N – Now or Later


In the process of personal evolution there comes a time when we face the question of now or later.

When focusing on your goals, determining whether you should hit the gas or pump the brakes is up to you. What we must keep in mind when answering the question of now or later is what will happen when we choose the option of greatest desire.

You can miss out on something great in life if you choose not to take another step forward. While you pause you can be giving an opportunity to someone else to make a move that you once wanted.  In a pause and reflect moment doubt can also enter, so in your choices think clearly by assessing your situation before making an “ideal” move.  Write down your options plain and clear; be sure to include possible outcomes that may come along.

Although taking the next leap forward may seem promising, it could lead to negative outcomes or change your life for the better simply because you walked on faith. Don’t make the mistake of walking blindly, be smart in your execution of completing objectives whether now or later.

If something tells you to wait when you feel like you should resume with moving be sure that the voice is not one of ill-will, personal doubt, negativity, or anything connected to pain. You deserve better than that, so don’t let darkness take over your light.

The answer to now or later is up to you; the outcome could be negative or positive in either space, so depend on your rational thinking, vision for your life, and the reality that you face.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
2 Corinthians 2:11 & Proverbs 14:8
Evil will always have a “place” in the world, so be clear in knowing that not all things are for your good. Be honest, truthful, and wise in your choices, because in these things you can find blessed success. You are not alone in your journey as there are many parts in play. Seek God in all that you do and know that with persistence and in His time the greatest things that your heart desire will come to fruition.

Be blessed and be at peace.

M – Master Your Craft


What makes you unique?
What “craft” do you do that is unique to you?
What things do you do to feed your soul and bless others?

Only You
There is something that you do naturally that sets you apart from others. For some, this may seem impossible given that there are billions of people in the world and so many people that may have similar educational or career experiences.  However, the truth that we can all see in many things, is that there are amazing things that people do that no one else could ever repeat.

The Journey Impacts Your Purpose
It took me a long time to realize the value of my uniqueness, experiences, life journey, education, and all that I have learned in my life. However, all of what makes me unique has shaped my brand and my writings. The same is true for you! Think about what you do for others because of what has been uniquely a part of your life (good and bad).

Continue Learning
Once you become aware of your uniqueness and you get moving with sharing your greatness with the world, you must continue to evolve to master your craft. There will also be a need to level-up once you reach your goals; this need is not to prove something, rather it is to best serve others and represent the vision and mission of your brand as best as possible at all times.

Master your craft and know that what you uniquely do is exactly what your audience needs.

Water your mental garden, master your craft and watch how things begin to blossom.

Bible & Spiritual Connection:
1 Timothy 4:14 & Romans 11:29
To not continue to evolve after you have reached new heights in using your craft would be quite a waste. You have been blessed, so why not continue to improve yourself and maximize the impact that only you can create? No matter how hard you may try to hide or pretend that your gifts do not exist or are not important, they will not go away. Open your eyes and know that you are special beyond words and you have great potential to be a blessing and gift to others in countless ways.

There is nothing and no one who can stop me from continuing to evolve. 

Check out my newest logo! If you see the image with the brain and growing tree (in any of my new brand colors- purple, gold, turquoise/teal, white, or black), you will know that there are tools for mental, business, spiritual, and physical transformation being presented by KayLa’s Positivity Corner.

Follow me for more messages of positivity!

I- Intrinsic Motivation


When you think about motivation, if you are anything like me, you think of that “go-getter” attitude with a little added pep in your step right? That vision on how motivation “should be” may be true in many situations, but it won’t be all that you need to step into the next phase of whatever you are working on. The motivation of this sort may be linked to many things, but it is not bound to the daily realities of life.

Something that you may or may not be familiar with is intrinsic motivation. For many people, there are reasons that they connect to their motivation and they are outcome-driven; while this could be beneficial, taking an internal route may be more beneficial in the long-run.  Things like better pay, a leaner body, and accolades from completing a task can be linked to motivation, but once you have achieved them what do you have left? 

I find motivation in defining my steps and given a reason to why I set goals and aim for greatness in all that I do.  When this happens the mission is bigger than myself and the outcomes will be more than favorable because I took my ego, pride, and fleeting situations out of the scenario.

