S – Satisfy Your Taste


What is your favorite thing to eat?
I am an experimental eater – meaning I wouldn’t mind trying most things at least once. There is some fun and excitement in eating new things, for me.

Although you love to eat some pretty delectable things, have you ever thought about how much it may be damaging you?

Don’t get me wrong, I love breads and desserts, but my body shows adverse effects including weight gain, higher cholesterol, and more fatigue when I indulge. Think about how you want to live out the rest of your life and how what you put into your body may be affecting you.

Even if a taste of something may be satisfying, you need to be mindful of the consequences.

What if you flip this scenario around and base it on growth in your life?

What if you did whatever it took to satisfy your mental taste?

What if you indulged in a new flavor?

How can you reach success if you are never satisfied?

There is a recipe to your Level-10 Success:
10 parts manifestation
10 parts self-care
10 parts self- love
10 parts prayer
10 parts visualization
50 parts hard work
100 = Level-10 Success

The life you lead is your own. What you allow to alter your taste buds is up to you. Let nothing leave you with a lingering, gross taste without first valuing the meal.

Ecclesiastes 2: 24-25
“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from Him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?” If you are rolling through life unhappily or dissatisfied, you can change that; God offers you so much more. He will give you all that you worked hard for and truly desire. You can have it all #youcanttellmeno   The universe always returns what you put into it; if you are allowing yourself to eat only what you are mentally fed and you are not creating satisfaction you will get more of the same. Exercise your mind, the outcome will be far beyond what you could imagine.

John 4:34
“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work””. Are you satisfying your taste while following God’s plans for your life or might you be longing for a new meal all while trying to feed your own soul? You are here for a reason and you have a specific purpose, so keep that in mind when the world dishes out a plate of unpleasant foods. You can adjust your life’s recipe to satisfy your taste.

Life is full of wonderful ingredients and fabulous mental/life recipes…what are you using to satisfy your taste?

***Health Spotlight*** Sore throat (via CDC)
Symptoms: Painful swallowing, dry/itchy throat, 
Prevalence: Children- 20-3o out of 100 sore throats are strep throat; 5-15 out of 100 adults with a sore throat have strep throat.
Causes: Allergies, dry air, pollution, smoking or exposure to smoking (second-hand)
Risk factors: exposure, time of year, weather, tonsils, immune system, allergies, and acid reflux disease.
Seek medical care if: it lasts longer than a week, causes difficulty breathing or swallowing, there is excessive drooling in young children, high temperature (over 100.4), rash, joint pain, more than 2 weeks of hoarseness, blood in saliva/phlegm, dehydration, or recurring sore throat.

Always take care of yourself from the inside out-living your best life depends on it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Growth, Success, Ambition, Motivational Speaker, Workshops, Public Health, Global Health, Empowerment, Development, Mental health, Epidemiology, Evolving, Holistic Health, Universe, Bible, God, Positivity

P- Painting Your Picture


Even if you know absolutely nothing about painting, you can acknowledge and understand the importance of starting with a blank canvas.

Whatever you face in your life can shape and mold your future if you believe that you can change. Beginning a new journey is likened to a starting a paint from the stage of a blank canvas.

Picking your paint and choosing your brushes is the next step; this step is equal to you deciding the next level or next step that you are wanting to take.

Each day you make a choice to take certain actions; let’s consider making each action the same as a stroke of the brush.

Keep in mind that aiming for the future is a beautiful thing in life, but it can’t be possible if you are missing steps.

Every time you take a step you are adding to your future and beautifully painted picture.

If you are sitting idle or doubting your growth it is almost like smudging your work. You have to constantly make the choice to paint your picture.

Think about how you want your future life and painting to look. Now, think about what you are contributing right now.

Your current actions or lack thereof will affect everything and everyone around you (both in your present and future), so be mindful of that. 

Be mindful of the colors that you choose to paint your life’s picture. Should you choose to rush through your life’s painting you will negatively alter the outcome. However, if you pace yourself, think logically about next steps, and process what your passion is and how to properly execute your purpose, your picture will be more beautiful than you can imagine.

God is my favorite artist. Think about what He has created and painted in your life’s picture. There are some pictures that are full of light and vibrant colors and some that are gloomy but passionate. 

If you have any chance to change your life for the better, start from the inside out. Be a master painter for yourself and your family. 

Think about what you are feeding your family; you can shop on a small budget and still eat healthy meals (if you need advice on how, please feel free to ask me because I know very well how to eat on a budget). Images or actions that bring about negativity, evil thoughts or poor behavior are not what you should tune into.

Think about what you are exposing your family/children to; what your children see will affect many parts of their lives. Be mindful and think clearly about the picture you are painting.

Think of what you are showing yourself and what you are feeding your soul.

