Playing the Game of Life

The challenge in playing the game of life is to not get caught in losing, observing poker faces, and counting the mistakes. Learn and keep moving forward! Quote From "Playing the Game of Life" a blog by KayLa's Positivity Corner via Dr. KayLa N. Allen Level Up | Visit: DRKAYLANALLEN.COM

As children, in life, we play a variety of games and learn the value of consistency, teamwork, logic, fun, patterns, trust, and so many other things. In adulthood, we consistently learn that quite often the only way to be consistent in personal evolution and transformation is to play the game and get wiser at every turn.

There are some games that we win and others that we lose. However, no matter the outcomes of the games that we must “play” there is a time to learn about ourselves every time that we are dealt our cards. The challenge in playing the game of life is to not get caught in losing, observing poker faces, and counting mistakes. Learn and keep moving forward!

Playing the game of life is not the time to get carried away, nor is it the time to focus on solely winning. There is a lesson to be learned at every level, but the only way that you can gain that newfound knowledge is if you are willing to get in the game and fight for what you want.

It is a rare occasion to be dealt a hand of cards that is “perfect”, just as life does not always give you exactly what you want. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to work with what you have! Sounds crazy easy, right?! It is easy! Every part of you contributes to what you want. Every hand that you are dealt is yours to play. You have in the palm of your hand and the depths of your soul what you need to be happy and prosperous. When are you going to start playing the game and stop telling yourself that you are going to lose?

How do you define winning? Perhaps it is a series of lessons that turn into wisdom or it could be fighting for another day of welcomed efforts. You get to choose how winning looks to you. Losing could mean walking away with nothing but a grateful spirit and a blessing inside of you at the chance to be at the table. Decide what winning and losing are to you, and watch how they make a difference in your life.

You can’t have what you want if you aren’t willing to change what is in front of you. If you can’t open your eyes and mind, how can you see what is just beyond your nose? You can’t fight if you don’t get in the ring! When will you be ready to tell yourself go instead of no?

I have been dealt my fair share of “bad hands” and I know how it feels to feel inadequate, incapable, unworthy, etc. The difference between winning and losing in the game of life, for me, is in the recognition and appreciation of the journey and game. Change and a lack of awareness can lead to bad outcomes, no matter how you play the game. I had to learn that there is a time and place for being understood, heard, and valued, and I get to decide when that is…that is how I play the game – I understand my heart, I hear my soul’s desires, and I value the depth of all that I am. I know that so many things are difficult, but they are for my journey and my path to greatness (isn’t that powerful)? I can’t be my greater self if I do not humble myself and appreciate the good and bad of the game of life.

Now is your chance to get your head in the game. Are you ready to be on the “winning” team and take every lesson to ensure that you are creating a future that you can be proud of?

Connect with Dr. KayLa and start the coaching journey toward becoming who you are called to be. You have a deck of cards to work with, but are you ready to play the game so that you can win?

Be blessed and be at peace.


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