Z – Zen in Abundance


When a large number of days and stresses seem to stack up against you, it would be easy to fold and give up. The weight that you bear in life is yours to carry, but you are not in it alone. This journey is constantly shifting and evolving; sometimes the goodness and peace that we seek are within reach if only we put our hearts and minds in a space to receive it.

Understanding the peace that you need will give you new thoughts on how you can have zen in abundance. There is no limit to the amount of peace or zen that you can have; you control your environment, so allow nothing else to tell you differently.

I couldn’t tell you of how many days, I have chosen to push myself beyond my limit to ensure that completed a task or helped someone else navigate through their challenges. We have to give ourselves the very thing that we challenge others to journey through. Zen through meditation is how we can begin to create a renewed mindset and limitless prosperity. We must regularly look inside ourselves to understanding what we need, love who we are, and grow into who we are called to be.

Life in abundance can be yours if you get centered and pay close attention to your worth, your strengths, and what you are capable of doing. Zen is freeing and it brings true peace and joy; who wouldn’t want that in abundance for their entire life?

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Psalm 143:5 & John 14:27
Recall what you have experienced in life and how heavy some situations were. Now, do you remember when you overcame that time? If you know that you came out of that space with the help of God, you equally know that you can become who you are called to be with His help. It’s not over yet. The peace you need and the life that you desire is living in your subconscious and you can have it all in the physical realm. Have a happy heart and fear not.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Y -Yield to Positivity


Isn’t it interesting how we can get so bogged down with life at times, that we share our difficult moments with others and yet learn how misery really does love company? It is a gift to be able to share life with friends but rarely do people share the good things in life and push each other to be better; this is because sharing the storms in life can be much easier than spreading positivity.

What if when we experienced difficulties, we were able to share the positive possibilities and be surrounded by rays of light in people who align with the vision that we have for ourselves? That would be a much better world to live in, wouldn’t it?

Allowing the weight of our despair to take over our minds and hearts hurts a lot more when we are unable to yield to a remnant of positivity. The strength that we can create in our minds starts with working diligently to find a bit of light when the storms roll in.

Going through a struggle may be an easier ride, but it would be much more beneficial to gift yourself with a bumpy ride that arrives at positivity from time-to-time. When we can take the time to consistently feed our despair a switch of the mind and shift ourselves into positivity gear, we find that life if is a little easier if and when can alter our views. Give yourself the gift of yielding to positivity and know that you do not have to linger in difficult days.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
You are a vessel carrying what you need to reach your destiny, so why not fill that vessel with positivity whenever possible. If you ever feel like you cannot reach that source of positivity look up and inside of yourself. Don’t block out the light, you never know when you may need it.
James 1:2-4
You have the power to find your joy no matter what you face. Surely it takes effort to be steadfast, but the reward is great. Keep strong to your faith and no that from every trial there is a lesson to be learned. Be overjoyed that you can still see the light and feel some sense of peace when you can yield to positivity and cast your worries aside.

Be blessed and be at peace.

X – X-Ray of Prosperity


We often hear the word prosperity and hear of people who have walked in, welcomed, and lived in prosperity.  How many times have we looked at what that word prosperity means at the heart of it all? Do you know how that word plays a role in your life?

Think About It
If we examine prosperity, we will find that it is multifaceted and full of possibilities, no matter your walk of life.

At the root and core of all prosperity is your well-being; never forget that. Comfort and security in your life and environment are at the next level. The third level is all that glimmers: opportunities, wealth, a success that always blossoms, every day bountiful living, limitless thriving in life, and the greatness that has been planted and fruits. Throughout each level there is an intertwined bunch of joy; feel that and never let that leave you.

Individual View of Prosperity
Prosperity is defined as your vision and obtained clarity on success, abundance, peace, and inner joy. When you can get curious about what prosperity means for you, then you can build the life that you want and deserve. After all, the x-ray of prosperity can evolve with the effort that you may put into the realization of your grandest dreams.

Real empowerment lives at the center of our developed prosperity; affirmations to encourage and welcome that growth makes your dreams become your reality.

