Putting Yourself First


Doubt– When little voices creep in asking us if we are doing the right thing we decide if we listen or challenge them. Doubt can make us question absolutely everything that we do and break us down if we give in to any negative aspect that comes in. Putting ourselves first means that we have to be able to not only understand the doubts that arise but also be able to overcome them so that we can reach our highest potential.

Fear– the fear of what if…the fear of judgment…the fear of not reaching goals…
All of these are real (ask me how I know). I have dealt with fears in many aspects of life. It can be difficult to have a stronghold over fears, but it can be done. Strength in vision, self, faith, and direction are all necessary in trying to overcome embedded fears.

Worth– You’re value is not determined by the world. It is established by God and to be understood and upheld by you. When someone challenges that, it hurts, right? It can even make you feel like maybe you aren’t worth what you said you are worth. We cannot allow others’ opinions, blocked/biased views, or internal problems to shift our worth.

Am I Enough?
Yes, you are. You may not be perfect and you may not have become all that you are called to be in your life YET, but you are enough. We all have space to grow and evolve. No one came into this world having all the answers, thank goodness! You can use what you have inside to make the most of your present; you just have to look beyond the surface and take inventory. Let nothing cause you to change what you think of yourself. How you view yourself and carry yourself is how others will treat you, so be careful.

Why can’t we channel our success but we can be extreme givers for anyone else?
First…Not okay. You need to understand why you are doing what you are doing…so, here we go…

Write it all down!

Ask yourself what would happen if you put yourself first.
Look internally and decide if what you are doing for others is proof that you can do even greater things in your own life.

Why can’t we be busy with our own growth?
You can be. You first must choose to do so. It is hard to put myself first in many instances, but I realize that if I don’t I am only hindering my growth. We can find hundreds of other things to be doing besides evolving ourselves. Sure that may be okay in the temporary, but we will hurt ourselves and be depriving ourselves in the long run.

Without putting yourself first and making sure that you are healthy, safe, and positively evolving, those around you will in some way suffer.

You are wonderfully made and a gift to this world.

Discover and love yourself. Don’t let the world try to break God’s mold (you).

If you can dream it you can have it. Don’t cheat yourself.

You are destined for greatness, and there is nothing nor any outside person that can do something to make God’s promises on your life not come into fruition in the physical realm.

She knows very well that eating alone is a part of her journey. Even when she is into her success, that table should still not be filled as she knows that evil and negativity will still be lurking. Her independence and strength are internal to all that she is. She is courage. She is greatness. She is on her way to her destiny.
She is you.
She is me.

Be blessed and be at peace.

K – Know Your Weaknesses


In all things in your life, there are moments when you know exactly what you need to do to succeed and navigate through your life.

On the other hand, there are favorable characteristics or assets that you wish you had but they may not come naturally to you. In these moments, is when you need to be able to look inside of yourself and know what your real weaknesses are. None of us were born exactly the same and we all have something that we can learn from other people; so, it is important to learn from those areas that make us feel like we are not able to accomplish some goal.

Weaknesses can break us down if we keep our eyes glued to how they may be negatively impacting us. However, weaknesses are not meant to break us; they are meant to empower us and encourage us to continue to grow in our strengths and in areas in which we may not be as familiar. We must own the fact that none of us are perfect and we can never aim to be that. We must also realize that a “woe is me” mindset when we are not currently able to handle something, will not change a present situation.

I have a passion for all things related to public and global health. I also have a heart for survivors who are now thrivers after overcoming domestic violence. One of my greatest passions is in writing, however, I also love to train and help to evolve leaders. I know that there are things that do not come naturally to me like the “gift of gab” related to public speaking and social interaction as I am an introvert, but that does not mean that I cannot learn tips and tricks to relate to others at a deeper level outside of my comfort zone. (This is what true self-inventory can look like, so do this for yourself.)

When you know your weaknesses, you can grow from what may have been trying to hold you back.

We must choose a path and not let personal doubts, weakness, or lack of knowledge hold us back. If we wish to address weaknesses, we must first be mindful of their existence. Take time for yourself (you know that you deserve it) and write down what your weaknesses are and why they exist. After we become honest with ourselves, we can adjust our actions to shift in a positive light.

Ever heard of the phrase “Knowledge Empowers You”? Take the first letter of each word and realize that:
“You are the K.E.Y. to your evolution and your future.”

Bible & Spiritual Connection:
Jeremiah 17:10 & Isaiah 40:29

If God knows who we are and He can even hear the desires of our hearts, He will bless us as He sees fit. As you know, sitting at home and praying is not all that must be done; you must put in the work, plant the seeds, and watch as your gardens grow. God supplies needs, but you must also put in the effort. You must be mindful and aware of what is present in your life if you wish to address it all and overcome/work with your weaknesses.

