
In the process of personal evolution there comes a time when we face the question of now or later.
When focusing on your goals, determining whether you should hit the gas or pump the brakes is up to you. What we must keep in mind when answering the question of now or later is what will happen when we choose the option of greatest desire.
You can miss out on something great in life if you choose not to take another step forward. While you pause you can be giving an opportunity to someone else to make a move that you once wanted. In a pause and reflect moment doubt can also enter, so in your choices think clearly by assessing your situation before making an “ideal” move. Write down your options plain and clear; be sure to include possible outcomes that may come along.
Although taking the next leap forward may seem promising, it could lead to negative outcomes or change your life for the better simply because you walked on faith. Don’t make the mistake of walking blindly, be smart in your execution of completing objectives whether now or later.
If something tells you to wait when you feel like you should resume with moving be sure that the voice is not one of ill-will, personal doubt, negativity, or anything connected to pain. You deserve better than that, so don’t let darkness take over your light.
The answer to now or later is up to you; the outcome could be negative or positive in either space, so depend on your rational thinking, vision for your life, and the reality that you face.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
2 Corinthians 2:11 & Proverbs 14:8
Evil will always have a “place” in the world, so be clear in knowing that not all things are for your good. Be honest, truthful, and wise in your choices, because in these things you can find blessed success. You are not alone in your journey as there are many parts in play. Seek God in all that you do and know that with persistence and in His time the greatest things that your heart desire will come to fruition.
Be blessed and be at peace.
The future can be whatever make it out to be. How you use the lessons of your past and appreciate the “gift” of your present will determine how successful, fulfilled, and happy you will be in your future.
Every step of your journey will look different and that is a good thing. This is because with every new step you grow and evolve.
When was the last time that you thought about a previous space of emptiness? If you are taking more than a few seconds to remember, stop and do it right now. Remember those feelings, but pay attention to how far you have come.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from the beginning to end.” Mind your steps and know that your efforts will bring forth a beauty that is beyond your wildest dreams.
Proverbs 21:5
“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Your present, this very moment, if you aren’t doing anything to get to where you want to be, it won’t happen. You must be active in making your dream a reality. God has given you the tools that you need, but you have to put in your own effort.
What you want in your life is not bound, in fact you have the opportunity to truly live a limitless life. The Universe is working in your favor. God sees all that you work hard for and He knows what you need and deserve.
Learn from your past, work hard and have faith in your present, and live the best future!
***Health Spotlight***
Trichinellosis (also known as Trichinosis) – CDC
This disease can being harmful. It is contracted by eating raw or uncooked meat from an animal that has a tiny parasite called Trichinella.
Hogs raised outdoor that may come in close contact with rodents and other wildlife have a higher risk of becoming infected.
Across the world there are approximately 10,000 cases annually.
To treat Trichinella, there are safe prescription drugs.In prevention, make sure that you cook meat to safe temperatures, wash your hands thoroughly when handling raw meat, clean any areas that come in contact with raw meat, and do your research if you need specifics on handling, storage, or cleaning.
Be blessed and be at peace.
What is your favorite thing to eat?
I am an experimental eater – meaning I wouldn’t mind trying most things at least once. There is some fun and excitement in eating new things, for me.
Although you love to eat some pretty delectable things, have you ever thought about how much it may be damaging you?
Don’t get me wrong, I love breads and desserts, but my body shows adverse effects including weight gain, higher cholesterol, and more fatigue when I indulge. Think about how you want to live out the rest of your life and how what you put into your body may be affecting you.
Even if a taste of something may be satisfying, you need to be mindful of the consequences.
What if you flip this scenario around and base it on growth in your life?
What if you did whatever it took to satisfy your mental taste?
What if you indulged in a new flavor?
How can you reach success if you are never satisfied?
There is a recipe to your Level-10 Success:
10 parts manifestation
10 parts self-care
10 parts self- love
10 parts prayer
10 parts visualization
50 parts hard work
100 = Level-10 Success
The life you lead is your own. What you allow to alter your taste buds is up to you. Let nothing leave you with a lingering, gross taste without first valuing the meal.
Ecclesiastes 2: 24-25
“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from Him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?” If you are rolling through life unhappily or dissatisfied, you can change that; God offers you so much more. He will give you all that you worked hard for and truly desire. You can have it all #youcanttellmeno The universe always returns what you put into it; if you are allowing yourself to eat only what you are mentally fed and you are not creating satisfaction you will get more of the same. Exercise your mind, the outcome will be far beyond what you could imagine.
John 4:34
“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work””. Are you satisfying your taste while following God’s plans for your life or might you be longing for a new meal all while trying to feed your own soul? You are here for a reason and you have a specific purpose, so keep that in mind when the world dishes out a plate of unpleasant foods. You can adjust your life’s recipe to satisfy your taste.
Life is full of wonderful ingredients and fabulous mental/life recipes…what are you using to satisfy your taste?
***Health Spotlight*** Sore throat (via CDC)
Symptoms: Painful swallowing, dry/itchy throat,
Prevalence: Children- 20-3o out of 100 sore throats are strep throat; 5-15 out of 100 adults with a sore throat have strep throat.
Causes: Allergies, dry air, pollution, smoking or exposure to smoking (second-hand)
Risk factors: exposure, time of year, weather, tonsils, immune system, allergies, and acid reflux disease.
Seek medical care if: it lasts longer than a week, causes difficulty breathing or swallowing, there is excessive drooling in young children, high temperature (over 100.4), rash, joint pain, more than 2 weeks of hoarseness, blood in saliva/phlegm, dehydration, or recurring sore throat.
Always take care of yourself from the inside out-living your best life depends on it.
Be blessed and be at peace.