T – Treat Yourself Well


How many times have you heard the relatable phrase, “The struggle is real”? I know that I hear it or read it somewhere at least once a day. It can be rather unfortunate that we can so easily relate in struggles, but not in how we overcome them.  People can read empowerment books, subscribe to blogs/vlogs, take in spiritual messages, pamper themselves with external self-care, and generate vision boards every six months (all of which are excellent tools), but it still isn’t enough to get you where you need to be.

How well do you treat yourself on the inside?

If positivity and empowerment aren’t fueling the vehicle of your life, you may need to trade and upgrade to something more reliable.

There is goodness in so many places and spaces within the world waiting for you to take just a bit of it and turn your life’s purpose into something wonderful. You must first treat yourself with high regard, humbleness, and compassion. If we take the time (and put in the effort) to wisely evolve ourselves inside and out, we have a magnificent opportunity to help so many others.

Whether we can always see it or not, life is about transforming ourselves for the greater good. Sure, there will always be difficulties and problems that arise (some are out of our control), but we can rest assured that each of us can work on ourselves and make the most out of the lives that we lead.

Positivity is a realm of thought in many ways while empowerment is a shift in behavior (when embodied); both of these are possible every day, but you have to work hard for them and remember that they live inside of you. Don’t seek fulfillment, happiness, and wholeness in others or in toxic spaces. Learn, evolve, and become someone new. Don’t we all deserve to live the lives that we have always dreamed of? This starts by treating yourself well.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 19:8 & Galatians 6:3
Through all that you learn in life, there is an opportunity to grow in wisdom and understanding. Your growth is more than words, actions, and beliefs, it is fruit-bearing and all-encompassing when your heart and head are in the right place. Giving yourself wisdom and allowing yourself to grow is a rare treasure that few happen upon. Treating yourself with kindness, patience, high standards, and tough love when needed most re-arranges the path that you may be on. We are wonderfully granted amazing things in life, but we need not grow boastful; remain humble and keep in mind that all things granted to you are earned and wonderfully shaped according to the way that you lead your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

E – Effective Leadership


Leaders of the world unite! Maybe…?

Each person is different in every way, right? The same is true for leaders.

Let’s think about it.

For every business, there is a leader, but not every leader is the same. There are so many different leadership styles, character traits, and belief systems that encourage a leader to perform the way that they do. Effective leaders not only have an embedded understanding of who they are…they also work diligently to understand and positively impact their “subordinates”. On the other side of this, many of us have seen the opposite scenario just as well.

We (you and I) have the choice to change the way that we lead. When was the last time that you challenged your own performance or took inventory of the way that you tackle concerning situations? If you go through life believing that you are correct and have no need to change, then effective will not be the word that is in front of leadership when it comes to you.

Encourage yourself to be better, no matter difficult it may seem. Being effective as a leader is impactful not only for yourself but for everyone around you, business, and those you serve through your business’ efforts. Leadership is not just telling others what to do. Think about leadership like a trickling of water effect; when one key leader is at the head, guess what happens? Everyone else is flooded with whatever is included; on the positive side that could be empowerment, courage, happiness, critical thinking skills and so much more.

Even if you aren’t in a leadership position now, your time will soon come if that is your heart’s desire.

Know that: “The potential to be an amazing leader is living and breathing inside of you.”

External Reading:



Bible Check-In & Spiritual Connection:
Proverbs 29:2 & Jeremiah 33:3

God prepares those He sets forth to carry out a calling that he has on their lives. No one is perfect and sometimes you will not have all of the answers, but that is okay. You don’t have to evolve or walk into greatness alone. Be strong, look internally, and seek wise counsel from above and on Earth. None of us are alone. 
You know that feeling when things seem to fall into place or when everything starts to align in an order that makes complete sense? What if it is divine? What if things are happening as they should? Your soul, heart, and mind know what they deserve- when they are in alignment and you are focused on what is most desired, everything happens as it should (in a supernatural way).
Today can be the day that you choose to be an effective leader moving forward. Is today your day?
Be blessed and be at peace.

