E – Effective Leadership


Leaders of the world unite! Maybe…?

Each person is different in every way, right? The same is true for leaders.

Let’s think about it.

For every business, there is a leader, but not every leader is the same. There are so many different leadership styles, character traits, and belief systems that encourage a leader to perform the way that they do. Effective leaders not only have an embedded understanding of who they are…they also work diligently to understand and positively impact their “subordinates”. On the other side of this, many of us have seen the opposite scenario just as well.

We (you and I) have the choice to change the way that we lead. When was the last time that you challenged your own performance or took inventory of the way that you tackle concerning situations? If you go through life believing that you are correct and have no need to change, then effective will not be the word that is in front of leadership when it comes to you.

Encourage yourself to be better, no matter difficult it may seem. Being effective as a leader is impactful not only for yourself but for everyone around you, business, and those you serve through your business’ efforts. Leadership is not just telling others what to do. Think about leadership like a trickling of water effect; when one key leader is at the head, guess what happens? Everyone else is flooded with whatever is included; on the positive side that could be empowerment, courage, happiness, critical thinking skills and so much more.

Even if you aren’t in a leadership position now, your time will soon come if that is your heart’s desire.

Know that: “The potential to be an amazing leader is living and breathing inside of you.”

External Reading:



Bible Check-In & Spiritual Connection:
Proverbs 29:2 & Jeremiah 33:3

God prepares those He sets forth to carry out a calling that he has on their lives. No one is perfect and sometimes you will not have all of the answers, but that is okay. You don’t have to evolve or walk into greatness alone. Be strong, look internally, and seek wise counsel from above and on Earth. None of us are alone. 
You know that feeling when things seem to fall into place or when everything starts to align in an order that makes complete sense? What if it is divine? What if things are happening as they should? Your soul, heart, and mind know what they deserve- when they are in alignment and you are focused on what is most desired, everything happens as it should (in a supernatural way).
Today can be the day that you choose to be an effective leader moving forward. Is today your day?
Be blessed and be at peace.



Uproot- to remove or pull up by the roots

I often tell people that they need to get unstuck from their situation and to not become “stuck on stupid”…let’s address what they means and how you can do it, as well.

Often we see ourselves or people we love get “stuck” in a relationship, “stuck” at a job we may not like, “stuck” living in a place that is not ideal, etc. What I want you to ask yourself is are you/they really stuck? The answer is no.

Everyday we make a choice to do things, stay in a relationship, stay at a job, keep living in a certain place, etc. It is your decision to be in the situation that you are in. You have the opportunity to get out of your “dry place”.

No one will walk around carrying a basket of happiness, promises, and money…you must chose to get out, remove yourself, better yourself and make a change. No it will not be easy.

If you have ever been abused in any form, you know that it can seem impossible to leave, but it can be done. Talk to someone who can understand and will not judge you. Gain your strength and uproot your heart from one of the highest levels of mental and physical toxicity. Uproot your mind from pain, torture, destruction, confusion, and misery; you deserve better than what you are facing every day and you know it.

If you have ever stayed at a job just because you need a paycheck and to pay your bills, you know how miserable every day can be. Use your “extra” time or make “extra” time and re-shape your life to build a life and career that you love and are proud of. No, it will not happen overnight. No, there will not always be someone that can help you financially, watch your kids, or calm you down when those night/weekend/3 week courses seem to make you feel overwhelmed…but it can be done. If you know that you deserve more out of a job (like, a career that you love), then do what it takes to make it happen. God and the universe will make a way if only you put in the effort and speak out loud that you need help; express what you want, what you need, and what you are doing to make it happen. Live in that feeling of completion and gained success; if you feel it, envision it, and belief it…so it will be. Uproot yourself from that job that is subjecting you to discrimination, low pay, no opportunities to advance, etc. If you want success, go get it!

If you find yourself still living in the same place/area that you came from and you are happy about that, that is okay only if it is an area that you have found success, abundance and prosperity in (for yourself). If it is not all that you have ever wanted, then what are you doing to yourself and your family? Are you really proud of yourself for not rising up and evolving? You need to give yourself a reality check, if you are. You are blessed beyond measure and have new opportunities granted to you every morning. If you are satisfied with mediocrity and not evolving then you are denying your chance at success, an abundant life, and happiness in seeing yourself reach all of your goals. Shake those small thoughts off and start thinking bigger.

