For every bad thing that you encounter or endured there is something beautiful to be seen or understood.
Lessons learned in life can be so difficult and I could never make light of anything that anyone faces, but I will say that there is a reason for your circumstances.
Whether we are talking about an abusive relationship that you have overcome, an amazing job that you have had your eye on, a love that you lost, or anything in between there is a lesson to be learned from each situation/circumstance.
I know that you have learned and know very well that all that glitters isn’t gold, but do you also know that there are jewels to be discovered and appreciated in your darkest of days and clearest of nights?
Everything that you go through has a meaning, you have to understand that the lesson no matter how difficult it may be to receive is a blessing for you.
I want you to think about these lessons as the jewels in your life. If this means that you have to put on your hypothetical rose colored glasses (only for a moment) to see the positivity in your situation, do it.
Challenge yourself to take a journey through your mind, heart, body, and soul- give your situations, storms, circumstances a “full body scan” so to speak, and think about the why and work without giving up to understand the lesson.
When you wear your favorite accessory or piece of jewelry, you do so because it makes you feel a sense of happiness right? Shouldn’t your life’s lessons give you a sense of happiness after they have been learned?
Think about all of the things that make your life grand, beautiful, and worth living even when your heart is feeling heavy – this is easier said than done, but is very much worth it.
Take note and think about all of the jewels in your life: lessons, peace, happiness, family, kids, friends, education, successes, business, gifts and talents.
To the Bible & Universe We Go!
Proverbs 20:15
“There is gold and abundance of costly stones, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” You don’t have to own jewels, gems, or stones to understand how gorgeous and precious they are. Your mind, body, and soul are precious jewels. Evolution of your mind is more precious than jewels; your knowledge is your life’s glimmering light.
The Universe gifts you with lessons, experiences, wisdom, knowledge, opportunities, and values to be appreciated. Each of which are grand, beautiful, and a wonderful part of your life. Take the time to understand this and be joyful in it.
Isaiah 62:3
“You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of God.” You are absolutely amazing and truly a jewel; your value and worth are high on the list my dear. Take a hint and work to bless your own life and all of those around you by wearing your jewels that life and God have given you.
***Health Spotlight***
I love the idea of traveling so why not address global issues. 🙂
Japanese Encephalitis
Symptoms: fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, possibility of movement disorders, and mental status changes.
Prevalence: less than one percent infected with the virus develop clinical illness (CDC) Twenty to thirty percent of those who develop encephalitis die; 30-50% of survivors have continued cognitive, neurologic and psychiatric symptoms.
Prevention: a vaccine is recommended for those traveling to an endemic area and will be there for over a month or a shorter period if someone will be outside of an urban area.
Treatment: symptomatic- includes rest, fluids, pain reliever and fever reducing medication.