Z – Zero to Infinity


All things must start somewhere.

No matter the turmoil of your past, you can start from your own “ground zero”.

Overcoming any situation is only one of the tough parts of evolving. You must also be able to handle any thoughts, consequences, and circumstances that may arise in connection to the past.

All good houses must start with a foundation, so we can treat the next phase of life as the foundation building phase.

In this phase, you must grow and fight the good fight.

No one can jump from phase zero to infinity without a lot of effort in between. Even those who may seem to skip phases must go through times of learning and growth.

To climb a mountain you don’t start at the bottom, blink your eyes, and arrive at the top, right? So, in your life don’t expect things to happen that way either.

Be healthy in your growth. Allow yourself to experience what comes with it.
Treat yourself kindly. This means you have to do what it takes to eliminate doubt, prevent self-destruction, and pace yourself throughout your journey.

Understand and respect that you are nothing like you used to be. People of the past don’t need to “know” the new you. Don’t allow anyone to “make you” become/act like you used to. Don’t go back in time to connect to people or comfortable circumstances; it will only hurt you.

We all have the chance to go from zero to infinity.

Is the journey worth it? What if you put in the work and become successful?
On the other hand, what if you looked back 10 years from now and you weren’t making the progress that you could have been? How would that make you feel?

Dream big, but also take the steps to match up with what you are wanting to experience in the physical realm.

My zero may have been brokenness, trauma, and pain, but my infinity will be true joy, success, and constant evolution.

Habbakuk 2:3
“For the revelation awaits for an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”  Your greatness is coming, even though you may not be able to see it yet. Keep working, evolving, and know that you are not alone in your journey. In His timing, things will happen. Be patient.

Psalms 138:8
“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” Isn’t it beautiful to know that God is forever and His love is forever? If you know that He is on your team, you must also know that he will guide you, provide, support, love, and encourage you all the way through if you invite Him in and truly allow Him to do so.

***Health Spotlight***
Zygomycosis/Mucormycosis (a fungus)

Symptoms: can vary depending on where the fungus is; headache, congestion, one side facial swelling, black lesions inside of the mouth, fever, cough, chest pain, abdominal, nausea, and gastrointestinal bleeding
Prevalence: rare; no national surveillance on this.
Treatment: prescription medication or surgery if necessary.
Prevention: People who are at risk are commonly those who take medication that weakens immune systems. People need to protect themselves from the environment including areas with heavy dust, water damage, and gardening/outdoor areas; wear a mask, long sleeve shirt, and gloves.

Be blessed and be at peace.

V – Visions Inside of You


Dreamers dream, creators create, and visionaries light up with joy when seeing their visions inside of their minds.

Do you dream big?  I do!

Do you get happy seeing your visions that blossom with a simple seed of thoughts? I do!
A vision is a flower blossoming from one seed of thought.

Your intellect and your passion will drive your creative car if you are willing to hand over the keys.

You are allowed to dream!
You are allowed to envision yourself as absolutely anything that is amazing to you!

If I listened to laughs, doubts, fears, and other people’s opinions, I would not be in the space that I am in now. (Think about this because it can be the same for you).

When your visions and dreams are big, it is easy for other people to come in and say words that can alter your thinking and your plans. That is your decision and your loss if you choose to do that, but the truth is you don’t have to.

Some of the most difficult and yet vital parts of reaching any level of success or happiness are owning your vision, labeling goals, and creating action steps to make it happen. Take the first step and keep your momentum going; the climb is so valuable!

You must go beyond your thoughts and dreams to lead a successful, purpose-driven life.

If your vision stays in your mind, you not only deprive yourself, you also deprive the intended audience/client of receiving what your greatness has to offer.

