T – Time by the Moment


Time will never stop passing and you will never have 100% control of the seconds that keep ticking by.

Your experiences came with lessons, some good some bad. However you choose to look at it, you can’t help but to know that you found truths and wisdom in what you learned.

You can take the time to cry and release whatever you faced. No one can judge you for that. In truth, that may be exactly what you need to move forward.

Crying from the heart and soul brings the mind clarity.

Although the present can seem difficult or overwhelming, one of the most important things that you can do is continue to fight. One swing at a time. One step at a time. You must keep pushing and understand the value of this very moment.

As you must with a fruiting tree, you have to first plant a seed into your mental garden before you can grow.

The future can be whatever make it out to be. How you use the lessons of your past and appreciate the “gift” of your present will determine how successful, fulfilled, and happy you will be in your future.

Every step of your journey will look different and that is a good thing. This is because with every new step you grow and evolve. 

When was the last time that you thought about a previous space of emptiness? If you are taking more than a few seconds to remember, stop and do it right now. Remember those feelings, but pay attention to how far you have come.

Ecclesiastes 3:11
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from the beginning to end.” Mind your steps and know that your efforts will bring forth a beauty that is beyond your wildest dreams.

Proverbs 21:5
“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Your present, this very moment, if you aren’t doing anything to get to where you want to be, it won’t happen. You must be active in making your dream a reality. God has given you the tools that you need, but you have to put in your own effort.

What you want in your life is not bound, in fact you have the opportunity to truly live a limitless life. The Universe is working in your favor. God sees all that you work hard for and He knows what you need and deserve.

Learn from your past, work hard and have faith in your present, and live the best future!

***Health Spotlight***
Trichinellosis (also known as Trichinosis) – CDC

This disease can being harmful. It is contracted by eating raw or uncooked meat from an animal that has a tiny parasite called Trichinella.
Hogs raised outdoor that may come in close contact with rodents and other wildlife have a higher  risk of becoming infected.
Across the world there are approximately 10,000 cases annually. 
To treat Trichinella, there are safe prescription drugs.In prevention, make sure that you cook meat to safe temperatures, wash your hands thoroughly when handling raw meat, clean any areas that come in contact with raw meat, and do your research if you need specifics on handling, storage, or cleaning.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Achievement, Changes, Determination, Development, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Global Health, God, Healing, Law of Attraction, Manifest, Public Health, Self-Love, Timing, mental health, 

P- Painting Your Picture


Even if you know absolutely nothing about painting, you can acknowledge and understand the importance of starting with a blank canvas.

Whatever you face in your life can shape and mold your future if you believe that you can change. Beginning a new journey is likened to a starting a paint from the stage of a blank canvas.

Picking your paint and choosing your brushes is the next step; this step is equal to you deciding the next level or next step that you are wanting to take.

Each day you make a choice to take certain actions; let’s consider making each action the same as a stroke of the brush.

Keep in mind that aiming for the future is a beautiful thing in life, but it can’t be possible if you are missing steps.

Every time you take a step you are adding to your future and beautifully painted picture.

If you are sitting idle or doubting your growth it is almost like smudging your work. You have to constantly make the choice to paint your picture.

Think about how you want your future life and painting to look. Now, think about what you are contributing right now.

Your current actions or lack thereof will affect everything and everyone around you (both in your present and future), so be mindful of that. 

Be mindful of the colors that you choose to paint your life’s picture. Should you choose to rush through your life’s painting you will negatively alter the outcome. However, if you pace yourself, think logically about next steps, and process what your passion is and how to properly execute your purpose, your picture will be more beautiful than you can imagine.

God is my favorite artist. Think about what He has created and painted in your life’s picture. There are some pictures that are full of light and vibrant colors and some that are gloomy but passionate. 

If you have any chance to change your life for the better, start from the inside out. Be a master painter for yourself and your family. 

Think about what you are feeding your family; you can shop on a small budget and still eat healthy meals (if you need advice on how, please feel free to ask me because I know very well how to eat on a budget). Images or actions that bring about negativity, evil thoughts or poor behavior are not what you should tune into.

Think about what you are exposing your family/children to; what your children see will affect many parts of their lives. Be mindful and think clearly about the picture you are painting.

