

Many of us have experienced something that has “made/forced” us to re-evaluate who we are, who we’ve allowed to stay in our circle, and how we could ever trust again.

Trusting yourself can be one of the hardest things to do. We often compare ourselves to others in various capacities and we occasionally doubt ourselves. 

The important thing that we must always remember is that we must make trusting ourselves a priority…so let’s address that first.

No matter what has come your way, you must be able to look inside of yourself and see the real you. It is a challenge, just as it is to have a smile on your face and truly be happy inside.

The doubt or trust that you have on your face can make or break your life and/or opportunities that came your way. This can easily happen because we tend to wear this mistrust/doubt on our sleeve.

To believe in yourself and trust yourself will not be an easy journey if you have ever been hurt, abused, cheated on or disappointed in any way…but you must learn.

If you allow the occurrences of your past take over, you will hurt yourself and everyone around you.

I want you to free yourself of the doubt inside yourself. Make logical decisions and trust will come along.

If you are trying your hardest in whatever you are doing – trust yourself & the process.
If you are working toward reaching your goals, trust yourself – you’re doing great.
If you have a vision for your life and your family – trust yourself.

Without trust, there are missed opportunities…who want to close a door in their own face?
If you have made a mistake forgive yourself and grow from your mistakes. 
Mean what you say.
Act in your greatness and your purpose.

If you know your worth and you trust yourself, others will see it in you. If you are not living your best life, respecting yourself and trusting yourself, no one else will trust you or take you seriously. Stand up for who you are and who you are called to be.

God and the universe are on your side, so do your best. Trust in yourself.

Trusting others:

Psalms 37: 1-5
Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lordtrust in him and he will do this-He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”

If someone has hurt you in the past, forgive them and learn to trust. This does not mean forgive the same person over and over again acknowledging their insanity while making excuses for them. I did not say live in stupidity. I’ve already done it for you (in the past) so no need to repeat my mistakes. Do better-you deserve better.

On the same token, if someone has hurt you that does not mean you have the right to take it out on the next person you encounter. 

Give someone a fighting chance to be with you, work with you, love you, grow with you. You deserve that love and trust…don’t they as well? If you think someone is “unworthy” of that trust, do yourself and them a favor and let them go!!!

You must take time to heal and re-learn who you are and truly understand what trust means. 

So whether we are talking about trusting ourselves or trusting others, you must remember that trust will not happen over night…nor will the pain from losing trust.

You will not always be right, so don’t think that just because you are thinking something or feeling something that you must be right. Do not be foolish. 

Proverbs 19:20
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.” There is always room for growth and always something that can be learned from someone else. Don’t be stubborn and stuck in your ways; you’ll only hurt yourself.

Use what life, God, or the universe teaches/reveals to you and become a wiser person.

Trust, the heart, and mind go hand-in-hand…allow them to work together in your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Tobacco Usage & Cessation- It is 100% your choice if you want to live as a smoker. Be mindful of the damage that you are doing to your body, though. Your family and those who love/care about you need you to live a healthy life. If you smoke you are likely shortening your life. An escape may be what you are looking for, but an escape will not heal what is really hurting you internally. You can stop smoking. You will save money, have a healthier body, and you will be giving the world your best self. If you think no one cares about your life, you are wrong…I do. Please do what you can to stop smoking (including vapes, hookahs, and everything in between); intentionally putting chemicals in your body is not the key to leading a happier and healthier life. Start paying attention and make the necessary change.

Change, Communication, Determination, Empowerment, Evolving, Global Health, Healing, Hope, Mental Health, Overcome, Public Health, Trust, Universe, God , Journey & Love

S- Senses


*Proverbs 2:2*

If you have ever sat back and questioned the voices in your head, you have sensed a higher purpose.

If you have ever longed for something different, you have sensed the need for evolution/transformation.
If you have ever looked in the mirror and did not like what you perceived as a flaw, you have sensed the need to live a healthy life.
If you have ever cried in the middle of the night or lost needed sleep, you have sensed the need to change or to find answers to unanswered questions.
If you have ever felt unfulfilled, you have sensed the need for a new path or a change in scenery.
If you have ever felt that something just wasn’t right…it is time to stop ignoring your good sense and senses to changes, and appreciate what your subconscious/God/the universe is speaking to you.