Let’s go to the bible:

Acts 18:9
“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.”” What if Paul didn’t listen, and he missed the calling for him to speak God’s word? What if you don’t listen? What will happen? What won’t happen? Take heed and let nothing stop your visions from becoming a reality. God is pouring light into you, what are you going to do with it?

1 Corinthians 2:9
“But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”. Your vision is great, but God’s is even greater. If you take the steps to maximize your potential, guess what God is going to do for you?! He is going to take it in levels that you never thought were conceivable.

Your hands and your mind hold the key to your future. Get out there and work; no moment of your effort will be in vain. Your vision may be inside of you now, but I firmly believe that you that it will be blossoming from your mind in a way that will bless the world one person at a time.

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

***Health Spotlight***  Reference: CDC

Verruga Puruana (Cat Scratch Fever)

Symptoms: Enlarged lymph node, fever, occasionally eye infections, muscle pain, and swelling of the brain.

Prevalence This is rare as fewer than 20,000 are affected annually. Those with a weakened immune system have a higher risk.

Treatment: Antibiotics

Prevention: Avoid rough play with cats and human body lice. Use a flea collar on dogs. Keep cats indoors and away from stray cats. Use insect repellents.

Be blessed and be at peace.

M- Meditate to Mediate


When you are panning through different areas of concern in your life or trying to understand how to get from one level to the next, one of the most important things to do is to see it all happening.

Start with a dream or vision and make it real by allowing it to come into reality within your mind. 

You start a mental race inside of yourself when you first dream up anything that you want in life.

Just like anything else you have to put a strong focus on the effort and begin to work on it within your mind to make it all happen.

Teach yourself to meditate on whatever area that you are trying to grow into. I meditate with guided meditation and/or music to get in tune with myself, align my chakras, and grow into new spaces. You don’t have to do formal cross your legs and say “Ohm” meditating to get in tune; the most important aspect is to focus on one area of concern.

Not to sound cocky or anything, but some of the greatest answers can come from inside of you. You shouldn’t invite everyone to your mental table, because you may be served a dish that you cannot digest or that may bring you more harm than good.

When you invite people into your space it can be quite difficult to hear the truth and what you should do, as words of advice can biased, filled with judgment, or not helpful in your life.

What you zone into within yourself will contribute to whatever you are experiencing. To use myself as an example, I have had to sit with my thoughts about school and my future career; I know that only me and God can push the effort, so I talk to God in length at absolute minimum twice a day. 

In prayer or meditation you go in seeking truth and answers; if you are truly listening beyond the realms of your heart and you become fervent in your practice you will receive direct and clear answers. Teach yourself to go from meditation or prayer warrior to conqueror and achiever.

One of my favorite things to do is step into nature and simply feel the air; this is another space for getting in tune with myself and spending alone time with God.

When you meditate to mediate you can reach answers and spaces that you could not have even imagined prior to entering that time.

Let’s talk a look at a couple of bible verses to truly reel this in.

Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” If we live knowing that God is wanting us to train our mind, strengthen our focus and maintain clarity in what He wants us to do, why shouldn’t we be fixing our eyes on Him especially in prayer and meditation. Those times of silence/focus are a way of calling God directly as asking Him to speak to our hearts. In our silence we can hear clearly as we are free of distractions, and get closer to higher powers and/or more in tune with the Universal callings.

Psalms 49:3
“My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the meditation of my heart will give you understanding.” This is one of my favorite verses! If you are teaching yourself through reading, prayer, and wise counsel how to walk in your purpose giving God the glory all the way through, guess what will loosen-YOUR BLESSINGS! Meditation is a form of prayer, so take the time to make it a priority and do it regularly. 

