

Let me guess your situation…

You have been abused OR
You have been molested/sexually
assaulted OR
You have been raped OR
You have been denied a job that
you thought you had in the bag OR
You didn’t get accepted into
that school OR
You fell into a depression that you can’t seem to crawl out of
You feel like you keep walking into
brick walls and closed doors OR
You have an illness that
plagues your body and/or your mind OR

You feel like your best isn’t
good enough…

Did I guess right? If not, insert here “I________”.

Now what I need you to do is face yourself and stop beating yourself up. I’m not making light of your situation, in fact I am saying that I have very likely been there too. You know what thought, it’s time for a new blessing and a new opportunity. Guess what, you already have it! You woke up today, did you not? You have all of your faculties, do you not? You have love around you (even if you feel that you don’t, you have me and I LOVE YOU!).

No more “Negative Nancy”, you can overcome anything because of the strength within yourself. 

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Whether you say that your source is God or the universe, the result is still the same: You can do ALL things! Dust yourself off, clear your mind, pray, meditate, heal yourself internally and you will overcome your troubles. There is no other option.

Someone will not come and save you, complete you, come and make you happy…you have to do that for yourself…don’t be so blind as to think otherwise. You are much more intelligent than that.

Each time that you allow your circumstances, disappointments, low-times, etc. plague your body, you plague your mind and your life (present and future).

Forgive that person that hurt you or shut the door in your face, you are stronger than those times; forgive for yourself and no one else. 
A better opportunity will arise and be fitting.
Doors open and close, that is what they are supposed to do.
There is a miracle working for you and it was made especially for you.
You are good enough, you are not perfect and you may need some evolution but you have light inside of you…let it shine.

You must make the choice to overcome. Dress to the best of your ability and top it off with a big smile! Go on that vacation or retreat BY YOURSELF. Take yourself on a date. Get a hobby. Enjoy a life with purpose.

Delve into yourself. You are beauty, love, strength, determination, courage, and growth; take off your blinders of love or whatever else and just think about it. Shut off all of the noise in your head and realize this:

As long as there is breath in your body there is a chance to overcome everything that you think is weighing you down. 

Please remember, that there is always someone who has it worse than you. Stand strong and hold onto your faith; it is so much bigger than your problems.

You know that there will be many more struggles in life, but it is up to you to overcome it all. You can do it. No problem is too big. When you overcome, you rise above, you improve your health and you are prepared to bless someone else who may be dealing with something similar. 

James 1:12

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Don’t you see…you must go through that time of difficulty. No it is not pretty or easy, nothing was ever promised to be easy in this life. However, if you do not overcome this time what will happen? You will literally tear apart everything and everyone around you or block blessings.

You are a warrior in this life. Are you using all of your strength to win your battle or are you allowing those difficulties to make decisions for you?

Get up and show the world what you are made of…someone is watching and someone needs you. Choose joy and choose to live the best life possible, after all the choice is yours.

If you need help in your overcoming journey, I am here for you and there are many other positive options available if only you seek resolution.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Mental Health, Positivity, Determination, Overcoming, Challenges, Evolving, Physical Health, Public Health, Global Health, Communication, Ambition

The Sun Strength and Beauty in You


If you wish to overcome your situation, moved beyond obstacles, and change your life, you must be able to acknowledge your circumstances and be willing to make the changes necessary to reach to the next level. You know who you are, now what will you do with that knowledge?
James 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:12 “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
Be blessed and be at peace.



One thing that we have all dealt with at one point or
another is doubt. Do you know that self-doubt is one of the worst things that
you can allow to exist in your life?
We have internal power that burns like a roaring flame and will
only grow into a wildfire if we take the time to tap into that power and put in
the necessary effort to evolve our lives.
So, as usual, I have some questions for y’all…
What is stopping you from achieving your goals?
What do you bring to the table in you life/career?
What makes you-you?
What are your God-given talents that cannot be bought/taught?
What have you experienced in your life that has helped you begin to shape your future?
-The answers to these questions are what can eliminate those moments of self-doubt
and self-questioning!!

The problem that we all face is that we fail to take inventory of what we have to bring to the table. 

By just being yourself and living in what God has given
you, perfecting your gifts, and taking the time to evaluate your position in
life will help you to understand who you are. Then you can learn to work with
what you have and who you are.
Place a strong emphasis on YOU! Why? Because you are the key to
your future! Everything that you do shapes your entire life both present and

Psalms 139: 13-14 “For you formed my inward parts; you
knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” 
God created you to do great things and no weapon, no man, no
force, and no spirit can stop you from achieving your ultimate goals…only you can
stop you.

1 Chronicles 16:11 “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek His face always.” Even in those moments of doubt…even when you are feeling weak there is a strength that lives inside of you. God can give you that peace that you are looking for. The Universe is in tune with your needs and concerns. Doubt won’t last and won’t be welcome in your life if you work hard to push it away.