You can do ALL things.

Be blessed and be at peace.

I- Intrinsic Motivation


When you think about motivation, if you are anything like me, you think of that “go-getter” attitude with a little added pep in your step right? That vision on how motivation “should be” may be true in many situations, but it won’t be all that you need to step into the next phase of whatever you are working on. The motivation of this sort may be linked to many things, but it is not bound to the daily realities of life.

Something that you may or may not be familiar with is intrinsic motivation. For many people, there are reasons that they connect to their motivation and they are outcome-driven; while this could be beneficial, taking an internal route may be more beneficial in the long-run.  Things like better pay, a leaner body, and accolades from completing a task can be linked to motivation, but once you have achieved them what do you have left? 

I find motivation in defining my steps and given a reason to why I set goals and aim for greatness in all that I do.  When this happens the mission is bigger than myself and the outcomes will be more than favorable because I took my ego, pride, and fleeting situations out of the scenario.

When we can grant ourselves the meaning and reasoning for an outcome and greater purpose, motivation can become something that we own. Motivation can be a part of a lifestyle when we understand that any mission or goal that is worth having is worth fighting for. Intrinsic motivation lives in you, not through an external mission, outside noise, or outcomes that will be achieved in one place in time then be gone.

Motivation is not just words; it is the value that you place on your purpose and the greatness that lives inside of your mind, so look deeper to find it.

Bible & Spiritual Connection

James 1:2-4 & 1 Corinthians 15:58

This journey toward your destiny is one of the greatest battles that you will ever face. The fight was going to come at some time or another, but we all must realize that the process is what matters most. If you allow “noise” to cloud your mind, your outcomes will be limited. God has a promise on your life if you are willing to take His hand and let Him lead the way. Allow perseverance and purpose to make a home inside of your heart, mind, and soul, and know that goodness in you will be gifted with further goodness within you and as a gift to others.

Be blessed and be at peace.

H – Human Condition


The human condition brings together everything that makes a person who they are. Things such as culture, health, desires, beliefs, education, and much more help to define the human condition. One of the most important things to value within yourself is the quality of your life.

Circumstances can define a person’s reality, but there is an alternative side to that as well.

When you go beyond the perception of your reality, you can learn to define the current space that you are in. Perhaps this means that you are 100% happy with the depth of your life as it is. It can also mean that you are becoming aware of areas in your life that are needing to be changed.

I may not be where I want to be, but I am aware of the spaces that help to define my “human condition”. 

Since I know where I am and where I want to be, I know what it may take to reach my destiny.

Don’t let life pass you by and don’t be fooled into thinking that you cannot have any better than what you have now. You may not be perfect and you don’t have to be, just be aware, emotionally intelligent and in-tune of what may possibly be.

The human condition is a composition of who you are, but several of those components can change throughout your lifetime. As it is with most things, what you put in and what you are willing to positively evolve is equal to what you will get in return. 

External Readings:


Bible Reading & Spiritual Connection

Proverbs 28:25 & Galatians 6:7

You have the chance to make the most out of your life, each day that you are graced and blessed to have breath in your lungs and the sun shining in your face. If you are not taking the time to sow seeds into your field, you cannot expect a harvest. In all that we do, we cannot work in evil ways, greed, or internal “ugliness”. When we are gifts and lights to the world, that which we are faced with grows into something much more valuable and worth residing in. You have the exact key that you need for the door of your destiny, so enjoy the journey toward claiming your victory.

Be blessed and be at peace.

G – Gauge Your Future


Even with assistance and wise counseling, you are responsible for your outcome. We all have a chance to make life what we want it to be. 

“If you think that you want to live a better version of life, you must first gauge your future.”

Gauging your future must be a precise process. When I set out on this school and career journey, I didn’t know and still don’t know exactly where I will end up (as I know that God’s plans are bigger and better than mine). However, two things that were for sure from the beginning were that I was definitely going to do something to help other people, and I would use my natural born gifts and talents to help others evolve. 

Do you recognize how simple that thought (the vision for your life and purpose) can be and how far you can blossom from a simple watered seed?

You set the tone and you create your future, and it all starts in your mind. Connect your heart to your dreams and devise a plan, and you will be setting yourself up for true success. Your future is in your hands, but you have to prepare for it and go out and get it!

Spiritual Connection:

Luke 14:28 & 1 Corinthians 9:24
There is a purpose for each of our lives. Being prepared is something that you have to do to become who you are meant to be. We are all gifted and blessed in countless ways, but God is not one who will bless someone who is not putting forth effort and maximizing their potential. You must wrap your mind around what your future can hold and be prepared to reach goals; know that the path will not be clear, but if you are focused no matter what happens you can win the race.

Supplemental Reading:



Gauge your future starting now…it’s not too late.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Z – Zero to Infinity


All things must start somewhere.

