What is passion? How are you using it?
Passion- “a strong and barely controllable emotion”; “a thing arousing enthusiasm”, “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”.
Sure passion could also be linked to love. Maybe you are experiencing real love in that manner, and if you are I am so happy for you. If you are not, and you are waiting for it, be sure to be working on yourself so that when the time comes you will be ready and vulnerable enough for it. You deserve that type of passion, love, and happiness and so much more.
What I want to truly focus on is a passion within yourself. Let’s start with this:
As a child what did you want to be? What was your dream job? A doctor? Lawyer? Actor? Musician? Educator? President? Firefighter? Prima ballerina? …
When you became a teenager, what was your dream mission? To change the world? Make a difference? Give people in developing nations clean water? Become an activist?…
Now that you are an adult, are still you working towards a dream job or just something that will pay the bills?
What would have happened if you stuck to any of those dreams/ambitions? Would you be who you are today or would you be something great? Would you be living in your purpose?
Where is your passion? Do you really think that there is nothing beyond where you are now?
You must realize that the world will continue to spin, people will continue to make a difference, and that there is a need for your gifts and talents. That passion, that fire within you, is still there…you may have taught yourself to dim it or ignore it because you don’t think that you can get out of the place that you are in…but guess what that gives you…the same outcome or worse.
You may not understand it right now or someone may have told you otherwise, but your passion and dreams are unlike anyone else’s . You are a unique puzzle piece in the world and the world needs what you have to offer. If something inside of you is telling you to go for that goal, who are you to deny yourself that?
Don’t you deserve greatness? Don’t you deserve to fulfill your dreams?
God and/or the universe are shifting things and rearranging things so that you can have what you want/desire. Follow your passion and let nothing shake you.
You don’t have to conform to the ways of the world or change your goals because of your tough circumstances. When there is a strong will, a person can do absolutely anything; adding real passion to it further blesses the path that person walks on.
Psalms 40:2
“He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.”
You can get out of tough spot; you can change your life. Intertwine your passion and your mind and make your dreams come true. Your passion is the fuel to the flame. If you need help, ask…the options and the opportunities are endless.
A door shut in your face does not mean the world is ending, it means you need to find another entrance and remember the importance of your passion.
Who you are will change someone’s life, stop denying yourself opportunities to bless someone else. Anytime you see an obstacle coming, ignite that flame of passion and be ready to duck, dodge, climb, run faster, crawl, and jump, whatever it takes! Obstacles are not in place to block you, but to make you stronger, and to remind you that your passion is at a much higher magnitude if only you keep it at the forefront of your mind.
Proverbs 21:5
“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.”
One more thing and I’ll leave you to your thoughts…what if the world was never granted the blessing/opportunity to see and be a part of the effect that many great dreamers brought to the world? What if the world’s greatest leaders, musicians, physicians, etc. didn’t follow their passion? Where would we be? Where will you leave the world, if you do not keep follow your passion?
**Health Spotlight**
Take the time to have passion about life, and encourage yourself, your friends, and your family to be aware of the things done and consumed. Being passionate works from the inside out. You can and will lengthen your life by taking better care of yourself. You need it and your family needs you. Visit the CDC website and teach yourself about these: pneumonia, prostate cancer, and pulmonary hypertension; you may save a life.
Be blessed and be at peace.