If you can acknowledge your senses, then you can acknowledge what you need to do for your personal growth, career, and your family. 

It is time to use what you see, hear, feel, think, and know to gathered what is called common sense and become a better you.

Remember this: Common sense is not so common, if it was everyone would have it.

1 Corinthians 15:33

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.””
Be mindful of the company that you keep, as they can help you ignore that which your soul, spirit, and mind are trying to tell/teach you. If you know that someone around you is hurting you, distracting you, blocking you from reaching your potential…cut the weeds! Have enough sense to know who is good for you and who is wreaking havoc on your life.

Stop THINKing that you know everything.
Stop thinking that things will get better on their own.
Don’t be blinded by what the world, your peers, your colleagues or what your family is feeding you. 

Stop FEELing that what “he” or “she” has or is doing is for you or not for you. 

What you see can make or break you; be wise enough to feel what your heart and mind are telling you, and know the difference. If you feel that you can make a change or get to the next level, don’t just imagine and daydream about it- be about it!

Stop SEEing others rise in success and stop sitting back and complaining about how you wish it was you. Stop seeing growth in others and stop thinking negatively about it. You are making decisions in every moment to seize the day or put a new dent in your couch and whine about what you don’t have or how the world is against you.

Stop simply using your ears to HEAR and start listening to advice, words of wisdom, the universe’s messages, and what those voices in your mind are telling you.

Proverbs 28:26

Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”
You do not know everything. In fact, everyone and everything in your life is meant to teach you something; take off your blinders. Allow your senses to open and be receptive enough to receive information that will help you transform your life.

Do you have enough sense to stop trying and start doing? If you haven’t in the past, now is the time to make your life worth living.

Everything that want, you can have if you put in the effort and stop denying yourself greatness. 

Close your eyes and count to 10. Now open them, do you feel a sense of relief or clarity. Do you see beauty and feel the heartbeat of everything around you? Do you hear every sound of quiet or noise in its entirety? Your senses can help guide your path. If simply closing your eyes can make you pay attention to you senses, imagine what would happen if you took the time to do that same thing every day. If you envisioned what you really want in the form of a vision or in meditation (regularly/daily)…you would change your world.

Tell whatever that is ailing you that it is no longer welcome, then makes some changes; don’t ignore your senses.

God hear, sees, knows, and feels all. The universe is in tune with you. If you are shaping your life and acknowledging your purpose and your senses, then your life will be a blessing to the world around you. 

Nobody needs to come and pat you on your back every 5 seconds to remind you of your achievements or your successes. Pay attention to those who really support you and care about you; they have been put in your life (with no negative attachments) for a reason. Do not become blind to your blessings.

Remember: your senses are there to make you aware and appreciative of what you are given/blessed with. Be in tune with yourself, but do not become “stuck on stupid”.

“Always let your conscience be your guide.” Jiminy Cricket
You may not always make the best decisions, but as long as you are trying and being the best and kindest person that you can be, you are on the right track.

*Health Spotlight*
If your body is giving you signs or making you sense that something is wrong, do not ignore that. Your body will tell you if you are lacking vitamins, needing hydration, or need to address underlying issues that are invisible to the eye. If we take the time to acknowledge that our physical body is just as important as every other aspect of our lives, we can lead a healthier, longer life. Don’t make excuses, go to the doctor. It is better/easier to be prepared and practice prevention methods than it is to treat illnesses. Take care of yourself. Many people love you and need you, including me.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Senses, Hearing, Thinking, Seeing, Acknowledging, Vision, Positivity, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Wisdom, Common Sense, Strength, Character, Kindness, Determination, Healing, Empowerment, Meditation, Success

What Is Public Health & Why Does It Matter?


3 John 1:2
Mark 12:31
Romans 15:2

Drive around your town and tell me that you do not see that there are homeless people.
Keep driving and tell me that there are no areas where there is not a major grocery store.
Now stop and look in your mirrors and tell me that there is no one else around.

Look online at the US Census Bureau and tell me that there is no one living in poverty.
Look at food insecurity statistics in your community and tell me that there is no one that is going to sleep hungry.
Look at unemployment rates and tell me that the number across the world is 0%.

