B – Being You


As unhealthy and confusing as it can be for some people, at one point or another every one of us goes through a phase when we question and eventually set our identity. Life, education, culture, background, beliefs, and experiences help to shape who we are. In all things, even as you evolve you must continue to be who you are at your core.

Life is tough enough; external judgment could cause a negative shift inf you allow it to. You hold the key to your truth, so don’t alter things for someone else’s comfort. Remain the you that you are designed and purposed to be. Only if a change is warranted or needed to improve your life should it be done.

People will see you as how and who you are if they want to. In truth, the only opinion that matters is yours. The only emotional/character judge that matters is not found in enemies or naysayers. Being you will earn you a seat at the table of prosperity.

In deep clarity, you find yourself.

Be amazingly you…no one else can do it.

Bible Check-In (Read it alone and understand the meaning):
Ephesians 2:10

Spiritual Reflection: None of us are the same. Not one person on this Earth is perfect. Even with that knowledge, we can still hold true to the fact that each of us was created for a purpose and reason. Do the good that you can in the world by being yourself. Do not become something/someone different to please others. You were made in the image of your creator. I am made in His (God’s) image and I refuse to become someone else.

Outside Reading Material as a Supplement to This Blog:


What Is Public Health & Why Does It Matter?


3 John 1:2
Mark 12:31
Romans 15:2

Drive around your town and tell me that you do not see that there are homeless people.
Keep driving and tell me that there are no areas where there is not a major grocery store.
Now stop and look in your mirrors and tell me that there is no one else around.

Look online at the US Census Bureau and tell me that there is no one living in poverty.
Look at food insecurity statistics in your community and tell me that there is no one that is going to sleep hungry.
Look at unemployment rates and tell me that the number across the world is 0%.

You cannot do any of these things, can you?

Public Health encompasses all that we need, see, and want for ourselves, our families, our communities.

No, the system is not perfect but think of all the good that it is doing just this decade.
People have the ability to go to community health clinics for free or little charge to get the care that they need for themselves or their children. Communities are seeing assistance that was not there before or was not as effective.

There is growth in the public health field and there is hope in future public/global health care leaders, such as myself. We have a vision and a mission to understand the communities that we are serving. We wish to address insecurities and needs for people regardless of their socioeconomic status.

If we care about a family, we must care about a community; this is public health.
Experts in their fields collaborating for the greater good: scientists, doctors, providers, public health leaders, health educators, epidemiologist, etc.- this is public health, at the highest and most effective level.

Why does public health matter?
Think of every member in your family? Does everyone have access to inexpensive care? Can everyone afford to buy their medication and their groceries for the week? If the answer is yes, your family leads a lucky/blessed life and I am being happy for you. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every family. Look at the median income for the U.S. and you may understand a bit better. Public health the gap that many people face and it can help people meet their needs without much struggle.

We all need support, to know that we are understood, and quality health care. Welcome to the potential and the mission of high-quality public health care.

Be blessed and be at peace.
