Our sight gives us a sense of understanding, but what if we are missing the bigger picture because of what we perceive to be true?
There is true beauty in the world, just as there is evil and ugliness. Often we tie our past to our current lives and circumstances because of fear, similarities, confusion and brokenness.
We can’t allow what seems to be real to become real, if it is not for our good.
Perception vs. A Clearer View- What You (think you) See vs. What You Could See
“I hate being single and I need to have someone in my life so that I can feel good and look happy like everyone else.” Vs. “I would like to have someone to share my life with, but I know that I need to work on myself and reconnect with who I am… who cares about what others think.”
“I wish that I was rich so that I would could buy whatever I want and not have to worry about anything.” Vs. “I want to live a prosperous and abundant life, so I am going to work hard to get where I want to be and I will live without fear of mediocrity or failure.”
“Everyone that comes into my life is toxic and I can’t take it anymore.” Vs. “I need to take inventory on my life, eliminate negativity and change my circle of friends for my personal growth.”
These are just a few examples of what you may perceive vs what you could actually see.
It is important that you take the time to not only fight back in your toughest storms, but actually figure out what they mean in the bigger picture. There is a lesson in all things.
Many things that we are faced with make us question our reality, but it is up to us to create changes and shifts in our lives.
If you see that things are not the way you need them to be change your view, shift your reality, or change your scenery.
If you have been making excuses for someone else’s behavior, snap out of it and change your view. Provide yourself with what you deserve.
Instead of seeing evil and ugliness in the world, change your view and see opportunity for change and be the person to create beauty in your circle; by changing your immediate view you instantly change the world. Don’t hold on to pain and disappointment.
Proverbs 15:3
“The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.” Let God and the universe help you, heal you, and guide you; don’t take on more than you can bear. The Lord sees all things and knows your pain, keep your eyes on Him.
Instead of complaining about what is going on in your life, why don’t you try looking it with a different pair of eyes…from a different point of view?
Ecclesiastes 2:14
“The wise person has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness.” Be wise in your judgment and thinking, don’t become subject to negativity of the mind because you are walking around with your blinders on. Pay attention and act accordingly.
Life is not perfect, but you have the power and the ability to change your surroundings and your view on life.
Stop thinking that it is your job to seek revenge, pay back evil with evil, fix everybody’s issues, and dwell in everything that is negative.
It’s time to use a new set of eyes and pay attention to what is in view….not just a perception.
God and the universe offer you limitless opportunities to view newer heights, achieve greater things, and bless those around you. If you are choosing to be blind, you will miss out.
***Health Spotlight***
Vaccinations and regular doctor visits are important in more ways that one. We have seen what they can do and they bring hope for the future. Vaccination is a controversial topic and it likely will be for a long time, but if you choose not to vaccinate you may put yourself and or your family in danger. Take the time to do real research on vaccines and learn how to protect your family. It may mean life or death. This is also men’s health week, so I encourage you to encourage the men in your life to take care of themselves and see a physician regularly. It is our job to care for ourselves and those we love. Are you doing your part?
Be blessed and be at peace.