For those who may be going through a tough time, illness, or
in bereavement this first post of motivation is for you.
To become stronger than you are, make changes in your life, or grow into who you are called to be you must first take inventory; everything happened for a reason, it is time to look a bit deeper into those reasons, from the beginning/root of it all.
God is a god of miracles, provision, new mercies, of support,
love, compassion, favor and deliverance. No matter how tough your situation may
be, know that God will carry you through ANY storm. You need only to trust him. The universe is in tune with your needs.
Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not
be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will
uphold you with my righteous right hand”
For those who may not believe in God, know that all things
work if you put your energy into the proper place. Things that you speak out
into the universe come to fruition. Difficult times do not last. Time and
change are inevitable, along with many things like growth and death. We cannot
change the way that things happen after we make a decision, but we can change
our outlook.
Challenge yourself to seek guidance from those with wisdom.
Feel that you are able to overcome anything; grow not Annoyed or Aggravated,
because although you may not be Able to see the sun during your storm a rainbow
is soon to come and you will see the light again.

***Health Spotlight***
Amebiasis: A disease caused by a parasite (E. histolytica). It is most common in areas where there is poor sanitation and in tropical areas; it is also more common in homosexual men. Coming in contact with food or water that is contamination by human feces from someone with an infection from E. histolytica; people can also directly swallow the eggs from the parasite from via contaminated surfaces or fingers (CDC). Symptoms include: loose stool and abdominal pain/cramping; symptoms present themselves in about 2-4 weeks. Diagnosis can be difficult as the parasite can look very similar to others, but blood tests can be recommended by a physician. Although people do not always become sick because of the infection, treatment and medications/antibiotics are available; only about 10-20% of people infected with the parasite become sick (CDC). Practice good hygiene to prevent spreading the infection. If you feel like something is wrong or or if your body is sending you signals, please seek a physician or healthcare provider. Healthy living starts inside.