Advice & Experiences

Advice from the right spaces, time, and people can lessen the load of life, decrease stress, and generate levels of wisdom that would have taken much more time. One thing that people often do is place themselves in situations where they are sharing their struggles and getting advice from people who do not have the experiences or wisdom to truly help them.  Have you ever shared a little too much with someone and quickly realized that it was a mistake?  I have.

Sharing yourself with someone that you trust is one of the greatest parts of life. However, when this is done in ignorance, naivety, or a rush, it can be detrimental.

In business, if you seek assistance or mentorship from a leader that does not practice what they preach, there will be unseen struggles that will arise.  A title does not always equate to competence or proof of concept.  See, often people find themselves in a heap of mess because they sought advice from someone who did not have similar experiences.

When you are looking for a coach or mentor, you need to be sure that the wisdom, messaging, and teachings that you are to receive come from a place of authenticity and proven practices that are rooted in evidence-based practices.

About two years ago I found myself at a national conference and I connected with someone that I thought would be an excellent mentor. Her business track record was phenomenal, and her expertise was undeniable. One thing that I did not question was her character and motives. WHAT A MISTAKE! She fed me lies, set me up for failure, and dished out more broken promises than I can count. If I would have begged her to take me under her wing (which she had already said she did), I would have been so disappointed. I gave it a short amount of time and then came to the realization that she really didn’t care, and it was all for show!

When people do not share your experiences, understand where you come from, or have the proof that they have already overcome the things that you are facing, how can they be added value to your life? This is not to say that people cannot be genuinely empathetic. People can try to understand and try to relate, but there is much to be said about showing the fruit of your labor. If you find that you need advice for anything in your life, don’t just turn to the first open mouth, listening ear, or shoulder to cry out. Do you work and make good decisions that will benefit your future.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Dear Mixed Girl

Dear Mixed Girl,

Your worth at every level is defined by you. 

It is a combination of your heart, soul, joy, education, experiences, and every wonderful little thing that makes you who you are. 

The world may shake you up from time-to-time, but you must stand firm & tall like the deep-rooted, amazing person that you are. 

Explore your life at every turn, but never forget or forsake the reflection of who you are. 

Your past may have been difficult, but the reminder of your worth and all that you are now/will become define the wonder & prosperity of your future.

-Dr. KayLa N. Allen, “Dear Mixed Girl” letters


The “Dear Mixed Girl” letters are a series from Dr. KayLa N. Allen that share experiences, motivation, and compassion. These letters are linked to the “Dear Mixed Girl, What is Your Identity?” coaching program. Related messaging that Dr. KayLa creates is to re-shape the way that mixed girls and women think about themselves and how they contribute to the world by being themselves.

No “mixed” experience is the same, but many parts of the biracial/multi-ethnic experience are similar. It is in these similarities that we can find individuals truths and ways in which we can become the best version of ourselves regardless of what the world may show us.

Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s greatest hope is to share with others her truth and what lives inside of her so that there can be sustainable changes and powerful impact in those living the life of a “mixed” girl.

If you or the mixed girl in your life felt the impact of this letter, read more empowering messages and find out how you can transform yourself, be proud of who you are, and lead a unique and joyful life via Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s coaching programs.

Find out more about Dr. KayLa N. Allen’s “Dear Mixed Girl” coaching program!

Goodness Isn’t Easy

Leading your life is a space of potential goodness is never easy. You will often find that you are questioning your own motives, but that is a good space to be in. Only when you are analyzing your steps and efforts can you have clarity on who you are in this life.

When you find that your goodness and clear objectives are being misjudged you will have no choice but to learn that it’s not easy to be a good person. Boy, oh boy, this is the time that you step up all that you are! You put a smile on your face, honor who you are, and remain proud that you are true to yourself, your morals, and your values.

Countless people have “made it” by degrading themselves, doing evil things, and hurting people along the way with no other intent than to benefit. That’s no way to live and it will eat you alive forever. The best way to lead life is to be a good person, even when others think that you are up to no good.

Your goodness is not a show to be broadcasted or best received by the world. You are to be a good person because it is the right thing to do and it will benefit your life in the long run. The challenge will always be inside of you. No one is owed an explanation nor a definition of who you are or what you are doing.

The louder the outside noise gets the more difficult it is to hear your own heart and soul. It is best to always give yourself internal love so that you can keep up the mission to be a good person.

If you are living your life to be well-known or rich, your morals are not in the right place; this could lead to making a lot of needless mistakes and negative choices. Stay in-tune with why you care about the impact of your goodness.

I write, speak, and lead in spaces of transformation because I know how it feels to be on the bottom and what it feels like to struggle as I navigate toward the top. I humble myself and remain true to my identity because it proves that I am not only an expert, but I am a human that has chosen to continue to fight for what I want (in myself and for others) regardless of what the past has shown me.