When we can grant ourselves the meaning and reasoning for an outcome and greater purpose, motivation can become something that we own. Motivation can be a part of a lifestyle when we understand that any mission or goal that is worth having is worth fighting for. Intrinsic motivation lives in you, not through an external mission, outside noise, or outcomes that will be achieved in one place in time then be gone.

Motivation is not just words; it is the value that you place on your purpose and the greatness that lives inside of your mind, so look deeper to find it.

Bible & Spiritual Connection

James 1:2-4 & 1 Corinthians 15:58

This journey toward your destiny is one of the greatest battles that you will ever face. The fight was going to come at some time or another, but we all must realize that the process is what matters most. If you allow “noise” to cloud your mind, your outcomes will be limited. God has a promise on your life if you are willing to take His hand and let Him lead the way. Allow perseverance and purpose to make a home inside of your heart, mind, and soul, and know that goodness in you will be gifted with further goodness within you and as a gift to others.

Be blessed and be at peace.

F – Failure Is Semi-Real


The act of failing is something that I would like to call a pit stop. Although you may not have made it to the destination once hoped for, you now have a moment to reflect, make changes, and get back out on the road.

“Failure is a pit stop before reaching some of your goals; pause, reflect, make changes and get back on the road.”

Real “Failure”
Failure can only become real, debilitating, or discouraging when you allow it to be a valid strain in your life. I understand that there are situations where failure could come about such as in a grading system, but even then it is not the end of the world unless you keep doing the same things and are not willing to evolve.  People “fail” when they do not understand why/how something has happened and they get stuck in that moment of sorrow or regret.

Overcoming the Shadow of “Failure”
Of course, people do make mistakes, but the only way to challenge and
overcome those mistakes is to let go of what did not work and make room
for success. Looking for the quick and easy route to doing things will
not serve you well. We must all accept that many plans of ours will not
go in our favor.

You Will Survive & Thrive
I have had to overcome much to reach my goals, but even when my days grew dark I still found the courage to keep believing that better days were coming if only I would keep trying.

If you believe in yourself, no amount of perceived/semi-real failure can stop you from being successful. Your job when “failure” comes about is to turn it into a lesson and grow from it. When watered a mental lesson become a mental garden.

Remember, every outcome is not your final destination.

Turn failure into success:

Becoming Dr. KayLa_Fear and Disappointment (Afraid to Fail or Succeed?):

Failure Doesn’t Actually Exist: Here’s Why:

A Celebration of “Failure”:

Spiritual Check-In
Joshua 1:9 & James 2:24
Courage can be found and owned when you realize and keep in mind that you are not alone. God is always with you; even when you may think He has let you down. Do what you can for yourself and be prayerful knowing that faith and works go hand in hand. If you see yourself winning, failing, succeeding, or anything in between know that you have so much to be thankful for. Evil beings want and would thrive off of us living in “failure” or disappointment. Hold strong and know that through love, patience, hard work, and the willingness to become more like God and aim to serve others with what He has uniquely blessed you with will change your life at every level; in that you will undoubtedly know that failure cannot be allowed to be real.

Be blessed and be at peace.

E – Effective Leadership


Leaders of the world unite! Maybe…?

Each person is different in every way, right? The same is true for leaders.

Let’s think about it.

For every business, there is a leader, but not every leader is the same. There are so many different leadership styles, character traits, and belief systems that encourage a leader to perform the way that they do. Effective leaders not only have an embedded understanding of who they are…they also work diligently to understand and positively impact their “subordinates”. On the other side of this, many of us have seen the opposite scenario just as well.

We (you and I) have the choice to change the way that we lead. When was the last time that you challenged your own performance or took inventory of the way that you tackle concerning situations? If you go through life believing that you are correct and have no need to change, then effective will not be the word that is in front of leadership when it comes to you.

Encourage yourself to be better, no matter difficult it may seem. Being effective as a leader is impactful not only for yourself but for everyone around you, business, and those you serve through your business’ efforts. Leadership is not just telling others what to do. Think about leadership like a trickling of water effect; when one key leader is at the head, guess what happens? Everyone else is flooded with whatever is included; on the positive side that could be empowerment, courage, happiness, critical thinking skills and so much more.

Even if you aren’t in a leadership position now, your time will soon come if that is your heart’s desire.

Know that: “The potential to be an amazing leader is living and breathing inside of you.”

