Struggles and storms mean next to nothing if your heart and mind yearn for nothing better and nothing more.
You yearn for what you want and what you deserve; that is directly connected to all you are.
If something shakes your drive or your climb to reach your goal, then maybe you push isn’t strong enough, you need to change some aspect, or you need to rehabilitate your mind.
Sure, we all have our struggles; even those who seem like they have it all may have had to claw their way up to the level that they have reached. Even celebrities experience difficulties in their lives; no one is perfect.
To yearn is go beyond a want or desire, it is essentially craving something with extreme determination; it is knowing and feeling that nothing can block you from reaching a goal/dream.
If you are a person that is walking around hoping and wishing, you aren’t doing enough. Cut the talk and start the walk.
If you have any dream of becoming successful, you have to yearn for it so much that every step up the ladder becomes a part of every fiber of your being.
You need to wake up with positive thoughts, envisioning yourself and every detail of your goals. You need to take steps every day and make a fervent effort to be prosperous in all that you do. Go to sleep thankful for all that you have accomplished, all that you want for your life, and the blessings all around you.
You need to feel that happiness. You need to be willing to fight for it. You have to taste it with every breath that you take.
What is the part of your vision of success that makes you want it so badly? Is it the abundance in life? Is it the ability to change the world? Is it the joy that takes over you when you learn more and more about it? Take all of those thoughts and feelings and embed them into your heart- that is yearning.
There will be those who don’t believe in you, lie about you, shut doors in your face, and try to speak evil into your life…but they can’t affect you unless you let them.
Whatever you dream to be or dream to have, do it to the best of your ability. If you want to be a stylist, a doctor, a singer/songwriter, an artist, a fashion designer, a plumber, an electrician, an astronaut…whatever, it does not matter and it will not happen if you are not putting in an effort and you do not yearn to have what you dream come into your reality.
Whatever you yearn and strive for, you can have. What are you waiting for?
Need some motivation? Here you go. For every moment that you are wasting, someone else is building and shaping their future; use your time wisely. The longer you wait, the longer someone else has to wait for your blessing to reach them. Be hopeful.
Romans 15:13
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Be prayerful and also know that the Universe and God have favor on your life. When you are able to be in-tune with your subconscious you can make things that seem like miracles occur via frequent thoughts, visions, and meditation. The hope that lives inside of you is not in vain, if you are craving your goals.
Ephesians 1:18
“Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.”
God has given you all that you could ever want, it is living inside of you…make the most of all that you have been blessed with. You have been put together like a unique puzzle of amazing and perfect pieces; your puzzle pieces are your gifts and talents which make a beautiful picture and bring forth magnificent blessings.
I dream of a world where we all reach our goals, surpass them and live in peace, great health and prosperity. I believe in you, I’ll always encourage you to do great things, and I care about your success; surround yourself with people who feel the same way.
***Health Spotlight***
Yersiniosis- This is a type of infection that is linked to consumption of raw/uncooked pork that is contaminated with Yersinia enterocolitica bacteria. This is an infection that affects over 100,000 people in the U.S. annually (CDC). Symptoms appear between 4-7 days after exposure to the bacteria, and they can be similar to that of appendicitis. Prevention: cook pork and all foods to an appropriate temperature, practice proper hand washing, and use separate cutting boards. Special testing is needed for diagnosing, and it typically goes away on its own or with antibiotics if someone has a severe infection (CDC). As always, if something doesn’t feel right, seek medical attention. Take good care of yourself and your family.
Be blessed and be at peace.

Yearn, Goals, Determination, Favor, Gifts, Empowerment, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology, Meditation, Universe, God, Dreams, Mental Health, Positivity