N – No Longer a Victim


Whether you are the person that lost yourself, faced brokenness, lost your voice, were beaten, were molested, faced assault of any kind, face being hurt with intent, or anything in between you were once a victim.

I faced much from being forced to do unspeakable acts to being physically and sexually assaulted. This is my truth that I share to you. There is much more than could be shared, but we will keep the past brief as the future is much more important.

You see, when you were living in pain, you were forced to become a person that you were surely not happy with. Perhaps, like me, you felt torn apart, like you had no value, like your opinions and/or feelings didn’t matter. Maybe you felt like you became another person to make someone else comfortable, unbothered, or calm… None of this is fair and I can assure you that I can relate to you in one way or another. 

At some point, you have to realize that you are no longer a victim. 
– If you have already done this, I applaud you and send you the warmest of hugs on the greatest change that has occurred in your life. I promise that you still have growing to do and thoughts of the past will arise (I know this from experience), but you have put in some serious work and have taught yourself some truly valuable life and love lessons.

– If you have not done this already, your time is now. You can Break Your Silence Against Domestic Violence or whatever you may have faced in your past. You ARE NO LONGER A VICTIM, I speak that (out loud) on your life right now.

I freely speak freedom on your life because I know how it feels to be bound to your pain. You, in this very moment, have to power to gain your freedom and live in it.

Freedom is a release of all that may have hurt you or held you back in some form. 

You have to make the choice and consistent decision to say:
I am no longer a victim. 
I am no longer going to allow my past to hurt me. 
The lessons that my past ( the Universe and/or God) taught me are for my good.
My past does not control my future.
What I faced will not stop me.
I may have dealt with that, but I can still have anything that I want in my life.

For me when I faced homelessness, brokenness, deep pain, hopelessness, and a loss of self, I could not see anything but that. I had to learn and re-learn all that I could have in my life. God promised me (and you) a life of prosperity. I had to decide again and again to chose me.

You MUST reclaim your power. You must make the decision to stop being a victim and move into the realms of being a survivor; this is only step one. For every moment that you allow your past to reign over you or any aspect of your life, you lose another significant moment of happiness, peace, and living in your greatest purpose.

I’m not making light of anything that you have faced, as I know pain and have spoken to/mentored many people in their quest to be free and live a positively evolved life. What I am saying is that you have to choose yourself over and over again; this is the only way that you can truly be free. 

I lived as a victim more years than one. I lived as a victim and the pain weighed more than a ton. I lived as victim through perceived obligation and force. Now I have changed my life for the better, never to return to that broken obstacle course. #btsadv #KayLasPositivityCorner

No more making excuses about how you can’t do things because you were hurt. It is time for you to take control.

If I can go through rounds of pain for years, find myself, then fall again, find myself then make excuses for my abuserS, then find myself again and crawl out of the dust to get to where I am – now a Master of Public Health that graduated with a well-deserved 4.0 making the President’s List twice, an empowerment via holistic health blogger, and the managing director at Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, you can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. You are no longer a victim, so stop behaving as such. Proclaim that you are free and start fighting for want you want and deserve in you life. Need an accountability partner? I will help you and you can help me.

This message is so strong and so important to me that we have to hit the bible three times!

Psalms 9:9
“The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” God has been there for you even if you didn’t know it or feel His presence. When you were going through your rough patches, He was implanting love and strength in you. It is your time to act on all that you have learn; welcome God into this new part of your journey and remember that you are no longer a victim and you must start acting/living like it.

The Universe activates what you think about and act on. If you are telling yourself that you are living in low spaces or thoughts as you are because of what you experienced, guess what thoughts and feelings will surround you? Brokenness and inability to change you life for the better. Be encouraged starting right now and change everything because you deserve it. Speak it out loud, it is being heard!

Psalms 147:3
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” You are no longer a victim, God is binding your wounds, putting you through perfect surgery. What are you doing with your healing? How are you living? How do you feel? If you are not shaking everything up and working on bettering your life and living in your highest purpose, you are doing yourself a great disservice! You better start making changes because no matter what you faced, no one can change your future except you. 

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Tell your giants (your past pain and anything that binds you) that it is time go! Knock your walls down! If you haven’t made changes, turned things around for your good, or loosed whatever has hurt you, you may be living in fear but that is not what God has promised you. He gave you so much more…so what are you doing with it? If you haven’t done anything with that knowledge, I dare you to start today! “You are the seed by faith received, the blessing of Abraham – it’s your inheritance, get your inheritance!” -Donald Lawrence

I said it before and I say it again SURVIVORS, YOU ARE NO LONGER VICTIMS SO ACT LIKE IT! I believe in you and I know that you are going to have so many great things come your way if you have faith, believe in yourself, and act on what you want.