External Reading:



Bible Check-In & Spiritual Connection:
Proverbs 29:2 & Jeremiah 33:3

God prepares those He sets forth to carry out a calling that he has on their lives. No one is perfect and sometimes you will not have all of the answers, but that is okay. You don’t have to evolve or walk into greatness alone. Be strong, look internally, and seek wise counsel from above and on Earth. None of us are alone. 
You know that feeling when things seem to fall into place or when everything starts to align in an order that makes complete sense? What if it is divine? What if things are happening as they should? Your soul, heart, and mind know what they deserve- when they are in alignment and you are focused on what is most desired, everything happens as it should (in a supernatural way).
Today can be the day that you choose to be an effective leader moving forward. Is today your day?
Be blessed and be at peace.

A – All Clear


This year, let’s focus on gaining clarity in our individual spaces of personal evolution. This evolution can come through education, work, life experiences and your willingness to “level-up”. You must choose to take the journey. Let’s get started and become all we are called to be.

As you begin this year of clarity (#2020clarityyear), keep in mind that how you find success, joy, and prosperity, is up to you. Clarity is more than a word of thought. Clarity has meaning, depth, truth, and wisdom in it for those who diligently seek it.

Take to pen and paper, and let’s think about at least one thing that we will achieve this year. Create a memory that you can hold onto this entire year. You can do this by feeling how you will when you achieve the goal that you are aiming for. Know that it is coming if you are going to work for it.

Be truthful and understand what could physically or mentally block you from “winning”. Put on your strength, because you will have much to overcome. Take courage and be ready to welcome growth and personal evolution. 

Connect the dots to see things clearly.

All Clear? Ready to evolve? Good deal. 🙂

Fear and struggle reside in the past. Visions, prosperity, and clarity begin now.

External Readings to Complement This Reading:
Common Reading: https://chopra.com/articles/from-hazy-to-clear-how-to-gain-clarity-about-your-life
Psychology Reference: https://positivepsychology.com/benefits-goal-setting/
Scholarly Article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13164-017-0375-y

Bible Verses:
Psalms 20:4

Spiritual Thoughts: You don’t have to be alone in your journey to find clarity and success in your evolution. Speak to your creator often. Pray and meditate in your silence. Ask for patience as you navigate through life.

Be blessed and be at peace.


U- Ultimate Celebration


Do you ever give yourself the opportunity to celebrate yourself?

Think of how many events, birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, holiday parties, graduations, etc. that you have been to. Surely they were all a grand celebration to go down into the history books.

However, when it comes to the things that you accomplish or achieve do you applaud yourself?

If you are anything like me, you can always find the times to celebrate, applaud, and gift others, but have to make a mountain move to give yourself love and cheer for yourself.

Well, let us start changing that right now!

Everytime that you do something amazing reward yourself and celebrate it, even if that means that you are doing so alone.

It took four months for me to finally celebrate myself and I am not sure why, but it was unfair and kind of sad. I almost felt depressed for a bit and I felt that maybe I shouldn’t share the greatness with others. Maybe it was the devil feeding me fear, doubt, or thoughts of lack. Whatever it was, I had to overcome it.
That all changes from here on out. Even if you don’t have someone to celebrate with, make yourself happy, cheer yourself on, and see how amazing you truly are.

Today, I celebrate myself for the amazing work that I have done in the past two years and for the next significant step in my journey through elevating myself. I graduated with my MPH with High Distinction (4.0 GPA).

Today, I applaud you for doing amazing things in your life and in the world. You are phenomenal! You have a cheerleader in me and I will forever be rooting for all of the positive, loving, kind, and wonderful things that you do!

Today, you can have an ultimate celebration and make up for all of the times that you did not celebrate yourself. Let’s have a party! Everyone is invited!! Tell me what you have done in the comments or tag me @kaylaspositivitycorner on Twitter or IG.

We all deserve love and to be celebrated. There will always be someone trying to bring you down, ignore them and start your own happiness.

Say this out loud: 
I will always celebrate myself! #youcanttellmeno

Psalm 98:4
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” Cheer, shout, yell, jump for joy, sing, you deserve it. God is SO good and He has done so much for you.
The Universe is bringing forth all that you work hard for and meditated on, so why shouldn’t you be proud and joyful?!!

John 15:11
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Joy is something that is embedded into the very fibers of your being, let it shine, let is rise up and through you. 