Think of what you are showing yourself and what you are feeding your soul.

Don’t limit yourself; know that higher beings (God, for me) and/or the Universe is the visionary and the implementer, but also remember you are the painter of your life’s picture and you are holding the easel of every color imaginable. I can’t wait to see how beautiful your picture will be! Please do share it with me. 🙂

Genesis 1:27
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” If you know that you are a creation and God blessed you with uniqueness, doesn’t that make you an artist in life?  You are full of gifts and talents that no one else has, doesn’t that make you an artist? Yes, definitely!!

Proverbs 4:23
“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” What you create, speak on, and think about shape your life. If you are an artist of your life, which you are, live in positivity as best as possible. Correct when you have made a mistake. Grow beyond your comfort level. You are in charge.

I know that you want amazing things in your life, so let’s start painting this beautiful life picture!

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Plague – A disease that affects humans and other mammals; a bite from a rodent flea can infect people with the plague.
Symptoms: depends on the type but can range from fever, headache, and chills, to swollen and painful lymph nodes (bubo), shock, shortness of breath, and bloody/watery mucous.
Treatment: antibiotics; full recovery is possible if the disease caught early.
Prevalence: human cases in the US are common in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and Nevada; plague epidemics have occurred in Africa, Asia, and South America. 80% of cases are of bubonic form. People of all ages can get the disease.
Prevention: reduce rodent habitat around you, remove clutter, brush, rock piles, and pet/wild animal food. Wear gloves when handling potentially infected animals.

Achievement, Beauty, Change, Clarity, Courage, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, God, Happiness, holistic health, mental health, Positivity, public health, Wisdom, Universe, Strength, Self-Worth, Self-Love

O – Ocean Waves Of Your Life


Nature is beyond grand and I will tell anyone that “God is my favorite artist”. 
Think about the crashing of waves, and the rise and fall that is constantly occurring in them. If you compare that up and down flow to your life, you can see how the highs and lows may seem like they are always coming and going.

If you treat your life like it is a constant wave of emotions and actions, what are you left with? A life that never seems to change…who wants the same thing over and over again? I surely don’t.

What if you visited beach and really took some time to watch the rise and crash of the waves? What if you thought about all it took to get to that height of the wave and the release within the crash?

There must take some serious wind, power, pull and friction for a wave to form; it isn’t just an automatic rise and fall. Think about this is in your life. As a wave takes much power and a combined effort to rise and fall, reaching goals does as well. Piece by piece, you can build what you thought you could only dream.

Sure the fall or crash part of the wave can feel like it is over, but just like your low points in life, it’s not the end. Think about it, every time that you fell, found sadness, or couldn’t see the light in your darkest day, somehow…some way, you were able to rise again. 

This is the thing, you must climb, fight, dig in, learn, evolve, find your power, focus on how awesome you are and become even greater over time. Become like ocean waves, be amazing and powerful at your highs and lows.

Listen to the lessons in your ups and down. Waves roar and crash, both with power; you can do this too! No matter how difficult a moment may be, eventually you will see how much power you are packing in your highlights and lowlights.

Micah 7:8
“Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” No matter season of your growth that you may be in, do not let any negative voices or thoughts come into your circle. Keep in mind that you are “entertaining” different audiences at all times: those who applaud and support your highs, and those who truly applaud your falls. Remain focused on the good in all things as God is blessing your path (both seen directions and unseen). The Universe can see your falls and is in tune with what you have faced, but will also activate the positivity and growth that you seek if you stay focused.

Proverbs 3:5
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Though in life you are met with highs and lows as waves do, God has major plans. His ways are magnificent, His power is beyond words, His love will fill you, and the spaces He creates for you will be perfectly shaped and in Divine timing.

