Overcoming Situations & Facing Others’ Negativity


Making a choice to overcome vs coping is entirely up to you, but remember you must be prepared to face the outcome.

Being stuck in a situation, or simply feeling stuck, is never a healthy place to be. It will fog your mind, cause confusion, and bring on levels of stress unlike any other. (Ask me how I know…)

So, you’ve made the choice to overcome…what can you do with the negativity that may come your way because of it?

Oh yes sir and yes ma’am, there will be those who are out to rain on your parade, and those who want to make you feel bad for your choice to claim your power…but you must be ready.

Choose, in your mind, to stand firm in your decisions. If you have made the choice to overcome, you can make the choice to find happiness in your new journey.

Those directly attached to you may not understand your choice and they may not know your new walk…but guess what…it isn’t for them to understand.

You see, others gain power only when you allow them to do so. You must stand up for yourself, and be aware of all that you are.

God has an amazing plan and purpose for your life…why else would you be here? Why else would you be reading this? 
The universe is molding this amazing life for you, and energy is being activated. Why else would you have chosen to overcome? Why else would you be diligently working toward achieving something better?

You are doing what it takes to create a navigation system for your life. If you choose to allow someone else’s evilness and negativity to creep in, guess where you’re headed…a dead end, and we know that road leads to nowhere.

You better be ready for whatever comes your way. Don’t be fearful, because you are never alone, and greatness is coming your way.

Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Evil and negativity come in many forms, be prepared for what others may say or try to do. Remember who you are, turn the other cheek whenever possible, and do not be afraid of stepping on the toes of those who mean you no good.  Your courage is internal as is the plot of those do who evil things; you have the power and the ball is in your court. What you do and what you allow into your life is up to you. Overcome it, stand firm, and believe in yourself. God is with you every step of the way. The universe is connected to you, so do what is best for you and do not let go of your strength.

John 3:20 
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” From me directly to you: You do whatever it takes to pour sugar on your circumstances and over others instead of dishing out revenge and violence. Your blessing is coming. Those who are evil see no problem in what they are doing, in fact they find a sense of responsibility/comfort in doing what they do. If you throw back what they give you that does not make the situation better, you are giving them your power and allowing them to put a shade over your light.

When someone decides to treat you like trash after you make that choice to do good things or choose a better path for your life, remember this…the problem is not you, it is buried deep inside of them. You cannot change them, so the best thing for you to do is be happy with your choice and keep choosing the be on the side of what is right and good.

Negativity is like that of the darkness, it remains still and it lingers until someone turns on the light. Be the light.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
Meningitis can be caused by bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite, or an amoeba. It affects approximately 4000 people annually. It can lead to severe medical issues or death if not treated quickly.  The brain and spinal cord are severely affect. Person-to-person transmission is possible as is a spread through contaminated food, during birth, droplets, and via improper hand washing. As with many other diseases, those with a compromised immune system, younger/older, or are pregnant are at an increased risk of contracting the disease. Symptoms appear within 3-7 days after exposure; they include nausea, vomiting, confusion, and photophobia (CDC, 2017). You need to seek a physician for antibiotic treatment. Take good care of yourself and maintain healthy habits.  

Evil, Overcoming, Positivity, Negativity, Change, Evolving, Global Health, Healing, Public Health, Empowerment, Mental Health, Achievement, Kindness

Cope, Hide, Overcome, Run or Escape? (C.H.O.R.E.)


So, you’ve had a bad day…
Your kids are driving you mad…
You’re feeling stuck…
You can’t answer the “what if” question….
Life is sending you on the roller coaster of your life…

No matter what storm you go through, you have options to choose from.
Each one will get you an end.
Each one will have a consequence.
Each one can take you out of your situation.

Which do you choose?
Will you cope, hide, overcome, run, or escape?

If the answer doesn’t come to you immediately, then you have some work and thinking to do. 

No more crying, no more pity party, no more hiding.

Burdens that arise in our lives stress our minds, bodies, and spirits…look at the power that we can give those things.   (Scary…)

In the midst of a breakdown in anything from your finances to your spirit, you must make the choice to cope with what happened, run, escape, and overcome…hiding and sitting on your butt whining and complaining will only give you more of the same. No matter the choice you make, be sure that you are prepared to live with the outcome.

You need to shape your mind, evolve your thinking, and make a decision sooner than later…because little do you know you are affecting everyone around you while you live in that storm. You are causing pain and destruction to yourself and your future; you deserve clarity, peace, and happiness…so choose wisely.

Though the pressure may seem high, you have to do your C.H.O.R.E. If you need support or somewhere to turn, I promise it is much closer than you think. You have friends, love, and family (even those who aren’t related) that care about you…I PROMISE. I care 100% and I am here for you.

You must be willing to do the work. Are you ready?

Getting beyond your circumstances will start in the mind. You have to step out of your element to see beyond the fire in your eyes or the flame circling your situation. 

