H – Human Condition


The human condition brings together everything that makes a person who they are. Things such as culture, health, desires, beliefs, education, and much more help to define the human condition. One of the most important things to value within yourself is the quality of your life.

Circumstances can define a person’s reality, but there is an alternative side to that as well.

When you go beyond the perception of your reality, you can learn to define the current space that you are in. Perhaps this means that you are 100% happy with the depth of your life as it is. It can also mean that you are becoming aware of areas in your life that are needing to be changed.

I may not be where I want to be, but I am aware of the spaces that help to define my “human condition”. 

Since I know where I am and where I want to be, I know what it may take to reach my destiny.

Don’t let life pass you by and don’t be fooled into thinking that you cannot have any better than what you have now. You may not be perfect and you don’t have to be, just be aware, emotionally intelligent and in-tune of what may possibly be.

The human condition is a composition of who you are, but several of those components can change throughout your lifetime. As it is with most things, what you put in and what you are willing to positively evolve is equal to what you will get in return. 

External Readings:


Bible Reading & Spiritual Connection

Proverbs 28:25 & Galatians 6:7

You have the chance to make the most out of your life, each day that you are graced and blessed to have breath in your lungs and the sun shining in your face. If you are not taking the time to sow seeds into your field, you cannot expect a harvest. In all that we do, we cannot work in evil ways, greed, or internal “ugliness”. When we are gifts and lights to the world, that which we are faced with grows into something much more valuable and worth residing in. You have the exact key that you need for the door of your destiny, so enjoy the journey toward claiming your victory.

Be blessed and be at peace.

O – Ocean Waves Of Your Life


Nature is beyond grand and I will tell anyone that “God is my favorite artist”. 
Think about the crashing of waves, and the rise and fall that is constantly occurring in them. If you compare that up and down flow to your life, you can see how the highs and lows may seem like they are always coming and going.

If you treat your life like it is a constant wave of emotions and actions, what are you left with? A life that never seems to change…who wants the same thing over and over again? I surely don’t.

What if you visited beach and really took some time to watch the rise and crash of the waves? What if you thought about all it took to get to that height of the wave and the release within the crash?

There must take some serious wind, power, pull and friction for a wave to form; it isn’t just an automatic rise and fall. Think about this is in your life. As a wave takes much power and a combined effort to rise and fall, reaching goals does as well. Piece by piece, you can build what you thought you could only dream.

Sure the fall or crash part of the wave can feel like it is over, but just like your low points in life, it’s not the end. Think about it, every time that you fell, found sadness, or couldn’t see the light in your darkest day, somehow…some way, you were able to rise again. 

This is the thing, you must climb, fight, dig in, learn, evolve, find your power, focus on how awesome you are and become even greater over time. Become like ocean waves, be amazing and powerful at your highs and lows.

Listen to the lessons in your ups and down. Waves roar and crash, both with power; you can do this too! No matter how difficult a moment may be, eventually you will see how much power you are packing in your highlights and lowlights.

Micah 7:8
“Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” No matter season of your growth that you may be in, do not let any negative voices or thoughts come into your circle. Keep in mind that you are “entertaining” different audiences at all times: those who applaud and support your highs, and those who truly applaud your falls. Remain focused on the good in all things as God is blessing your path (both seen directions and unseen). The Universe can see your falls and is in tune with what you have faced, but will also activate the positivity and growth that you seek if you stay focused.

Proverbs 3:5
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Though in life you are met with highs and lows as waves do, God has major plans. His ways are magnificent, His power is beyond words, His love will fill you, and the spaces He creates for you will be perfectly shaped and in Divine timing.

Ride the waves of your life and appreciate your moments, you won’t regret it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** (CDC and WHO reference)
Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) – A Neglected Tropical Disease caused by a parasitic worm and transmitted by repeated blackfly bites.
Signs/Symptoms: skin disease, nodules under skin, extreme itching, and visual impairment/blindness (CDC)
Prevalence/Common Location(s): Common in tropical climates and sub-Saharan Africa, also found in Venezuela and Brazil and some areas in the Americas and Yemen. According to the WHO, about 25 million people are infected; 300,000 being blind and 800,000 have visual impairment.
Risk Factors: living near streams and rivers where Simulium blackflies are, being in rural agricultural areas in sub-Saharan Africa; long-term missionaries or travelers are more at risk than those who may in previously mentioned areas less than 3 months (CDC)
Treatment: Ivermectin every 6 months for the duration of the life of an adult worm or as long as there is skin/eye infection in the individual. (CDC)
Prevention: insect repellents and long sleeves/pants during the day when blackflies bite and wearing permethrin-treated clothes. (CDC)