Ride the waves of your life and appreciate your moments, you won’t regret it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** (CDC and WHO reference)
Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) – A Neglected Tropical Disease caused by a parasitic worm and transmitted by repeated blackfly bites.
Signs/Symptoms: skin disease, nodules under skin, extreme itching, and visual impairment/blindness (CDC)
Prevalence/Common Location(s): Common in tropical climates and sub-Saharan Africa, also found in Venezuela and Brazil and some areas in the Americas and Yemen. According to the WHO, about 25 million people are infected; 300,000 being blind and 800,000 have visual impairment.
Risk Factors: living near streams and rivers where Simulium blackflies are, being in rural agricultural areas in sub-Saharan Africa; long-term missionaries or travelers are more at risk than those who may in previously mentioned areas less than 3 months (CDC)
Treatment: Ivermectin every 6 months for the duration of the life of an adult worm or as long as there is skin/eye infection in the individual. (CDC)
Prevention: insect repellents and long sleeves/pants during the day when blackflies bite and wearing permethrin-treated clothes. (CDC)

Achievement, Empowerment, Determination, Epidemiology, Global Health, God, Holistic Health, Manifest, Mindfulness, Overcoming, Potential, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Strength, Public Health, Universe, Wisdom, 

M- Meditate to Mediate


When you are panning through different areas of concern in your life or trying to understand how to get from one level to the next, one of the most important things to do is to see it all happening.

Start with a dream or vision and make it real by allowing it to come into reality within your mind. 

You start a mental race inside of yourself when you first dream up anything that you want in life.

Just like anything else you have to put a strong focus on the effort and begin to work on it within your mind to make it all happen.

Teach yourself to meditate on whatever area that you are trying to grow into. I meditate with guided meditation and/or music to get in tune with myself, align my chakras, and grow into new spaces. You don’t have to do formal cross your legs and say “Ohm” meditating to get in tune; the most important aspect is to focus on one area of concern.

Not to sound cocky or anything, but some of the greatest answers can come from inside of you. You shouldn’t invite everyone to your mental table, because you may be served a dish that you cannot digest or that may bring you more harm than good.

When you invite people into your space it can be quite difficult to hear the truth and what you should do, as words of advice can biased, filled with judgment, or not helpful in your life.

What you zone into within yourself will contribute to whatever you are experiencing. To use myself as an example, I have had to sit with my thoughts about school and my future career; I know that only me and God can push the effort, so I talk to God in length at absolute minimum twice a day. 

In prayer or meditation you go in seeking truth and answers; if you are truly listening beyond the realms of your heart and you become fervent in your practice you will receive direct and clear answers. Teach yourself to go from meditation or prayer warrior to conqueror and achiever.

One of my favorite things to do is step into nature and simply feel the air; this is another space for getting in tune with myself and spending alone time with God.

When you meditate to mediate you can reach answers and spaces that you could not have even imagined prior to entering that time.

Let’s talk a look at a couple of bible verses to truly reel this in.

Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” If we live knowing that God is wanting us to train our mind, strengthen our focus and maintain clarity in what He wants us to do, why shouldn’t we be fixing our eyes on Him especially in prayer and meditation. Those times of silence/focus are a way of calling God directly as asking Him to speak to our hearts. In our silence we can hear clearly as we are free of distractions, and get closer to higher powers and/or more in tune with the Universal callings.

Psalms 49:3
“My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the meditation of my heart will give you understanding.” This is one of my favorite verses! If you are teaching yourself through reading, prayer, and wise counsel how to walk in your purpose giving God the glory all the way through, guess what will loosen-YOUR BLESSINGS! Meditation is a form of prayer, so take the time to make it a priority and do it regularly. 

No matter what you are facing it is so important to see good things happening, encourage yourself through and through, and be thankful in the good and bad times. Remember that giants do fall! The enemy and/or the devil is lingering and wants to take over, so speak against that and fight for what you want. Wipe away your tears, pray, meditate and believe that God/the Universe is working in your favor. Meditate to mediate and watch how things start become as clear as ever.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Mental Health
Millions of people face and/or live with mental health concerns that affect their everyday lives. Whether it is you, a friend, loved one, or someone that you consider an acquaintance, it is important to understand exactly what they are facing and how it may be intertwined with their lives. Listen to concerns; mental health concerns are not always exposed in a physical sense, so be kind, respectful and understanding if someone you know is living with any type of mental condition. Be a good listener, do not laugh at someone because of how tough of a time that they may be having, and do whatever you can to help them. Help loved one find resources that can help them live their best lives and remember that mental health issues are a major concern that can be addressed at many levels. Let us all be there for each other, become well-educated on mental concerns, and support one another in whatever we may be facing. Meditate, seek help, and pray about what you may be facing and know that there are many people that care about you and will whatever they can to help you. I’m praying for you and I can give you guidance on where to turn if you need any time of health assistance.

