Recovering Hope

Stress, concerns, brokenness, and many other difficult circumstances can put people in a whirlwind of feelings and behaviors. What happens when we choose to recover the hope that once lived inside of us? What would happen if you let go of any pain that may be holding you back from being prosperous, joyful, and successful?

How we hold onto the things that drive our hope can determine the direction that we go in with all of our efforts. Think about how much time and energy is drained when we live in a moment of high concern. So much can be taken away when the joy inside of us when we don’t take good care of ourselves and limit that which stresses us most.

Recovering hope is much like mud in a field after heavy rain; once the sun comes out again, the ground dries, and yet there is still growth. The only things that linger are those that we allow. If you wish to be successful you cannot allow things to hold weight if they are not for your good. Take some time to rationalize, communicate, and address any internal feelings that are inside of you, honor your truth, then recover your hope. Only you can regulate hope and faith in your life.

Travel through a moment in time and think about a day when hope was so much more than a glimmer in your eye. Hope at some point or another becomes joy, truth, ambition, faith, love, and so much more. Think about how a moment like that felt for you and how much it impacted your life. Recall that feeling when it feels like hope is lost, because it can carry you through your difficulties.

There have been a few times in my life when the days seemed so dark, the night dreadfully long, and my hope all but lost. I had to allow myself to live in and through that. Only in the time that I chose to keep searching for the light could I recover the hope that has always lived inside of me.

No challenge is small, but you have power over them all. If you can manage to keep your eyes focused on what you want for your life, you can always recover your hope.

There is so much good in the world and so many opportunities to be great for yourself and others. Never give up and know that you are not alone in your aim to lead in your life and be a light in the world.

If you are ready to level up, visit DRKAYLANALLEN.COM today and prepare to change your life in ways that you have worked so hard for.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Dear Black Kings


Dear Black Kings
Dear Black Kings, lean on your Queens.
Know that we know life is harder than it may seem.
We see your worries and feel your pain.
We know that a heavy heart can drive you insane.
We never want you to feel alone,
So feel and see that we are with you in the heat of the zone.
A part of our world may need mending,
But we need your truths to always be ascending.
Even if the road gets rough and your tears do fall,
Your Queen will always be there to pick up the ball.
Give me your hand and tag me in,
In this life, together, we can win.
I carry your heart and you hold mine
With each other, we will yet again see the sun shine.
I’ll wear my crown while we shine yours,
I’ll pray over you and you’ll become you once more.
Strength and courage of a lion and lioness
We will overcome challenges that bring us stress.
We’ll get through dark days with love, know that this is true.
This life together is to be conquered and it’s all possible with me AND you.
Signed, his Black Queen.

The Endless Pandemic of the Evil Plague


The Endless Pandemic of the Evil Plague
Hearts cry and break from the pain of the ended lives and partial blame

While leaders find that their behavior is not to be shamed.

Mothers live in fear simply because their baby boys have brown skin

While black and brown men house anger, disappointment, and fear from within.

The KKK comes out during the day and posts ads in the paper by night

Real changes are nowhere in sight.

Years of hate taught to children and the masses,

Yet no one can teach evil-doers, hate-free classes.

Murders and ill-will run rampant and justice turn a cheek

All while families lose their loved ones every week.

Sister, I hear your cries and I feel your pain,

No good life should be ended – slain.

Lift your voices and march in the streets,

Tread with power, truth, and history wrapped around your feet.

We will not be silenced today or tomorrow

We will not live our lives in never-ending sorrow.

Let us find the cure and give the vaccine for free.

Let us flatten this curve forever and let all people just be.

A word, hug, prayer, or termination of a job will not be enough,

From all this, our worries will thrive, and our skin will only grow tough.

We need a resolution and we need it to last;

The end of hate and brutality is something we need to happen fast.

Abrupt actions and ego will not impart

The greatness that is needed (it starts in the heart).

Democrat, Republican, Undeclared, Left, or Right,

None of these matters if compassion for ALL people is not the real fight.

Hear me now, loud, and clear,


We can stop this pandemic and end foolish pride

When we can finally put all our differences aside.

-KayLa N. Allen, MPH (A Proud Brown/Black Woman)

P – Pedal to the Metal


One hope…
A dream…
A wish…
A goal…

All of these things can come into the physical realm if you do more than imagine them. Plenty of people dream of the way that things could be if only something were different. What if I told you that at this moment, everything is different? Never have you experienced the exact thoughts that you are navigating through right now. For some, never have you wondered what would happen if you took your dream and put the pedal to the metal.

Taking baby steps to arrive at a wanted destination may be required and that is perfectly fine. If I look at my journey through school or even in growing my brand, some baby steps have been necessary for me to learn what I needed to learn at a given moment in time. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a leap of faith and put your pedal to the metal. Will you take the key and drive to your destiny?

What if you do take a leap and then you trip, stumble or fall? That’s the big question, right? Well, what if you don’t take the leap and miss a chance to see your dream come to life? Think about that!

