Dear Black Kings


Dear Black Kings
Dear Black Kings, lean on your Queens.
Know that we know life is harder than it may seem.
We see your worries and feel your pain.
We know that a heavy heart can drive you insane.
We never want you to feel alone,
So feel and see that we are with you in the heat of the zone.
A part of our world may need mending,
But we need your truths to always be ascending.
Even if the road gets rough and your tears do fall,
Your Queen will always be there to pick up the ball.
Give me your hand and tag me in,
In this life, together, we can win.
I carry your heart and you hold mine
With each other, we will yet again see the sun shine.
I’ll wear my crown while we shine yours,
I’ll pray over you and you’ll become you once more.
Strength and courage of a lion and lioness
We will overcome challenges that bring us stress.
We’ll get through dark days with love, know that this is true.
This life together is to be conquered and it’s all possible with me AND you.
Signed, his Black Queen.

X- Xenodochial


Where is your heart and love for your fellow man? Do you know that with one word or one smile you can insight growth/change?

Xenodochial, not a common word for the every day vocabulary simply means being friendly to strangers.

How many times have you been wrapped up in your own little world and walked right past someone who may have been smiling at you or may have said something kind to you?  I know that I have a few times, and it can make the giver/receiver feel horrible inside.

How many times have you said “Good morning”, given a compliment or said “Have a nice day” to someone with no response given back? I bet it’s more than a few times.

First off, don’t automatically expect someone to be kind to you; if you do, you will set yourself up for disappointment.

What I want you to do is realize your place in this world, all of your experiences, and all that you have to offer. You need to be concerned with your behavior, even to strangers.

You may be that person whose smile will save a life. You may be that person that is very kind to someone on the elevator and a few minutes later find out that very person is the CEO of the company you are being interviewed at. You may be that person lightens up someone’s day every time you go to the store, salon, etc. just because you bring your radiated light and kindness in with you. You may be the person that a little girl/boy thinks they look like and they admire you. All of these things and more could be inside of you.

Be xenodochial, it is very easy.

Even if someone is not so kind to you, you can pay them back with a friendly word or kind gesture. God sees all that you do and all that is inside of your heart. Your friendliness can be the blessing that someone needs, you never know.

Now, do not go around thinking that you are the king/queen of the world and all must bow down to you and treat you like royalty.

Do not allow someone to intentionally treat you poorly, either.

You have power, love, light, beauty, kindness, and joy inside of you why shouldn’t you share it with the world?

Think about it like this, for every year of your life you have learned at least one thing. From these lessons, trials, storms, and moments of happiness you have evolved.

Be mindful that some stranger, somewhere in the world needs you. They may need you to learn how to grow, evolve, become educated, leave an unhealthy relationship, prepare for the working world, become more spiritual, become in-tune with themselves/God/Universe.

You learn for a reason. If you are learning and you have something to offer the world, do it.

Being kind to a stranger is a great place to start spreading joy and light.

There are days when you may feel full of sadness, anger, confusion, etc. but know that still you must stand strong and keep your faith…someone needs you.

1 Peter 3:8-9

“…you must all have the same attitude and the same feelings; love one another, and be kind and humble with one another. Do not pay back evil with evil or cursing with cursing; instead, pay back with a blessing, because a blessing is what God promised to give you when he called you.” 
—-Do not take it personally if someone is unkind to you, just do your part and be friendly to everyone around you. God has embedded you with love…give it back to the world. The Universe holds love as the foundation of all things, it is your job to build from it a life and world of love and blessings.

1 John 4:6-8

We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. That is how we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of deception. Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.…”
—-You were not put on this Earth to do things solely for yourself. You are a being of love and created by love. It is your job to spread love. What is one the most beautiful and pure ways to love? Friendship. Friendship starts by being friendly, caring for someone, and offering light. You start off as strangers to one another and through heart-to-heart connection you bless the world and generate love.

Be xenodochial (friendly to strangers), not just with your words but with all of your actions. You never know, there may be someone who needs you in one moment or that very person could be an angel.

Take advantage of every moment and do good things.

Be blessed and be at peace.


***Health Spotlight***
XDR TB (Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis)- According to the CDC, this is a rare form of TB that is caused by an organism that is resistant to the two most potent TB drugs. This type of TB is spread just as Drug-susceptible TB is spread; bacteria is spread via the air when a person coughs, sneezes, shouts, or sings. A person who is not properly taking their TB medication can also develop XDR TB (WHO). The bacteria can remain in the air for hours and when someone inhales the TB bacteria-infected air they can become infected. Those who are immuno-compromised are at a higher risk of infection than those who are healthy. Education and medical support are important in prevention of this disease. Practice good hygiene. As always, if you feel like something is wrong with your body seek the care of a physician. Practice good hygiene

Friendly, Kindness, Character, Love, Joy, Empowerment, Faith, Global Health, Mental Health, Epidemiology, Public Health, Nurturing, Smile, Healing



What does nurturing mean to you? Where do you find yourself nurturing anyone/anything?
Is it in your garden? Is it with your children? Is it with your spouse/significant other?

Are you nurturing yourself? When was the last time that you took inventory on your own life? When was the last time you did something for yourself?

If you are not taking care of yourself, you should take the time to do that (something special, even if that means buying yourself a ice cream cone) at least once a week. Your heart, mind, and soul deserve all of the love you can give to anyone else and then some. Challenge yourself to make your personal (mental and physical health) garden grow. If you are running around in the chaos of life, I know that it can be difficult to truly tune into yourself…but you must do it. 

The phrase “take care” is part mental and part physical. If you are unable to care for yourself, how can you care for anyone else or perform well in school or work? If you are unable to take care of yourself on a regular basis, how can you offer 100% in anything that you do? You can’t because it will not be available to give. You must make changes internally and nurture yourself. 

Nurturing yourself can come in many forms: change in health, meditating, change in daily behavior, change in habitual choices, change in diet, addressing medical prevention, going back to school, gaining a type of certification, getting regular manicures, going to the spa regularly, etc.

Phillipians 2:4
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 
You are supposed to care for yourself and others, if you wish you to have and lead a life full of purpose and beautiful meaning. Challenge yourself to be your own full-time nurturer and watch how the right people will walk into your life.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Sure, life is tough and growing in wisdom is just as tough, but you can do it. You are put to the test everyday, and you have the choice to make a change or stay the same. By changing your mindset, you can better nurture yourself and all around you. Know the you will receive what you put out into the world. God will bless you and the universe will reciprocate and further provide great things if you are doing great things with humility and compassion.

Nurture yourself today and always, and watch how beautifully your mental and physical garden will grow.

Nurturing yourself via your health will further your life. Take care of yourself, someone needs you.

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers.”

Be blessed and be at peace.


Positivity, Ambition, Growth, Evolution, Nurturing, Bible, Mental Health, Physical Health, Change, Meditation, Public Health, Global Health