B – Being You


As unhealthy and confusing as it can be for some people, at one point or another every one of us goes through a phase when we question and eventually set our identity. Life, education, culture, background, beliefs, and experiences help to shape who we are. In all things, even as you evolve you must continue to be who you are at your core.

Life is tough enough; external judgment could cause a negative shift inf you allow it to. You hold the key to your truth, so don’t alter things for someone else’s comfort. Remain the you that you are designed and purposed to be. Only if a change is warranted or needed to improve your life should it be done.

People will see you as how and who you are if they want to. In truth, the only opinion that matters is yours. The only emotional/character judge that matters is not found in enemies or naysayers. Being you will earn you a seat at the table of prosperity.

In deep clarity, you find yourself.

Be amazingly you…no one else can do it.

Bible Check-In (Read it alone and understand the meaning):
Ephesians 2:10

Spiritual Reflection: None of us are the same. Not one person on this Earth is perfect. Even with that knowledge, we can still hold true to the fact that each of us was created for a purpose and reason. Do the good that you can in the world by being yourself. Do not become something/someone different to please others. You were made in the image of your creator. I am made in His (God’s) image and I refuse to become someone else.

Outside Reading Material as a Supplement to This Blog:


K- Keen Delight (Appreciating Your Senses)


Our senses are some of the most beautiful and useful gifts that we are granted in life. 

When you open your eyes each day you are granted new mercies, a vision of light, a feeling that is new, and a chance to do something new. You have the chance to get even closer to who you are called to be, each day- do you ever think about how lucky you are to do so?

Every day when you rise from your bed, do you really think about being able to use your legs and being able to walk, get yourself from place to place and move about when you get ready to? Walking is something that not everyone is able to do…are you happy and thankful for that function and ability? Do you really think about it and cherish it?

What about the use of your taste buds and sense of smell? Imagine how many delightful things that cross your path that you are able to enjoy and take pleasure in because you have those senses?

No matter which of your regular functions that you do take time to think about, shouldn’t you have a keen delight in each thing?

Keen in this sense is referring to being passionate and enthusiastic.

Everything that you are able to do is special, amazing, a blessing, and such a journey to behold.

What if every day you appreciated (in true delight) all of your senses?

What if you really took the time to smell the roses?

When was the last time you sat still at looked at the beauty of the clouds?

You have your favorite things that you love to eat, do you really appreciate the joy and deliciousness of all that you savor?

Do you savor all that you sense?

Think about it…some of the most wonderful things that you enjoy in life are attached to your senses.

A hug from someone so special to me brings me joy, warmth, and peace. 

It is a blessing to experience the love of life and all within it. Even when your days are tiring, overwhelming and making you feel low, you have so many things to delight in.

Each time that something makes you smile what if took a few extra moments and truly appreciated that feeling?

In keen delight, value and appreciate everything wonderful that your senses bring to you.

Imagine a life where you could not experience the blessing of sense and feelings…you would miss out on so much.

Down bible road we go!

Proverbs 20:12
“Ears that hear and eyes that see – the Lord has made them both.”  Every day that you wake up, if you do not do so already you should be thankful and give thanks for your senses. There is so much to be thankful for, even the seemingly small or normal things. Count your blessings…they are all valuable. God did not have to give you anything, so be thankful and appreciate it all.  

The Universe, or if you believe in God (He), have so much for you to appreciate with all of your senses, if you don’t pay attention to it all, you may miss it.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him- these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.” If you cannot appreciate the grandeur of life presented to you through your senses, will you be prepared for the most beautiful things that God has in store for you? Live in your happiness and appreciate all that you see, hear, feel, touch, and taste if it truly brings you joy.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Kidney Disease

Symptoms: some symptoms include fatigue, cold feeling (possibly anemia), shortness of breath with little effort, swelling hands/feet, and severe itching. 

Risk Factors: adults with diabetes, high blood pressure, or both have a higher risk; other factors are heart disease, obesity, and a history of chronic heart disease.

