As we go through life, we each have experiences that contribute to our emotions and feelings. It can be rather easy for good things to make us feel happy and difficulties to brings us a spirit and feeling of worry or stress. Even though these things are true, we all have moments when we continue to push through when we aim to just keep going, pushing, and living for another moment in time and a graced opportunity to endure another day.
When you walk here and there, remember why each step is holding value for you. Consider each moment in time as another step taken. I know that when I am approaching any step, it feels so big to me and sometimes that makes it scary; even then, I know that I must take a few deep breaths and focus on the purpose.
Each step in one’s journey must be taken in stride. If you find yourself in a space in time when things are difficult and you lose a sense of direction and/or can’t find your purpose, find a joyful stride. Only you can hold onto and continue to pay attention to the joy that lives inside of you.
The walk through life can be unpredictable, but it can also be so beautiful. Take a moment to reflect on your past and you will find many reasons to walk with a joyful stride.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
Habakkuk 3:18-19 & Micah 6:8
A path is laid in front of you combined with purpose, grace, and intention greater than yourself. The stride that you journey with is a joyful mission designed only for you. God speaks to you throughout your journey with a sweet musical sound that your heart can hear. You must tune your ears and work to understand what is being asked of you and be willing to lean on His understanding and mission for your life. When the roads get rocky and if you lose your footing, know that you are still not alone in this journey. Practice goodness and empathy in what you do and know that anything you aim to do within your life if it is in His time and according to His will, it will be divinely orchestrated. Be joyful in your experiences and know that soon enough your greatness will come forth.
Be blessed and be at peace.