Achievement, Challenges, Empowerment, Evolution, Global Health, Goals, Guidance, Healing, Holistic Health, Mindfulness, Positivity, Public Health, Strength, Vision, Wisdom, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Prayer, Meditation

F- Fight The Good Fight


When the storms come and the rain falls it pours; you can get blinded by it all and feel like giving up (trust me, I know). 

On your journey of evolution or when seeking to become the best version of yourself, you need to know that the battle and the storms are worth it.

How can you think otherwise? 
How could you allow the bad to take over and then let everything shift into a negative space?
Why would want to? Because it is easier….? Because it will please someone else…?
Stop…now. Shake it all up.

Mental and physical health mean so much to not only you, but everyone around you.
When you think about battles that affect you, how do you handle them? 

You need to put your everything into all that you do no matter how hard it may seem or who may say something negative. Do you know why? Simply because you have to. You must dig deep, fight hard, and believe in something.

If you are pushing for something, growing into yourself, revolutionizing your life, doing something new, etc. fight for it!

I promise you no matter what it is that you are fighting for, everything that you feel leading up to that moment of achievement matters.

The empty spaces, tear-filled eyes, lost voice, long nights, stressful papers, terrifying exams, closed doors, and everything in between is worth it.

Keep fighting!
Keep pushing!

Think about people all around the world and how so many people have to fight to have food, clean water, medicine, warmth, a doctor’s visit, etc. Now, think about yourself…what are you facing? Not to say that one problem is greater than another, but you are already blessed beyond measure and have so much to offer others even when the storms roll in.

If you don’t have that fight (will) inside of you, you will not get where you are trying to go.

If something has been placed on your heart, (some will to do good things), you owe it to yourself and the world to fight for it like you have never fought for anything before.

How you fight and what you are willing to put in says a lot about your character…shouldn’t you be showing yourself that you are worth fighting that good fight? Of course you should!!

Isaiah 1:17
“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” If your friend/neighbor/family member needs help fighting their fight, do whatever you can (within personally-set boundaries) to help them…this is what you are supposed to do. If you have the space or the platform to do good, even if it is as small as a call, post, speaking engagement, listing on an information board, do it! God sees that spark lingering inside of you and I promise you that if you do something with it, you will do so much good for the world. Do not give up now.

If it is your health that is ailing you or failing you, fight until you cannot fight anymore; ask for help if you need to/want to. Do not let anything stop you. 

If it is your business/school that is making you fearful, concerned, scared of change or anything else, remember that change is good; even if you can’t see that now, let me tell you that you will one day understand. No matter what don’t give up and don’t give in.

Believe me, God and/or the Universe are making a special place for you to do all that you are working toward activating.

Galatians 6:9
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” No one knows your reason nor your season except you and God, so keep it in your bubble if that is where you want to keep it-that is fine; sometimes it is best to keep things to yourself. Please, promise yourself that you are only keeping it to yourself for safe keeping, not to hide it and dim your light/opportunity to do something good.

Whether there is a shift in love, education, business, finances, growth, opportunities or anything

else please fight the good fight. Work with what you have an make a difference…because you can! I believe in you.

Fight the good fight, and don’t just do it for you, do it for me, your neighbor, your family, your community, and the world…we all need you.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Acute Flaccid Myelitis (CDC Research)
Symptoms: respiratory illness, fever, weakness and/or pain in legs or arms, changes in movement of eyes, drooping in face, difficulty swallowing or slurred speech. Respiratory failure is one of the most serious symptoms.
Prevalence: still considered a rare and serious illness but there has been a significant rise since 2014; mostly young children are affected, but adults can contract the disease. Less than 1-2 in a million children in the US will get AFM annually. There has been over 500 confirmed cases since 2014 (CDC).
Possible causes: viruses such as enteroviruses (poliovirus, enterovirusA71, and West Nile virus). Of course there is not a certainty about what causes the condition, but it is up to you as parents/family members to vaccinate your kids. Do not jump into the hype of non-vaccination, as you can very much be putting your child’s life in danger. Do real research, it matters. We didn’t come this far by ignoring sound research and healthy developments in medicine.
Prevention: Vaccination, protect against mosquito bites, get rid of stagnant water, wash your hands appropriately and often, avoid close contact with those that are ill.
Treatment: not one route of treatment; physicians may recommended physical therapy along with other treament options.

