunity to celebrate yourself?

Think of how many events, birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, holiday parties, graduations, etc. that you have been to. Surely they were all a grand celebration to go down into the history books.

However, when it comes to the things that you accomplish or achieve do you applaud yourself?

If you are anything like me, you can always find the times to celebrate, applaud, and gift others, but have to make a mountain move to give yourself love and cheer for yourself.

Well, let us start changing that right now!

Everytime that you do something amazing reward yourself and celebrate it, even if that means that you are doing so alone.

It took four months for me to finally celebrate myself and I am not sure why, but it was unfair and kind of sad. I almost felt depressed for a bit and I felt that maybe I shouldn’t share the greatness with others. Maybe it was the devil feeding me fear, doubt, or thoughts of lack. Whatever it was, I had to overcome it.
That all changes from here on out. Even if you don’t have someone to celebrate with, make yourself happy, cheer yourself on, and see how amazing you truly are.

Today, I celebrate myself for the amazing work that I have done in the past two years and for the next significant step in my journey through elevating myself. I graduated with my MPH with High Distinction (4.0 GPA).

Today, I applaud you for doing amazing things in your life and in the world. You are phenomenal! You have a cheerleader in me and I will forever be rooting for all of the positive, loving, kind, and wonderful things that you do!

Today, you can have an ultimate celebration and make up for all of the times that you did not celebrate yourself. Let’s have a party! Everyone is invited!! Tell me what you have done in the comments or tag me @kaylaspositivitycorner on Twitter or IG.

We all deserve love and to be celebrated. There will always be someone trying to bring you down, ignore them and start your own happiness.

Say this out loud: 
I will always celebrate myself! #youcanttellmeno

Psalm 98:4
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” Cheer, shout, yell, jump for joy, sing, you deserve it. God is SO good and He has done so much for you.
The Universe is bringing forth all that you work hard for and meditated on, so why shouldn’t you be proud and joyful?!!

John 15:11
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Joy is something that is embedded into the very fibers of your being, let it shine, let is rise up and through you. 

Giving yourself that love and reminding yourself of how proud you are can be a blessing to you and truly be pleasing to God. He has blessed your path to reach those fabulous goals, be joyful and let nothing stop you from doing so!

***Health Spotlight*** (via NIH)
Urinary Tract Infection
Prevalence- Approx. 150 million people annually
Symptoms- cloudy urine, cramping, urge to urinate, burning while urinating
Treatment: depends on severity; can be antibiotics and drinking fluids.
Prevention- wear loose fit clothing, drink healthy liquids regularly, mind your diet and practice healthy living
Please take good care of yourself and your family. Health should be your number one priority; without it, you can’t enjoy and appreciate the fruit of your efforts.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Celebrate, Achievement, Changes, Epidemiology, Evolution, Global Health, Empowerment, holistic health, Overcoming, Positivity, Prosperity, public health, Law of Attraction, Strength, Success, Vision, Wisdom, Worthy,

T – Time by the Moment


Time will never stop passing and you will never have 100% control of the seconds that keep ticking by.

Your experiences came with lessons, some good some bad. However you choose to look at it, you can’t help but to know that you found truths and wisdom in what you learned.

You can take the time to cry and release whatever you faced. No one can judge you for that. In truth, that may be exactly what you need to move forward.

Crying from the heart and soul brings the mind clarity.

Although the present can seem difficult or overwhelming, one of the most important things that you can do is continue to fight. One swing at a time. One step at a time. You must keep pushing and understand the value of this very moment.

As you must with a fruiting tree, you have to first plant a seed into your mental garden before you can grow.

The future can be whatever make it out to be. How you use the lessons of your past and appreciate the “gift” of your present will determine how successful, fulfilled, and happy you will be in your future.

Every step of your journey will look different and that is a good thing. This is because with every new step you grow and evolve. 

When was the last time that you thought about a previous space of emptiness? If you are taking more than a few seconds to remember, stop and do it right now. Remember those feelings, but pay attention to how far you have come.