No matter what you are facing it is so important to see good things happening, encourage yourself through and through, and be thankful in the good and bad times. Remember that giants do fall! The enemy and/or the devil is lingering and wants to take over, so speak against that and fight for what you want. Wipe away your tears, pray, meditate and believe that God/the Universe is working in your favor. Meditate to mediate and watch how things start become as clear as ever.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Mental Health
Millions of people face and/or live with mental health concerns that affect their everyday lives. Whether it is you, a friend, loved one, or someone that you consider an acquaintance, it is important to understand exactly what they are facing and how it may be intertwined with their lives. Listen to concerns; mental health concerns are not always exposed in a physical sense, so be kind, respectful and understanding if someone you know is living with any type of mental condition. Be a good listener, do not laugh at someone because of how tough of a time that they may be having, and do whatever you can to help them. Help loved one find resources that can help them live their best lives and remember that mental health issues are a major concern that can be addressed at many levels. Let us all be there for each other, become well-educated on mental concerns, and support one another in whatever we may be facing. Meditate, seek help, and pray about what you may be facing and know that there are many people that care about you and will whatever they can to help you. I’m praying for you and I can give you guidance on where to turn if you need any time of health assistance.

Achievement, Challenges, Empowerment, Evolution, Global Health, Goals, Guidance, Healing, Holistic Health, Mindfulness, Positivity, Public Health, Strength, Vision, Wisdom, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Prayer, Meditation

I- Intuition as Guidance


How many times have you started thinking about something new or interesting that you wanted to do? Plenty of times, right?

I can guarantee that you have second-guessed or questioned a next step several times before.

Where your curiosity should rise is when you think about this question:
What do you do when you go into that second-guessing mode?

Do you feel like there is a little voice inside of your head when you are making decision?
You have the choice to listen to it or not.

Well, what if you knew without a doubt that the voice inside of your head was a gift from the Universe, a blessing or stop sign from God, or truly your intuition warning you or preparing you?
Would you listen then? If so, why not start listening now?

For every turn on the road that you travel you have decisions to make:
Left, right, up, down, stop, go, fight, run, and much more.

The key in hearing the voice or questioning the thought is CHOOSING to pay attention.

Your intuition is truly a source of guidance. Often people fail to stop negative things from happening, miss the cues, or ignore red flags because they think that the little voice inside of their mind may not be worth listening to. Other times we overly think or brush off intuition because we think that we have it all under control.

You should try to use your intuition as your guidance; this is key in making wise decisions. It can open new places, spaces, opportunities, and galaxies for you. You deserve the best, so think before reacting and make the most of your decisions.

Your future should be well-thought out and that plan starts with you. 

When you think about what you want it life, it takes steps. Start with a thought or dream, plan with clear logic, and hope for the future. This way, if something comes up and your path is deterred you can use your intuition to shape things the way you want them to go.

If we can depend on our phones for directions, why do we need to have an audience of opinions to arrive at an answer? Before you run to other people- sit still, meditate, pray, and think about how you should address any situation. After all, you are the one that has to live your life.

Proverbs 2:6-7
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright…”. Wouldn’t it be foolish to ignore that voice if it could be directly sent from God. He teaches in the quiet and observes in the noise; now that you know this and what you are being granted, take advantage of what intuition may be showing you or saying to you…it may save you.

If the Universe is delivering you tools for your mental toolbox choose wisely as it could make or break the foundation of your future building. Pay attention.

Job 38:36
“Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? Or hath given understanding to the heart?” God gives you the gift of lessons, blessings, miracles, provisions, intuition and clarity every day. The best way to thank Him is to cherish those gifts and use them for your life and the greater good.

***Health Spotlight*** Indoor Air Pollutants
-No, this isn’t my typical route of discussing topics in epidemiology and public health, but this is very important.-

Researched via WHO and EPA
What are indoor air pollutants? Particles in the air from diesel, dust, smoke, indoor formaldehyde (ever read the ingredients on your finger nail polish/remover ladies?), household odors from painting cooking, pesticides, cleaning, products used in hobbies, smoking, excess moisture, ozone, and carbon dioxide just to name a few.

Symptoms/Effects: Short-term- headaches, eye irritation, dizziness, fatigue, and cold-like symptoms; everyone is affected differently, but you need to be aware of what you and/or your family members could be faced with. Long-term- possibilities of respiratory illnesses or heart disease; there can be fatal circumstances as well.