We all have an amazing chance to go from being a dreamer and believer to an achiever! Will you arrive at a full stop and sit in your thoughts or put the pedal to the medal and run to the finish line?

Bible & Spiritual Connection
Hebrews 11:1 & James 2:14-17
A chance is merely a chance without faith. Faith without works is dead. Faith with applied action leads to greater outcomes. Do more than talk about your dreams; apply them, share your greatness with the world, and believe in your mission. 
Know that nothing will fall into your lap and prayer will not be enough to make wildest dreams come true. Faith can be found in what you cannot see, so taking that leap of faith can be difficult. If we can recall that all things are possible and God is our provider, we have no reason to be afraid of following the purpose and journey that God sets before us.

Be blessed and be at peace.

M – Master Your Craft


What makes you unique?
What “craft” do you do that is unique to you?
What things do you do to feed your soul and bless others?

Only You
There is something that you do naturally that sets you apart from others. For some, this may seem impossible given that there are billions of people in the world and so many people that may have similar educational or career experiences.  However, the truth that we can all see in many things, is that there are amazing things that people do that no one else could ever repeat.

The Journey Impacts Your Purpose
It took me a long time to realize the value of my uniqueness, experiences, life journey, education, and all that I have learned in my life. However, all of what makes me unique has shaped my brand and my writings. The same is true for you! Think about what you do for others because of what has been uniquely a part of your life (good and bad).

Continue Learning
Once you become aware of your uniqueness and you get moving with sharing your greatness with the world, you must continue to evolve to master your craft. There will also be a need to level-up once you reach your goals; this need is not to prove something, rather it is to best serve others and represent the vision and mission of your brand as best as possible at all times.

Master your craft and know that what you uniquely do is exactly what your audience needs.

Water your mental garden, master your craft and watch how things begin to blossom.

Bible & Spiritual Connection:
1 Timothy 4:14 & Romans 11:29
To not continue to evolve after you have reached new heights in using your craft would be quite a waste. You have been blessed, so why not continue to improve yourself and maximize the impact that only you can create? No matter how hard you may try to hide or pretend that your gifts do not exist or are not important, they will not go away. Open your eyes and know that you are special beyond words and you have great potential to be a blessing and gift to others in countless ways.

There is nothing and no one who can stop me from continuing to evolve. 

Check out my newest logo! If you see the image with the brain and growing tree (in any of my new brand colors- purple, gold, turquoise/teal, white, or black), you will know that there are tools for mental, business, spiritual, and physical transformation being presented by KayLa’s Positivity Corner.

Follow me for more messages of positivity!



Many of us have experienced something that has “made/forced” us to re-evaluate who we are, who we’ve allowed to stay in our circle, and how we could ever trust again.

Trusting yourself can be one of the hardest things to do. We often compare ourselves to others in various capacities and we occasionally doubt ourselves. 

The important thing that we must always remember is that we must make trusting ourselves a priority…so let’s address that first.

No matter what has come your way, you must be able to look inside of yourself and see the real you. It is a challenge, just as it is to have a smile on your face and truly be happy inside.

The doubt or trust that you have on your face can make or break your life and/or opportunities that came your way. This can easily happen because we tend to wear this mistrust/doubt on our sleeve.

To believe in yourself and trust yourself will not be an easy journey if you have ever been hurt, abused, cheated on or disappointed in any way…but you must learn.

If you allow the occurrences of your past take over, you will hurt yourself and everyone around you.

I want you to free yourself of the doubt inside yourself. Make logical decisions and trust will come along.

If you are trying your hardest in whatever you are doing – trust yourself & the process.
If you are working toward reaching your goals, trust yourself – you’re doing great.
If you have a vision for your life and your family – trust yourself.

Without trust, there are missed opportunities…who want to close a door in their own face?
If you have made a mistake forgive yourself and grow from your mistakes. 
Mean what you say.
Act in your greatness and your purpose.

If you know your worth and you trust yourself, others will see it in you. If you are not living your best life, respecting yourself and trusting yourself, no one else will trust you or take you seriously. Stand up for who you are and who you are called to be.

God and the universe are on your side, so do your best. Trust in yourself.

Trusting others:

Psalms 37: 1-5
Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lordtrust in him and he will do this-He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”

If someone has hurt you in the past, forgive them and learn to trust. This does not mean forgive the same person over and over again acknowledging their insanity while making excuses for them. I did not say live in stupidity. I’ve already done it for you (in the past) so no need to repeat my mistakes. Do better-you deserve better.

On the same token, if someone has hurt you that does not mean you have the right to take it out on the next person you encounter. 

Give someone a fighting chance to be with you, work with you, love you, grow with you. You deserve that love and trust…don’t they as well? If you think someone is “unworthy” of that trust, do yourself and them a favor and let them go!!!

You must take time to heal and re-learn who you are and truly understand what trust means. 

So whether we are talking about trusting ourselves or trusting others, you must remember that trust will not happen over night…nor will the pain from losing trust.