Ecclesiastes 3:11
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from the beginning to end.” Mind your steps and know that your efforts will bring forth a beauty that is beyond your wildest dreams.

Proverbs 21:5
“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Your present, this very moment, if you aren’t doing anything to get to where you want to be, it won’t happen. You must be active in making your dream a reality. God has given you the tools that you need, but you have to put in your own effort.

What you want in your life is not bound, in fact you have the opportunity to truly live a limitless life. The Universe is working in your favor. God sees all that you work hard for and He knows what you need and deserve.

Learn from your past, work hard and have faith in your present, and live the best future!

***Health Spotlight***
Trichinellosis (also known as Trichinosis) – CDC

This disease can being harmful. It is contracted by eating raw or uncooked meat from an animal that has a tiny parasite called Trichinella.
Hogs raised outdoor that may come in close contact with rodents and other wildlife have a higher  risk of becoming infected.
Across the world there are approximately 10,000 cases annually. 
To treat Trichinella, there are safe prescription drugs.In prevention, make sure that you cook meat to safe temperatures, wash your hands thoroughly when handling raw meat, clean any areas that come in contact with raw meat, and do your research if you need specifics on handling, storage, or cleaning.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Achievement, Changes, Determination, Development, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Global Health, God, Healing, Law of Attraction, Manifest, Public Health, Self-Love, Timing, mental health, 

S – Satisfy Your Taste


What is your favorite thing to eat?
I am an experimental eater – meaning I wouldn’t mind trying most things at least once. There is some fun and excitement in eating new things, for me.

Although you love to eat some pretty delectable things, have you ever thought about how much it may be damaging you?

Don’t get me wrong, I love breads and desserts, but my body shows adverse effects including weight gain, higher cholesterol, and more fatigue when I indulge. Think about how you want to live out the rest of your life and how what you put into your body may be affecting you.

Even if a taste of something may be satisfying, you need to be mindful of the consequences.

What if you flip this scenario around and base it on growth in your life?

What if you did whatever it took to satisfy your mental taste?

What if you indulged in a new flavor?

How can you reach success if you are never satisfied?

There is a recipe to your Level-10 Success:
10 parts manifestation
10 parts self-care
10 parts self- love
10 parts prayer
10 parts visualization
50 parts hard work
100 = Level-10 Success

The life you lead is your own. What you allow to alter your taste buds is up to you. Let nothing leave you with a lingering, gross taste without first valuing the meal.

Ecclesiastes 2: 24-25
“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from Him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?” If you are rolling through life unhappily or dissatisfied, you can change that; God offers you so much more. He will give you all that you worked hard for and truly desire. You can have it all #youcanttellmeno   The universe always returns what you put into it; if you are allowing yourself to eat only what you are mentally fed and you are not creating satisfaction you will get more of the same. Exercise your mind, the outcome will be far beyond what you could imagine.

John 4:34
“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work””. Are you satisfying your taste while following God’s plans for your life or might you be longing for a new meal all while trying to feed your own soul? You are here for a reason and you have a specific purpose, so keep that in mind when the world dishes out a plate of unpleasant foods. You can adjust your life’s recipe to satisfy your taste.

Life is full of wonderful ingredients and fabulous mental/life recipes…what are you using to satisfy your taste?

***Health Spotlight*** Sore throat (via CDC)
Symptoms: Painful swallowing, dry/itchy throat, 
Prevalence: Children- 20-3o out of 100 sore throats are strep throat; 5-15 out of 100 adults with a sore throat have strep throat.
Causes: Allergies, dry air, pollution, smoking or exposure to smoking (second-hand)
Risk factors: exposure, time of year, weather, tonsils, immune system, allergies, and acid reflux disease.
Seek medical care if: it lasts longer than a week, causes difficulty breathing or swallowing, there is excessive drooling in young children, high temperature (over 100.4), rash, joint pain, more than 2 weeks of hoarseness, blood in saliva/phlegm, dehydration, or recurring sore throat.