You cannot do any of these things, can you?

Public Health encompasses all that we need, see, and want for ourselves, our families, our communities.

No, the system is not perfect but think of all the good that it is doing just this decade.
People have the ability to go to community health clinics for free or little charge to get the care that they need for themselves or their children. Communities are seeing assistance that was not there before or was not as effective.

There is growth in the public health field and there is hope in future public/global health care leaders, such as myself. We have a vision and a mission to understand the communities that we are serving. We wish to address insecurities and needs for people regardless of their socioeconomic status.

If we care about a family, we must care about a community; this is public health.
Experts in their fields collaborating for the greater good: scientists, doctors, providers, public health leaders, health educators, epidemiologist, etc.- this is public health, at the highest and most effective level.

Why does public health matter?
Think of every member in your family? Does everyone have access to inexpensive care? Can everyone afford to buy their medication and their groceries for the week? If the answer is yes, your family leads a lucky/blessed life and I am being happy for you. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every family. Look at the median income for the U.S. and you may understand a bit better. Public health the gap that many people face and it can help people meet their needs without much struggle.

We all need support, to know that we are understood, and quality health care. Welcome to the potential and the mission of high-quality public health care.

Be blessed and be at peace.



© KayLaN.Allen

Many children sang this song and as adults we’ve forgotten what it means…try it now:

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…” What does it mean?
It’s time to turn your brightness up to the max and radiate in all of your light.

Look up to sky as the sun rises… what do you see? You see light, now say: “That light is in me.” You’ve not told yourself a lie, 
but a blessed truth. 

There are times when you go through rough patches, but it’s ok… still you must shine on.

Allow yourself to radiate in the midst of darkness/storms and watch how you can cause a mental shift for yourself and those around you.

Don’t sit and complain if your day isn’t going your way. Get up and make a change. Your light inside is glowing and beautiful; let it radiate so that the world can be blessed.

If you feel as though the world is passing you by and you can’t see your light radiating, it may be time to lace up your running shoes, go outside and get a change of scenery. There are times when we get that feeling that no one can see what we have to offer or no matter what our best isn’t good enough… but that’s not true. Think about it like this: wouldn’t it be better to have a light as small as that of a firefly that to live in a world of darkness.

Even if your light does not radiate immediately, your growth and your life molding will brighten that light over time. 

Isaiah 58:8-12

“Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your
healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you, and the
glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry
for help, and he will say: Here am I.
If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the
pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of
the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in
the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs
in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.

You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring
whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will
raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer
of Streets with Dwellings.”

Your light is valuable. What you have to offer is valuable…. let it shine, beam and radiate. There will come a time when your light will be more than just a representation of who you are. You will be able to stand strong and use that radiating light to make a difference.

Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Even if you are not a believer in God, you must learn and know that when you radiate you create a shift in the world. Allow yourself to radiate from the center of your universe, your chakras, your mind, your heart, however you see it.

Your gifts and talents are not too small or unimportant.

Your ideas are not too big or far-fetched.

When people turn against you, let your light radiate.

When you feel down, let your light radiate.
When people around you are blossoming and growing, don’t hate…applaud, then let your light radiate.
When people misjudge you or make you feel small, let your light radiate.

If your light is dim, fuel the fire. If you think your light isn’t working, change the bulb. Train your mind and re-shape your world. Radiate.

Say it out loud: My light is unlike anyone else’s and my gifts make the world a better place.

Life is short. Stand strong in who you are. Be the best you that you can be, as every moment counts. Let your light shine, ‘lest you aim to stand in someone else’s shadow for your entire life.

*Health Spotlight*
Your respiratory health is important and many of the things that you do can affect that. Smoking is only one risk factor for respiratory illness. Things ranging from tobacco, second hand exposure to tobacco, air pollutants, allergens, your occupation, even where you live can affect your respiratory health. Listen to the responses and messages that your body send you. Don’t ignore signs. Use your health resources: primary care physicians, clinics, hospitals, community health centers, etc. they are are there for you.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Radiate, Growth, Light, Prosperity, Determination, Achievement, Change, Respiratory Health, Positivity, Bible, Global Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Empowerment



Life, though full of twists and turns, is a consistent a quest…a journey so
to speak.