Don’t limit yourself; know that higher beings (God, for me) and/or the Universe is the visionary and the implementer, but also remember you are the painter of your life’s picture and you are holding the easel of every color imaginable. I can’t wait to see how beautiful your picture will be! Please do share it with me. 🙂

Genesis 1:27
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” If you know that you are a creation and God blessed you with uniqueness, doesn’t that make you an artist in life?  You are full of gifts and talents that no one else has, doesn’t that make you an artist? Yes, definitely!!

Proverbs 4:23
“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” What you create, speak on, and think about shape your life. If you are an artist of your life, which you are, live in positivity as best as possible. Correct when you have made a mistake. Grow beyond your comfort level. You are in charge.

I know that you want amazing things in your life, so let’s start painting this beautiful life picture!

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Plague – A disease that affects humans and other mammals; a bite from a rodent flea can infect people with the plague.
Symptoms: depends on the type but can range from fever, headache, and chills, to swollen and painful lymph nodes (bubo), shock, shortness of breath, and bloody/watery mucous.
Treatment: antibiotics; full recovery is possible if the disease caught early.
Prevalence: human cases in the US are common in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and Nevada; plague epidemics have occurred in Africa, Asia, and South America. 80% of cases are of bubonic form. People of all ages can get the disease.
Prevention: reduce rodent habitat around you, remove clutter, brush, rock piles, and pet/wild animal food. Wear gloves when handling potentially infected animals.

Achievement, Beauty, Change, Clarity, Courage, Determination, Empowerment, Epidemiology, God, Happiness, holistic health, mental health, Positivity, public health, Wisdom, Universe, Strength, Self-Worth, Self-Love

O – Ocean Waves Of Your Life


Nature is beyond grand and I will tell anyone that “God is my favorite artist”. 
Think about the crashing of waves, and the rise and fall that is constantly occurring in them. If you compare that up and down flow to your life, you can see how the highs and lows may seem like they are always coming and going.

If you treat your life like it is a constant wave of emotions and actions, what are you left with? A life that never seems to change…who wants the same thing over and over again? I surely don’t.

What if you visited beach and really took some time to watch the rise and crash of the waves? What if you thought about all it took to get to that height of the wave and the release within the crash?

There must take some serious wind, power, pull and friction for a wave to form; it isn’t just an automatic rise and fall. Think about this is in your life. As a wave takes much power and a combined effort to rise and fall, reaching goals does as well. Piece by piece, you can build what you thought you could only dream.

Sure the fall or crash part of the wave can feel like it is over, but just like your low points in life, it’s not the end. Think about it, every time that you fell, found sadness, or couldn’t see the light in your darkest day, somehow…some way, you were able to rise again. 

This is the thing, you must climb, fight, dig in, learn, evolve, find your power, focus on how awesome you are and become even greater over time. Become like ocean waves, be amazing and powerful at your highs and lows.

Listen to the lessons in your ups and down. Waves roar and crash, both with power; you can do this too! No matter how difficult a moment may be, eventually you will see how much power you are packing in your highlights and lowlights.

Micah 7:8
“Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” No matter season of your growth that you may be in, do not let any negative voices or thoughts come into your circle. Keep in mind that you are “entertaining” different audiences at all times: those who applaud and support your highs, and those who truly applaud your falls. Remain focused on the good in all things as God is blessing your path (both seen directions and unseen). The Universe can see your falls and is in tune with what you have faced, but will also activate the positivity and growth that you seek if you stay focused.

Proverbs 3:5
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Though in life you are met with highs and lows as waves do, God has major plans. His ways are magnificent, His power is beyond words, His love will fill you, and the spaces He creates for you will be perfectly shaped and in Divine timing.

Ride the waves of your life and appreciate your moments, you won’t regret it.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** (CDC and WHO reference)
Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) – A Neglected Tropical Disease caused by a parasitic worm and transmitted by repeated blackfly bites.
Signs/Symptoms: skin disease, nodules under skin, extreme itching, and visual impairment/blindness (CDC)
Prevalence/Common Location(s): Common in tropical climates and sub-Saharan Africa, also found in Venezuela and Brazil and some areas in the Americas and Yemen. According to the WHO, about 25 million people are infected; 300,000 being blind and 800,000 have visual impairment.
Risk Factors: living near streams and rivers where Simulium blackflies are, being in rural agricultural areas in sub-Saharan Africa; long-term missionaries or travelers are more at risk than those who may in previously mentioned areas less than 3 months (CDC)
Treatment: Ivermectin every 6 months for the duration of the life of an adult worm or as long as there is skin/eye infection in the individual. (CDC)
Prevention: insect repellents and long sleeves/pants during the day when blackflies bite and wearing permethrin-treated clothes. (CDC)

Achievement, Empowerment, Determination, Epidemiology, Global Health, God, Holistic Health, Manifest, Mindfulness, Overcoming, Potential, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Strength, Public Health, Universe, Wisdom, 

N – No Longer a Victim


Whether you are the person that lost yourself, faced brokenness, lost your voice, were beaten, were molested, faced assault of any kind, face being hurt with intent, or anything in between you were once a victim.