Bible & Spiritual ConnectionPsalms 1:3 & Jeremiah 17:10
Prosperity is not something that comes and goes; it becomes a part of your lifestyle. When you are blessed to be prosperous, you will see fruits of it in your life and continue to evolve for the better because of what you have done to reach that level and all that you are. Nothing that comes into your life is happenstance; it is rooted in a gift given to you that is connected to the good deeds that you perform and grant in your life.  You must put in work and live a life that is likened to your beliefs, morals, values, and wanted outcomes for yourself and others.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Dear Black Kings


Dear Black Kings
Dear Black Kings, lean on your Queens.
Know that we know life is harder than it may seem.
We see your worries and feel your pain.
We know that a heavy heart can drive you insane.
We never want you to feel alone,
So feel and see that we are with you in the heat of the zone.
A part of our world may need mending,
But we need your truths to always be ascending.
Even if the road gets rough and your tears do fall,
Your Queen will always be there to pick up the ball.
Give me your hand and tag me in,
In this life, together, we can win.
I carry your heart and you hold mine
With each other, we will yet again see the sun shine.
I’ll wear my crown while we shine yours,
I’ll pray over you and you’ll become you once more.
Strength and courage of a lion and lioness
We will overcome challenges that bring us stress.
We’ll get through dark days with love, know that this is true.
This life together is to be conquered and it’s all possible with me AND you.
Signed, his Black Queen.

T – Treat Yourself Well


How many times have you heard the relatable phrase, “The struggle is real”? I know that I hear it or read it somewhere at least once a day. It can be rather unfortunate that we can so easily relate in struggles, but not in how we overcome them.  People can read empowerment books, subscribe to blogs/vlogs, take in spiritual messages, pamper themselves with external self-care, and generate vision boards every six months (all of which are excellent tools), but it still isn’t enough to get you where you need to be.

How well do you treat yourself on the inside?

If positivity and empowerment aren’t fueling the vehicle of your life, you may need to trade and upgrade to something more reliable.

There is goodness in so many places and spaces within the world waiting for you to take just a bit of it and turn your life’s purpose into something wonderful. You must first treat yourself with high regard, humbleness, and compassion. If we take the time (and put in the effort) to wisely evolve ourselves inside and out, we have a magnificent opportunity to help so many others.

Whether we can always see it or not, life is about transforming ourselves for the greater good. Sure, there will always be difficulties and problems that arise (some are out of our control), but we can rest assured that each of us can work on ourselves and make the most out of the lives that we lead.

Positivity is a realm of thought in many ways while empowerment is a shift in behavior (when embodied); both of these are possible every day, but you have to work hard for them and remember that they live inside of you. Don’t seek fulfillment, happiness, and wholeness in others or in toxic spaces. Learn, evolve, and become someone new. Don’t we all deserve to live the lives that we have always dreamed of? This starts by treating yourself well.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 19:8 & Galatians 6:3
Through all that you learn in life, there is an opportunity to grow in wisdom and understanding. Your growth is more than words, actions, and beliefs, it is fruit-bearing and all-encompassing when your heart and head are in the right place. Giving yourself wisdom and allowing yourself to grow is a rare treasure that few happen upon. Treating yourself with kindness, patience, high standards, and tough love when needed most re-arranges the path that you may be on. We are wonderfully granted amazing things in life, but we need not grow boastful; remain humble and keep in mind that all things granted to you are earned and wonderfully shaped according to the way that you lead your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

S – Success Anointed


There is a division that a lot of us place into our minds that can break apart spiritual and personal life. However, there is a multitude of ways that the two collide on a regular basis. Have you experienced something that was absolutely mind-blowing, especially because “it happened to you”? In that momentary feeling of success, I bet you realized that in some way there was an anointing, gift, blessing, and a sort of divinity that must have been at play.

*An anointing can be also defined as a blessing*

I don’t think that anything in our lives happens accidentally. Successes that we experience in our lives are so much bigger than we are, and isn’t that wonderful?!

Everything that you do is connected to something wonderful that lives inside of you. For myself, I know that the Holy Trinity is a part of every fiber of my being and the fruit that I bear and the love within my heart show that to be true. You see, success comes together with effort, belief, practice, and consistency, and faith.

