J- Jewels in Your Life


For every bad thing that you encounter or endured there is something beautiful to be seen or understood.

Lessons learned in life can be so difficult and I could never make light of anything that anyone faces, but I will say that there is a reason for your circumstances.

Whether we are talking about an abusive relationship that you have overcome, an amazing job that you have had your eye on, a love that you lost, or anything in between there is a lesson to be learned from each situation/circumstance.

I know that you have learned and know very well that all that glitters isn’t gold, but do you also know that there are jewels to be discovered and appreciated in your darkest of days and clearest of nights?

Everything that you go through has a meaning, you have to understand that the lesson no matter how difficult it may be to receive is a blessing for you.

I want you to think about these lessons as the jewels in your life. If this means that you have to put on your hypothetical rose colored glasses (only for a moment) to see the positivity in your situation, do it. 

Challenge yourself to take a journey through your mind, heart, body, and soul- give your situations, storms, circumstances a “full body scan” so to speak, and think about the why and work without giving up to understand the lesson.

When you wear your favorite accessory or piece of jewelry, you do so because it makes you feel a sense of happiness right? Shouldn’t your life’s lessons give you a sense of happiness after they have been learned?

Think about all of the things that make your life grand, beautiful, and worth living even when your heart is feeling heavy – this is easier said than done, but is very much worth it.

Take note and think about all of the jewels in your life: lessons, peace, happiness, family, kids, friends, education, successes, business, gifts and talents.

To the Bible & Universe We Go!

Proverbs 20:15
“There is gold and abundance of costly stones, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” You don’t have to own jewels, gems, or stones to understand how gorgeous and precious they are. Your mind, body, and soul are precious jewels. Evolution of your mind is more precious than jewels; your knowledge is your life’s glimmering light.

The Universe gifts you with lessons, experiences, wisdom, knowledge, opportunities, and values to be appreciated. Each of which are grand, beautiful, and a wonderful part of your life. Take the time to understand this and be joyful in it.

Isaiah 62:3
“You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of God.” You are absolutely amazing and truly a jewel; your value and worth are high on the list my dear. Take a hint and work to bless your own life and all of those around you by wearing your jewels that life and God have given you.

***Health Spotlight***
I love the idea of traveling so why not address global issues. 🙂

Japanese Encephalitis
Symptoms: fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, possibility of movement disorders, and mental status changes.
Prevalence: less than one percent infected with the virus develop clinical illness (CDC)  Twenty to thirty percent of those who develop encephalitis die; 30-50% of survivors have continued cognitive, neurologic and psychiatric symptoms.
Prevention: a vaccine is recommended for those traveling to an endemic area and will be there for over a month or a shorter period if someone will be outside of an urban area.
Treatment: symptomatic- includes rest, fluids, pain reliever and fever reducing medication.

Blessings, Challenges, Character, Courage, Determination, Drive, Empowerment, Faith, Fighting, God, Growth, Law of Attraction, Public Health, Mental Health, Epidemiology, Strength, Survivor



If you combine your passion, your appetite for success, spirit, and fire inside of you and that is your zest.

What puts that light in your eyes? What fuels your flame? What drives your energy? What makes your heart happy? What seemingly makes your forget/overcome your struggles in you life?

Be Zesty (“lively and pleasing”). 

Let’s say that there are 1000 other people going for the same job that you are going for…would you walk into your interview knowing that you are just another applicant? No, don’t do that. Sparkle, glisten, and show your passion because that will make you stand out. 

God gave you gifts and talents; He gave you something that no one else has. He gave you a zest for what you are passionate about. Dark days and those who are against you do not matter. 

Be active and energetic every day, no matter what happens and you’ll realize that you have so much to be thankful for. For those who choose to sit in sorrow, they will feel that everything is going wrong and nothing will ever change. If you encounter that person, let them know that two things that are guaranteed are the passing of time and change.

As much as we would like to control every part of our days, it is not always that easy. We do have the option to be full of zest and we do have the option to change the outcome of our days. 

If you are feeling sad or discouraged, know that your zest in life is still connected to your heart and mind. The universe is constantly at work for you; be happy in every moment, as best as you possibly can- it is worth it. God knows and sees your dreams and He is shaping your path, be full of zest and be prepared for all of the good that is coming your way.

You see, as we challenge what seems likely to break us down we reveal zest for whatever our heart desires. If you are feeling stuck in a box because of your finances and you want to make a change, but that change requires finances, you need to change your thinking and take every step with a breath of zest. 

There is not always going to be a door open for you, sometimes you have to build your own door and push it open. 

