In all things that you do, you are leading a lifestyle. When you think about what you do on a regular basis, are you satisfied with the life that you are leading? Things such as a daily schedule, foods, prayer & meditation, exercise, and personal transformation choices affect all that you do.
Daily Routine
Whether your daily process begins with prayer, a healthy meal, working out, or journaling, you have established a flow for your day. When we shape our days with intention, we can see positive outcomes. You have a decision to make each day and your outcomes from those decisions can shape your day. What do you do to pan through your days?
Healthy Diet
A lifestyle includes your food consumption just as well. The phrase “You are what you eat” is a harsh but true reality that each of us must face. If your diet is lacking colors, veggies, fruits or water, you cannot expect a healthy, holistically-sound life. Greasy, fattening, and sweet foods may be pleasing at one level, but the long-term effects will be quite the opposite.
Prayer & Meditation
What a gift we have in being able to pray and meditate at any time of day in any place. When we can do this, we activate hope, faith, light, clarity, grace, mercy, joy, relief, and so much more. Sit and think for a moment when you felt that feeling (after prayer or a moment of true peace) that you were lighter. Prayer and meditation must be a part of your lifestyle if you wish to remain in-tune with your creator and generate greater possibilities for our lives.
Taking care of your physical body is something that is 100% necessary. Limited income, children, and other obligations will not stand as excuses for not taking care of your body at least 3 times a week. You do not have to go into a gym, pay for a trainer, or work out at a specific time of day; you just need to get it done. I am an introvert and I find ways at home to work out regularly; I use apps, YouTube videos, and DVD/TV programs to make my workouts impactful. You have a phone/device that you can access exercise methods on, so make it happen.
Personal Transformation
No matter what practices, faith, processes, habits, or choices you made in your past or you are currently making, you have the opportunity to evolve and find success at every level. Change starts with you and must continue throughout your life. A stagnant life contains inconsistencies, unhealthy habits, negative talk, and poor judgment. Shifting a lifestyle requires a massive overall, but it can alter all that you do.
Develop and consistently lead a fruitful lifestyle by understanding what it takes to lead the life that you want to live.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
1 Timothy 4:8 & Psalm 128:2
We are given life and there is a multitude of ways in which we can live that life. Certainly, physical health is important, but a lifestyle that will withstand the test of time on Earth and beyond contains much more.
Be blessed and be at peace.
In all things that you do, you are leading a lifestyle. When you think about what you do on a regular basis, are you satisfied with the life that you are leading? Things such as a daily schedule, foods, prayer & meditation, exercise, and personal transformation choices affect all that you do.
Daily Routine
Whether your daily process begins with prayer, a healthy meal, working out, or journaling, you have established a flow for your day. When we shape our days with intention, we can see positive outcomes. You have a decision to make each day and your outcomes from those decisions can shape your day. What do you do to pan through your days?
Healthy Diet
A lifestyle includes your food consumption just as well. The phrase “You are what you eat” is a harsh but true reality that each of us must face. If your diet is lacking colors, veggies, fruits or water, you cannot expect a healthy, holistically-sound life. Greasy, fattening, and sweet foods may be pleasing at one level, but the long-term effects will be quite the opposite.
Prayer & Meditation
What a gift we have in being able to pray and meditate at any time of day in any place. When we can do this, we activate hope, faith, light, clarity, grace, mercy, joy, relief, and so much more. Sit and think for a moment when you felt that feeling (after prayer or a moment of true peace) that you were lighter. Prayer and meditation must be a part of your lifestyle if you wish to remain in-tune with your creator and generate greater possibilities for our lives.
Taking care of your physical body is something that is 100% necessary. Limited income, children, and other obligations will not stand as excuses for not taking care of your body at least 3 times a week. You do not have to go into a gym, pay for a trainer, or work out at a specific time of day; you just need to get it done. I am an introvert and I find ways at home to work out regularly; I use apps, YouTube videos, and DVD/TV programs to make my workouts impactful. You have a phone/device that you can access exercise methods on, so make it happen.
Personal Transformation
No matter what practices, faith, processes, habits, or choices you made in your past or you are currently making, you have the opportunity to evolve and find success at every level. Change starts with you and must continue throughout your life. A stagnant life contains inconsistencies, unhealthy habits, negative talk, and poor judgment. Shifting a lifestyle requires a massive overall, but it can alter all that you do.
Develop and consistently lead a fruitful lifestyle by understanding what it takes to lead the life that you want to live.
Bible & Spiritual Connection
1 Timothy 4:8 & Psalm 128:2
We are given life and there is a multitude of ways in which we can live that life. Certainly, physical health is important, but a lifestyle that will withstand the test of time on Earth and beyond contains much more.
Be blessed and be at peace.