Even if you know absolutely nothing about painting, you can acknowledge and understand the importance of starting with a blank canvas.
Whatever you face in your life can shape and mold your future if you believe that you can change. Beginning a new journey is likened to a starting a paint from the stage of a blank canvas.
Picking your paint and choosing your brushes is the next step; this step is equal to you deciding the next level or next step that you are wanting to take.
Each day you make a choice to take certain actions; let’s consider making each action the same as a stroke of the brush.
Keep in mind that aiming for the future is a beautiful thing in life, but it can’t be possible if you are missing steps.
Every time you take a step you are adding to your future and beautifully painted picture.
If you are sitting idle or doubting your growth it is almost like smudging your work. You have to constantly make the choice to paint your picture.
Think about how you want your future life and painting to look. Now, think about what you are contributing right now.
Your current actions or lack thereof will affect everything and everyone around you (both in your present and future), so be mindful of that.
Be mindful of the colors that you choose to paint your life’s picture. Should you choose to rush through your life’s painting you will negatively alter the outcome. However, if you pace yourself, think logically about next steps, and process what your passion is and how to properly execute your purpose, your picture will be more beautiful than you can imagine.
God is my favorite artist. Think about what He has created and painted in your life’s picture. There are some pictures that are full of light and vibrant colors and some that are gloomy but passionate.
If you have any chance to change your life for the better, start from the inside out. Be a master painter for yourself and your family.
Think about what you are feeding your family; you can shop on a small budget and still eat healthy meals (if you need advice on how, please feel free to ask me because I know very well how to eat on a budget). Images or actions that bring about negativity, evil thoughts or poor behavior are not what you should tune into.
Think about what you are exposing your family/children to; what your children see will affect many parts of their lives. Be mindful and think clearly about the picture you are painting.
Think of what you are showing yourself and what you are feeding your soul.
Don’t limit yourself; know that higher beings (God, for me) and/or the Universe is the visionary and the implementer, but also remember you are the painter of your life’s picture and you are holding the easel of every color imaginable. I can’t wait to see how beautiful your picture will be! Please do share it with me. 🙂
Genesis 1:27
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” If you know that you are a creation and God blessed you with uniqueness, doesn’t that make you an artist in life? You are full of gifts and talents that no one else has, doesn’t that make you an artist? Yes, definitely!!
Proverbs 4:23
“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” What you create, speak on, and think about shape your life. If you are an artist of your life, which you are, live in positivity as best as possible. Correct when you have made a mistake. Grow beyond your comfort level. You are in charge.
I know that you want amazing things in your life, so let’s start painting this beautiful life picture!
Be blessed and be at peace.
***Health Spotlight*** Plague – A disease that affects humans and other mammals; a bite from a rodent flea can infect people with the plague.
Symptoms: depends on the type but can range from fever, headache, and chills, to swollen and painful lymph nodes (bubo), shock, shortness of breath, and bloody/watery mucous.
Treatment: antibiotics; full recovery is possible if the disease caught early.
Prevalence: human cases in the US are common in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and Nevada; plague epidemics have occurred in Africa, Asia, and South America. 80% of cases are of bubonic form. People of all ages can get the disease.
Prevention: reduce rodent habitat around you, remove clutter, brush, rock piles, and pet/wild animal food. Wear gloves when handling potentially infected animals.