You must make the right choices and fight for the good fight when it comes to your health. You are responsible for most outcomes. You must do your reading/research via reputable sources, ask questions, and help others get access to the care that they need. We are not individuals walking around without deep knowledge/information at our fingertips. Pay attention and make the right (and wise) decisions for you, your family, everyone you and your kids come in contact with, and the world; we must all depend on and lean on one another.

Achievement, Ambition, Barriers, Blessings, Challenges, Character, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolution, Fighting, Global Health, Mental Health, Public Health, Strength, Worthy, Vision

E- Executing Personal Elegance


Divinely you were created and brought to this Earth. Divinely things occur and arrive in your life and that of everyone around you. Clearly this means that not only do you have a purpose but there is elegance and grace built into you.

Often the world and the media present false images that many follow and get caught into, but what does that mean for you. You are all that is presented to you, so don’t allow yourself to become something that you aren’t.

You may be surprised by how much things affect you by simply appearing in an image. Just as quickly as you read this blog, your thoughts are immediately deepening and shifting. Since you know that to be true, think about how other things pop up or present themselves online or in your personal life and may cause negative shifts in your thoughts.

You are of elegance, so you have to fight regularly to stay in that light and mentality.

If there is an element of negativity, you need to think twice about letting it stay in your presence. 

If something or someone is making you feel like you are unworthy of success, check yourself and look into that mirror again!

If you run into a space in your life where you feel like you aren’t pretty enough or talented enough, check yourself and remember your elegance and uniqueness.

Personal elegance is not determined nor maintained by the standards of others. 

Personal elegance is what you make it to be.

Uphold yourself to the highest of standards even when no one looking, so that when you present yourself you radiate light and pure happiness.

Personal elegance can be linked to all that you are. It means appearance, character, successes, happiness, love, peace, accomplishments and so much more.

For all of those images of false “perfection”, know that not all that people present is the truth of who they are from the inside out.

A pretty face, fancy clothes, and luxury living do not equate a happy heart or good character. As you observe the world around you check the meaning and think deeper. 

When you wake up, who are you?

When you talk to your friends who are you? What do you display?
When you embrace the presence of your loved ones, who are you?
When you are at work, who are you?
If all of these people are different, you may need to do some re-evaluation. You may not be executing your own personal elegance at the highest level.

Your truth and your elegance should be so apparent that they are presented and connected to your character/all that you are. 

Of course there will be negative people speaking against who you are…but let it be. If you are executing your personal elegance you are already being the best and no one can shake that.

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
No one can tell you or show you who you are. You are in charge of becoming who you were created to be. There are so many wonderful things about you and even more great things that you can do to bless others. Never think that you are less than amazing, because it is simply not true.

Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”
Think of all of the beautiful things about the world that we live in even when there is darkness presenting itself. 

Romans 12:2

“Do not conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” There are things far more important than outer appearance or false images of happiness, so be all that you present from the inside-out. Change your thoughts, your family and all that you will bless in your future depending on it.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Achievement, Ambition, Blessings, Character, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Faith, God, Growth, Global Health, Happiness, Journey, Law of Attraction, public health, Success, 

B- Breaking Barriers

© KayLaN.Allen

If everything was meant to be easy, then everyone would have everything and probably still not be satisfied.

When you are faced with barriers, as always, you have two options: accept them as what they are and blow right through them and break them down.

When someone tells you no, that may just mean no in that space or with that person and that is okay.

Breaking down barriers is your right. You can have it all and I can guarantee that in the back of your mind you have thoughts about this. Check out Luke 13:7 if you need a reminder: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

How many different people seem to be doing the same thing and are successful? You are special and what you have to offer gives you the key to unlock doors that no one else can access.

The challenge here is for you to remember that those barriers are perceived and not necessarily your reality. 

Brokenness can teach us that we are only allowed to be in one space or able to do one thing and cannot go beyond that level. The trick is to re-train your thoughts.

