When you set your mind on a vision, it is exciting, and it can be so vivid in your mind. That which we see in our mind as a vision can be both clear and present in the physical realm if we understand that it is a mission to be executed with a plan of action.
A mission can lead you down a treacherous and confusing road, and it may even lead you to a metaphorical dead end.
Understand that every mission is possible, and unknown obstructions will appear along the road; you just need to have a vision and a strategic plan for reaching the next milestone.
Having the wherewithal about yourself and the fortitude to push yourself to achieve a mission is what it will take to understand your abilities.
There is nothing that you cannot achieve with some effort, hope, and faith. Planning out a logical goal with set objectives over some time is a mission of focus and dedication, and it is something that can be done.
On two different ends of a spectrum, there are missions that are indeed possible.
1. A busy person with a full-time life looking to tap into their passion vs. 2. A person who is starting to envision a different way of living
While you may have a lot on your plate or other obligations, this does not mean that you cannot make time for your passion. There may be further challenges, but planning, having an environment that works for creativity and work efforts, and a good support system are vital for you to make things happen.
If you are in the space of wonder and thought, you can make those thoughts and visions become goals by beginning with geared and processed planning on paper. You can work through your visions and make them useful at entirely different left by wisely shifting your perspective and planning.
While no set of circumstances will equal an easy mission, you can guarantee that at every turn, you will learn and grow so that when you reach the next milestone, you will be better prepared for the obstacles in the road.
I have been challenged in so many ways as a woman, black/brown individual, and leader in society, education, and business. Still, I have not met a challenge that I could not shift and turn into a mission that was indeed possible to achieve.
May you find the support you need, make wise decisions, and challenge yourself beyond what you already know to become what you envision.
Be blessed and be at peace.
Dr. KayLa N. Allen is a Doctoral (DHA) Candidate, National Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader, Transformational Coach, and Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures. Learn more about her services and how you can begin your journey through business and personal evolution by clicking the button below.