If you are someone who is confused or you think that you may need to be uprooted, please know that someone who really cares about you will tell you the truth even when you do not want to hear it. I would much rather serve you a freezing bowl of the cold hard truth that watch you cry buckets of tears or live in years of disappointment or misery.

Proverbs 4: 23
“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”
If you think that you have reached as high as you can in your life, you will receive nothing more. If you change your thinking and uproot yourself from what confines/binds you, you will attain more.

The thoughts and words that you think or say are put out into the universe…so be careful.

God did not promise you a life of pain. Here’s a few things that He did promise:
Nothing will separate you from God’s love. Psalms 8:38-39
He made you intentionally and knows you intimately. Psalms 139-13-14
He has plans of prosperity and hope attached to your life. Jeremiah 29:11
You are favored. Psalms 5:12
You can do ALL things. Philipians 4:13

Come out of your dry place… stand on God’s promises and all that the universe can provide to you by uprooting your mind from it’s current state.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Upper Respiratory Infection- This infection/illness affects millions of people annually and is present across the globe. Pay close attention to your environment, mind what you consume, be physically active and use sanitary practices including regular and thorough hand washing techniques. Don’t ignore symptoms, be mindful of what your home, city, and job expose you to. This spreads illness easily. Encourage your family and friends to seek medical attention if they feel ill.

Abuse, Achievement, Barriers, Change, Communication, Determination, Emotions, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolution, Global Health, God, Growth, Healing, Journey, Manifest, Meditation, Positivity, Public Health, Strength, Success, Survivor, Trust, Wisdom



Many of us have experienced something that has “made/forced” us to re-evaluate who we are, who we’ve allowed to stay in our circle, and how we could ever trust again.

Trusting yourself can be one of the hardest things to do. We often compare ourselves to others in various capacities and we occasionally doubt ourselves. 

The important thing that we must always remember is that we must make trusting ourselves a priority…so let’s address that first.

No matter what has come your way, you must be able to look inside of yourself and see the real you. It is a challenge, just as it is to have a smile on your face and truly be happy inside.

The doubt or trust that you have on your face can make or break your life and/or opportunities that came your way. This can easily happen because we tend to wear this mistrust/doubt on our sleeve.

To believe in yourself and trust yourself will not be an easy journey if you have ever been hurt, abused, cheated on or disappointed in any way…but you must learn.

If you allow the occurrences of your past take over, you will hurt yourself and everyone around you.

I want you to free yourself of the doubt inside yourself. Make logical decisions and trust will come along.

If you are trying your hardest in whatever you are doing – trust yourself & the process.
If you are working toward reaching your goals, trust yourself – you’re doing great.
If you have a vision for your life and your family – trust yourself.

Without trust, there are missed opportunities…who want to close a door in their own face?
If you have made a mistake forgive yourself and grow from your mistakes. 
Mean what you say.
Act in your greatness and your purpose.

If you know your worth and you trust yourself, others will see it in you. If you are not living your best life, respecting yourself and trusting yourself, no one else will trust you or take you seriously. Stand up for who you are and who you are called to be.

God and the universe are on your side, so do your best. Trust in yourself.

Trusting others:

Psalms 37: 1-5
Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lordtrust in him and he will do this-He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”

If someone has hurt you in the past, forgive them and learn to trust. This does not mean forgive the same person over and over again acknowledging their insanity while making excuses for them. I did not say live in stupidity. I’ve already done it for you (in the past) so no need to repeat my mistakes. Do better-you deserve better.

On the same token, if someone has hurt you that does not mean you have the right to take it out on the next person you encounter. 

Give someone a fighting chance to be with you, work with you, love you, grow with you. You deserve that love and trust…don’t they as well? If you think someone is “unworthy” of that trust, do yourself and them a favor and let them go!!!

You must take time to heal and re-learn who you are and truly understand what trust means. 

So whether we are talking about trusting ourselves or trusting others, you must remember that trust will not happen over night…nor will the pain from losing trust.

You will not always be right, so don’t think that just because you are thinking something or feeling something that you must be right. Do not be foolish. 