I faced much from being forced to do unspeakable acts to being physically and sexually assaulted. This is my truth that I share to you. There is much more than could be shared, but we will keep the past brief as the future is much more important.

You see, when you were living in pain, you were forced to become a person that you were surely not happy with. Perhaps, like me, you felt torn apart, like you had no value, like your opinions and/or feelings didn’t matter. Maybe you felt like you became another person to make someone else comfortable, unbothered, or calm… None of this is fair and I can assure you that I can relate to you in one way or another. 

At some point, you have to realize that you are no longer a victim. 
– If you have already done this, I applaud you and send you the warmest of hugs on the greatest change that has occurred in your life. I promise that you still have growing to do and thoughts of the past will arise (I know this from experience), but you have put in some serious work and have taught yourself some truly valuable life and love lessons.

– If you have not done this already, your time is now. You can Break Your Silence Against Domestic Violence or whatever you may have faced in your past. You ARE NO LONGER A VICTIM, I speak that (out loud) on your life right now.

I freely speak freedom on your life because I know how it feels to be bound to your pain. You, in this very moment, have to power to gain your freedom and live in it.

Freedom is a release of all that may have hurt you or held you back in some form. 

You have to make the choice and consistent decision to say:
I am no longer a victim. 
I am no longer going to allow my past to hurt me. 
The lessons that my past ( the Universe and/or God) taught me are for my good.
My past does not control my future.
What I faced will not stop me.
I may have dealt with that, but I can still have anything that I want in my life.

For me when I faced homelessness, brokenness, deep pain, hopelessness, and a loss of self, I could not see anything but that. I had to learn and re-learn all that I could have in my life. God promised me (and you) a life of prosperity. I had to decide again and again to chose me.

You MUST reclaim your power. You must make the decision to stop being a victim and move into the realms of being a survivor; this is only step one. For every moment that you allow your past to reign over you or any aspect of your life, you lose another significant moment of happiness, peace, and living in your greatest purpose.

I’m not making light of anything that you have faced, as I know pain and have spoken to/mentored many people in their quest to be free and live a positively evolved life. What I am saying is that you have to choose yourself over and over again; this is the only way that you can truly be free. 

I lived as a victim more years than one. I lived as a victim and the pain weighed more than a ton. I lived as victim through perceived obligation and force. Now I have changed my life for the better, never to return to that broken obstacle course. #btsadv #KayLasPositivityCorner

No more making excuses about how you can’t do things because you were hurt. It is time for you to take control.

If I can go through rounds of pain for years, find myself, then fall again, find myself then make excuses for my abuserS, then find myself again and crawl out of the dust to get to where I am – now a Master of Public Health that graduated with a well-deserved 4.0 making the President’s List twice, an empowerment via holistic health blogger, and the managing director at Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. You are no longer a victim, so stop behaving as such. Proclaim that you are free and start fighting for want you want and deserve in you life. Need an accountability partner? I will help you and you can help me.

This message is so strong and so important to me that we have to hit the bible three times!

Psalms 9:9
“The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” God has been there for you even if you didn’t know it or feel His presence. When you were going through your rough patches, He was implanting love and strength in you. It is your time to act on all that you have learn; welcome God into this new part of your journey and remember that you are no longer a victim and you must start acting/living like it.

The Universe activates what you think about and act on. If you are telling yourself that you are living in low spaces or thoughts as you are because of what you experienced, guess what thoughts and feelings will surround you? Brokenness and inability to change you life for the better. Be encouraged starting right now and change everything because you deserve it. Speak it out loud, it is being heard!

Psalms 147:3
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” You are no longer a victim, God is binding your wounds, putting you through perfect surgery. What are you doing with your healing? How are you living? How do you feel? If you are not shaking everything up and working on bettering your life and living in your highest purpose, you are doing yourself a great disservice! You better start making changes because no matter what you faced, no one can change your future except you. 

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Tell your giants (your past pain and anything that binds you) that it is time go! Knock your walls down! If you haven’t made changes, turned things around for your good, or loosed whatever has hurt you, you may be living in fear but that is not what God has promised you. He gave you so much more…so what are you doing with it? If you haven’t done anything with that knowledge, I dare you to start today! “You are the seed by faith received, the blessing of Abraham – it’s your inheritance, get your inheritance!” -Donald Lawrence

I said it before and I say it again SURVIVORS, YOU ARE NO LONGER VICTIMS SO ACT LIKE IT! I believe in you and I know that you are going to have so many great things come your way if you have faith, believe in yourself, and act on what you want.

You are living, so start doing so! Dream big… I do! Why dream small when you can have it all?

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
National Public Health Week #NPHW #NPHW2019 #IDWP

Healthy Communities: We all deserve access to high-quality, compassionate care, but this is not always the case for many communities. Do what you can to create a shift in this in your own neighborhood via volunteer efforts or anything that calls to your heart. It will make a true difference.