Stop feeling like a victim, stop blaming your “mess” on other
people…mommy and daddy know that you are grown and you are responsible for
becoming an educated adult who makes wise decisions in life, love and business.
If you ever need to be put in check, get in the mirror and speak
affirmations to yourself; talk to God regularly. Tell the devil that he/she is
not welcome in your life.
Remember this, if no one in your family is there for you when
you need them and no friend is around, I am here for you…I won’t let you
fall. I will push you, give you the tough love that you may need; I’ll cry with
you, pray with you/for you, and do anything in my power to help evolve your
thinking and your behavior.
Get on the bandwagon and bless the world with all that you are
and all that you can be!
Eliminate self-doubt.

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
Dracunculiasis- The guinea worm is a large parasite that affects human and can cause dracunculiasis by migrating through body and eventually emerging. Symptoms include joint pain, swelling, fever, a burning sensation, muscle pain, ulcers, nausea and vomiting (WHO). Relief can be found via emerging the area in water, which also causes a release of larvae into the water; drinking from this water begins a new cycle of infection in whoever consume the water. The infected person can remain ill for months. There is no drug to prevention or heal the disease, but it is rarely fatal. Treatment include cleansing wound, gentle extraction over time, and topical antibiotics. This disease is common in areas of Africa. Prevention includes case containment, safe drinking water, health education, and vector control (CDC). Always pay attention to how you treat your body, seek help when needed, and remember that it is better to be educated and prepared than to have to treat.

Doubt, Strength, Challenges, Determination, Epidemiology, Self-Worth, Appreciation, God, Universe, Empowerment



What is change?
What are our lives but elements of change?

Have you been wanting things to just get better? Have you been
feeling financially burdened on a regular basis?

Do you want something better? Someone better?

Guess what is holding you back… YOU!!

Education is to knowledge as character is to respect.
Everything that you want and everything that you want to be, you can do and/or achieve!!

Every morning that you wake up you have another day to change,
evolve, grow, and LIVE IN YOUR PURPOSE- LIVE LIFE ON PURPOSE. Use your
God-given gifts and talents!

You know the basic difference between a rich man and a poor man?
Nothing, at all. We all have the same 24 hours!

If you want to make a change, make the change!

Nothing is going to just fall into your lap.

Sure it may be hard, but think about what could happen if you only try! Imagine
what might be there just beyond that barrier of comfort.

Break the mold!

The time that you spend just scrolling on Facebook, posting on Instagram, and using filters for fun on Snapchat could be time that you are
networking on LinkedIn, filling out your FAFSA, looking at online courses (busy dad/mom), etc.

Ephesians 5:15-16
“Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” The world is full of opportunities (limitless, boundless
opportunities). God grants new mercies every morning. God never stops shaping and molding you; he sees all knows all and can give you all that your heart desires. The Universe, that which lives inside of you, is always at work…there are no slow moments or days off. Every day that you do not seek knowledge or challenge yourself to take that next step, you are missing out and so is the person/people that you are to bless/support.

Proverbs 14:15 
“The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.” Don’t fall for what someone tells you to do or not do without research and seeking further insight. Every step that you take matters. Your hours and days are numbered…what will you do with your time to become who you are called to be or all that you dream to be?

Meditate, make that vision board, and be the change that you want to see!

Claim things that you want, and act as they are already
physically present. (MANIFEST)

Ok…now, what are you waiting for?
If you need motivation or help making your dream come true,
connect with me, your idol, people in the position that you are dreaming of,
etc. The guidance and help is there. The question is, do you really want the help?


Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Chagas Disease (also know as American trypanosomiasis): This neglected parasitic infection disease is caused by a parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and is transmitted to animals and people via the triatomine bug (sometimes known as the kissing bug). It is more common in Mexico, Central America, South America, and rural Latin America, in areas of widespread poverty (CDC). Chagas is an endemic in these areas, as people are at greatest risk there. More than 300,000 people with T. cruzi live in the US and acquired the infection in other countries. Infection can be from mom-child, from contaminated blood transfusions, organ transplant, lab accident, or contaminated food and/or drinks. It can last up to a few months; there can be swelling, changes in heart rhythm difficulties swallowing, and bowel issues, Blood work will lead to diagnosis by observing the parasite under a microscope; other testing can be performed (CDC). People with weakened/suppressed immune systems need to be seek a physician immediately; there is treatment via medication is available (WHO). Prevention methods include being mindful of where you sleep, using bed nets, using insecticides, doing home improvement, and practicing good hygiene and cleanliness. Seek the help of a physician or caregiver as soon as possible. Take good care of yourself and your families. 

God, Change, Evolution, Challenges, Success, Growth, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Determination, Healing



Often times we go through a worldly struggle, a difficult moment, financial
problems, etc. We question ourselves, the world, and God… saying: why me? How
am I going to get through this? I can’t make ends meet. Why do I have to choose
between food and bills? Which do I pick: job or school? Should the biological parent of my child continue to be in my life because of
the blood connection or a should I be with someone who truly loves me and my family?
So on and so forth. The list can go on and on.