You are living, so start doing so! Dream big… I do! Why dream small when you can have it all?

Be blessed and be at peace.

***Health Spotlight***
National Public Health Week #NPHW #NPHW2019 #IDWP

Healthy Communities: We all deserve access to high-quality, compassionate care, but this is not always the case for many communities. Do what you can to create a shift in this in your own neighborhood via volunteer efforts or anything that calls to your heart. It will make a true difference.

Violence Prevention: What you and your children watch, hear, listen to on the radio, read about etc. affects everything that you do. Speak peace, bridge gaps faced, do whatever you can to heal people around you, you may just save a life. We can all do our part here.

Rural Health: You can act positively here and work to bridge gaps in healthcare. Build a program, share your ideas with organizations, volunteer, contribute, do whatever it takes to bring health to all people. People living in urban areas should have the same access as others; if we collaborate and keep our hearts intact we can create a positive and long-lasting impact in healthcare.

Technology and Public Health: The world is changing and advancing rapidly, bringing care to people can mean the use of technology. I am building a program to bridge a gap in dv, what are you doing to make a shift using what you know and are an expert in?

Global Health: We walk through life often complaining about what we face big or small. How often do you think about the world? Global health is so important to me because I frequently think about people what others are facing: no access to care, drought, disease, homelessness, etc. This world has over 7 billion people living in it. If you can help one person, one community, one state in health care, think about how much you have done and how many others will be positively impacted. 

You have the power to create positive changes all around you. Start digging to find out how. Live in your positive purpose today and forever. The world needs you. Use your lessons from the days of being a victim to empower and change the world today.

Victim, Survivor, Empowerment, Mental Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Evolving, Overcome, Determination, Community, Growth, Happiness, Manifest, Mindfulness, Domestic Violence, Strength, Success, Support, Universe, God, Bible

G – Giving Just Enough


I give too much…
I give too little…
I give just enough…
Are you giving enough according to what you believe, practice, and value?

How many times have you told yourself that you were going to give something your all?
How often do you stick to giving that “thing” you all?

How often have you only giving something a bit of your effort because you weren’t really concerned about it?
When you did that, did you find even more disappointment or go back and wish that you had given it more effort?

Have you given too much of yourself to someone or something? When you do this, you can leave yourself with emptiness, lost hope, brokenness, and lost will to even love yourself or make yourself happy.

How about this?… Have you ever given just enough effort/time?

Who says that enough isn’t enough? I can’t tell you who first said it, but you can start saying when enough IS enough.

You see, for everything that you delve into whether it is a new job, school, writing a book, building a home, buying a car and everything in between you can say when enough is enough.

What does enough mean?

Amazing and wonderfully, your life is your own- meaning it is unique and no one else can live your life. God built a specific life for you to lead. The Universe works in your favor in accordance to what you do, think, practice, and meditate on; it shapes things for you.

Since your life is uniquely put together shouldn’t you be the one to say when enough is good enough?

Let’s think about this a little deeper…

1. You must be mindful and aware of your actions and behavior. Saying that people should accept you for who you are does not apply if you are choosing to be immature, ignorant, foolish, prideful, or negative. Be aware that enough is enough applies in this one if you are being your best self.

2. When taking on a new endeavor of any sort, you must determine what is enough. If giving your all is enough, stick to that and do not give up. You see, you can’t start off giving what is enough to you and then one day decide that you are tired of doing that (without seeking positive change first). You are in charge…so what’ll it be?

3. In a relationship, again you determine what is enough. Truly take self-inventory before you decide what is enough, though. Are you being a good listener, compassionate helper, cheerful giver, etc.? If you are, then you are doing enough…don’t let anyone make you feel or think that you are not doing enough or that you are not good enough at your core. Don’t be afraid to Break The Silence and claim your excellence; your live is yours and you do not have to prove yourself to anyone.

4. Give enough to everyone that you encounter. You were granted tools and also have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit. For every person that you run into, you have something to give. Give from your heart whether it is in words, a story, a smile, or your business card…do what you can to give enough. This can be connected to giving back to your community or an organization like Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence; give what you can, volunteer, run for a cause, support a mission, help your friend/neighbor…simply give enough according to your heart. Everything happens for a reason, so make the most of the meeting, mission, or conversation. 

5. Giving enough to your family is equally defined by you. Do not burn yourself out; if you need to do something for yourself and have the ability to do so, practice self-care regularly. This can mean a walk, pampering, reading, meditating, exercising or anything else that makes you feel at peace. Schedule your love and care for your family and yourself; you need it and deserve it. 

The moral of the story is that for everything and everyone in your life you are in full power of determining what is enough. You must take the time to understand what that looks like and execute whatever it takes to achieve that. You do not have to push yourself so far that you lose sight of yourself or get to a point where you are feeling empty or broken- you deserve so much better than that.

Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Think about it, if you are giving enough and happy with what you are putting in, the action is directly connected your heart and can literally give you a sense of fulfillment. Even if you aren’t in the place of where you aim to be, you can embody that sense by planning out all that you aim to do; work to truly feel how you would if you were already at that level of success or happiness.

Proverbs 10:4
“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Think about what you consider to be enough, are you truly putting in the effort that you need to? Is your enough, your work, your push, your mission going to bring you success at the level or space that you are actively living in? God gave and is still giving and revealing to you gifts, angels, words of wisdom, lessons, values, and places to be amazing…are you really giving enough?

The Universe is a place and part of you that is defined by you, your actions, and everything that lives inside of you.

So….I’ll ask you again are you giving enough?

Be blessed and be at peace.
#KayLas Positivity Corner

***Health Spotlight*** Gonorrhea 
Prevalence: this STD can infect anyone that is sexually (vaginal, anal, or oral) active- ejaculation does not have to occur to get the infection. Pregnant women can possibly pass the infection their babies during delivery. According to the CDC there are an estimated 820,000 people infected with gonoccoal infections every year in the U.S.

Symptoms: (in men) burning sensation when urinating, white, yellow or green discharge from penis, painful or swollen testicles ; (in women) painful or burning sensation when urinating, increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods. Rectal infections:  can be asymptomatic or cause symptoms in men and women such as discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, painful bowel movements. If you do not get treated pelvic inflammatory disease is possible (in women) and sterility in men, pain in testicles are possible; also, increased risk in getting HIV and life-threatening issues due to gonorrhea spreading to the blood or joints are possible.

Treatment: treatment can be difficult as there are some drug-resistant strains, but it can be cured with the right treatment. There is a form of dual therapy using two drugs to treat the infection; permanent damage cannot be reversed. If symptoms continue after finishing medication, you need to return to your physician/clinic.

Prevention: use condoms, know your sexual partner and their sexual and medical history, or don’t engage in any sexual encounters.

Giving Enough…
If you ever feel forced to have unprotected sex with someone, you may need to re-evaluate your situation and seek help from the authorities, if needed.  Giving enough in intimacy is definitely defined by both parties; do not push yourself into a realm that you are uncomfortable with. Protect yourself at all cost. Know that you do not have to go to a major physician (and pay a high out-of-pocket price) to get help, community health clinics are in many places. Talk to your friends and family about their health. Communities both near and far are impacted by the good and bad in health choices and delivery of care, so do what you can to bring tough conversations into the light. Seek the help that you need as soon as you need it. Talk to someone; talk to me, I will listen without judgment and help you in any way that I can. 

Let’s lead healthy, happy, prosperous, lives from the inside-out! We deserve it!

Barriers, Community, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Evolving, Friends, Global Health, Happiness, Goals, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Negativity, Opportunity, Passion, Survivor,  Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence, Vision, Warrior, Worthy, Public Health

What Is Public Health & Why Does It Matter?


3 John 1:2
Mark 12:31
Romans 15:2

Drive around your town and tell me that you do not see that there are homeless people.
Keep driving and tell me that there are no areas where there is not a major grocery store.
Now stop and look in your mirrors and tell me that there is no one else around.

Look online at the US Census Bureau and tell me that there is no one living in poverty.
Look at food insecurity statistics in your community and tell me that there is no one that is going to sleep hungry.
Look at unemployment rates and tell me that the number across the world is 0%.

You cannot do any of these things, can you?

Public Health encompasses all that we need, see, and want for ourselves, our families, our communities.

No, the system is not perfect but think of all the good that it is doing just this decade.
People have the ability to go to community health clinics for free or little charge to get the care that they need for themselves or their children. Communities are seeing assistance that was not there before or was not as effective.

There is growth in the public health field and there is hope in future public/global health care leaders, such as myself. We have a vision and a mission to understand the communities that we are serving. We wish to address insecurities and needs for people regardless of their socioeconomic status.

If we care about a family, we must care about a community; this is public health.
Experts in their fields collaborating for the greater good: scientists, doctors, providers, public health leaders, health educators, epidemiologist, etc.- this is public health, at the highest and most effective level.

Why does public health matter?
Think of every member in your family? Does everyone have access to inexpensive care? Can everyone afford to buy their medication and their groceries for the week? If the answer is yes, your family leads a lucky/blessed life and I am being happy for you. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every family. Look at the median income for the U.S. and you may understand a bit better. Public health the gap that many people face and it can help people meet their needs without much struggle.

We all need support, to know that we are understood, and quality health care. Welcome to the potential and the mission of high-quality public health care.

Be blessed and be at peace.
