It is certain that we all face adversity and trying days, but the question that I’d like to ask you is how much are you charging your “mental tenants”?
Take a serious moment to make a list of your mental tenants…
What have these tenants (people/things) done to reserve their space?
Sometimes, it is much easier to allow those problems to stay in your mental housing unit that they are renting…but at what cost?
No matter how big or small, is that cost worth your time and energy?
Sure, the problems hurt and put weight on you but how long will you allow the tenants to stay in your mental space?
The longer that painful thing stays, the longer it will hurt you and hold you back from what you could have.
If you really think about it, what and/or who you house internally makes it’s way out – there will be an exerted physical presence. This presence can be tears, missed opportunities, needless arguments with people that care about you or something else.
Even when it seems difficult, you have got to come back to this 3-part “trick” …
1. You are in charge, so don’t allow those tenants to trash your mental home.
2. Eliminate what no longer needs to be in your space.
3. Cry it out if you need to, then dry your eyes so that you can see all that you can have, live in, and accomplish.
Do you learn to become the best version of yourself by holding on to and housing problems or obstacles? Certainly not my dear!
Your house ideal “home” can only survive with a strong foundation- so think about what you are putting into your home and make wise decisions.
The longer you hold on to your pain and problems, the longer it will take to reach maximum success.
You deserve to live a life that is not clouded by “unwanted tenants”.
So the last question you should ask yourself is when are you sending out the eviction notice? You are not forced to nor obligated to keep things or people that hurt you (fight to get out of that bind that you may be in).
Whether you believe in God or not, in teachings and verses there is truth. Always try to take a note from the words that you read.
1 Corinthians 15:33
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.””
Think about those in your space and all that they need do; people and things affect your life, your finances, your happiness, and your successes. Imagine or take a step back and look at how much of problem those negativity-causing tenants are causing. Do not allow anything in your space that will hurt you. God favors you; he never promised a life of pain or disappointment; seek Him and know that the battle that you may be fighting internally is not yours to fight. Pray about your issues, take inventory and do not be afraid the put out those eviction notices for your “mental tenants”.
Proverbs 13:20
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” If you are to become like those around you, make the most of your circle and all that is around you. Welcome wisdom, love, kindness and peace into your mental home; trust me, you will be much happier that way.
The Universe is on your side; surely you can imagine how much good can come from your letting go of pain and things that are not meant to be for your best life. Value the space that you are in and remember that what you put out you also receive in return. Giving negative tenants swift “permission” to exit may be the best thing for your life.
***Health Spotlight*** Hypertension
Symptoms: No signs nor symptoms; many people do know that they have the disease.
Prevalence: Approximately 75 million people in the U.S. are living with hypertension; only about 50% of them have it under control. CDC
Treatment (controlling the disease): Medication plus healthy diet- low in salt, fat and cholesterol; high consumption of fruits and vegetables. Be active. Do not smoke. Not controlling this disease can lead to problems in the heart, brain, and kidneys.
Prevention: Make healthy choices.
Housing a disease and not working towards a healthier life is not what you should do. Given opportunities, health options, treatment options, etc. you should take them and make the most of your choices and life. Take good care of yourself; it is the only way to lead a happy, healthy life. Don’t house your problems, let someone help you and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Be blessed and be at peace.

Change, Empowerment, Epidemiology, Global Health, Holistic health, Law of Attraction, Mental Health, Physical Health, Public Health, Self-Love, Wisdom