Divinely you were created and brought to this Earth. Divinely things occur and arrive in your life and that of everyone around you. Clearly this means that not only do you have a purpose but there is elegance and grace built into you.
Often the world and the media present false images that many follow and get caught into, but what does that mean for you. You are all that is presented to you, so don’t allow yourself to become something that you aren’t.
You may be surprised by how much things affect you by simply appearing in an image. Just as quickly as you read this blog, your thoughts are immediately deepening and shifting. Since you know that to be true, think about how other things pop up or present themselves online or in your personal life and may cause negative shifts in your thoughts.
You are of elegance, so you have to fight regularly to stay in that light and mentality.
If there is an element of negativity, you need to think twice about letting it stay in your presence.
If something or someone is making you feel like you are unworthy of success, check yourself and look into that mirror again!
If you run into a space in your life where you feel like you aren’t pretty enough or talented enough, check yourself and remember your elegance and uniqueness.
Personal elegance is not determined nor maintained by the standards of others.
Personal elegance is what you make it to be.
Uphold yourself to the highest of standards even when no one looking, so that when you present yourself you radiate light and pure happiness.
Personal elegance can be linked to all that you are. It means appearance, character, successes, happiness, love, peace, accomplishments and so much more.
For all of those images of false “perfection”, know that not all that people present is the truth of who they are from the inside out.
A pretty face, fancy clothes, and luxury living do not equate a happy heart or good character. As you observe the world around you check the meaning and think deeper.
When you wake up, who are you?
When you talk to your friends who are you? What do you display?
When you embrace the presence of your loved ones, who are you?
When you are at work, who are you?
If all of these people are different, you may need to do some re-evaluation. You may not be executing your own personal elegance at the highest level.
Your truth and your elegance should be so apparent that they are presented and connected to your character/all that you are.
Of course there will be negative people speaking against who you are…but let it be. If you are executing your personal elegance you are already being the best and no one can shake that.
Ephesians 2:10
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
No one can tell you or show you who you are. You are in charge of becoming who you were created to be. There are so many wonderful things about you and even more great things that you can do to bless others. Never think that you are less than amazing, because it is simply not true.
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”
Think of all of the beautiful things about the world that we live in even when there is darkness presenting itself.
Romans 12:2
“Do not conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” There are things far more important than outer appearance or false images of happiness, so be all that you present from the inside-out. Change your thoughts, your family and all that you will bless in your future depending on it.
Be blessed and be at peace.