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  God can deliver you from your circumstances if and only if you believe, and if you put in the REQUIRED effort. Things will not change on their own nor will they magically disappear. You can have the peace that you desire, but it may take time.

Please, know that you are not the only one dealing with a tough time; also know that you can are the master of your life. It is okay to choose to cope with your situation if it the best thing for you and/or your family; you have to step back and answer the question on your own, no one else can make that decision for you. Be wise, think, and weigh your option; comb through your situations with a fine tooth comb.

1 Peter 3:9-11
“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.” 
I know that you may have a deep hurt inside of yourself because of something that someone else said or did, and yes you should stand up for yourself. Remember this though, you need to do what you can to mend the situation; in every other area simply be kind- no matter how difficult that may be. 

To briefly cover a powerful conversation that included the Dalai Lama- He said that if you are living with anger/negativity inside of yourself that is selfishness; you must realize that what you are seeing is simply that and nothing more- it is not really what is happening. You have to be able to look deeper at your situation and inside of yourself to make changes and evolve from your current position.

It is time to take drastic measures. Shape it up and shake it off; push for change and try your best not to question your decision after it has been made.

Though challenges may present themselves, you must make a healthy choice. The words you speak, the choices you make, and the space that you reside in affect your life in every way. 

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
As we know, stress can be linked to many kinds of illnesses and disorders varying from something as “simple” as a migraine to PTSD and Heart Disease. It is important to understand the impact that events in your life can have on your mind and body. Be careful and pay attention to what your body tells you. If you are experiencing stress do what it takes to find true, lasting peace; it may just save your life. 

Cope, Overcome, Strong, Growth, Empowerment, Mental Health, Public Health, Kindness, Global Health, Healing, Positivity

X- Xenodochial


Where is your heart and love for your fellow man? Do you know that with one word or one smile you can insight growth/change?

Xenodochial, not a common word for the every day vocabulary simply means being friendly to strangers.

How many times have you been wrapped up in your own little world and walked right past someone who may have been smiling at you or may have said something kind to you?  I know that I have a few times, and it can make the giver/receiver feel horrible inside.

How many times have you said “Good morning”, given a compliment or said “Have a nice day” to someone with no response given back? I bet it’s more than a few times.

First off, don’t automatically expect someone to be kind to you; if you do, you will set yourself up for disappointment.

What I want you to do is realize your place in this world, all of your experiences, and all that you have to offer. You need to be concerned with your behavior, even to strangers.

You may be that person whose smile will save a life. You may be that person that is very kind to someone on the elevator and a few minutes later find out that very person is the CEO of the company you are being interviewed at. You may be that person lightens up someone’s day every time you go to the store, salon, etc. just because you bring your radiated light and kindness in with you. You may be the person that a little girl/boy thinks they look like and they admire you. All of these things and more could be inside of you.

Be xenodochial, it is very easy.

Even if someone is not so kind to you, you can pay them back with a friendly word or kind gesture. God sees all that you do and all that is inside of your heart. Your friendliness can be the blessing that someone needs, you never know.

Now, do not go around thinking that you are the king/queen of the world and all must bow down to you and treat you like royalty.

Do not allow someone to intentionally treat you poorly, either.

You have power, love, light, beauty, kindness, and joy inside of you why shouldn’t you share it with the world?

Think about it like this, for every year of your life you have learned at least one thing. From these lessons, trials, storms, and moments of happiness you have evolved.

Be mindful that some stranger, somewhere in the world needs you. They may need you to learn how to grow, evolve, become educated, leave an unhealthy relationship, prepare for the working world, become more spiritual, become in-tune with themselves/God/Universe.

You learn for a reason. If you are learning and you have something to offer the world, do it.

Being kind to a stranger is a great place to start spreading joy and light.

There are days when you may feel full of sadness, anger, confusion, etc. but know that still you must stand strong and keep your faith…someone needs you.

1 Peter 3:8-9

“…you must all have the same attitude and the same feelings; love one another, and be kind and humble with one another. Do not pay back evil with evil or cursing with cursing; instead, pay back with a blessing, because a blessing is what God promised to give you when he called you.” 
—-Do not take it personally if someone is unkind to you, just do your part and be friendly to everyone around you. God has embedded you with love…give it back to the world. The Universe holds love as the foundation of all things, it is your job to build from it a life and world of love and blessings.

1 John 4:6-8

We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. That is how we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of deception. Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.…”
—-You were not put on this Earth to do things solely for yourself. You are a being of love and created by love. It is your job to spread love. What is one the most beautiful and pure ways to love? Friendship. Friendship starts by being friendly, caring for someone, and offering light. You start off as strangers to one another and through heart-to-heart connection you bless the world and generate love.

Be xenodochial (friendly to strangers), not just with your words but with all of your actions. You never know, there may be someone who needs you in one moment or that very person could be an angel.