Achievement, Empowerment, Determination, Epidemiology, Global Health, God, Holistic Health, Manifest, Mindfulness, Overcoming, Potential, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Strength, Public Health, Universe, Wisdom, 

Overcoming & Eliminating Self-Pity


Most of us have been at the root of a problem or situation, but how often do we really take the time to acknowledge faults or words that should not have been spoken?

Even if you feel that you have not been a part of a problem, you have likely witnessed a friend or loved one experience this.

Yes, you surely can take the time to go through a “woe is me” phase. Along with that you can also sit an have a pity party for weeks on end. The real question is will your “woe is me” time or your pity party bring you to an absolute answer that will create a shift in your world? The answer is probably no.

You can’t move forward and go beyond internalizing a problem if you cannot accept your faults and grow from them. 

No matter what you face in life, if you feel that you had a place in the breakdown of events then you need to do some reflection. Maybe the fault is on you…maybe not…you need to understand this clearly.

Pitying yourself will only cause a domino effect and a roller coaster of emotions. 

Take it step by step. Write it down. Look at what happened and how you may have added to it. Understand your position in the problems that you may face.

To heal and grow, you must take must personal inventory. Do you really know who you are? Do you know how you behave in an argument? Are you an effective communicator? Do you find it easier to avoid and runaway than to face an issue?

You must be able to look inside of yourself and have a real answer to all of these questions. Once you know the answers to these questions only then can you truly see who you are and grow from your mistakes or problems faced.

Think about it this way, could you ever learn how to do something like tie your shoes if at first you were not taught or did not make a mistake? No.

There are elements in life that you must face and self-pity is not one of those things.

If things are not as you may want them to be, stop and go a different direction or try a different option. 

To have a happy and healthy life you must dig inside of yourself and spread your wisdom to others; in this you must also be open enough to listen to and understand life lessons taught by others.

2 Timothy 1:7 ” For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” You must be able to understand what is faced and go through a period of self-evolution. God gave your a brain and He teaches you lessons along your journey through life; it is up to you to be wise enough to take those lessons and use them for your good. You are fully-equipped to be a warrior and a blessing to the world around you, so make the best of every moment and every situation. The Universe is a part of your core being; you can have an be all things that you aspire to have and work diligently to be. God and the Universe are on your side, so choose your thoughts and behavior wisely. Grow up and choose self-esteem over self-pity.

Romans 12:3 “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” You are not perfect and if you are facing a problem with someone else, they aren’t perfect either. You need to face what is beyond the mirror and become all that you are called to be. 

If you can accept your flaws, you can grow from what may be holding you back. You can become anything/anyone, so suit up, stop weeping, let go of that horrible anger, and put on your armor.

You have all that you need inside of you…don’t be stubborn.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Psittacosis: A disease linked to the bacteria C. psittaci. The bacteria affects birds often, but it can infect people in the form of the disease Psittacosis. The disease is caused by a respiratory tract infection. The types of birds connected to this disease can include household pets like parrots and cockatiels, and can branch out to poultry.  Dust particles from dried secretions can be breathed in; birds can also infect people via bites and beak-to-mouth contact. It is not generally spread person-to-person. The symptoms linked to this disease include: fever, headache, and a dry cough. The illness could possibly lead to pneumonia; rarely it can lead to death. The people at risk: adults, those in contact with pet birds, aviary and pet shop employees, poultry workers, and veterinarians. Diagnosis via blood testing to detect antibodies and/or sputum swabs to detect bacteria (CDC). Treatment is via antibiotics will lead to quick improvements. Be mindful of your surroundings and the needs of your body, and as always seek the help of a trusted physician or healthcare whenever needed (there are many budget-friendly physicians).

Self-Pity, Self-Esteem, Overcoming, Evolution, Challenges, Problems, Mental Health, Global Health, Public Health, Empowerment, God, Universe, Epidemiology