No matter your route of education or training, you have gathered a substantial
amount of information in your life that has shaped and molded you into the
person that you are today.

Don’t let anything bind you to your circumstances. Your journey is only over
when breath has left your body for the final time. Each day you are granted a
new opportunity to take another step toward achieving your goals.

Treat your journey as something truly special and blessed, because it is. God
has given you many beautiful things that make you who you are and He is with
you on every step of your journey.

There will be nights when you sit up and cry. There will be days that you wish
would just end. There will be mornings when the sun is bright and shining and
feel like there is pure darkness all around. But guess what…Your journey will
not end there, unless you let it.

Your journey is made up of steps, obstacles and turns, and each one is
different. If one part or one day of journey seems absolutely unbearable does
that mean that God has left your side or that the universe is punishing
you?…no. You see, every step no matter how tough it is, is important.

If you have dealt with anything tough in your life, you know how it feels to be
broken, disappointed, discouraged, angry, depressed, aching, and so much more.
What I want you to do is think about a time in your past that you made it
through your pain…how did you do it? Did you hide? Did you fight? Did you
pray? Did you give up? 

You have to realize that no matter what you went through or what you are going
through now, your journey is still going on. You have an opportunity and a
chance to re-shape your life and add a better step to your journey.

No matter what you face, you can overcome it. God has a special plan for your
life; if ever feel like you can’t take that next step and all of a sudden you
hear a voice inside of your head/heart…listen to it. The universe and God
will send you signs when you need them most, don’t be blind to them.

Jeremiah 29:11
I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
deny yourself the ability to fulfill your hopes, dreams, and destiny. God is
with you and the universe is busy at work in your favor. 

Stop questioning yourself and what you want you in life. You, very likely,
already know the answer. Take that next step and mold yourself into who you are
called to be. 

Even if you have been abused, molested, plagued with disease, or are living
with mental illness everything is for a reason. We learn how to cope and we
learn how to live within our journey, so that we can help someone else. Don’t
you get that? That does not mean that you get to sit in sorrow for all of the
days of your life, that means that must gain wisdom so that you can change the
world one person at a time.

Joshua 1:9
I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not
be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
No matter what
you are going through, your journey is not over…God is not leaving your side.
He is ever-present. Everything that you need, the universe will provide to you.
Are you scared
of your next step? Are you scared to continue your quest? Shake off those
feelings of fright because you will not always be in control of the timing in
your life. You must pace yourself and enjoy your journey.
Make the
changes that you need to continue on your quest in life. You deserve to reach
your goals, and you are responsible for the outcome after your stumbles along
the way. You are not stuck and you are not broken, you are healing and on a
quest for success.
Your life is
not guaranteed to go on for 5, 50, or 100 years but everything that you do can
put you at risk of shortening your life. What you eat, how you live, your
social surroundings, etc. affect your life. If you say that you cannot do
something about your health because of your circumstances, it is time to make
some changes. Help is there if you need it. Change your diet and habits, so
that you can change your life. You can prevent disease a lot easier than you
can treat it. Nutrition is so important and your health is as well. Make no
more excuses; QUIT SMOKING, DRINKING, AND PARTYING, put down the cake, candy, soda, etc. and set limits for
yourself…your body and your family will thank you later.
Be blessed and
be at peace.

Quest, Journey, Healing, Achievement, Ambition, Challenges, Abuse, Disease, Mental Health, Public Health, Physical Health, Bible, God, Universe, Positivity, Changes, Determination, Survivor, Strength, Global Health



What is passion? How are you using it?

Passion- “a strong and barely controllable emotion”; “a thing arousing enthusiasm”, “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”.

Sure passion could also be linked to love. Maybe you are experiencing real love in that manner, and if you are I am so happy for you. If you are not, and you are waiting for it, be sure to be working on yourself so that when the time comes you will be ready and vulnerable enough for it. You deserve that type of passion, love, and happiness and so much more.

What I want to truly focus on is a passion within yourself. Let’s start with this:

As a child what did you want to be? What was your dream job? A doctor? Lawyer? Actor? Musician? Educator? President? Firefighter? Prima ballerina? …
When you became a teenager, what was your dream mission? To change the world? Make a difference? Give people in developing nations clean water? Become an activist?…

Now that you are an adult, are still you working towards a dream job or just something that will pay the bills?

