How many times have you heard the relatable phrase, “The struggle is real”? I know that I hear it or read it somewhere at least once a day. It can be rather unfortunate that we can so easily relate in struggles, but not in how we overcome them. People can read empowerment books, subscribe to blogs/vlogs, take in spiritual messages, pamper themselves with external self-care, and generate vision boards every six months (all of which are excellent tools), but it still isn’t enough to get you where you need to be.
How well do you treat yourself on the inside?
If positivity and empowerment aren’t fueling the vehicle of your life, you may need to trade and upgrade to something more reliable.
There is goodness in so many places and spaces within the world waiting for you to take just a bit of it and turn your life’s purpose into something wonderful. You must first treat yourself with high regard, humbleness, and compassion. If we take the time (and put in the effort) to wisely evolve ourselves inside and out, we have a magnificent opportunity to help so many others.
Whether we can always see it or not, life is about transforming ourselves for the greater good. Sure, there will always be difficulties and problems that arise (some are out of our control), but we can rest assured that each of us can work on ourselves and make the most out of the lives that we lead.
Positivity is a realm of thought in many ways while empowerment is a shift in behavior (when embodied); both of these are possible every day, but you have to work hard for them and remember that they live inside of you. Don’t seek fulfillment, happiness, and wholeness in others or in toxic spaces. Learn, evolve, and become someone new. Don’t we all deserve to live the lives that we have always dreamed of? This starts by treating yourself well.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 19:8 & Galatians 6:3
Through all that you learn in life, there is an opportunity to grow in wisdom and understanding. Your growth is more than words, actions, and beliefs, it is fruit-bearing and all-encompassing when your heart and head are in the right place. Giving yourself wisdom and allowing yourself to grow is a rare treasure that few happen upon. Treating yourself with kindness, patience, high standards, and tough love when needed most re-arranges the path that you may be on. We are wonderfully granted amazing things in life, but we need not grow boastful; remain humble and keep in mind that all things granted to you are earned and wonderfully shaped according to the way that you lead your life.
Be blessed and be at peace.