People may try to say that your goodness is a lie or pointless, but that is so far from the truth. Your goodness is a task, but I promise that it will always be worth it. Look into your heart and know that all that you are aiming to be will benefit from your goodness and hard work. Never give up when you know that you are a light in a world that holds so much darkness.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Embrace Your Scars

No matter what you face in life, there will be countless situations, circumstances, and lessons that will bring forth scars. When times are difficult and you find yourself feeling sad, disappointed, frustrated, and at your wit’s ends, remember that scars that may come about will hold a world of lessons.

Embracing your scars that are gained from life lessons will alter the way that you live day to day. Sometimes it may seem easier to hide your scars or cover them, and it is your decision to do so. However, even if you hide them from others, you must still embrace them for your own good.

Life can be such a pain, every day. I know that when I am facing a difficult task or having to make a decision that is hard, I have to embrace every part of it. The only way that we can grow is by navigating the waters that we face.

If embracing your scars means that you have to wear a bandage, stand strong, and share what is the source of your scars when you want to, please do so.

We all have scars from something and when they are re-opened it is so difficult to recover, but not impossible. Think of embracing your scars as giving yourself a warm embrace when the scars come to the forefront of your mind.

A scar comes from a source of hurt, but sometimes the things that hurt us can change our lives in the greatest ways possible.

If you run from what has made you who you are, are you really becoming who you are called to be? OR Are you becoming who the world wants you to be?

Think about wearing a mask that covers your entire face; when you do this you are showing what you want someone to see. You are challenging your identity for what may look or be received in a better light. The truth of your identity is waiting to be released if only you are willing to take the good and “bad” of your life and alter how you perceive it. You owe yourself strength and that can come from all that you have learned the hard way.

Embrace what makes you who you are, don’t stray away. It is my hope that you take what was made to try and break you and turn that into a great achievement in your life.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Notifications Not Demands

Our phones in many ways have become lifelines and a source of constant engagement. Frequently, we find ourselves jumping at the sound of a message, email, or some other notification. Do you ever think about not allowing your phone to rule your day?

If you see that you are running to address your phone, you may need to re-evaluate why it means so much for you to be attached to your phone.

There are lots of videos and exciting things that are on social media that can eat away at our time. If you think about it when you take the time to continuously address your phone as if it is a newborn that is crying, what are you sacrificing?

What is the value of your time? What do you do with your free time?

Every moment is a point of access that you can put in the effort to become something greater. If you ever find yourself wanting to change your life, do you think that time in your phone ALL DAY LONG is going to help you reach new levels?

When I know that I have things to do, I put in a world of internal fighting that encourages and benefits my ability to reach my goals. Sometimes that means that I toss my phone away from me so that I cannot reach it. Other times, it means turning off my data/Wi-Fi so that even if I get the nerve to touch my phone, I would have to put in extra effort to get to social media apps or sites.

Time is so valuable, so when you jump at the sound of a notification you are proclaiming that there is an immediate demand for your attention (which typically is not true).

With every moment that you have, you must decide what you will do with it and stick to that. Don’t stray away from what you want. Stand strong in what you want and remember that a full range of effort can come from the time that you grant yourself and your loved ones. Don’t be that person that believes that your phone is more important than what is around you.

I firmly believe that wasted time leads to broken opportunities.

The next time that you catch yourself heeding the demands of your notifications, address it internally so that you can make sure that you are leading the life that is beneficial to your wanted future. Be blessed and be at peace.

The next time that you catch yourself heeding the demands of your notifications, address it internally so that you can make sure that you are leading the life that is beneficial to your wanted future.

Be blessed and be at peace.

Recovering Hope

Stress, concerns, brokenness, and many other difficult circumstances can put people in a whirlwind of feelings and behaviors. What happens when we choose to recover the hope that once lived inside of us? What would happen if you let go of any pain that may be holding you back from being prosperous, joyful, and successful?

How we hold onto the things that drive our hope can determine the direction that we go in with all of our efforts. Think about how much time and energy is drained when we live in a moment of high concern. So much can be taken away when the joy inside of us when we don’t take good care of ourselves and limit that which stresses us most.

Recovering hope is much like mud in a field after heavy rain; once the sun comes out again, the ground dries, and yet there is still growth. The only things that linger are those that we allow. If you wish to be successful you cannot allow things to hold weight if they are not for your good. Take some time to rationalize, communicate, and address any internal feelings that are inside of you, honor your truth, then recover your hope. Only you can regulate hope and faith in your life.