Violence Prevention: What you and your children watch, hear, listen to on the radio, read about etc. affects everything that you do. Speak peace, bridge gaps faced, do whatever you can to heal people around you, you may just save a life. We can all do our part here.

Rural Health: You can act positively here and work to bridge gaps in healthcare. Build a program, share your ideas with organizations, volunteer, contribute, do whatever it takes to bring health to all people. People living in urban areas should have the same access as others; if we collaborate and keep our hearts intact we can create a positive and long-lasting impact in healthcare.

Technology and Public Health: The world is changing and advancing rapidly, bringing care to people can mean the use of technology. I am building a program to bridge a gap in dv, what are you doing to make a shift using what you know and are an expert in?

Global Health: We walk through life often complaining about what we face big or small. How often do you think about the world? Global health is so important to me because I frequently think about people what others are facing: no access to care, drought, disease, homelessness, etc. This world has over 7 billion people living in it. If you can help one person, one community, one state in health care, think about how much you have done and how many others will be positively impacted. 

You have the power to create positive changes all around you. Start digging to find out how. Live in your positive purpose today and forever. The world needs you. Use your lessons from the days of being a victim to empower and change the world today.

Victim, Survivor, Empowerment, Mental Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, Overcome, Determination, Community, Growth, Happiness, Manifest, Mindfulness, Domestic Violence, Strength, Success, Support, Universe, God, Bible

L-Lament, Don’t Forever Linger


Lamenting can happen and be a part of many times in life, working to process any form of sorrow is the only way to see brighter days. I want you to understand and know that no matter how you feel when something truly tears at your heart that it is okay to express those emotions. You must allow yourself to cry, scream, and let it go at your own pace; no one can force you and no one can tell you that you are not allowed to experience emotions or feelings of lament.

Whether we are speaking about a loss or a relationship (friend or family) that you must break away from, memories last a lifetime and no one can tell you how or when to heal. There is such beauty in connecting and bonding with someone that truly cares about you. Breaking away is never easy. I will pray for you and encourage you to do whatever you can to find your peace.

In grieving a deep loss, you know what you need to heal; you know if or when you want to talk, if or when you want to get out of the bed, with who or where you want to go. You will never just get over it, I know this from experience; don’t ever let anyone tell you that you have to move on. I know that your heart feels like it has literally left your body, and I am so sorry that you are hurting. I promise you that “better” and “easier” days are coming.

Inner Brokenness
No matter the source of what may have brought you to the space of brokenness that you may be in, a challenge is always finding the light or any space of positivity; it is okay to go through this patch of time. You are human and I get it; I have felt how are feeling before. 

How it Feels to be Stuck

Feeling stuck in your sorrow, pain, hurts, and disappointment is stifling. It can make you feel empty, lonely, and hopeless. Cemented takes on a whole new meaning when your mind gives you the feeling of being stuck in a situation, place, or frame of thinking.

When to Move On and/or Move Forward
Your timing is your choice, however when something inside of you speaks and says that you need to move forward maybe you should listen. This does not mean that you erase everything, color your hair and change your name; it does not have to be that drastic. It can mean that you make one small change or one new effort to reclaim your happiness. You have to listen to your heart, mind, and soul.

Letting Go Is Freeing
“Letting Go” of your pain, as you see fit and in the way that you deserve can give you a freedom unlike any other. It is like taking the chains off that have been binding you. You will slowly but surely start to feel lighter; the weight of pain or sadness can be unbearable.

Lament is real and all of us experience it at some point in life, the challenge is always climbing out the rubble. I want you to own your emotions, allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you feel, but do what you can to not clutch onto that pain forever. Push through the pain when you can but promise yourself and show yourself that you deserve happiness and peace that you can only find within yourself.

Pray without ceasing; when you are experiencing lament, it is a time to cling to what you know best and that is the love of the Lord, your connection to whatever higher power, or your belief in the will of the Universe. God is always present and even when no one else can understand at the deepest level of your pain, He can and does; so ask Him to help you through it and to help guide you on the path to a new normal and a new realm of happiness.

Think of how many cried out in lament to God in the Bible…
Psalms 130:1-2
“Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.” Cry out to God. Pray out loud. Go into your prayer closet, no one can judge you on that. I promise that God will hear you and respond according to His will (in His way and time, not yours).

Jeremiah 15:18
“Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable? You are to me like a deceptive brook, like a spring that fails.” Many people have gone through a time of brokenness or loss of faith…some have even grown angry with God, but even those in Bible times quickly learned the reasons why God does what He does. They learned God teaches lessons, shapes paths, delivers, provides and protects – he will, has always, and is (right now) doing the same for you.

Even Jesus questioned God’s will and actions in the use of the words previously spoken by David (Psalms 22):
“My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” You are not the only one who wants to understand/be understood, wants guidance, and needs clarity – do not be ashamed to ask. He is your Father and he loves you.