What would have happened if you stuck to any of those dreams/ambitions? Would you be who you are today or would you be something great? Would you be living in your purpose?

Where is your passion? Do you really think that there is nothing beyond where you are now?

You must realize that the world will continue to spin, people will continue to make a difference, and that there is a need for your gifts and talents. That passion, that fire within you, is still there…you may have taught yourself to dim it or ignore it because you don’t think that you can get out of the place that you are in…but guess what that gives you…the same outcome or worse.

You may not understand it right now or someone may have told you otherwise, but your passion and dreams are unlike anyone else’s . You are a unique puzzle piece in the world and the world needs what you have to offer. If something inside of you is telling you to go for that goal, who are you to deny yourself that?

Don’t you deserve greatness? Don’t you deserve to fulfill your dreams?

God and/or the universe are shifting things and rearranging things so that you can have what you want/desire. Follow your passion and let nothing shake you.

You don’t have to conform to the ways of the world or change your goals because of your tough circumstances. When there is a strong will, a person can do absolutely anything; adding real passion to it further blesses the path that person walks on.

Psalms 40:2

“He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.”

You can get out of tough spot; you can change your life. Intertwine your passion and your mind and make your dreams come true. Your passion is the fuel to the flame. If you need help, ask…the options and the opportunities are endless. 

A door shut in your face does not mean the world is ending, it means you need to find another entrance and remember the importance of your passion.

Who you are will change someone’s life, stop denying yourself opportunities to bless someone else. Anytime you see an obstacle coming, ignite that flame of passion and be ready to duck, dodge, climb, run faster, crawl, and jump, whatever it takes! Obstacles are not in place to block you, but to make you stronger, and to remind you that your passion is at a much higher magnitude if only you keep it at the forefront of your mind.

Proverbs 21:5
Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.”

There are lessons to be learned in the good and bad times, at every turn. Be patient and be a diligent & dedicated worker. What you want is there for you, if only you keep the faith and believe in yourself. Before you learn to run in life, you must learn to crawl, fall, and walk…isn’t every one of those important? Your journey and every step within it are just as significant. Never let a fall keep you down. Break barriers and knock down walls.

One more thing and I’ll leave you to your thoughts…what if the world was never granted the blessing/opportunity to see and be a part of the effect that many great dreamers brought to the world? What if the world’s greatest leaders, musicians, physicians, etc. didn’t follow their passion? Where would we be? Where will you leave the world, if you do not keep follow your passion?

**Health Spotlight**
Take the time to have passion about life, and encourage yourself, your friends, and your family to be aware of the things done and consumed. Being passionate works from the inside out. You can and will lengthen your life by taking better care of yourself. You need it and your family needs you. Visit the CDC website and teach yourself about these: pneumonia, prostate cancer, and pulmonary hypertension; you may save a life.

Be blessed and be at peace.


passion, ambition, hope, faith, determination, courage, barriers, love, global health, physical health, public health, bible, strength, positivity



Let me guess your situation…

You have been abused OR
You have been molested/sexually
assaulted OR
You have been raped OR
You have been denied a job that
you thought you had in the bag OR
You didn’t get accepted into
that school OR
You fell into a depression that you can’t seem to crawl out of
You feel like you keep walking into
brick walls and closed doors OR
You have an illness that
plagues your body and/or your mind OR

You feel like your best isn’t
good enough…

Did I guess right? If not, insert here “I________”.

Now what I need you to do is face yourself and stop beating yourself up. I’m not making light of your situation, in fact I am saying that I have very likely been there too. You know what thought, it’s time for a new blessing and a new opportunity. Guess what, you already have it! You woke up today, did you not? You have all of your faculties, do you not? You have love around you (even if you feel that you don’t, you have me and I LOVE YOU!).

No more “Negative Nancy”, you can overcome anything because of the strength within yourself. 

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Whether you say that your source is God or the universe, the result is still the same: You can do ALL things! Dust yourself off, clear your mind, pray, meditate, heal yourself internally and you will overcome your troubles. There is no other option.