Travel through a moment in time and think about a day when hope was so much more than a glimmer in your eye. Hope at some point or another becomes joy, truth, ambition, faith, love, and so much more. Think about how a moment like that felt for you and how much it impacted your life. Recall that feeling when it feels like hope is lost, because it can carry you through your difficulties.

There have been a few times in my life when the days seemed so dark, the night dreadfully long, and my hope all but lost. I had to allow myself to live in and through that. Only in the time that I chose to keep searching for the light could I recover the hope that has always lived inside of me.

No challenge is small, but you have power over them all. If you can manage to keep your eyes focused on what you want for your life, you can always recover your hope.

There is so much good in the world and so many opportunities to be great for yourself and others. Never give up and know that you are not alone in your aim to lead in your life and be a light in the world.

If you are ready to level up, visit DRKAYLANALLEN.COM today and prepare to change your life in ways that you have worked so hard for.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Quiet But So Loud

Whether you are in a space of becoming aware of the greatness that is you, or you are stepping into the next phase of life, one of the greatest things that you can do is be quiet. In the silence, true silence that is, you can hear and feel everything. Your senses may be heightened and you can step into a space of meditation that is so vivid when you are silent. Silence is the only time when we can decide where we can put our focus and what we aim to do for ourselves.

Being quiet is a challenge, especially when you have lots of other daily obligations. Noise has a way of taking over the senses, and it can send us into a feeling of overload by just being present. In very few life circumstances can you live in silence, but you can still find a way to harness all of the gifts that come along with silent moments.

Find a moment in time when you can be silent for 15 minutes and look internally. Takes lots of deep/ocean breaths and just appreciate the moment. After this period of silence, observe how your body feels, and be mindful of what you may have released from your mind. The opposite is also a great alternative in meditation and personal evolution. Having a centering thought and an objective in your silence can speak volumes to the things that you desire, need, and want from your life.

Often people think that they need to be vocal in order to be heard, but that is not always true. Sometimes, your silence and the powerful and beautiful actions that you take are the volume of your entire life and being; you can be quiet but so loud.

You owe yourself silence and no one your voice. Think about what that means for you. Understand that people will challenge and complicate the meaning, so stand firm on what it means inside of your heart and soul.

Many times when we think that we should speak, we should actually be silent. Keep that in mind.

Remember: There are few people that could even make eye contact with the vision that you have for your life. Think about it, since that is the case, how could they understand the depths of your silence of the impact of your “out loud” gifts. Starting to understand?

Be quiet as you make moves in your life. Be quiet as you become who you are called to be. Be quiet in the good works that you do. Be loud in your evidence of progress and evolution. Be loud in your true joy. Get loud when you are being compassionate. Be quiet but so loud every day of your life.

Get quiet and watch how loud and clear the necessary things and your wanted visions become. Your mind is a powerful tool if only you use it. In the quiet, the world that you dream of can unfold and all that can be will be so loud. So, when the world gets loud, or others expect you to be loud, get quiet…it may serve you better than any amount of noise or applause ever could.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Playing the Game of Life

As children, in life, we play a variety of games and learn the value of consistency, teamwork, logic, fun, patterns, trust, and so many other things. In adulthood, we consistently learn that quite often the only way to be consistent in personal evolution and transformation is to play the game and get wiser at every turn.

There are some games that we win and others that we lose. However, no matter the outcomes of the games that we must “play” there is a time to learn about ourselves every time that we are dealt our cards. The challenge in playing the game of life is to not get caught in losing, observing poker faces, and counting mistakes. Learn and keep moving forward!

Playing the game of life is not the time to get carried away, nor is it the time to focus on solely winning. There is a lesson to be learned at every level, but the only way that you can gain that newfound knowledge is if you are willing to get in the game and fight for what you want.

It is a rare occasion to be dealt a hand of cards that is “perfect”, just as life does not always give you exactly what you want. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to work with what you have! Sounds crazy easy, right?! It is easy! Every part of you contributes to what you want. Every hand that you are dealt is yours to play. You have in the palm of your hand and the depths of your soul what you need to be happy and prosperous. When are you going to start playing the game and stop telling yourself that you are going to lose?

How do you define winning? Perhaps it is a series of lessons that turn into wisdom or it could be fighting for another day of welcomed efforts. You get to choose how winning looks to you. Losing could mean walking away with nothing but a grateful spirit and a blessing inside of you at the chance to be at the table. Decide what winning and losing are to you, and watch how they make a difference in your life.

You can’t have what you want if you aren’t willing to change what is in front of you. If you can’t open your eyes and mind, how can you see what is just beyond your nose? You can’t fight if you don’t get in the ring! When will you be ready to tell yourself go instead of no?