You have been given three of examples of people that cried out to God, sought and answer, bore agony, saw loss, faced death and wars and felt immense pain. What you need to remember in your lament is that your pain will not last forever…you hold the key to your peace and happiness and God always saves. 

Jeremiah 15:21
“I will save you from the hands of the wicked and deliver you from the grasp of the cruel.” 

You see! God promises and shows that he cares and understands over and over again. If He has saved and cared for so many before, don’t you know that He is going to do the same for you?!

Your challenge is to pray, have faith, and try your best to find inner happiness; I don’t care what that looks like whether it is taking up piano, violin, or guitar lessons, joining a cycling class, or enjoying small moments of peace by painting via color by number…if it brings you true happiness and is healthy to your mind, body, and soul, please do it.

You are allowed to feel pain, you are allowed to take your time to understand what has happened or is happening, just don’t make or allow that pain (to) alter all that you are. You still deserve to have moments of happiness and to experience pure joy, right? So do what it takes to make that happen, when you are ready. Lament, pray, and do a happiness reach forward; don’t sit in alone forever my dear. Better days are truly coming, I promise. 

Truly seek positivity and light, you won’t regret it. 

***Health Spotlight***
Lyme Disease – a tick-borne disease found globallySymptoms: fever, headache, fatigue, and a skin rash are common. If left untreated – facial paralysis and arthritis are possible.
Prevalence: approx. 30,000 cases a year in US
Treatment: Antibiotics (oral or IV depending on the patient) 
Prevention: Know where to expect ticks (they live in grass, brush, wooded areas and on animals), treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin, use EPA registered repellents, avoid contact with ticks, and check clothing and skin when returning indoors.

Your health is your own to manage, your family’s health is your responsibility, your community’s health is connected to your local leaders, global health is connected to government officials; you see, in some way we all need each other. If you are doing your very best to help yourself and your family then in one way, you are helping many others. Do not wait in your physical pain to get it help, it could be detrimental to your health.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Empowerment, Global Health, Public Health, Mental Health, Holistic Health, Epidemiology, Mindfulness, Law of Attraction, Grieving, Bereavement, Positivity, Light, Challenges, Loss, Faith, Healing, Universe, God

K- Keen Delight (Appreciating Your Senses)


Our senses are some of the most beautiful and useful gifts that we are granted in life. 

When you open your eyes each day you are granted new mercies, a vision of light, a feeling that is new, and a chance to do something new. You have the chance to get even closer to who you are called to be, each day- do you ever think about how lucky you are to do so?

Every day when you rise from your bed, do you really think about being able to use your legs and being able to walk, get yourself from place to place and move about when you get ready to? Walking is something that not everyone is able to do…are you happy and thankful for that function and ability? Do you really think about it and cherish it?

What about the use of your taste buds and sense of smell? Imagine how many delightful things that cross your path that you are able to enjoy and take pleasure in because you have those senses?

No matter which of your regular functions that you do take time to think about, shouldn’t you have a keen delight in each thing?

Keen in this sense is referring to being passionate and enthusiastic.

Everything that you are able to do is special, amazing, a blessing, and such a journey to behold.

What if every day you appreciated (in true delight) all of your senses?

What if you really took the time to smell the roses?

When was the last time you sat still at looked at the beauty of the clouds?

You have your favorite things that you love to eat, do you really appreciate the joy and deliciousness of all that you savor?

Do you savor all that you sense?

Think about it…some of the most wonderful things that you enjoy in life are attached to your senses.

A hug from someone so special to me brings me joy, warmth, and peace. 

It is a blessing to experience the love of life and all within it. Even when your days are tiring, overwhelming and making you feel low, you have so many things to delight in.

Each time that something makes you smile what if took a few extra moments and truly appreciated that feeling?

In keen delight, value and appreciate everything wonderful that your senses bring to you.

Imagine a life where you could not experience the blessing of sense and feelings…you would miss out on so much.

Down bible road we go!

Proverbs 20:12
“Ears that hear and eyes that see – the Lord has made them both.”  Every day that you wake up, if you do not do so already you should be thankful and give thanks for your senses. There is so much to be thankful for, even the seemingly small or normal things. Count your blessings…they are all valuable. God did not have to give you anything, so be thankful and appreciate it all.  

The Universe, or if you believe in God (He), have so much for you to appreciate with all of your senses, if you don’t pay attention to it all, you may miss it.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him- these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.” If you cannot appreciate the grandeur of life presented to you through your senses, will you be prepared for the most beautiful things that God has in store for you? Live in your happiness and appreciate all that you see, hear, feel, touch, and taste if it truly brings you joy.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Kidney Disease

Symptoms: some symptoms include fatigue, cold feeling (possibly anemia), shortness of breath with little effort, swelling hands/feet, and severe itching. 

Risk Factors: adults with diabetes, high blood pressure, or both have a higher risk; other factors are heart disease, obesity, and a history of chronic heart disease.

