Do you ever give yourself the opportunity to celebrate yourself?
Think of how many events, birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, holiday parties, graduations, etc. that you have been to. Surely they were all a grand celebration to go down into the history books.
However, when it comes to the things that you accomplish or achieve do you applaud yourself?
If you are anything like me, you can always find the times to celebrate, applaud, and gift others, but have to make a mountain move to give yourself love and cheer for yourself.
Well, let us start changing that right now!
Everytime that you do something amazing reward yourself and celebrate it, even if that means that you are doing so alone.
It took four months for me to finally celebrate myself and I am not sure why, but it was unfair and kind of sad. I almost felt depressed for a bit and I felt that maybe I shouldn’t share the greatness with others. Maybe it was the devil feeding me fear, doubt, or thoughts of lack. Whatever it was, I had to overcome it.
Today, I celebrate myself for the amazing work that I have done in the past two years and for the next significant step in my journey through elevating myself. I graduated with my MPH with High Distinction (4.0 GPA).
Today, I applaud you for doing amazing things in your life and in the world. You are phenomenal! You have a cheerleader in me and I will forever be rooting for all of the positive, loving, kind, and wonderful things that you do!
Today, you can have an ultimate celebration and make up for all of the times that you did not celebrate yourself. Let’s have a party! Everyone is invited!! Tell me what you have done in the comments or tag me @kaylaspositivitycorner on Twitter or IG.
We all deserve love and to be celebrated. There will always be someone trying to bring you down, ignore them and start your own happiness.
Say this out loud:
I will always celebrate myself! #youcanttellmeno
Psalm 98:4
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” Cheer, shout, yell, jump for joy, sing, you deserve it. God is SO good and He has done so much for you.
The Universe is bringing forth all that you work hard for and meditated on, so why shouldn’t you be proud and joyful?!!
John 15:11
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Joy is something that is embedded into the very fibers of your being, let it shine, let is rise up and through you.
Giving yourself that love and reminding yourself of how proud you are can be a blessing to you and truly be pleasing to God. He has blessed your path to reach those fabulous goals, be joyful and let nothing stop you from doing so!
***Health Spotlight*** (via NIH)
Urinary Tract Infection
Prevalence- Approx. 150 million people annually
Symptoms- cloudy urine, cramping, urge to urinate, burning while urinating
Treatment: depends on severity; can be antibiotics and drinking fluids.
Prevention- wear loose fit clothing, drink healthy liquids regularly, mind your diet and practice healthy living
Please take good care of yourself and your family. Health should be your number one priority; without it, you can’t enjoy and appreciate the fruit of your efforts.
Be blessed and be at peace.