You are in control of what you do when your intuition says that something is off with your body or that of your child/significant other. If you feel ill, take note of it and do what is necessary to get the help you need. If you are using anything in your home that may be damaging to your body, perhaps you should take some time and look into alternatives.

Take care of yourself and your neighbors, we all need each other to live our best lives.

Be blessed and be at peace.
*Empowerment, God, Intuition, Guidance, Holy Spirit, Bible, Law of Attraction, Public Health, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Doubt, Goals, Holistic Health , Voice, Wisdom*

Overcoming Unhealthy Eating


We all have our cravings and things that we LOVE to eat, but do we really think about what we are consuming and how they can affect our bodies?

When you indulge (if you must), you must have balance and do so sparingly.

Yes, you can eat what you want, but you cannot do it all the time and expect to lead a healthy life. You cannot eat bread every day, day and expect it to not lead to health issues. As much as you may love your sweets, you cannot have them every day, multiple times a day.

With everything in your life, the only way to be happy and healthy is to have balance.

How To Overcome This Problem:

To overcome healthy eating, know that it starts inside of your mind.
You have to acknowledge where the problems lie before you can think of making next steps.
Make baby steps if you cannot completely change your habits immediately.
Create a schedule for yourself and limit your eating.
Eliminate fatty, greasy, heavy, sugary, processed foods.
Eat more greens, veggies, fruits, and grains.
Drink lots of water every day.

Be mindful of your eating habits.

Healthy eating is not always expensive! Poor healthy is more expensive.

You are not necessarily bound by traditions. We choose to do things including our eating habits.

Just like many other things, treating yourself is okay and you deserve it but think about it first.

Be happy in the skin that you are in, but do whatever it takes to lead a healthy life- your body and your family will thank you for taking care of yourself, setting a good example, and extending your life. 

The challenge in this life is to do what is right; the same applies to your life and what you consume. Your family and those that you are blessing are counting on you to live your best life.

You get one body and no tomorrow’s are not guaranteed, but wouldn’t you rather live a healthy life than an unhealthy one?

Love yourself from the inside out and watch how things change.

If you are not prepared to live your best life how do you expect great things to happen in your life?

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple”.  You are an amazing part of something beyond your knowledge and your imagination. God made you in his image and you are supposed to take care of yourself; this means inside and out. You one beautiful part of this universe and the universe is inside of you, you must be mindful of this and live a good life.

Proverbs 10:17

“The road to life is a disciplined life; ignore correction and you’re lost for good”. Motivation will not always come easy and you must do what it takes to lead a disciplined life; it is in your best interest. If someone shows you or teaches you something that is good for you, it can only benefit you…

I want you to live a long, happy, healthy life, so do whatever it takes to have that.

Know that you do not need to follow any fads or common diets, and do not starve yourself. Smaller portions and regulated eating schedules will change your life. There are many methods of healthy eating, you have the world at the tips of your fingers; use the sound knowledge that you find on the internet. If you have any true questions, find a nutritionist or health provider that you trust. 

All that you want and dream of can happen if you take care of yourself and if you are consistent in all that you do.

I believe in you and I want you to be healthy from the inside out. Put in the work, you deserve it.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***

Heart Disease- This disease and many others are linked unhealthy eating. There are over 600,000 people that die of heart disease and it is a leading cause of death for men and women. Annually, there are over 700,000 heart attacks in America (CDC). Pay attention to discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, and upper body pain. Listen to your body’s signs of heart disease and physical sickness. If you are eating poorly, change it while you still can; it is much easier to prevent than it is to treat. Think wisely. Make the changes that you can, and do whatever you can to create natural healing. As always, seek the help of a physician when you are in need.

Change, Challenges, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Global Health, Goals, God, Universe, Bible, Growth



Struggles and storms mean next to nothing if your heart and mind yearn for nothing better and nothing more. 