Giving yourself that love and reminding yourself of how proud you are can be a blessing to you and truly be pleasing to God. He has blessed your path to reach those fabulous goals, be joyful and let nothing stop you from doing so!

***Health Spotlight*** (via NIH)
Urinary Tract Infection
Prevalence- Approx. 150 million people annually
Symptoms- cloudy urine, cramping, urge to urinate, burning while urinating
Treatment: depends on severity; can be antibiotics and drinking fluids.
Prevention- wear loose fit clothing, drink healthy liquids regularly, mind your diet and practice healthy living
Please take good care of yourself and your family. Health should be your number one priority; without it, you can’t enjoy and appreciate the fruit of your efforts.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Celebrate, Achievement, Changes, Epidemiology, Evolution, Global Health, Empowerment, holistic health, Overcoming, Positivity, Prosperity, public health, Law of Attraction, Strength, Success, Vision, Wisdom, Worthy,

S – Satisfy Your Taste


What is your favorite thing to eat?
I am an experimental eater – meaning I wouldn’t mind trying most things at least once. There is some fun and excitement in eating new things, for me.

Although you love to eat some pretty delectable things, have you ever thought about how much it may be damaging you?

Don’t get me wrong, I love breads and desserts, but my body shows adverse effects including weight gain, higher cholesterol, and more fatigue when I indulge. Think about how you want to live out the rest of your life and how what you put into your body may be affecting you.

Even if a taste of something may be satisfying, you need to be mindful of the consequences.

What if you flip this scenario around and base it on growth in your life?

What if you did whatever it took to satisfy your mental taste?

What if you indulged in a new flavor?

How can you reach success if you are never satisfied?

There is a recipe to your Level-10 Success:
10 parts manifestation
10 parts self-care
10 parts self- love
10 parts prayer
10 parts visualization
50 parts hard work
100 = Level-10 Success

The life you lead is your own. What you allow to alter your taste buds is up to you. Let nothing leave you with a lingering, gross taste without first valuing the meal.

Ecclesiastes 2: 24-25
“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from Him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?” If you are rolling through life unhappily or dissatisfied, you can change that; God offers you so much more. He will give you all that you worked hard for and truly desire. You can have it all #youcanttellmeno   The universe always returns what you put into it; if you are allowing yourself to eat only what you are mentally fed and you are not creating satisfaction you will get more of the same. Exercise your mind, the outcome will be far beyond what you could imagine.

John 4:34
“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work””. Are you satisfying your taste while following God’s plans for your life or might you be longing for a new meal all while trying to feed your own soul? You are here for a reason and you have a specific purpose, so keep that in mind when the world dishes out a plate of unpleasant foods. You can adjust your life’s recipe to satisfy your taste.

Life is full of wonderful ingredients and fabulous mental/life recipes…what are you using to satisfy your taste?

***Health Spotlight*** Sore throat (via CDC)
Symptoms: Painful swallowing, dry/itchy throat, 
Prevalence: Children- 20-3o out of 100 sore throats are strep throat; 5-15 out of 100 adults with a sore throat have strep throat.
Causes: Allergies, dry air, pollution, smoking or exposure to smoking (second-hand)
Risk factors: exposure, time of year, weather, tonsils, immune system, allergies, and acid reflux disease.
Seek medical care if: it lasts longer than a week, causes difficulty breathing or swallowing, there is excessive drooling in young children, high temperature (over 100.4), rash, joint pain, more than 2 weeks of hoarseness, blood in saliva/phlegm, dehydration, or recurring sore throat.

Always take care of yourself from the inside out-living your best life depends on it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Growth, Success, Ambition, Motivational Speaker, Workshops, Public Health, Global Health, Empowerment, Development, Mental health, Epidemiology, Evolving, Holistic Health, Universe, Bible, God, Positivity

Q – Quietness Matters


When you are trying to tackle any task from cooking to developing in your career, you can understand how difficult it is to function when there is a lot of noise around you. 

When you are surrounded by noise and over-activity there is a likelihood that you will not be able to accomplish what you are wanting in a timely and stress-free way.

Think about how important it is to complete major tasks and how it could be so much simpler without outside noise.

What if you could shut off the noise in your head?

The truth of the matter is that you can. You have the full ability to challenge your mind to a quest for quietness. One of the most important things to do to achieve true silence when you need it most is to remember what you are trying to accomplish and why. Only when you know the impact/purpose of your quiet quest can you reach your full potential.