Certainly, there are those who are born into financial freedom, but even those people have to work hard to maintain that status. You are wonderfully made and none could compare to you. Success is anointed when you fervently aim to do something greater than yourself.

The common scope of imagination is limited, biased, short-sighted in many ways, and incapable of dreaming large-scale dreams. For those of us who dare to dream, we experience successfully anointed things. I challenge you to think about what you really want out of your life and how that can become a reality. No realm of success that is longed for or worth having lacks an anointing; in this is how you can be sure that not only are you blessed, you an insurmountable amount of abilities to bless others in the work that you do.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
1 John 4:13 (ESV) & Luke 1:37
Having a life filled with success requires love and effort. God is present in more ways than you can imagine. Nothing is impossible as you can rest assured that you are not alone on your journey. That gift that lies inside of you is yours to behold and to cherish. Your successes may be challenging, but knowing that you God lives inside of you, you should equally come to know that you can literally have anything and be successful in your anointing.

Be blessed and be at peace.

(If you are looking for a professional speaker for your next event, please contact me.)

Q – Query or Lesson


There are times that arise when a situation stumps us and we do not know what to do to overcome it.  This is surely a time of great reflection, meditation, prayer, and necessary visualization. On another end of the spectrum, it is equally a time to decide the situation means to you (at your core).

One situation that I have encountered is in dealing with difficulties within the school setting and not having adequate support that I think I need in order to perform well. Yes, in difficult moments, we can get angry, fuss, cuss, and yell…but is that enough to give us the answers and the vision that we need to take what happened and turn it into something fruitful?

When the road gets rough, the thing to consider is whether what is happening is a time for a query or a needed lesson.

Even when we think that we are wise and intellectual, there is yet still something to be learned. These queries may stimulate our growth and the lessons that you may need to let could set you apart from others at every level. When reached for what you can learn from queries or lessons will change your life in the way that you allow them to.

Think clearly. Be patient with yourself. Take the time to understand beyond the surface what you need to learn, especially when you are facing trials in your life.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Proverbs 1:5 & 1 Thessalonians 5:11
There are countless lessons to be learned in life, but it is important to remember the value that they hold and that in your journey toward seeking sound knowledge God is present. No one walks this road alone, so do not be afraid to ask questions or learn the lesson that you need to learn. 

Putting Yourself First


Doubt– When little voices creep in asking us if we are doing the right thing we decide if we listen or challenge them. Doubt can make us question absolutely everything that we do and break us down if we give in to any negative aspect that comes in. Putting ourselves first means that we have to be able to not only understand the doubts that arise but also be able to overcome them so that we can reach our highest potential.

Fear– the fear of what if…the fear of judgment…the fear of not reaching goals…
All of these are real (ask me how I know). I have dealt with fears in many aspects of life. It can be difficult to have a stronghold over fears, but it can be done. Strength in vision, self, faith, and direction are all necessary in trying to overcome embedded fears.

Worth– You’re value is not determined by the world. It is established by God and to be understood and upheld by you. When someone challenges that, it hurts, right? It can even make you feel like maybe you aren’t worth what you said you are worth. We cannot allow others’ opinions, blocked/biased views, or internal problems to shift our worth.

Am I Enough?
Yes, you are. You may not be perfect and you may not have become all that you are called to be in your life YET, but you are enough. We all have space to grow and evolve. No one came into this world having all the answers, thank goodness! You can use what you have inside to make the most of your present; you just have to look beyond the surface and take inventory. Let nothing cause you to change what you think of yourself. How you view yourself and carry yourself is how others will treat you, so be careful.

Why can’t we channel our success but we can be extreme givers for anyone else?
First…Not okay. You need to understand why you are doing what you are doing…so, here we go…

Write it all down!

Ask yourself what would happen if you put yourself first.
Look internally and decide if what you are doing for others is proof that you can do even greater things in your own life.

Why can’t we be busy with our own growth?
You can be. You first must choose to do so. It is hard to put myself first in many instances, but I realize that if I don’t I am only hindering my growth. We can find hundreds of other things to be doing besides evolving ourselves. Sure that may be okay in the temporary, but we will hurt ourselves and be depriving ourselves in the long run.

