Notifications Not Demands

Cellphone Notification Image via a blog by KayLa's Positivity Corner via Dr. KayLa N. Allen

Our phones in many ways have become lifelines and a source of constant engagement. Frequently, we find ourselves jumping at the sound of a message, email, or some other notification. Do you ever think about not allowing your phone to rule your day?

If you see that you are running to address your phone, you may need to re-evaluate why it means so much for you to be attached to your phone.

There are lots of videos and exciting things that are on social media that can eat away at our time. If you think about it when you take the time to continuously address your phone as if it is a newborn that is crying, what are you sacrificing?

What is the value of your time? What do you do with your free time?

Every moment is a point of access that you can put in the effort to become something greater. If you ever find yourself wanting to change your life, do you think that time in your phone ALL DAY LONG is going to help you reach new levels?

When I know that I have things to do, I put in a world of internal fighting that encourages and benefits my ability to reach my goals. Sometimes that means that I toss my phone away from me so that I cannot reach it. Other times, it means turning off my data/Wi-Fi so that even if I get the nerve to touch my phone, I would have to put in extra effort to get to social media apps or sites.

Time is so valuable, so when you jump at the sound of a notification you are proclaiming that there is an immediate demand for your attention (which typically is not true).

With every moment that you have, you must decide what you will do with it and stick to that. Don’t stray away from what you want. Stand strong in what you want and remember that a full range of effort can come from the time that you grant yourself and your loved ones. Don’t be that person that believes that your phone is more important than what is around you.

I firmly believe that wasted time leads to broken opportunities.

The next time that you catch yourself heeding the demands of your notifications, address it internally so that you can make sure that you are leading the life that is beneficial to your wanted future. Be blessed and be at peace.

The next time that you catch yourself heeding the demands of your notifications, address it internally so that you can make sure that you are leading the life that is beneficial to your wanted future.

Be blessed and be at peace.

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