Prevalence: According to a 2017 fact sheet via the CDC, approximately 30 million people are living with Chronic Kidney Disease; many people living with mild kidney disease are not aware that they have the disease. One in 3 adults with diabetes and one in five adult with high blood pressure may have chronic kidney disease.

Treatment: there is no direct cure but some things to minimize symptoms are lifestyle changes, medication, dialysis, avoid NSAIDs, and moderating alcohol intake.

Prevention: get active, lose weight if you are overweight, altered diet with guidance of a healthcare provider (lower salt intake and eat more fruits and vegetables), do not smoke, and monitor blood sugar regularly.

Your life is so valuable, everything that you are granted and blessed with must be cherished. Take keen delight in your health and your quality of life; do whatever it takes to evolve your life and take good care of yourself and your family.

Delight, Senses, Joy, Happiness, Appreciation, Empowerment, Public Health, Mental Health, Global Health, Holistic Health, God, Bible, Happiness, Law of Attraction, Love, Universe

A – Allowing Life to Happen


We often get caught up in our own webs, visions, and plans; becoming  entangled in these spaces is not necessarily a good thing.  When we choose to think about a path that we have set forth for ourselves, we subconsciously block opportunities for other (better for us) outcomes to come forth.

Rolling through the “if I could”, and “I wish I could” phases in our lives can blind us and bring shadows in front of us.  When this happens we can not see some of the amazing things that are happening right in front of our faces.

As difficult as it may seem, sometimes you just have to allow life to happen. Those difficult times that we encounter and those trying storms that we endure can simply happen. We are regular people living regular lives no matter what our bank accounts say, and because of this we have to remember that life happens.

When we are able to realize that our sense of perfect timing is not actually perfect, and God’s divine timing is essential for our lives we revamp our opportunities and we challenge the way that we see the world.

Allowing life to happen does not mean that we sit back and watch things fall apart but it does mean that things can happen and we are not always in control.

You must learn to accept that things are not going to always happen the way that you want them to. You will not always be in control. There will always be people and circumstances that come about that may not seem to be in line with your vision, and that’s okay.

In every part of your life there’s a reason and a season. In every part of your life, there is a reason for the journey that you’re taking. In every part of your life, there are new mercies and opportunities. In every part of your life, there will be good and bad days. In every part of your life, as long as there’s breath in your body there is an opportunity for better days.

Oh, those dark days can seem so difficult… but remember that last storm that you made it past? Hold strong, allow God’s plan to work itself, it’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be worried. It’s okay to have moments of anger. It’s okay to have fear about what is coming in the future. It’s okay to be sad at times.

Proverbs 13:12
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Even if you have moments when the rain of your storm blocks your vision, do whatever you can to capture a glimpse of your rainbow. 
I say all this to say whenever a storm is raining directly over your head get your rain gear, suit up and be prepared to endure the store. There is a reason that you go through storms and it is not your job to understand the how, the when and the why. It is, however, your job to keep pushing forward no matter what you face.

Allow the good to come and the bad to exit.  Allow change and evolution to occur in your life. Allow people to leave if they want to leave. On the same token, don’t try to force things to stay when really it is time for them to go.

Often times you can’t see the direction that God is going and that’s alright too. As long as you continue to take steps forward, continue climbing, and continue reaching for those stars, you’re on the right path. Try to think deeply: the universe is activating steps and plans for you- imagine what would happen if you continued to block yourself from greatness because of pride or needing to have control over everything. 

1 Peter 2:15 “For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
Not all advice is sound advice. Sometimes advice that comes from people that you “respect” is not the advice that is for you to hear. Use your knowledge, wisdom, and experiences to make sound decisions for your life. Don’t allow what someone else thinks is best for you to overtake your judgment. This may mean if someone says, maybe you should just wait to do something, maybe actually you should be taking steps instead of sitting still.

Sometimes you will have to think outside of the box, and that’s a good thing. No matter what you do, allow life to happen; allow mistakes to occur.

You deserve to lead a life of happiness, success, pure joy, peace, wonder, adventure, and love; these are not things that someone can make you have- you find these things inside of you.

Be blessed and at peace.

***Health Spotlight*** Adenovirus
Symptoms: cold-like symptoms, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea and pink eye
Spread of Infection: personal contact, air droplets, touching surfaces then touching mouth, nose, or eyes
Prevention: wash hands with soap and water, cover mouth when coughing or sneezing, avoid contact with others when ill, do not sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils, avoid kissing.
Prevalence: there is no exact prevalence as it can vary
Treatment: no specific treatment as most infections as mild
-Seek help when you need it, help your fellow neighbor, know that people care about your well-being.

Growth, Challenges, Chances, Overcoming, Opportunity, Life, God, Change, Universe, Barriers, Mental Health, Living, Public Health, Empowerment, Epidemiology

Overcoming Fear


Your voice is your power. Your story is your wisdom. Your truth is your freedom.
No matter what anyone tells you, those three statements will forever ring true.

