There are times when we find ourselves silenced, be it because of someone or something. It can be a challenge finding your voice, your place, and your position, however it must be done.
Silence is not always “golden”, in fact it can be the deepest shade of black imaginable. It can take you to an unhealthy place, if it takes over your mind.
Silence can literally shut down your vision.
It can shut down your mind.
It can shut down your power.
The most important thing to do is to realize that everything that you have to say has a meaning.
Do not let anyone tell you that what you have to say does not matter. When you do this you allow them to take away your happiness and power.
Your emotions have this power at multiple levels and they are very important.
How you feel impacts your life. It can be difficult to let these emotions come out when you have learned/taught yourself to hide them. You must find a way to reclaim your life and your emotions.
Sweeping your emotions under the rug or being forced to shove them into a closet is completely unhealthy. A can of soda once shaken will only explode after opened.
To overcome “hidden” emotions, you have to look inside of yourself and understand what they mean. You need to get to the root of your emotions and analyze why you have hidden them.
You deserve to express your emotions and you have a right to feel the way that you do. The way that you express them matters, as well. Pay attention to your delivery when expressing them and be mindful of your words.
Heal those emotions by first understanding, then analyzing them, expressing them in a healthy way, and evolving the way that you think and value yourself.
You matter. You are enough. Your thoughts and emotions are important.
Proverbs 15:33
“A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is crushed.” I am not saying that everyday and everything should be all sunshine, however I am saying it is much healthier and much more productive to be happier and feeling that your emotions, views, and your voice matters. God/Higher Beings/The Universe dwell within you, when things become altered or overshadowed it affects every other part of your life. Clearing away the fog changes everything.
2 Timothy 1:7
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Your emotions are yours, you should not feel shunned, shut-out, or constrained because of someone else or something. You are a strong person with brilliant ideas, intimate emotions, and unique gifts and talents; learning what they mean, how to handle them and their importance are some of the best gifts that you can ever give yourself.
Know your value and your worth, this is key is overcoming these emotions that you have hidden. Let the light shine in and allow yourself to speak again…it will change your life.
Be blessed and be at peace.
***Health Spotlight***
Cholera- Although this is not a prevalent disease in the U.S., it is important to think about it as travelers to areas with a cholera epidemic may contract it. This disease still occurs in many places such as Haiti and Southeast Asia. This disease can be prevented and treated. It is a diarrheal illness and other symptoms may or may not be present, but they can be severe. Approximately 10% of people are infected with Cholera (CDC). Diagnosis is reached via a stool sample. An oral rehydration solution may be the treatment route for Cholera; some require an IV for fluid replacement. Prevention: access to clean water, sanitation, and basic hygiene needs. Be mindful and take good care of yourself. Seek a physician or trusted provider whenever you need to or feel that something isn’t right.