You yearn for what you want and what you deserve; that is directly connected to all you are.

If something shakes your drive or your climb to reach your goal, then maybe you push isn’t strong enough, you need to change some aspect, or you need to rehabilitate your mind.

Sure, we all have our struggles; even those who seem like they have it all may have had to claw their way up to the level that they have reached. Even celebrities experience difficulties in their lives; no one is perfect. 

To yearn is go beyond a want or desire, it is essentially craving something with extreme determination; it is knowing and feeling that nothing can block you from reaching a goal/dream.

If you are a person that is walking around hoping and wishing, you aren’t doing enough. Cut the talk and start the walk.

If you have any dream of becoming successful, you have to yearn for it so much that every step up the ladder becomes a part of every fiber of your being.

You need to wake up with positive thoughts, envisioning yourself and every detail of your goals. You need to take steps every day and make a fervent effort to be prosperous in all that you do. Go to sleep thankful for all that you have accomplished, all that you want for your life, and the blessings all around you.

You need to feel that happiness. You need to be willing to fight for it. You have to taste it with every breath that you take. 

What is the part of your vision of success that makes you want it so badly? Is it the abundance in life? Is it the ability to change the world? Is it the joy that takes over you when you learn more and more about it? Take all of those thoughts and feelings and embed them into your heart- that is yearning.

There will be those who don’t believe in you, lie about you, shut doors in your face, and try to speak evil into your life…but they can’t affect you unless you let them.

Whatever you dream to be or dream to have, do it to the best of your ability. If you want to be a stylist, a doctor, a singer/songwriter, an artist, a fashion designer, a plumber, an electrician, an astronaut…whatever, it does not matter and it will not happen if you are not putting in an effort and you do not yearn to have what you dream come into your reality.

Whatever you yearn and strive for, you can have. What are you waiting for?

Need some motivation? Here you go. For every moment that you are wasting, someone else is building and shaping their future; use your time wisely. The longer you wait, the longer someone else has to wait for your blessing to reach them. Be hopeful.

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Be prayerful and also know that the Universe and God have favor on your life. When you are able to be in-tune with your subconscious you can make things that seem like miracles occur via frequent thoughts, visions, and meditation. The hope that lives inside of you is not in vain, if you are craving your goals.

Ephesians 1:18

Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.”

God has given you all that you could ever want, it is living inside of you…make the most of all that you have been blessed with. You have been put together like a unique puzzle of amazing and perfect pieces; your puzzle pieces are your gifts and talents which make a beautiful picture and bring forth magnificent blessings.

I dream of a world where we all reach our goals, surpass them and live in peace, great health and prosperity. I believe in you, I’ll always encourage you to do great things, and I care about your success; surround yourself with people who feel the same way.

***Health Spotlight***

Yersiniosis- This is a type of infection that is linked to consumption of raw/uncooked pork that is contaminated with Yersinia enterocolitica bacteria. This is an infection that affects over 100,000 people in the U.S. annually (CDC). Symptoms appear between 4-7 days after exposure to the bacteria, and they can be similar to that of appendicitis. Prevention: cook pork and all foods to an appropriate temperature, practice proper hand washing, and use separate cutting boards. Special testing is needed for diagnosing, and it typically goes away on its own or with antibiotics if someone has a severe infection (CDC).  As always, if something doesn’t feel right, seek medical attention. Take good care of yourself and your family.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Yearn, Goals, Determination, Favor, Gifts, Empowerment, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Meditation, Universe, God, Dreams, Mental Health, Positivity

M- Manifest (Move Forward)


In the adjective form the word manifest means “clear or obvious to the eye or mind.”