You will not always be right, so don’t think that just because you are thinking something or feeling something that you must be right. Do not be foolish. 

Proverbs 19:20
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.” There is always room for growth and always something that can be learned from someone else. Don’t be stubborn and stuck in your ways; you’ll only hurt yourself.

Use what life, God, or the universe teaches/reveals to you and become a wiser person.

Trust, the heart, and mind go hand-in-hand…allow them to work together in your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Tobacco Usage & Cessation- It is 100% your choice if you want to live as a smoker. Be mindful of the damage that you are doing to your body, though. Your family and those who love/care about you need you to live a healthy life. If you smoke you are likely shortening your life. An escape may be what you are looking for, but an escape will not heal what is really hurting you internally. You can stop smoking. You will save money, have a healthier body, and you will be giving the world your best self. If you think no one cares about your life, you are wrong…I do. Please do what you can to stop smoking (including vapes, hookahs, and everything in between); intentionally putting chemicals in your body is not the key to leading a happier and healthier life. Start paying attention and make the necessary change.

Change, Communication, Determination, Empowerment, Evolving, Global Health, Healing, Hope, Mental Health, Overcome, Public Health, Trust, Universe, God , Journey & Love



What is passion? How are you using it?

Passion- “a strong and barely controllable emotion”; “a thing arousing enthusiasm”, “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”.

Sure passion could also be linked to love. Maybe you are experiencing real love in that manner, and if you are I am so happy for you. If you are not, and you are waiting for it, be sure to be working on yourself so that when the time comes you will be ready and vulnerable enough for it. You deserve that type of passion, love, and happiness and so much more.

What I want to truly focus on is a passion within yourself. Let’s start with this:

As a child what did you want to be? What was your dream job? A doctor? Lawyer? Actor? Musician? Educator? President? Firefighter? Prima ballerina? …
When you became a teenager, what was your dream mission? To change the world? Make a difference? Give people in developing nations clean water? Become an activist?…

Now that you are an adult, are still you working towards a dream job or just something that will pay the bills?

What would have happened if you stuck to any of those dreams/ambitions? Would you be who you are today or would you be something great? Would you be living in your purpose?

Where is your passion? Do you really think that there is nothing beyond where you are now?

You must realize that the world will continue to spin, people will continue to make a difference, and that there is a need for your gifts and talents. That passion, that fire within you, is still there…you may have taught yourself to dim it or ignore it because you don’t think that you can get out of the place that you are in…but guess what that gives you…the same outcome or worse.

You may not understand it right now or someone may have told you otherwise, but your passion and dreams are unlike anyone else’s . You are a unique puzzle piece in the world and the world needs what you have to offer. If something inside of you is telling you to go for that goal, who are you to deny yourself that?

Don’t you deserve greatness? Don’t you deserve to fulfill your dreams?

God and/or the universe are shifting things and rearranging things so that you can have what you want/desire. Follow your passion and let nothing shake you.

You don’t have to conform to the ways of the world or change your goals because of your tough circumstances. When there is a strong will, a person can do absolutely anything; adding real passion to it further blesses the path that person walks on.

Psalms 40:2

“He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.”

You can get out of tough spot; you can change your life. Intertwine your passion and your mind and make your dreams come true. Your passion is the fuel to the flame. If you need help, ask…the options and the opportunities are endless. 

A door shut in your face does not mean the world is ending, it means you need to find another entrance and remember the importance of your passion.

Who you are will change someone’s life, stop denying yourself opportunities to bless someone else. Anytime you see an obstacle coming, ignite that flame of passion and be ready to duck, dodge, climb, run faster, crawl, and jump, whatever it takes! Obstacles are not in place to block you, but to make you stronger, and to remind you that your passion is at a much higher magnitude if only you keep it at the forefront of your mind.

Proverbs 21:5
Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.”

There are lessons to be learned in the good and bad times, at every turn. Be patient and be a diligent & dedicated worker. What you want is there for you, if only you keep the faith and believe in yourself. Before you learn to run in life, you must learn to crawl, fall, and walk…isn’t every one of those important? Your journey and every step within it are just as significant. Never let a fall keep you down. Break barriers and knock down walls.

One more thing and I’ll leave you to your thoughts…what if the world was never granted the blessing/opportunity to see and be a part of the effect that many great dreamers brought to the world? What if the world’s greatest leaders, musicians, physicians, etc. didn’t follow their passion? Where would we be? Where will you leave the world, if you do not keep follow your passion?

**Health Spotlight**
Take the time to have passion about life, and encourage yourself, your friends, and your family to be aware of the things done and consumed. Being passionate works from the inside out. You can and will lengthen your life by taking better care of yourself. You need it and your family needs you. Visit the CDC website and teach yourself about these: pneumonia, prostate cancer, and pulmonary hypertension; you may save a life.

Be blessed and be at peace.


passion, ambition, hope, faith, determination, courage, barriers, love, global health, physical health, public health, bible, strength, positivity