Your voice is your power. Your story is your wisdom. Your truth is your freedom.
No matter what anyone tells you, those three statements will forever ring true.
The world and time will reveal to you the character and morals of everyone that you encounter or see displayed in the media and in your life.
Your fear of the world and what others will say are essentially figments of your imagination. Your job in life is to follow your passion, not to hide from the world.
Think about a time when you learned something new. Was it easy? Were you scared of what people would say? Were you there standing strong to learn that new thing? Did you hide from the world, never to learn that thing?
Let’s roll the dice of life….ready, set, shake…
Roll 1: You only learn about something from a distance
Roll 2: You learn behind closed doors
Roll 3: You learn only around family
Roll 4: You take a moment to learn about that new thing and how you can become good at it
Roll 5: You learn to the best of your ability but fear the world
Roll 6: You learn, grow, strengthen your mind and abilities, and show the world what you’re made of.
The dice reference can be thought about like this: You can shake it up and take a chance and land on any of those numbers and they all mean different things. All that matters is that you take the chance!
So what if you fall?! So what if you can only take one step at a time?! You are still doing better on your roll 6 by doing everything that you can without fear!
If you speak up and only get your voice and/or story heard by 5 people, that’s more than the mirror and more than your tears. Those people can tell 5 more people and that effect could keep rolling along. Look at how much you can do by just letting go of fear and being open to the world around you.
Deuteronomy 31:8 “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” God gave you so much more than a mind of fear. You have everything that you need inside of you. Having a fear of the world will only cause fear to live inside of you. Fear is not real. Fight back! Use what you have and all that you are to change your life and bless many others.
Psalms 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Those against us will use fear, mockery, and belittlement tactics to break us down. Imagine what we could do if we grew strong enough to overcome that. If someone has caused you to feel this way, it is your mind and your accomplishments that can and will change all of that if you let it happen. God can give you perfect peace. The Universe will work in your favor…what are you putting into your prayers and your visualizations? You can eliminate fear, one step and one lesson at a time.
Grow into who you were called to be.
Be blessed and be at peace.
***Health Spotlight***
Dengue (endemic, but pandemic-prone) : A viral infection/disease caused that is mosquito-borne (via Aedes aegypti). There are millions of infections annually in many areas including suburbs, poor areas, and tropical countries; the disease is endemic-in over 100 countries. It is a leading killer of children and adults in Asian and Latin American countries. Within 2-7 days the infected person develops a fever (WHO). Common symptoms include: high fever, severe headache, rash, joint pain, severe eye pain, mild bleeding, and muscle pain. Warning signs include abdominal pain, black stool, cold/clammy skin, and difficulty breathing. Prevention: eliminate areas that hold water around your home, use repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, secure windows and screens (no holes), and use a bed net when needed. There is no specific treatment, but pain medication (with acetaminophen- no aspirin or ibuprofen), hydrating, resting and consultation of a physician are all mandatory (CDC). Take care of yourself and your family is the key to a long, happy, and healthy life.