You have the power to make things come into fruition and it all starts in your mind.
Anything that you want you can have.  In fact, you already have it you just have to tap into it and make it happen.
Whether your choice/method is in using vision boards, doing meditation regularly, or reaching new heights in prayers, you have the power to make your hopes and dreams your reality.
The question that you must ask yourself and know the answer to is: “what do I want in my life?” Do you know the answer to that question? If you do not, it is certainly time to embrace a few moments of silence and put that answer on paper. If you can not take the time to ask yourself serious questions you will certainly not have the time to make your dreams a reality. You must be willing to make sacrifices, cry those tears, stay up late, wake up early, heal yourself internally and ensure that you are happy and consistently living in your purpose.
“Don’t hold on to the clutches of mediocrity.” – Richard Branson
Everything that you could ever want is already inside of you. Take a few moments as soon as you wake up every day and be thankful for another day, and envision yourself already in the position that you want to be in. Feel that happiness, joy, peace and beauty that you are living in, in your future… That is how you manifest whatever you are wanting in your life.
2 Corinthians 13:5
“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?”
Examine what is inside of yourself. Do you believe in yourself, have faith in yourself, have faith in higher power, have faith and/or believe what the universe can bring forth? Whether you believe in God or not, much can be said about believing in yourself and having the ability to move forward.
If you believe in yourself, you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. I’m a witness, it is not going to be easy. You must fight if you wish  to reach each of your goals. If you do not believe in yourself, nothing that you want to have and/or wish to achieve will happen. You must believe in yourself.
If you do not believe in yourself, what would make you think that anyone else will believe in you or take you seriously.
Step away from that which binds you. Detach yourself from that negative environment. What is around you or what you see in your circle is not what you are confined to. MOVE FORWARD!
Proverbs 1:32
“For the waywardness of the naive will kill them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them.”
Do not become blind to your flaws; know them well and know how to better yourself. Use your brain!
Nothing will happen after the 1st day of manifestation, after your 1st day at the new job, after one day back in prayer. Be consistent and know that things will happen in the physical realm when it is supposed to. Be consistent. One foot in front of the other is how you walk… now you know that is also how you talk, and how you will manifest. Stagnancy and settling for mediocrity will not take you to the next level. You are in charge! If you need help, do not be afraid to ask for it; seek wise counsel…it is there for you.
Manifest and move forward!

Your mental health is a prominent key to your future successes. Are you leading a mindful, merry, life? If you aren’t what in the world are you waiting for? Make the changes, manifest it! You are always in charge.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Ambition, Drive, Faith, goals, Manifest, Mediocrity, Stagnant, Vision Board, Positivity, Belief, Hope, Bible, Universe



We pedal through life day in & day out. We aim to make to the next moment, the next day, the next job assignment, the next level of achievement of achievement, etc.  Where is the pause and reflect during those times? Is it even there?

Life is measured in time…but what happens when the time has run out?
What legacy/memories will you leave behind?
Lead a life attached to happiness, truth, and love no matter what form of opposition or hate may come your way.

The chances/opportunities that you are given are solely given to you, what are you doing with them?
Are you fearful of what could come? Are you waiting for the “right” and/or “perfect” time? If you are, please know that there is no such thing as an ideal time. THE TIME IS RIGHT NOW!

Live your life at the maximum level and you’ll never have fear of your own potential or what you perceive to be failure.

No one is going to chase you and hand you your dream. You must be willing to fight and make sacrifices. Make the changes that you need to get to the place that you want to be.

The next time that you fall down or get pushed down, what are you going to do?
Cry? Hide? Push back? Get up and fight with all of your might!

So what if you fly then come crashing down?! YOU FLEW!!!

“I’d rather put in the work and fail…”
“I’d rather reach for the stars and not hit them than to not aim at all.”

Psalms 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Why worry? If you have faith in God (or in yourself and works or the universe) then you know that you can and do anything that you put your all into.

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
If you are doing what you are passionate about and leading a life that is aimed at blessing others, you are living with your heart and mind. Bless others with the light that shines through you.

Be a public health advocate; heal yourself and take steps towards healing and bettering your community. Be a blessing to the world. Live a long, lovely, lively life.

Be blessed and be at peace.