Control- Once you can grasp the concept of control, you can understand that it is not something you always have. In your quietness, you can gain control in some aspects. Take time to learn about how control can affect your life. When in silence, think about the power of direction and the space that you have for growth.

Worry- When you are feeling worried, finding time to silence your brain is mandatory. A running mind will only bring about more concerns and possibly frustration. When I get into any space of worry, I have to step back and remember that any time given to worry is time that could have been spent elsewhere. Quietness can shift your thinking if you cue positive thoughts and well-directed visions when you are feeling worrisome.

Noise- To much sound, just like too many traveling thoughts, can be very distracting and deter you from reaching any goals. 

How to silence the noise and realize that quietness matters:
Prayer- this is your time to be one with God; you can be real, honest, vulnerable, and open in a one-on-one communication with your creator.
Meditation- this space is a time to become one with yourself and align your mind with whatever you are putting your focus into.

Enjoy some time in nature, go for a walk, pray, meditate…do whatever it takes to hone in on what feeds your mind and soul.

In your quiet time, what are you thinking about?
What are you putting your energy into?

Matthew 6:6 
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done is secret, will reward you.” 
There is a gift and a blessing in your prayer. Take seriously and place a high value on the silence and rawness in your prayers.
Romans 12:1-2
“I beg you therefore, my brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God by a logical service. Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God- what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.” 
Shifting of your thoughts for the good and greater good are in line with what God has for you and your life. Your thinking, especially in the quiet is powerful, so take charge and bring forth thoughts that are positive, growth-filled, and success bound.

***Health Spotlight***
Quietness in Revealing Symptoms/Concerns
Each time your body reveals to you something that is out of the normal, troubling, or painful, you have the choice to seek help. Even in the realm of mental health, you must choose to pay attention to what you are facing. You must choose to take good care of yourself- mind, body, and spirit. When it comes to your health, you must not remain quiet; be honest and pay attention, especially in your quiet times.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Blessings, Determination, Changes, Challenges, Empowerment, Global Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, God, Holistic health, Meditation, Prayer, Bible, Public Health, Positivity, Self-Worth, Success, Vision, Wisdom

N – No Longer a Victim


Whether you are the person that lost yourself, faced brokenness, lost your voice, were beaten, were molested, faced assault of any kind, face being hurt with intent, or anything in between you were once a victim.

I faced much from being forced to do unspeakable acts to being physically and sexually assaulted. This is my truth that I share to you. There is much more than could be shared, but we will keep the past brief as the future is much more important.

You see, when you were living in pain, you were forced to become a person that you were surely not happy with. Perhaps, like me, you felt torn apart, like you had no value, like your opinions and/or feelings didn’t matter. Maybe you felt like you became another person to make someone else comfortable, unbothered, or calm… None of this is fair and I can assure you that I can relate to you in one way or another. 

At some point, you have to realize that you are no longer a victim. 
– If you have already done this, I applaud you and send you the warmest of hugs on the greatest change that has occurred in your life. I promise that you still have growing to do and thoughts of the past will arise (I know this from experience), but you have put in some serious work and have taught yourself some truly valuable life and love lessons.

– If you have not done this already, your time is now. You can Break Your Silence Against Domestic Violence or whatever you may have faced in your past. You ARE NO LONGER A VICTIM, I speak that (out loud) on your life right now.

I freely speak freedom on your life because I know how it feels to be bound to your pain. You, in this very moment, have to power to gain your freedom and live in it.

Freedom is a release of all that may have hurt you or held you back in some form. 

You have to make the choice and consistent decision to say:
I am no longer a victim. 
I am no longer going to allow my past to hurt me. 
The lessons that my past ( the Universe and/or God) taught me are for my good.
My past does not control my future.
What I faced will not stop me.
I may have dealt with that, but I can still have anything that I want in my life.

For me when I faced homelessness, brokenness, deep pain, hopelessness, and a loss of self, I could not see anything but that. I had to learn and re-learn all that I could have in my life. God promised me (and you) a life of prosperity. I had to decide again and again to chose me.

You MUST reclaim your power. You must make the decision to stop being a victim and move into the realms of being a survivor; this is only step one. For every moment that you allow your past to reign over you or any aspect of your life, you lose another significant moment of happiness, peace, and living in your greatest purpose.