Two things I want you to remember:

1. There is ALWAYS someone who has it far worse than you. Think of a homeless
adult, an orphaned teenager, someone with incurable cancer, etc. Now do you
feel any different?

2. You are your own worst enemy. You cause your fear and your worry… that’s
not of God. Where are you sending your energy? Negative begets negative. Evil
begets evil.
Every time that you allow your struggle to take over your mind, body, and soul
you are denying your own strength and abilities. 

Philippians 4:19
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in
Christ Jesus.
Lean not on your own understanding. Remember who you are.
Reach for the stars.
No problem is too big for God!
Put in your work and God will do the rest.
God is with you.

are beautiful inside and out. You are amazing.
Your opportunities are boundless. 

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Babesiosis: A disease caused by a tick in the nymph stage that has been in contact with an Babesia spp. infected mouse for a blood meal. This disease is common in the U.S. in the Northeast and Midwestern regions during the warm months. Symptoms are uncommon but include: fatigue, fever, chills,  and hemolytic anemia (CDC). Those with compromised immune systems or are elderly are at a higher risk of getting the disease. Lab testing can be used to detect Babesia; this can include blood work followed by PCR and/or FISH testing. There are prescription medications to take to treat the disease. Do not take your health lightly; to have good health is a blessing unlike any other, so do what you can to live your best life. Get the help of a physician when you need it; it could make a world of a difference. 

Blessings, Opportunity, Understanding, Challenges, Overcoming, Positivity, Mental Health, Public Health, Empowerment, Epidemiology

A- Alpha (Addressing The Beginning)


For those who may be going through a tough time, illness, or
in bereavement this first post of motivation is for you.

To become stronger than you are, make changes in your life, or grow into who you are called to be you must first take inventory; everything happened for a reason, it is time to look a bit deeper into those reasons, from the beginning/root of it all.

God is a god of miracles, provision, new mercies, of support,
love, compassion, favor and deliverance. No matter how tough your situation may
be, know that God will carry you through ANY storm. You need only to trust him. The universe is in tune with your needs.

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not
be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will
uphold you with my righteous right hand”

For those who may not believe in God, know that all things
work if you put your energy into the proper place. Things that you speak out
into the universe come to fruition. Difficult times do not last. Time and
change are inevitable, along with many things like growth and death. We cannot
change the way that things happen after we make a decision, but we can change
our outlook. 

See the value in time and patience.

Challenge yourself to seek guidance from those with wisdom.
Feel that you are able to overcome anything; grow not Annoyed or Aggravated,
because although you may not be Able to see the sun during your storm a rainbow
is soon to come and you will see the light again.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***

Amebiasis: A disease caused by a parasite (E. histolytica). It is most common in areas where there is poor sanitation and in tropical areas; it is also more common in homosexual men. Coming in contact with food or water that is contamination by human feces from someone with an infection from E. histolytica; people can also directly swallow the eggs from the parasite from via contaminated surfaces or fingers (CDC). Symptoms include: loose stool and abdominal pain/cramping; symptoms present themselves in about 2-4 weeks. Diagnosis can be difficult as the parasite can look very similar to others, but blood tests can be recommended by a physician. Although people do not always become sick because of the infection, treatment and medications/antibiotics are available; only about 10-20% of people infected with the parasite become sick (CDC). Practice good hygiene to prevent spreading the infection. If you feel like something is wrong or or if your body is sending you signals, please seek a physician or healthcare provider. Healthy living starts inside.

Challenges, Changes, Determination, Empowerment, Evolution, God, Faith, Global Health, Mental Health, Public Health, Healing

The Truth of the Past: Written Version of Facing the Pain of 2010-2016

We walk around with cordial smiles and the phrase “I’m fine” anytime anyone asks how we are doing.
Do they really want to know how we are doing?

We mask our tears with happy pictures on social media.
Look into my eyes in these pictures, am I really happy?

We crave attention and love, but settle for mediocrity and our partners fake love.
People say they want something real, long lasting, and true and yet fall for the simplest words of kindness.

Women over and over again “let” their partners take over their minds, and lose track of themselves.

Many aim to be great achievers and believe they are queens/kings and yet they cater to jokers.

My bruised heart and scarred body tells the story of truth and perseverance.
I have been the previously mentioned people and played all of the roles, but the time to face my truth of who I am is knocking on my door.
I dream to become this highly educated, well-rounded, and accomplished genetic engineer, but my nightmares haunt my dedicated and ambitious reality; maybe I am chasing the wrong dream.

I am always fighting for the truth and always running to someone else’s rescue.
I cry so often that I can no longer feel the pain in my heart, it just gets erased as I cater to the feelings of someone else.

The torment it brings is unreal, but over and over again I let it slide; I cry myself to sleep then let it go.
The pain and sadness is swarming all around me, but who besides God will be there to help me heal?

When the narcissism starts up as it always does, will I be able to fake it again?

Torn apart like shreds of paper, my heart still beats and longs for true love, but how much pain will I have to endure to get through the hardship and truly acknowledge my worth?

It’s time to make some changes.