Someone will not come and save you, complete you, come and make you happy…you have to do that for yourself…don’t be so blind as to think otherwise. You are much more intelligent than that.

Each time that you allow your circumstances, disappointments, low-times, etc. plague your body, you plague your mind and your life (present and future).

Forgive that person that hurt you or shut the door in your face, you are stronger than those times; forgive for yourself and no one else. 
A better opportunity will arise and be fitting.
Doors open and close, that is what they are supposed to do.
There is a miracle working for you and it was made especially for you.
You are good enough, you are not perfect and you may need some evolution but you have light inside of you…let it shine.

You must make the choice to overcome. Dress to the best of your ability and top it off with a big smile! Go on that vacation or retreat BY YOURSELF. Take yourself on a date. Get a hobby. Enjoy a life with purpose.

Delve into yourself. You are beauty, love, strength, determination, courage, and growth; take off your blinders of love or whatever else and just think about it. Shut off all of the noise in your head and realize this:

As long as there is breath in your body there is a chance to overcome everything that you think is weighing you down. 

Please remember, that there is always someone who has it worse than you. Stand strong and hold onto your faith; it is so much bigger than your problems.

You know that there will be many more struggles in life, but it is up to you to overcome it all. You can do it. No problem is too big. When you overcome, you rise above, you improve your health and you are prepared to bless someone else who may be dealing with something similar. 

James 1:12

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Don’t you see…you must go through that time of difficulty. No it is not pretty or easy, nothing was ever promised to be easy in this life. However, if you do not overcome this time what will happen? You will literally tear apart everything and everyone around you or block blessings.

You are a warrior in this life. Are you using all of your strength to win your battle or are you allowing those difficulties to make decisions for you?

Get up and show the world what you are made of…someone is watching and someone needs you. Choose joy and choose to live the best life possible, after all the choice is yours.

If you need help in your overcoming journey, I am here for you and there are many other positive options available if only you seek resolution.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Mental Health, Positivity, Determination, Overcoming, Challenges, Evolving, Physical Health, Public Health, Global Health, Communication, Ambition



What does nurturing mean to you? Where do you find yourself nurturing anyone/anything?
Is it in your garden? Is it with your children? Is it with your spouse/significant other?

Are you nurturing yourself? When was the last time that you took inventory on your own life? When was the last time you did something for yourself?

If you are not taking care of yourself, you should take the time to do that (something special, even if that means buying yourself a ice cream cone) at least once a week. Your heart, mind, and soul deserve all of the love you can give to anyone else and then some. Challenge yourself to make your personal (mental and physical health) garden grow. If you are running around in the chaos of life, I know that it can be difficult to truly tune into yourself…but you must do it. 

The phrase “take care” is part mental and part physical. If you are unable to care for yourself, how can you care for anyone else or perform well in school or work? If you are unable to take care of yourself on a regular basis, how can you offer 100% in anything that you do? You can’t because it will not be available to give. You must make changes internally and nurture yourself. 

Nurturing yourself can come in many forms: change in health, meditating, change in daily behavior, change in habitual choices, change in diet, addressing medical prevention, going back to school, gaining a type of certification, getting regular manicures, going to the spa regularly, etc.

Phillipians 2:4
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 
You are supposed to care for yourself and others, if you wish you to have and lead a life full of purpose and beautiful meaning. Challenge yourself to be your own full-time nurturer and watch how the right people will walk into your life.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Sure, life is tough and growing in wisdom is just as tough, but you can do it. You are put to the test everyday, and you have the choice to make a change or stay the same. By changing your mindset, you can better nurture yourself and all around you. Know the you will receive what you put out into the world. God will bless you and the universe will reciprocate and further provide great things if you are doing great things with humility and compassion.

Nurture yourself today and always, and watch how beautifully your mental and physical garden will grow.

Nurturing yourself via your health will further your life. Take care of yourself, someone needs you.

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers.”

Be blessed and be at peace.


Positivity, Ambition, Growth, Evolution, Nurturing, Bible, Mental Health, Physical Health, Change, Meditation, Public Health, Global Health 

M- Manifest (Move Forward)


In the adjective form the word manifest means “clear or obvious to the eye or mind.”