Always take care of yourself from the inside out-living your best life depends on it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Growth, Success, Ambition, Motivational Speaker, Workshops, Public Health, Global Health, Empowerment, Development, Mental health, Epidemiology, Evolving, Holistic Health, Universe, Bible, God, Positivity

R – Relieve Your Pain


Let’s chat about the hard days and moments. 

Fill in your own answers…

How many times have you cried yourself to sleep?

How many friends have you lost?
How many losses have you experienced/lived through?
How many times have you convinced yourself that you were unhappy?
How many times have you stayed in a broken relationship?
How many times have you forgiven others?
How many times have you beaten yourself down?

The questions could go on and on, but the real question that you should ask yourself is “what did you learn”.

You must be willing to give yourself permission to relieve your pain.

Without permission to heal, how can you move forward?

Are you walking around with your perceived “brokenness” on your sleeves? 

You should be a walking story, but not one housing the pain of your past.

People are not always what they seem and books’ finest and most beautiful details are not found on their covers.

Re-create your life, fill your heart with what you love, make yourself truly happy, feed your soul, reinvent your everything and show yourself true relief and healing.

John 16:33

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Although you may have faced pain you must remember that you do not have hold strong to it. He bore it all!

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” His promises are grand! His vision for your life is perfect! No matter what you faced, the best is yet to come if you believe, hold strong to your faith, and put in the work.

Give yourself hope and freedom, relieve your pain.

If your pain is in your past, shouldn’t your power and freedom be in your present and future? Live it up!

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Rotavirus 

Symptoms: severe watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite and dehydration.
Prevalence: most common in infants and young children, but adults can get the disease. Vaccinated children are less likely to get sick from rotavirus. 2013- over 200,000 children died from rotavirus (worldwide).
Treatment; no specific medicine, but doctor may recommend certain medication to treat symptoms.
Prevention: drink plenty of liquids. Read more at: https://www.cdc.gov/features/rotavirus/

Abuse, Bible, Blessings, Clarity, Domestic Violence, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolution, Faith, Growth, Global Health, Holistic Health, Mindfulness, Public Health, Self-Worth, Strength, Prosperity, Warrior, Overcome

Q – Quietness Matters


When you are trying to tackle any task from cooking to developing in your career, you can understand how difficult it is to function when there is a lot of noise around you. 

When you are surrounded by noise and over-activity there is a likelihood that you will not be able to accomplish what you are wanting in a timely and stress-free way.

Think about how important it is to complete major tasks and how it could be so much simpler without outside noise.

What if you could shut off the noise in your head?

The truth of the matter is that you can. You have the full ability to challenge your mind to a quest for quietness. One of the most important things to do to achieve true silence when you need it most is to remember what you are trying to accomplish and why. Only when you know the impact/purpose of your quiet quest can you reach your full potential.

Control- Once you can grasp the concept of control, you can understand that it is not something you always have. In your quietness, you can gain control in some aspects. Take time to learn about how control can affect your life. When in silence, think about the power of direction and the space that you have for growth.

Worry- When you are feeling worried, finding time to silence your brain is mandatory. A running mind will only bring about more concerns and possibly frustration. When I get into any space of worry, I have to step back and remember that any time given to worry is time that could have been spent elsewhere. Quietness can shift your thinking if you cue positive thoughts and well-directed visions when you are feeling worrisome.

Noise- To much sound, just like too many traveling thoughts, can be very distracting and deter you from reaching any goals. 

How to silence the noise and realize that quietness matters:
Prayer- this is your time to be one with God; you can be real, honest, vulnerable, and open in a one-on-one communication with your creator.
Meditation- this space is a time to become one with yourself and align your mind with whatever you are putting your focus into.

Enjoy some time in nature, go for a walk, pray, meditate…do whatever it takes to hone in on what feeds your mind and soul.

In your quiet time, what are you thinking about?
What are you putting your energy into?