A painting of clouds could seem dreary and boring, but if you add flowers, sunshine, and children playing you reveal happiness and zest…the same can be applied to your life. 

Be enthusiastic and full of zest in all that you do and dream of. Your drive, compassion, vigor, and light inside of you are all that you need to succeed. 

Mark 9:50
Salt is a good thing; but if it has lost its zest, how can it be seasoned again? You should have salt within yourselves and peace with one another.” Be fervent in your beliefs, never lose sight of your dreams, and be filled with a zest for life. Work diligently to find peace within yourself and gain a high-spirit in life. Seek peace with others, one moment in anger is a moment that could be spent in resolution, clarity, and happiness; fix it, for you and those you love.

Romans 5:5
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” You must allow yourself to be filled with hope and joy in order to ready to receive all that has been promised to you by God. The universe reacts to what you are putting out in feeling and thought, so you need to live as though you have already manifested what you want in your life. 

Have a complete zest for life and you will change the way that the see the world, and the way that things turn out.

***Health Spotlight***
Zoonotic Diseases: These infections link humans and animals. Although people come in close contact with their pets on a regular basis, there are germs/bacteria that can be carried by animals. Approximately 6 out of 10 infectious diseases are spread via animals. Thousands of people, annually, will get sick because of germs spread between humans and animals (CDC). Germs can be spread from direct contact, indirect contact, via an insect, or from contaminated food. Children under 5, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of a zoonotic disease. Prevention tips include: proper hand washing, staying safe around pets, prevent mosquito, tick and flea bites, safe food handling, and avoiding scratches or bites from animals. Depending on the type of disease, the incubation period can vary from hours to weeks and the symptoms vary, as well. Use your medical support system, they care and so do I.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Zest, Ambition, Change, Courage, Dreams, Drive, Evolving, Global Health, Empowerment, Manifest, Public Health, Growth, Positivity, Epidemiology, Success, Universe, God 

M- Manifest (Move Forward)


In the adjective form the word manifest means “clear or obvious to the eye or mind.”

You have the power to make things come into fruition and it all starts in your mind.
Anything that you want you can have.  In fact, you already have it you just have to tap into it and make it happen.
Whether your choice/method is in using vision boards, doing meditation regularly, or reaching new heights in prayers, you have the power to make your hopes and dreams your reality.
The question that you must ask yourself and know the answer to is: “what do I want in my life?” Do you know the answer to that question? If you do not, it is certainly time to embrace a few moments of silence and put that answer on paper. If you can not take the time to ask yourself serious questions you will certainly not have the time to make your dreams a reality. You must be willing to make sacrifices, cry those tears, stay up late, wake up early, heal yourself internally and ensure that you are happy and consistently living in your purpose.
“Don’t hold on to the clutches of mediocrity.” – Richard Branson
Everything that you could ever want is already inside of you. Take a few moments as soon as you wake up every day and be thankful for another day, and envision yourself already in the position that you want to be in. Feel that happiness, joy, peace and beauty that you are living in, in your future… That is how you manifest whatever you are wanting in your life.
2 Corinthians 13:5
“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?”
Examine what is inside of yourself. Do you believe in yourself, have faith in yourself, have faith in higher power, have faith and/or believe what the universe can bring forth? Whether you believe in God or not, much can be said about believing in yourself and having the ability to move forward.
If you believe in yourself, you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. I’m a witness, it is not going to be easy. You must fight if you wish  to reach each of your goals. If you do not believe in yourself, nothing that you want to have and/or wish to achieve will happen. You must believe in yourself.
If you do not believe in yourself, what would make you think that anyone else will believe in you or take you seriously.
Step away from that which binds you. Detach yourself from that negative environment. What is around you or what you see in your circle is not what you are confined to. MOVE FORWARD!
Proverbs 1:32
“For the waywardness of the naive will kill them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them.”
Do not become blind to your flaws; know them well and know how to better yourself. Use your brain!
Nothing will happen after the 1st day of manifestation, after your 1st day at the new job, after one day back in prayer. Be consistent and know that things will happen in the physical realm when it is supposed to. Be consistent. One foot in front of the other is how you walk… now you know that is also how you talk, and how you will manifest. Stagnancy and settling for mediocrity will not take you to the next level. You are in charge! If you need help, do not be afraid to ask for it; seek wise counsel…it is there for you.
Manifest and move forward!

Your mental health is a prominent key to your future successes. Are you leading a mindful, merry, life? If you aren’t what in the world are you waiting for? Make the changes, manifest it! You are always in charge.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Ambition, Drive, Faith, goals, Manifest, Mediocrity, Stagnant, Vision Board, Positivity, Belief, Hope, Bible, Universe