Prevalence: According to a 2017 fact sheet via the CDC, approximately 30 million people are living with Chronic Kidney Disease; many people living with mild kidney disease are not aware that they have the disease. One in 3 adults with diabetes and one in five adult with high blood pressure may have chronic kidney disease.

Treatment: there is no direct cure but some things to minimize symptoms are lifestyle changes, medication, dialysis, avoid NSAIDs, and moderating alcohol intake.

Prevention: get active, lose weight if you are overweight, altered diet with guidance of a healthcare provider (lower salt intake and eat more fruits and vegetables), do not smoke, and monitor blood sugar regularly.

Your life is so valuable, everything that you are granted and blessed with must be cherished. Take keen delight in your health and your quality of life; do whatever it takes to evolve your life and take good care of yourself and your family.

Delight, Senses, Joy, Happiness, Appreciation, Empowerment, Public Health, Mental Health, Global Health, Holistic Health, God, Bible, Happiness, Law of Attraction, Love, Universe



One thing that we have all dealt with at one point or
another is doubt. Do you know that self-doubt is one of the worst things that
you can allow to exist in your life?
We have internal power that burns like a roaring flame and will
only grow into a wildfire if we take the time to tap into that power and put in
the necessary effort to evolve our lives.
So, as usual, I have some questions for y’all…
What is stopping you from achieving your goals?
What do you bring to the table in you life/career?
What makes you-you?
What are your God-given talents that cannot be bought/taught?
What have you experienced in your life that has helped you begin to shape your future?
-The answers to these questions are what can eliminate those moments of self-doubt
and self-questioning!!

The problem that we all face is that we fail to take inventory of what we have to bring to the table. 

By just being yourself and living in what God has given
you, perfecting your gifts, and taking the time to evaluate your position in
life will help you to understand who you are. Then you can learn to work with
what you have and who you are.
Place a strong emphasis on YOU! Why? Because you are the key to
your future! Everything that you do shapes your entire life both present and

Psalms 139: 13-14 “For you formed my inward parts; you
knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” 
God created you to do great things and no weapon, no man, no
force, and no spirit can stop you from achieving your ultimate goals…only you can
stop you.

1 Chronicles 16:11 “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek His face always.” Even in those moments of doubt…even when you are feeling weak there is a strength that lives inside of you. God can give you that peace that you are looking for. The Universe is in tune with your needs and concerns. Doubt won’t last and won’t be welcome in your life if you work hard to push it away.

Stop feeling like a victim, stop blaming your “mess” on other
people…mommy and daddy know that you are grown and you are responsible for
becoming an educated adult who makes wise decisions in life, love and business.
If you ever need to be put in check, get in the mirror and speak
affirmations to yourself; talk to God regularly. Tell the devil that he/she is
not welcome in your life.
Remember this, if no one in your family is there for you when
you need them and no friend is around, I am here for you…I won’t let you
fall. I will push you, give you the tough love that you may need; I’ll cry with
you, pray with you/for you, and do anything in my power to help evolve your
thinking and your behavior.
Get on the bandwagon and bless the world with all that you are
and all that you can be!
Eliminate self-doubt.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Dracunculiasis- The guinea worm is a large parasite that affects human and can cause dracunculiasis by migrating through body and eventually emerging. Symptoms include joint pain, swelling, fever, a burning sensation, muscle pain, ulcers, nausea and vomiting (WHO). Relief can be found via emerging the area in water, which also causes a release of larvae into the water; drinking from this water begins a new cycle of infection in whoever consume the water. The infected person can remain ill for months. There is no drug to prevention or heal the disease, but it is rarely fatal. Treatment include cleansing wound, gentle extraction over time, and topical antibiotics. This disease is common in areas of Africa. Prevention includes case containment, safe drinking water, health education, and vector control (CDC). Always pay attention to how you treat your body, seek help when needed, and remember that it is better to be educated and prepared than to have to treat.

Doubt, Strength, Challenges, Determination, Epidemiology, Self-Worth, Appreciation, God, Universe, Empowerment