Matthew 6:6 
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done is secret, will reward you.” 
There is a gift and a blessing in your prayer. Take seriously and place a high value on the silence and rawness in your prayers.
Romans 12:1-2
“I beg you therefore, my brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God by a logical service. Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God- what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.” 
Shifting of your thoughts for the good and greater good are in line with what God has for you and your life. Your thinking, especially in the quiet is powerful, so take charge and bring forth thoughts that are positive, growth-filled, and success bound.

***Health Spotlight***
Quietness in Revealing Symptoms/Concerns
Each time your body reveals to you something that is out of the normal, troubling, or painful, you have the choice to seek help. Even in the realm of mental health, you must choose to pay attention to what you are facing. You must choose to take good care of yourself- mind, body, and spirit. When it comes to your health, you must not remain quiet; be honest and pay attention, especially in your quiet times.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Blessings, Determination, Changes, Challenges, Empowerment, Global Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, God, Holistic health, Meditation, Prayer, Bible, Public Health, Positivity, Self-Worth, Success, Vision, Wisdom

O – Ocean Waves Of Your Life


Nature is beyond grand and I will tell anyone that “God is my favorite artist”. 
Think about the crashing of waves, and the rise and fall that is constantly occurring in them. If you compare that up and down flow to your life, you can see how the highs and lows may seem like they are always coming and going.

If you treat your life like it is a constant wave of emotions and actions, what are you left with? A life that never seems to change…who wants the same thing over and over again? I surely don’t.

What if you visited beach and really took some time to watch the rise and crash of the waves? What if you thought about all it took to get to that height of the wave and the release within the crash?

There must take some serious wind, power, pull and friction for a wave to form; it isn’t just an automatic rise and fall. Think about this is in your life. As a wave takes much power and a combined effort to rise and fall, reaching goals does as well. Piece by piece, you can build what you thought you could only dream.

Sure the fall or crash part of the wave can feel like it is over, but just like your low points in life, it’s not the end. Think about it, every time that you fell, found sadness, or couldn’t see the light in your darkest day, somehow…some way, you were able to rise again. 

This is the thing, you must climb, fight, dig in, learn, evolve, find your power, focus on how awesome you are and become even greater over time. Become like ocean waves, be amazing and powerful at your highs and lows.

Listen to the lessons in your ups and down. Waves roar and crash, both with power; you can do this too! No matter how difficult a moment may be, eventually you will see how much power you are packing in your highlights and lowlights.

Micah 7:8
“Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” No matter season of your growth that you may be in, do not let any negative voices or thoughts come into your circle. Keep in mind that you are “entertaining” different audiences at all times: those who applaud and support your highs, and those who truly applaud your falls. Remain focused on the good in all things as God is blessing your path (both seen directions and unseen). The Universe can see your falls and is in tune with what you have faced, but will also activate the positivity and growth that you seek if you stay focused.

Proverbs 3:5
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Though in life you are met with highs and lows as waves do, God has major plans. His ways are magnificent, His power is beyond words, His love will fill you, and the spaces He creates for you will be perfectly shaped and in Divine timing.

Ride the waves of your life and appreciate your moments, you won’t regret it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** (CDC and WHO reference)
Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) – A Neglected Tropical Disease caused by a parasitic worm and transmitted by repeated blackfly bites.
Signs/Symptoms: skin disease, nodules under skin, extreme itching, and visual impairment/blindness (CDC)
Prevalence/Common Location(s): Common in tropical climates and sub-Saharan Africa, also found in Venezuela and Brazil and some areas in the Americas and Yemen. According to the WHO, about 25 million people are infected; 300,000 being blind and 800,000 have visual impairment.
Risk Factors: living near streams and rivers where Simulium blackflies are, being in rural agricultural areas in sub-Saharan Africa; long-term missionaries or travelers are more at risk than those who may in previously mentioned areas less than 3 months (CDC)
Treatment: Ivermectin every 6 months for the duration of the life of an adult worm or as long as there is skin/eye infection in the individual. (CDC)
Prevention: insect repellents and long sleeves/pants during the day when blackflies bite and wearing permethrin-treated clothes. (CDC)

Achievement, Empowerment, Determination, Epidemiology, Global Health, God, Holistic Health, Manifest, Mindfulness, Overcoming, Potential, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Strength, Public Health, Universe, Wisdom, 

M- Meditate to Mediate


When you are panning through different areas of concern in your life or trying to understand how to get from one level to the next, one of the most important things to do is to see it all happening.