I’m not making light of anything that you have faced, as I know pain and have spoken to/mentored many people in their quest to be free and live a positively evolved life. What I am saying is that you have to choose yourself over and over again; this is the only way that you can truly be free. 

I lived as a victim more years than one. I lived as a victim and the pain weighed more than a ton. I lived as victim through perceived obligation and force. Now I have changed my life for the better, never to return to that broken obstacle course. #btsadv #KayLasPositivityCorner

No more making excuses about how you can’t do things because you were hurt. It is time for you to take control.

If I can go through rounds of pain for years, find myself, then fall again, find myself then make excuses for my abuserS, then find myself again and crawl out of the dust to get to where I am – now a Master of Public Health that graduated with a well-deserved 4.0 making the President’s List twice, an empowerment via holistic health blogger, and the managing director at Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. You are no longer a victim, so stop behaving as such. Proclaim that you are free and start fighting for want you want and deserve in you life. Need an accountability partner? I will help you and you can help me.

This message is so strong and so important to me that we have to hit the bible three times!

Psalms 9:9
“The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” God has been there for you even if you didn’t know it or feel His presence. When you were going through your rough patches, He was implanting love and strength in you. It is your time to act on all that you have learn; welcome God into this new part of your journey and remember that you are no longer a victim and you must start acting/living like it.

The Universe activates what you think about and act on. If you are telling yourself that you are living in low spaces or thoughts as you are because of what you experienced, guess what thoughts and feelings will surround you? Brokenness and inability to change you life for the better. Be encouraged starting right now and change everything because you deserve it. Speak it out loud, it is being heard!

Psalms 147:3
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” You are no longer a victim, God is binding your wounds, putting you through perfect surgery. What are you doing with your healing? How are you living? How do you feel? If you are not shaking everything up and working on bettering your life and living in your highest purpose, you are doing yourself a great disservice! You better start making changes because no matter what you faced, no one can change your future except you. 

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Tell your giants (your past pain and anything that binds you) that it is time go! Knock your walls down! If you haven’t made changes, turned things around for your good, or loosed whatever has hurt you, you may be living in fear but that is not what God has promised you. He gave you so much more…so what are you doing with it? If you haven’t done anything with that knowledge, I dare you to start today! “You are the seed by faith received, the blessing of Abraham – it’s your inheritance, get your inheritance!” -Donald Lawrence

I said it before and I say it again SURVIVORS, YOU ARE NO LONGER VICTIMS SO ACT LIKE IT! I believe in you and I know that you are going to have so many great things come your way if you have faith, believe in yourself, and act on what you want.

You are living, so start doing so! Dream big… I do! Why dream small when you can have it all?

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
National Public Health Week #NPHW #NPHW2019 #IDWP

Healthy Communities: We all deserve access to high-quality, compassionate care, but this is not always the case for many communities. Do what you can to create a shift in this in your own neighborhood via volunteer efforts or anything that calls to your heart. It will make a true difference.

Violence Prevention: What you and your children watch, hear, listen to on the radio, read about etc. affects everything that you do. Speak peace, bridge gaps faced, do whatever you can to heal people around you, you may just save a life. We can all do our part here.

Rural Health: You can act positively here and work to bridge gaps in healthcare. Build a program, share your ideas with organizations, volunteer, contribute, do whatever it takes to bring health to all people. People living in urban areas should have the same access as others; if we collaborate and keep our hearts intact we can create a positive and long-lasting impact in healthcare.

Technology and Public Health: The world is changing and advancing rapidly, bringing care to people can mean the use of technology. I am building a program to bridge a gap in dv, what are you doing to make a shift using what you know and are an expert in?

Global Health: We walk through life often complaining about what we face big or small. How often do you think about the world? Global health is so important to me because I frequently think about people what others are facing: no access to care, drought, disease, homelessness, etc. This world has over 7 billion people living in it. If you can help one person, one community, one state in health care, think about how much you have done and how many others will be positively impacted. 

You have the power to create positive changes all around you. Start digging to find out how. Live in your positive purpose today and forever. The world needs you. Use your lessons from the days of being a victim to empower and change the world today.

Victim, Survivor, Empowerment, Mental Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, Overcome, Determination, Community, Growth, Happiness, Manifest, Mindfulness, Domestic Violence, Strength, Success, Support, Universe, God, Bible