The world and time will reveal to you the character and morals of everyone that you encounter or see displayed in the media and in your life.

Your fear of the world and what others will say are essentially figments of your imagination. Your job in life is to follow your passion, not to hide from the world.

Think about a time when you learned something new. Was it easy? Were you scared of what people would say? Were you there standing strong to learn that new thing? Did you hide from the world, never to learn that thing?

Let’s roll the dice of life….ready, set, shake…
Roll 1: You only learn about something from a distance
Roll 2: You learn behind closed doors
Roll 3: You learn only around family
Roll 4: You take a moment to learn about that new thing and how you can become good at it
Roll 5: You learn to the best of your ability but fear the world
Roll 6: You learn, grow, strengthen your mind and abilities, and show the world what you’re made of.

The dice reference can be thought about like this: You can shake it up and take a chance and land on any of those numbers and they all mean different things. All that matters is that you take the chance!

So what if you fall?! So what if you can only take one step at a time?! You are still doing better on your roll 6 by doing everything that you can without fear!

If you speak up and only get your voice and/or story heard by 5 people, that’s more than the mirror and more than your tears. Those people can tell 5 more people and that effect could keep rolling along. Look at how much you can do by just letting go of fear and being open to the world around you.

Deuteronomy 31:8 “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” God gave you so much more than a mind of fear. You have everything that you need inside of you. Having a fear of the world will only cause fear to live inside of you. Fear is not real. Fight back! Use what you have and all that you are to change your life and bless many others.

Psalms 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Those against us will use fear, mockery, and belittlement tactics to break us down. Imagine what we could do if we grew strong enough to overcome that. If someone has caused you to feel this way, it is your mind and your accomplishments that can and will change all of that if you let it happen. God can give you perfect peace. The Universe will work in your favor…what are you putting into your prayers and your visualizations? You can eliminate fear, one step and one lesson at a time.

Grow into who you were called to be.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Dengue (endemic, but pandemic-prone) : A viral infection/disease caused that is mosquito-borne (via Aedes aegypti). There are millions of infections annually in many areas including suburbs, poor areas, and tropical countries; the disease is endemic-in over 100 countries. It is a leading killer of children and adults in Asian and Latin American countries. Within 2-7 days the infected person develops a fever (WHO). Common symptoms include: high fever, severe headache, rash, joint pain, severe eye pain, mild bleeding, and muscle pain. Warning signs include abdominal pain, black stool, cold/clammy skin, and difficulty breathing. Prevention: eliminate areas that hold water around your home, use repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, secure windows and screens (no holes), and use a bed net when needed. There is no specific treatment, but pain medication (with acetaminophen- no aspirin or ibuprofen), hydrating, resting and consultation of a physician are all mandatory (CDC). Take care of yourself and your family is the key to a long, happy, and healthy life.

Overcoming, Fear, Light, God, Universe, Empowerment, Global Health, Public Health, Challenges, Epidemiology, Growth, Strength

Overcoming & Eliminating Self-Pity


Most of us have been at the root of a problem or situation, but how often do we really take the time to acknowledge faults or words that should not have been spoken?

Even if you feel that you have not been a part of a problem, you have likely witnessed a friend or loved one experience this.

Yes, you surely can take the time to go through a “woe is me” phase. Along with that you can also sit an have a pity party for weeks on end. The real question is will your “woe is me” time or your pity party bring you to an absolute answer that will create a shift in your world? The answer is probably no.

You can’t move forward and go beyond internalizing a problem if you cannot accept your faults and grow from them. 

No matter what you face in life, if you feel that you had a place in the breakdown of events then you need to do some reflection. Maybe the fault is on you…maybe not…you need to understand this clearly.

Pitying yourself will only cause a domino effect and a roller coaster of emotions. 

Take it step by step. Write it down. Look at what happened and how you may have added to it. Understand your position in the problems that you may face.

To heal and grow, you must take must personal inventory. Do you really know who you are? Do you know how you behave in an argument? Are you an effective communicator? Do you find it easier to avoid and runaway than to face an issue?

You must be able to look inside of yourself and have a real answer to all of these questions. Once you know the answers to these questions only then can you truly see who you are and grow from your mistakes or problems faced.

Think about it this way, could you ever learn how to do something like tie your shoes if at first you were not taught or did not make a mistake? No.

There are elements in life that you must face and self-pity is not one of those things.

If things are not as you may want them to be, stop and go a different direction or try a different option. 

To have a happy and healthy life you must dig inside of yourself and spread your wisdom to others; in this you must also be open enough to listen to and understand life lessons taught by others.