Without putting yourself first and making sure that you are healthy, safe, and positively evolving, those around you will in some way suffer.

You are wonderfully made and a gift to this world.

Discover and love yourself. Don’t let the world try to break God’s mold (you).

If you can dream it you can have it. Don’t cheat yourself.

You are destined for greatness, and there is nothing nor any outside person that can do something to make God’s promises on your life not come into fruition in the physical realm.

She knows very well that eating alone is a part of her journey. Even when she is into her success, that table should still not be filled as she knows that evil and negativity will still be lurking. Her independence and strength are internal to all that she is. She is courage. She is greatness. She is on her way to her destiny.
She is you.
She is me.

Be blessed and be at peace.

N – Now or Later


In the process of personal evolution there comes a time when we face the question of now or later.

When focusing on your goals, determining whether you should hit the gas or pump the brakes is up to you. What we must keep in mind when answering the question of now or later is what will happen when we choose the option of greatest desire.

You can miss out on something great in life if you choose not to take another step forward. While you pause you can be giving an opportunity to someone else to make a move that you once wanted.  In a pause and reflect moment doubt can also enter, so in your choices think clearly by assessing your situation before making an “ideal” move.  Write down your options plain and clear; be sure to include possible outcomes that may come along.

Although taking the next leap forward may seem promising, it could lead to negative outcomes or change your life for the better simply because you walked on faith. Don’t make the mistake of walking blindly, be smart in your execution of completing objectives whether now or later.

If something tells you to wait when you feel like you should resume with moving be sure that the voice is not one of ill-will, personal doubt, negativity, or anything connected to pain. You deserve better than that, so don’t let darkness take over your light.

The answer to now or later is up to you; the outcome could be negative or positive in either space, so depend on your rational thinking, vision for your life, and the reality that you face.

Bible & Spiritual Connection
2 Corinthians 2:11 & Proverbs 14:8
Evil will always have a “place” in the world, so be clear in knowing that not all things are for your good. Be honest, truthful, and wise in your choices, because in these things you can find blessed success. You are not alone in your journey as there are many parts in play. Seek God in all that you do and know that with persistence and in His time the greatest things that your heart desire will come to fruition.

Be blessed and be at peace.

M – Master Your Craft


What makes you unique?
What “craft” do you do that is unique to you?
What things do you do to feed your soul and bless others?

Only You
There is something that you do naturally that sets you apart from others. For some, this may seem impossible given that there are billions of people in the world and so many people that may have similar educational or career experiences.  However, the truth that we can all see in many things, is that there are amazing things that people do that no one else could ever repeat.

The Journey Impacts Your Purpose
It took me a long time to realize the value of my uniqueness, experiences, life journey, education, and all that I have learned in my life. However, all of what makes me unique has shaped my brand and my writings. The same is true for you! Think about what you do for others because of what has been uniquely a part of your life (good and bad).

Continue Learning
Once you become aware of your uniqueness and you get moving with sharing your greatness with the world, you must continue to evolve to master your craft. There will also be a need to level-up once you reach your goals; this need is not to prove something, rather it is to best serve others and represent the vision and mission of your brand as best as possible at all times.

Master your craft and know that what you uniquely do is exactly what your audience needs.

Water your mental garden, master your craft and watch how things begin to blossom.

Bible & Spiritual Connection:
1 Timothy 4:14 & Romans 11:29
To not continue to evolve after you have reached new heights in using your craft would be quite a waste. You have been blessed, so why not continue to improve yourself and maximize the impact that only you can create? No matter how hard you may try to hide or pretend that your gifts do not exist or are not important, they will not go away. Open your eyes and know that you are special beyond words and you have great potential to be a blessing and gift to others in countless ways.

There is nothing and no one who can stop me from continuing to evolve. 

Check out my newest logo! If you see the image with the brain and growing tree (in any of my new brand colors- purple, gold, turquoise/teal, white, or black), you will know that there are tools for mental, business, spiritual, and physical transformation being presented by KayLa’s Positivity Corner.

Follow me for more messages of positivity!