How do you think people bring together ideas to bridge gaps? They use what they have, they collect their experiences, and keep pushing forward.

A closed door is not the end and in actuality it can be one of the greatest blessings that you could ever ask for.

What if your barriers weren’t there? Would you do things differently? Would there be a fire under you? Would you be happier? Would you even think about anything that could stop you? 

I ask you all of those things to make you think differently. Why treat yourself as if those barriers matter? Who is stopping you from being happy in creating your success? Why can’t you create a new train of thought and shift the Universe’s process in helping things to come into fruition?

Jeremiah 29:11 
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
If you ask and allow God to travel with you on your journey everything will change, I promise you. It is the ideal version of strong faith being executed. If you are already putting in the effort to be an amazing version of yourself, those barriers that present themselves will continue to be broken down.

Psalms 119:105
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
 You have the guidance that you need…are you listening? Are you paying attention? God is with you at every turn, do miss out because of that barrier that popped up. Fight because just beyond there, God has prepared something special for you.

1 Peter 4:1-4
“Be sober-minded, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
It is up to you to keep fighting for what you want. No one wants to be stuck in a place or space where they cannot grow. No matter what you have faced in your past you can change it all by believing in yourself. If you tell yourself that a barrier cannot be broken, you will not be granted opportunities for growth and success. Pay attention to your thoughts and actions; accept the light that is set forth for you and ignore any darkness that tries to seep in.

Treat barriers as though they are hurdles and jump as if your life depends on it…because it does. Taking the time to understand those barriers and not get swallowed by the pain of their appearance will save you tears, fears, and pain. It is not always easy to see past those feelings of sadness, anger, confusion, and frustration…but it can be done. Don’t cling to your pain fight through it and work to cope/overcome it; these barriers can seem like mountains, but do let them stifle your growth.

Put in the work, I promise you it will be worth it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***Brucellosis– an infectious disease due to bacteria contracted from infected animals such as cattle pigs, dogs, and sheep.
Symptoms include: fever, malaise, headache, pain in muscles, and fatigue 
Treatment: antibiotics after the infection is found by a physician; recovery time depends on the severity and death is rare.
Prevention: do not consume undercooked meat or unpasteurized dairy products; if you are a hunter or herdsman wear protective gear such as gloves, aprons, and rubber gloves.
You can break barriers in access to healthcare by the use of public health services; things are not perfect but from a future public health leader to you there are many people that deliver and are concerned about compassionate care. We all have the tools to help break barriers in access to care, it takes special people with unique gifts and talents collaborating for the greater good to evoke lasting change. Don’t believe me? Let’s talk about it. I will do whatever I can to help you.

Achievement, Barriers, Brokenness, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Fighting, mental health, Overcoming, Positivity, Mindfulness, Law of Attraction

Overcoming Situations & Facing Others’ Negativity


Making a choice to overcome vs coping is entirely up to you, but remember you must be prepared to face the outcome.

Being stuck in a situation, or simply feeling stuck, is never a healthy place to be. It will fog your mind, cause confusion, and bring on levels of stress unlike any other. (Ask me how I know…)

So, you’ve made the choice to overcome…what can you do with the negativity that may come your way because of it?

Oh yes sir and yes ma’am, there will be those who are out to rain on your parade, and those who want to make you feel bad for your choice to claim your power…but you must be ready.

Choose, in your mind, to stand firm in your decisions. If you have made the choice to overcome, you can make the choice to find happiness in your new journey.

Those directly attached to you may not understand your choice and they may not know your new walk…but guess what…it isn’t for them to understand.

You see, others gain power only when you allow them to do so. You must stand up for yourself, and be aware of all that you are.

God has an amazing plan and purpose for your life…why else would you be here? Why else would you be reading this? 
The universe is molding this amazing life for you, and energy is being activated. Why else would you have chosen to overcome? Why else would you be diligently working toward achieving something better?

You are doing what it takes to create a navigation system for your life. If you choose to allow someone else’s evilness and negativity to creep in, guess where you’re headed…a dead end, and we know that road leads to nowhere.

You better be ready for whatever comes your way. Don’t be fearful, because you are never alone, and greatness is coming your way.

Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Evil and negativity come in many forms, be prepared for what others may say or try to do. Remember who you are, turn the other cheek whenever possible, and do not be afraid of stepping on the toes of those who mean you no good.  Your courage is internal as is the plot of those do who evil things; you have the power and the ball is in your court. What you do and what you allow into your life is up to you. Overcome it, stand firm, and believe in yourself. God is with you every step of the way. The universe is connected to you, so do what is best for you and do not let go of your strength.

John 3:20 
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” From me directly to you: You do whatever it takes to pour sugar on your circumstances and over others instead of dishing out revenge and violence. Your blessing is coming. Those who are evil see no problem in what they are doing, in fact they find a sense of responsibility/comfort in doing what they do. If you throw back what they give you that does not make the situation better, you are giving them your power and allowing them to put a shade over your light.

When someone decides to treat you like trash after you make that choice to do good things or choose a better path for your life, remember this…the problem is not you, it is buried deep inside of them. You cannot change them, so the best thing for you to do is be happy with your choice and keep choosing the be on the side of what is right and good.

Negativity is like that of the darkness, it remains still and it lingers until someone turns on the light. Be the light.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Meningitis can be caused by bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite, or an amoeba. It affects approximately 4000 people annually. It can lead to severe medical issues or death if not treated quickly.  The brain and spinal cord are severely affect. Person-to-person transmission is possible as is a spread through contaminated food, during birth, droplets, and via improper hand washing. As with many other diseases, those with a compromised immune system, younger/older, or are pregnant are at an increased risk of contracting the disease. Symptoms appear within 3-7 days after exposure; they include nausea, vomiting, confusion, and photophobia (CDC, 2017). You need to seek a physician for antibiotic treatment. Take good care of yourself and maintain healthy habits.  

Evil, Overcoming, Positivity, Negativity, Change, Evolving, Global Health, Healing, Public Health, Empowerment, Mental Health, Achievement, Kindness


© KayLaN.Allen

Many children sang this song and as adults we’ve forgotten what it means…try it now:

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…” What does it mean?
It’s time to turn your brightness up to the max and radiate in all of your light.

Look up to sky as the sun rises… what do you see? You see light, now say: “That light is in me.” You’ve not told yourself a lie, 
but a blessed truth. 

There are times when you go through rough patches, but it’s ok… still you must shine on.

Allow yourself to radiate in the midst of darkness/storms and watch how you can cause a mental shift for yourself and those around you.

Don’t sit and complain if your day isn’t going your way. Get up and make a change. Your light inside is glowing and beautiful; let it radiate so that the world can be blessed.

If you feel as though the world is passing you by and you can’t see your light radiating, it may be time to lace up your running shoes, go outside and get a change of scenery. There are times when we get that feeling that no one can see what we have to offer or no matter what our best isn’t good enough… but that’s not true. Think about it like this: wouldn’t it be better to have a light as small as that of a firefly that to live in a world of darkness.

Even if your light does not radiate immediately, your growth and your life molding will brighten that light over time. 

Isaiah 58:8-12

“Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your
healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you, and the
glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry
for help, and he will say: Here am I.
If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the
pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of
the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in
the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs
in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.

You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring
whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will
raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer
of Streets with Dwellings.”

Your light is valuable. What you have to offer is valuable…. let it shine, beam and radiate. There will come a time when your light will be more than just a representation of who you are. You will be able to stand strong and use that radiating light to make a difference.

Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Even if you are not a believer in God, you must learn and know that when you radiate you create a shift in the world. Allow yourself to radiate from the center of your universe, your chakras, your mind, your heart, however you see it.

Your gifts and talents are not too small or unimportant.

Your ideas are not too big or far-fetched.

When people turn against you, let your light radiate.

When you feel down, let your light radiate.
When people around you are blossoming and growing, don’t hate…applaud, then let your light radiate.
When people misjudge you or make you feel small, let your light radiate.

If your light is dim, fuel the fire. If you think your light isn’t working, change the bulb. Train your mind and re-shape your world. Radiate.

Say it out loud: My light is unlike anyone else’s and my gifts make the world a better place.

Life is short. Stand strong in who you are. Be the best you that you can be, as every moment counts. Let your light shine, ‘lest you aim to stand in someone else’s shadow for your entire life.