2 Timothy 1:7 ” For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” You must be able to understand what is faced and go through a period of self-evolution. God gave your a brain and He teaches you lessons along your journey through life; it is up to you to be wise enough to take those lessons and use them for your good. You are fully-equipped to be a warrior and a blessing to the world around you, so make the best of every moment and every situation. The Universe is a part of your core being; you can have an be all things that you aspire to have and work diligently to be. God and the Universe are on your side, so choose your thoughts and behavior wisely. Grow up and choose self-esteem over self-pity.

Romans 12:3 “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” You are not perfect and if you are facing a problem with someone else, they aren’t perfect either. You need to face what is beyond the mirror and become all that you are called to be. 

If you can accept your flaws, you can grow from what may be holding you back. You can become anything/anyone, so suit up, stop weeping, let go of that horrible anger, and put on your armor.

You have all that you need inside of you…don’t be stubborn.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Psittacosis: A disease linked to the bacteria C. psittaci. The bacteria affects birds often, but it can infect people in the form of the disease Psittacosis. The disease is caused by a respiratory tract infection. The types of birds connected to this disease can include household pets like parrots and cockatiels, and can branch out to poultry.  Dust particles from dried secretions can be breathed in; birds can also infect people via bites and beak-to-mouth contact. It is not generally spread person-to-person. The symptoms linked to this disease include: fever, headache, and a dry cough. The illness could possibly lead to pneumonia; rarely it can lead to death. The people at risk: adults, those in contact with pet birds, aviary and pet shop employees, poultry workers, and veterinarians. Diagnosis via blood testing to detect antibodies and/or sputum swabs to detect bacteria (CDC). Treatment is via antibiotics will lead to quick improvements. Be mindful of your surroundings and the needs of your body, and as always seek the help of a trusted physician or healthcare whenever needed (there are many budget-friendly physicians).

Self-Pity, Self-Esteem, Overcoming, Evolution, Challenges, Problems, Mental Health, Global Health, Public Health, Empowerment, God, Universe, Epidemiology

Overcoming Judgment Against You


From birth until the end of the human existence, there will always be someone judging you. These people can be your family, friends, supporters, coworkers, significant others, and everyone in between.

The people that judge us are out on a mission, but what that mission is isn’t for us to understand or break apart. 

Although judgment can be painful when on the receiving end, how you move beyond it is so much more important.

People can see things and choose to make their own opinions about you without trying to understand the actual meaning of what they see…and that’s perfectly fine.

Your job in all of this is to remember that you are more than what you seem to be to others. You must remember that you are made in God’s image; you are uniquely made and full of beauty and love. 

If someone makes you out to be someone that you aren’t, you just need to remain true to yourself.

Like many say ‘let your haters be your motivators’… you can take that pain or disappointment that you feel and use it for something greater. Allow that pain to give you power and a better vision of who you really are. You matter and all that you bring to the world is wonderful and perfect, just as it is.

No matter how loud the roar of negativity from others’ false judgment is, treat it as though it is even louder applause for the amazing person that you are becoming and/or have become.

The universe is in you, the higher power that you believe in (God, in my case) is within you…do you know what that means? No judgment formed based on evil/negativity can be housed within you-unless you let it. You encompass power, strength, love, inner beauty, and so much more.

Romans 8:28 
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” You have favor in and on your life: God has granted you so many beautiful things, there is nothing that any negativity can do to you if you believe in the power surrounding you and the positivity in your corner.  Every thing can and will work in your favor if you keep pushing forward and learn from what others’ negativity is presenting to you.

Proverbs 14:7-8
“Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on their lips. The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.” If you allow a person to house your power and your happiness because of what they say and/or feel about your or anything in life, then they win. It is up to you to challenge that negativity in your mind and walk away from the person releases that negativity into your environment. 

I encourage you to take a moment to look deeper into who you are and who you are called to be. Remember that there will continue to be evil-doers that seem to seep into your world. You must have strength inside of yourself to oversee it all and not allow it to shake your life.

You overcome this judgment by knowing who you are. You overcome this judgment by remembering that the words from others can be merely a reflection of their own insecurities/issues. You overcome this judgment by becoming even better than what you already are.

If judgement comes your way, simply say this in your mind: Judge me if you must, but know that your thoughts/opinions will not deter my path toward greatness, successes, prosperity, or abundance. I have favor in every aspect of my life and you cannot dim my light.

Let the negativity be blown away by your growth and understanding of who you are called to be. 

***Health Spotlight***
Hepatitis A: This foodborne illness is a liver infection caused by the Hep A virus. Food and/or water can contain the virus via the presence of human waste. The illness can last between a few weeks and several months. There is a vaccine to prevent this, but there are thousands that are still affected by Hep A annually in the U.S. Some people get Hep A when doing out of the country traveling. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dark urine, yellow skin/eyes, tiredness, and fever. Hepatitis A is highly contagious and it can be spread even if symptoms are not physically present. Wash your hands thoroughly and often. There are two doses required to prevent Hep A. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and get the help that you need when you need it-sooner than later.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Empowerment, Challenges, God, Universe, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Determination, Favor, Growth, Overcoming, Prosperity, Success