Take advantage of every moment and do good things.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
XDR TB (Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis)- According to the CDC, this is a rare form of TB that is caused by an organism that is resistant to the two most potent TB drugs. This type of TB is spread just as Drug-susceptible TB is spread; bacteria is spread via the air when a person coughs, sneezes, shouts, or sings. A person who is not properly taking their TB medication can also develop XDR TB (WHO). The bacteria can remain in the air for hours and when someone inhales the TB bacteria-infected air they can become infected. Those who are immuno-compromised are at a higher risk of infection than those who are healthy. Education and medical support are important in prevention of this disease. Practice good hygiene. As always, if you feel like something is wrong with your body seek the care of a physician. Practice good hygiene

Friendly, Kindness, Character, Love, Joy, Empowerment, Faith, Global Health, Mental Health, Epidemiology, Public Health, Nurturing, Smile, Healing

S- Senses


*Proverbs 2:2*

If you have ever sat back and questioned the voices in your head, you have sensed a higher purpose.

If you have ever longed for something different, you have sensed the need for evolution/transformation.
If you have ever looked in the mirror and did not like what you perceived as a flaw, you have sensed the need to live a healthy life.
If you have ever cried in the middle of the night or lost needed sleep, you have sensed the need to change or to find answers to unanswered questions.
If you have ever felt unfulfilled, you have sensed the need for a new path or a change in scenery.
If you have ever felt that something just wasn’t right…it is time to stop ignoring your good sense and senses to changes, and appreciate what your subconscious/God/the universe is speaking to you.

If you can acknowledge your senses, then you can acknowledge what you need to do for your personal growth, career, and your family. 

It is time to use what you see, hear, feel, think, and know to gathered what is called common sense and become a better you.

Remember this: Common sense is not so common, if it was everyone would have it.

1 Corinthians 15:33

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.””
Be mindful of the company that you keep, as they can help you ignore that which your soul, spirit, and mind are trying to tell/teach you. If you know that someone around you is hurting you, distracting you, blocking you from reaching your potential…cut the weeds! Have enough sense to know who is good for you and who is wreaking havoc on your life.

Stop THINKing that you know everything.
Stop thinking that things will get better on their own.
Don’t be blinded by what the world, your peers, your colleagues or what your family is feeding you. 

Stop FEELing that what “he” or “she” has or is doing is for you or not for you. 

What you see can make or break you; be wise enough to feel what your heart and mind are telling you, and know the difference. If you feel that you can make a change or get to the next level, don’t just imagine and daydream about it- be about it!

Stop SEEing others rise in success and stop sitting back and complaining about how you wish it was you. Stop seeing growth in others and stop thinking negatively about it. You are making decisions in every moment to seize the day or put a new dent in your couch and whine about what you don’t have or how the world is against you.

Stop simply using your ears to HEAR and start listening to advice, words of wisdom, the universe’s messages, and what those voices in your mind are telling you.

Proverbs 28:26

Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”
You do not know everything. In fact, everyone and everything in your life is meant to teach you something; take off your blinders. Allow your senses to open and be receptive enough to receive information that will help you transform your life.

Do you have enough sense to stop trying and start doing? If you haven’t in the past, now is the time to make your life worth living.

Everything that want, you can have if you put in the effort and stop denying yourself greatness. 

Close your eyes and count to 10. Now open them, do you feel a sense of relief or clarity. Do you see beauty and feel the heartbeat of everything around you? Do you hear every sound of quiet or noise in its entirety? Your senses can help guide your path. If simply closing your eyes can make you pay attention to you senses, imagine what would happen if you took the time to do that same thing every day. If you envisioned what you really want in the form of a vision or in meditation (regularly/daily)…you would change your world.

Tell whatever that is ailing you that it is no longer welcome, then makes some changes; don’t ignore your senses.

God hear, sees, knows, and feels all. The universe is in tune with you. If you are shaping your life and acknowledging your purpose and your senses, then your life will be a blessing to the world around you. 

Nobody needs to come and pat you on your back every 5 seconds to remind you of your achievements or your successes. Pay attention to those who really support you and care about you; they have been put in your life (with no negative attachments) for a reason. Do not become blind to your blessings.

Remember: your senses are there to make you aware and appreciative of what you are given/blessed with. Be in tune with yourself, but do not become “stuck on stupid”.

“Always let your conscience be your guide.” Jiminy Cricket
You may not always make the best decisions, but as long as you are trying and being the best and kindest person that you can be, you are on the right track.

*Health Spotlight*
If your body is giving you signs or making you sense that something is wrong, do not ignore that. Your body will tell you if you are lacking vitamins, needing hydration, or need to address underlying issues that are invisible to the eye. If we take the time to acknowledge that our physical body is just as important as every other aspect of our lives, we can lead a healthier, longer life. Don’t make excuses, go to the doctor. It is better/easier to be prepared and practice prevention methods than it is to treat illnesses. Take care of yourself. Many people love you and need you, including me.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Senses, Hearing, Thinking, Seeing, Acknowledging, Vision, Positivity, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Wisdom, Common Sense, Strength, Character, Kindness, Determination, Healing, Empowerment, Meditation, Success