Proverbs 19:20
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.” There is always room for growth and always something that can be learned from someone else. Don’t be stubborn and stuck in your ways; you’ll only hurt yourself.

Use what life, God, or the universe teaches/reveals to you and become a wiser person.

Trust, the heart, and mind go hand-in-hand…allow them to work together in your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Tobacco Usage & Cessation- It is 100% your choice if you want to live as a smoker. Be mindful of the damage that you are doing to your body, though. Your family and those who love/care about you need you to live a healthy life. If you smoke you are likely shortening your life. An escape may be what you are looking for, but an escape will not heal what is really hurting you internally. You can stop smoking. You will save money, have a healthier body, and you will be giving the world your best self. If you think no one cares about your life, you are wrong…I do. Please do what you can to stop smoking (including vapes, hookahs, and everything in between); intentionally putting chemicals in your body is not the key to leading a happier and healthier life. Start paying attention and make the necessary change.

Change, Communication, Determination, Empowerment, Evolving, Global Health, Healing, Hope, Mental Health, Overcome, Public Health, Trust, Universe, God , Journey & Love



Let me guess your situation…

You have been abused OR
You have been molested/sexually
assaulted OR
You have been raped OR
You have been denied a job that
you thought you had in the bag OR
You didn’t get accepted into
that school OR
You fell into a depression that you can’t seem to crawl out of
You feel like you keep walking into
brick walls and closed doors OR
You have an illness that
plagues your body and/or your mind OR

You feel like your best isn’t
good enough…

Did I guess right? If not, insert here “I________”.

Now what I need you to do is face yourself and stop beating yourself up. I’m not making light of your situation, in fact I am saying that I have very likely been there too. You know what thought, it’s time for a new blessing and a new opportunity. Guess what, you already have it! You woke up today, did you not? You have all of your faculties, do you not? You have love around you (even if you feel that you don’t, you have me and I LOVE YOU!).

No more “Negative Nancy”, you can overcome anything because of the strength within yourself. 

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Whether you say that your source is God or the universe, the result is still the same: You can do ALL things! Dust yourself off, clear your mind, pray, meditate, heal yourself internally and you will overcome your troubles. There is no other option.

Someone will not come and save you, complete you, come and make you happy…you have to do that for yourself…don’t be so blind as to think otherwise. You are much more intelligent than that.

Each time that you allow your circumstances, disappointments, low-times, etc. plague your body, you plague your mind and your life (present and future).

Forgive that person that hurt you or shut the door in your face, you are stronger than those times; forgive for yourself and no one else. 
A better opportunity will arise and be fitting.
Doors open and close, that is what they are supposed to do.
There is a miracle working for you and it was made especially for you.
You are good enough, you are not perfect and you may need some evolution but you have light inside of you…let it shine.

You must make the choice to overcome. Dress to the best of your ability and top it off with a big smile! Go on that vacation or retreat BY YOURSELF. Take yourself on a date. Get a hobby. Enjoy a life with purpose.

Delve into yourself. You are beauty, love, strength, determination, courage, and growth; take off your blinders of love or whatever else and just think about it. Shut off all of the noise in your head and realize this:

As long as there is breath in your body there is a chance to overcome everything that you think is weighing you down. 

Please remember, that there is always someone who has it worse than you. Stand strong and hold onto your faith; it is so much bigger than your problems.

You know that there will be many more struggles in life, but it is up to you to overcome it all. You can do it. No problem is too big. When you overcome, you rise above, you improve your health and you are prepared to bless someone else who may be dealing with something similar. 

James 1:12

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Don’t you see…you must go through that time of difficulty. No it is not pretty or easy, nothing was ever promised to be easy in this life. However, if you do not overcome this time what will happen? You will literally tear apart everything and everyone around you or block blessings.

You are a warrior in this life. Are you using all of your strength to win your battle or are you allowing those difficulties to make decisions for you?

Get up and show the world what you are made of…someone is watching and someone needs you. Choose joy and choose to live the best life possible, after all the choice is yours.

If you need help in your overcoming journey, I am here for you and there are many other positive options available if only you seek resolution.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Mental Health, Positivity, Determination, Overcoming, Challenges, Evolving, Physical Health, Public Health, Global Health, Communication, Ambition