Start with a dream or vision and make it real by allowing it to come into reality within your mind. 

You start a mental race inside of yourself when you first dream up anything that you want in life.

Just like anything else you have to put a strong focus on the effort and begin to work on it within your mind to make it all happen.

Teach yourself to meditate on whatever area that you are trying to grow into. I meditate with guided meditation and/or music to get in tune with myself, align my chakras, and grow into new spaces. You don’t have to do formal cross your legs and say “Ohm” meditating to get in tune; the most important aspect is to focus on one area of concern.

Not to sound cocky or anything, but some of the greatest answers can come from inside of you. You shouldn’t invite everyone to your mental table, because you may be served a dish that you cannot digest or that may bring you more harm than good.

When you invite people into your space it can be quite difficult to hear the truth and what you should do, as words of advice can biased, filled with judgment, or not helpful in your life.

What you zone into within yourself will contribute to whatever you are experiencing. To use myself as an example, I have had to sit with my thoughts about school and my future career; I know that only me and God can push the effort, so I talk to God in length at absolute minimum twice a day. 

In prayer or meditation you go in seeking truth and answers; if you are truly listening beyond the realms of your heart and you become fervent in your practice you will receive direct and clear answers. Teach yourself to go from meditation or prayer warrior to conqueror and achiever.

One of my favorite things to do is step into nature and simply feel the air; this is another space for getting in tune with myself and spending alone time with God.

When you meditate to mediate you can reach answers and spaces that you could not have even imagined prior to entering that time.

Let’s talk a look at a couple of bible verses to truly reel this in.

Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” If we live knowing that God is wanting us to train our mind, strengthen our focus and maintain clarity in what He wants us to do, why shouldn’t we be fixing our eyes on Him especially in prayer and meditation. Those times of silence/focus are a way of calling God directly as asking Him to speak to our hearts. In our silence we can hear clearly as we are free of distractions, and get closer to higher powers and/or more in tune with the Universal callings.

Psalms 49:3
“My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the meditation of my heart will give you understanding.” This is one of my favorite verses! If you are teaching yourself through reading, prayer, and wise counsel how to walk in your purpose giving God the glory all the way through, guess what will loosen-YOUR BLESSINGS! Meditation is a form of prayer, so take the time to make it a priority and do it regularly. 

No matter what you are facing it is so important to see good things happening, encourage yourself through and through, and be thankful in the good and bad times. Remember that giants do fall! The enemy and/or the devil is lingering and wants to take over, so speak against that and fight for what you want. Wipe away your tears, pray, meditate and believe that God/the Universe is working in your favor. Meditate to mediate and watch how things start become as clear as ever.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Mental Health
Millions of people face and/or live with mental health concerns that affect their everyday lives. Whether it is you, a friend, loved one, or someone that you consider an acquaintance, it is important to understand exactly what they are facing and how it may be intertwined with their lives. Listen to concerns; mental health concerns are not always exposed in a physical sense, so be kind, respectful and understanding if someone you know is living with any type of mental condition. Be a good listener, do not laugh at someone because of how tough of a time that they may be having, and do whatever you can to help them. Help loved one find resources that can help them live their best lives and remember that mental health issues are a major concern that can be addressed at many levels. Let us all be there for each other, become well-educated on mental concerns, and support one another in whatever we may be facing. Meditate, seek help, and pray about what you may be facing and know that there are many people that care about you and will whatever they can to help you. I’m praying for you and I can give you guidance on where to turn if you need any time of health assistance.

Achievement, Challenges, Empowerment, Evolution, Global Health, Goals, Guidance, Healing, Holistic Health, Mindfulness, Positivity, Public Health, Strength, Vision, Wisdom, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Prayer, Meditation