I have been dealt my fair share of “bad hands” and I know how it feels to feel inadequate, incapable, unworthy, etc. The difference between winning and losing in the game of life, for me, is in the recognition and appreciation of the journey and game. Change and a lack of awareness can lead to bad outcomes, no matter how you play the game. I had to learn that there is a time and place for being understood, heard, and valued, and I get to decide when that is…that is how I play the game – I understand my heart, I hear my soul’s desires, and I value the depth of all that I am. I know that so many things are difficult, but they are for my journey and my path to greatness (isn’t that powerful)? I can’t be my greater self if I do not humble myself and appreciate the good and bad of the game of life.

Now is your chance to get your head in the game. Are you ready to be on the “winning” team and take every lesson to ensure that you are creating a future that you can be proud of?

Connect with Dr. KayLa and start the coaching journey toward becoming who you are called to be. You have a deck of cards to work with, but are you ready to play the game so that you can win?

Be blessed and be at peace.


Only Options

As you learn more and more about yourself, you find that there is so much that makes up who you are. You also come to realize that even when you aim to do something there may not be a clear vision. During these times of life analysis, it is vital that we understand that there are options in being, behaving, evolving, and acting.

When you take a multiple-choice exam, sometimes it is necessary to read a question two or three times in order to have a thorough understanding. What if we all took the time to understand ourselves and what is necessary for success in the same way that we process an exam? On the same token, why is it that we often lack the will to understand the value of options, time, strategies, and the freedom to be whoever we aim to be?

If your life and your destiny are full of exams with only options to choose from, what will you do when the questions get more difficult to answer?

The answer to all of these questions starts with an internal reflection of yourself and a heavy dose of what makes you strong and willing to evolve. When you have options, you can acknowledge that there may be several “right” and “wrong” answers. However, can you also acknowledge that no matter the route that is chosen, there will be lessons learned and even more opportunities to come?

If we are curious enough and wise enough to take what we learn and effectively apply it to our lives, we may value our options in a different light.

Try this out for size:

What do you want to have in your life?

(A) Enough to get by

(B) Whatever those around me have

(C) More than my parents had

(D) Abundance and joy

All of these are likely answers and surely vary from person to person. Knowing that there is no right or wrong answer, which one did you choose? What made you choose that answer? If life can give you everything that you can imagine when you are willing to make sacrifices and fight for what you want, why wouldn’t you choose to have everything that you ever dreamed of for yourself and your family? Right?

Life is a series of choices, options, roadblocks, opportunities, and lessons to be learned. No matter which part of the series you arrive at, it is essential that you evaluate the options and make the most of the moment.

One of the most difficult choices that I ever had to make was in choosing which Master’s degree and program I wanted to pursue. I fought myself, asked others, evaluated countless options, and found a place and program after months of research. Now, if I did not take the time to chase what my heart really wanted and what my mind could surely accomplish I would not be where I am. Within you, what would be different if you did not make good decisions and fully weigh your options?

We all need a little redirection from time to time, and you must take that into account if you are aiming to transform your life. If this speaks to you and you are in a period of time where you are ready to get equipped to start making positive and sustainable changes, level up with Dr. KayLa by visiting: DRKAYLANALLEN.COM and connecting with her about one of her listed services.

Be blessed and be at peace.


Noticeable Fruition

For everything that you plant into your mental garden, there are fruits that will be produced. When you think about how the seasons change, you may imagine the colors of leaves changing, flowers blooming, or fruits growing. Sometimes it is necessary to think about the depth of changes that occur both in nature and in real life.

As you step into another season of change, remember that change is not just something that you do it is something that you become. Change should be seen in all things that you do from how you speak to how dress. Know that change when executed and evolution when consistent will seep through your pores and be undeniable. These obvious changes do not mean that you are showcasing all of the great things in your life. On the contrary, you can enjoy your growth and evolution without putting your entire life on display.

You should be mindful of and remain aware that your social circles, friends, and acquaintances will notice your changes. For some, these changes mean that friends will be “lost”, but this is not the end of the world. Some people will see drastic changes in how others approach them, but this does not mean adaptation to situations and circumstances is required.

Don’t be afraid of who you are becoming. Don’t be afraid to share the depth or power of your growth. For so many people, they want to evolve but it can seem so difficult or scary. You could be the very person to show your evolution and how much it has changed your life.

As my life began to evolve four years ago, I watched everything change from friends to the things that I accept in my life. It was upsetting, frustrating, and bewildering at times, but I realized that without outward changes, my internal changes could not be sustainable.

Your fruition comes from the seeds that you sow into yourself. What seeds are you sowing? How are you allowing your growth to be seen by the world?

Are you ready to level up? Become one of my clients today!

Be blessed and be at peace.

KayLa’s Positivity Corner