*Health Spotlight*
Your respiratory health is important and many of the things that you do can affect that. Smoking is only one risk factor for respiratory illness. Things ranging from tobacco, second hand exposure to tobacco, air pollutants, allergens, your occupation, even where you live can affect your respiratory health. Listen to the responses and messages that your body send you. Don’t ignore signs. Use your health resources: primary care physicians, clinics, hospitals, community health centers, etc. they are are there for you.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Radiate, Growth, Light, Prosperity, Determination, Achievement, Change, Respiratory Health, Positivity, Bible, Global Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Empowerment



Life, though full of twists and turns, is a consistent a quest…a journey so
to speak.

No matter your route of education or training, you have gathered a substantial
amount of information in your life that has shaped and molded you into the
person that you are today.

Don’t let anything bind you to your circumstances. Your journey is only over
when breath has left your body for the final time. Each day you are granted a
new opportunity to take another step toward achieving your goals.

Treat your journey as something truly special and blessed, because it is. God
has given you many beautiful things that make you who you are and He is with
you on every step of your journey.

There will be nights when you sit up and cry. There will be days that you wish
would just end. There will be mornings when the sun is bright and shining and
feel like there is pure darkness all around. But guess what…Your journey will
not end there, unless you let it.

Your journey is made up of steps, obstacles and turns, and each one is
different. If one part or one day of journey seems absolutely unbearable does
that mean that God has left your side or that the universe is punishing
you?…no. You see, every step no matter how tough it is, is important.

If you have dealt with anything tough in your life, you know how it feels to be
broken, disappointed, discouraged, angry, depressed, aching, and so much more.
What I want you to do is think about a time in your past that you made it
through your pain…how did you do it? Did you hide? Did you fight? Did you
pray? Did you give up? 

You have to realize that no matter what you went through or what you are going
through now, your journey is still going on. You have an opportunity and a
chance to re-shape your life and add a better step to your journey.

No matter what you face, you can overcome it. God has a special plan for your
life; if ever feel like you can’t take that next step and all of a sudden you
hear a voice inside of your head/heart…listen to it. The universe and God
will send you signs when you need them most, don’t be blind to them.

Jeremiah 29:11
I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
deny yourself the ability to fulfill your hopes, dreams, and destiny. God is
with you and the universe is busy at work in your favor. 

Stop questioning yourself and what you want you in life. You, very likely,
already know the answer. Take that next step and mold yourself into who you are
called to be. 

Even if you have been abused, molested, plagued with disease, or are living
with mental illness everything is for a reason. We learn how to cope and we
learn how to live within our journey, so that we can help someone else. Don’t
you get that? That does not mean that you get to sit in sorrow for all of the
days of your life, that means that must gain wisdom so that you can change the
world one person at a time.

Joshua 1:9
I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not
be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
No matter what
you are going through, your journey is not over…God is not leaving your side.
He is ever-present. Everything that you need, the universe will provide to you.
Are you scared
of your next step? Are you scared to continue your quest? Shake off those
feelings of fright because you will not always be in control of the timing in
your life. You must pace yourself and enjoy your journey.
Make the
changes that you need to continue on your quest in life. You deserve to reach
your goals, and you are responsible for the outcome after your stumbles along
the way. You are not stuck and you are not broken, you are healing and on a
quest for success.
Your life is
not guaranteed to go on for 5, 50, or 100 years but everything that you do can
put you at risk of shortening your life. What you eat, how you live, your
social surroundings, etc. affect your life. If you say that you cannot do
something about your health because of your circumstances, it is time to make
some changes. Help is there if you need it. Change your diet and habits, so
that you can change your life. You can prevent disease a lot easier than you
can treat it. Nutrition is so important and your health is as well. Make no
more excuses; QUIT SMOKING, DRINKING, AND PARTYING, put down the cake, candy, soda, etc. and set limits for
yourself…your body and your family will thank you later.
Be blessed and
be at peace.

Quest, Journey, Healing, Achievement, Ambition, Challenges, Abuse, Disease, Mental Health, Public Health, Physical Health, Bible, God, Universe, Positivity, Changes, Determination, Survivor, Strength, Global Health