You have the power to make things come into fruition and it all starts in your mind.
Anything that you want you can have.  In fact, you already have it you just have to tap into it and make it happen.
Whether your choice/method is in using vision boards, doing meditation regularly, or reaching new heights in prayers, you have the power to make your hopes and dreams your reality.
The question that you must ask yourself and know the answer to is: “what do I want in my life?” Do you know the answer to that question? If you do not, it is certainly time to embrace a few moments of silence and put that answer on paper. If you can not take the time to ask yourself serious questions you will certainly not have the time to make your dreams a reality. You must be willing to make sacrifices, cry those tears, stay up late, wake up early, heal yourself internally and ensure that you are happy and consistently living in your purpose.
“Don’t hold on to the clutches of mediocrity.” – Richard Branson
Everything that you could ever want is already inside of you. Take a few moments as soon as you wake up every day and be thankful for another day, and envision yourself already in the position that you want to be in. Feel that happiness, joy, peace and beauty that you are living in, in your future… That is how you manifest whatever you are wanting in your life.
2 Corinthians 13:5
“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?”
Examine what is inside of yourself. Do you believe in yourself, have faith in yourself, have faith in higher power, have faith and/or believe what the universe can bring forth? Whether you believe in God or not, much can be said about believing in yourself and having the ability to move forward.
If you believe in yourself, you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. I’m a witness, it is not going to be easy. You must fight if you wish  to reach each of your goals. If you do not believe in yourself, nothing that you want to have and/or wish to achieve will happen. You must believe in yourself.
If you do not believe in yourself, what would make you think that anyone else will believe in you or take you seriously.
Step away from that which binds you. Detach yourself from that negative environment. What is around you or what you see in your circle is not what you are confined to. MOVE FORWARD!
Proverbs 1:32
“For the waywardness of the naive will kill them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them.”
Do not become blind to your flaws; know them well and know how to better yourself. Use your brain!
Nothing will happen after the 1st day of manifestation, after your 1st day at the new job, after one day back in prayer. Be consistent and know that things will happen in the physical realm when it is supposed to. Be consistent. One foot in front of the other is how you walk… now you know that is also how you talk, and how you will manifest. Stagnancy and settling for mediocrity will not take you to the next level. You are in charge! If you need help, do not be afraid to ask for it; seek wise counsel…it is there for you.
Manifest and move forward!

Your mental health is a prominent key to your future successes. Are you leading a mindful, merry, life? If you aren’t what in the world are you waiting for? Make the changes, manifest it! You are always in charge.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Ambition, Drive, Faith, goals, Manifest, Mediocrity, Stagnant, Vision Board, Positivity, Belief, Hope, Bible, Universe



We pedal through life day in & day out. We aim to make to the next moment, the next day, the next job assignment, the next level of achievement of achievement, etc.  Where is the pause and reflect during those times? Is it even there?

Life is measured in time…but what happens when the time has run out?
What legacy/memories will you leave behind?
Lead a life attached to happiness, truth, and love no matter what form of opposition or hate may come your way.

The chances/opportunities that you are given are solely given to you, what are you doing with them?
Are you fearful of what could come? Are you waiting for the “right” and/or “perfect” time? If you are, please know that there is no such thing as an ideal time. THE TIME IS RIGHT NOW!

Live your life at the maximum level and you’ll never have fear of your own potential or what you perceive to be failure.

No one is going to chase you and hand you your dream. You must be willing to fight and make sacrifices. Make the changes that you need to get to the place that you want to be.

The next time that you fall down or get pushed down, what are you going to do?
Cry? Hide? Push back? Get up and fight with all of your might!

So what if you fly then come crashing down?! YOU FLEW!!!

“I’d rather put in the work and fail…”
“I’d rather reach for the stars and not hit them than to not aim at all.”

Psalms 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Why worry? If you have faith in God (or in yourself and works or the universe) then you know that you can and do anything that you put your all into.

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
If you are doing what you are passionate about and leading a life that is aimed at blessing others, you are living with your heart and mind. Bless others with the light that shines through you.

Be a public health advocate; heal yourself and take steps towards healing and bettering your community. Be a blessing to the world. Live a long, lovely, lively life.

Be blessed and be at peace.