No matter the turmoil of your past, you can start from your own “ground zero”.

Overcoming any situation is only one of the tough parts of evolving. You must also be able to handle any thoughts, consequences, and circumstances that may arise in connection to the past.

All good houses must start with a foundation, so we can treat the next phase of life as the foundation building phase.

In this phase, you must grow and fight the good fight.

No one can jump from phase zero to infinity without a lot of effort in between. Even those who may seem to skip phases must go through times of learning and growth.

To climb a mountain you don’t start at the bottom, blink your eyes, and arrive at the top, right? So, in your life don’t expect things to happen that way either.

Be healthy in your growth. Allow yourself to experience what comes with it.
Treat yourself kindly. This means you have to do what it takes to eliminate doubt, prevent self-destruction, and pace yourself throughout your journey.

Understand and respect that you are nothing like you used to be. People of the past don’t need to “know” the new you. Don’t allow anyone to “make you” become/act like you used to. Don’t go back in time to connect to people or comfortable circumstances; it will only hurt you.

We all have the chance to go from zero to infinity.

Is the journey worth it? What if you put in the work and become successful?
On the other hand, what if you looked back 10 years from now and you weren’t making the progress that you could have been? How would that make you feel?

Dream big, but also take the steps to match up with what you are wanting to experience in the physical realm.

My zero may have been brokenness, trauma, and pain, but my infinity will be true joy, success, and constant evolution.

Habbakuk 2:3
“For the revelation awaits for an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”  Your greatness is coming, even though you may not be able to see it yet. Keep working, evolving, and know that you are not alone in your journey. In His timing, things will happen. Be patient.

Psalms 138:8
“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” Isn’t it beautiful to know that God is forever and His love is forever? If you know that He is on your team, you must also know that he will guide you, provide, support, love, and encourage you all the way through if you invite Him in and truly allow Him to do so.

***Health Spotlight***
Zygomycosis/Mucormycosis (a fungus)

Symptoms: can vary depending on where the fungus is; headache, congestion, one side facial swelling, black lesions inside of the mouth, fever, cough, chest pain, abdominal, nausea, and gastrointestinal bleeding
Prevalence: rare; no national surveillance on this.
Treatment: prescription medication or surgery if necessary.
Prevention: People who are at risk are commonly those who take medication that weakens immune systems. People need to protect themselves from the environment including areas with heavy dust, water damage, and gardening/outdoor areas; wear a mask, long sleeve shirt, and gloves.

Be blessed and be at peace.

W – Wonder

Wonder = Surprise + Admiration
Every day we experience this is so many ways. How can we hold onto those tiny moments and find new love in spaces in time?
When we can learn how to hold strong to wonder, we can find new joy and happiness in life.
Moments of wonder that we all experience:
Hearing a baby coo
Witnessing a rainbow
Learning something new
Observing a flower come into full bloom
Seeing a lightning strike in the darkest of nights
Hearing a song and it ignites a fire internally
There are so many moments of wonder that can happen at any moment, even when we’re feeling down or our hearts are breaking.
Just like we can take the time to complete an assignment at school or work, couldn’t we document moments of wonder?
Treat your wonder as an investment in your future. When we save money it is for something greater, so couldn’t life’s wonders be saved in the form of memories, gifts, or blessings for the greater good?
When was the last time that you look into the eyes of a child when they experienced wonder? How did it make you feel?
You can house joy and wonder in your soul and experience it time and time again if you tap into it.
I encourage you to seek wonder every day and enjoy the gift that it is for you.

Wonder is like you closing your eyes, imagining the most beautiful or amazing thing, then opening your eyes and seeing it right in front of you.

Psalms 103:11-12
“For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from.”  
Do you know how full of wonder God is? When was the last time you REALLY thought about Him? God is a God of wonder and miracles. Isn’t that something powerful enough to hold firm to every day? What if we set a reminder on our phones every day about that? (It’s not a bad idea, I am going to do this myself and you should too!)

Psalms 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” 
There is a sense of wonder in the beauty of God’s creations…all of which constantly surround us. If you ever lose sight or cannot find the truth in His wonders, simply look to the sky. 

***Health Spotlight***

Whitmore’s Disease Melioidosis (CDC reference)

Symptoms: Depending on the exact infection symptoms can range from localized pain or swelling to abdominal discomfort and respiratory distress.

Source of infection: Contaminated soil and surface waters; primarily in Southern Asia and Northern Australia but there have been a few cases in the U.S. and a few other countries.
Prevalence: It is estimated that there are over 160,000 cases per year.
Treatment: Medication, Oral Therapy, and IV therapy
Prevention: If you have open wounds avoid soil and contaminated water contact, an agricultural worker should wear books, and health workers can use gloves, masks, and gowns to prevent infection.

Be blessed and be at peace.